def screen_pos_size(): ###e this copies code in -- should call this """ Return (x,y),(w,h), where the main screen area (not including menubar, for Mac) is in a rect of size w,h, topleft at x,y. Note that x,y is 0,0 except for Mac. Current implementation guesses Mac menubar size since it doesn't know how to measure it. """ # Create desktop widget to obtain screen resolution dtop = QDesktopWidget() screensize = QRect (dtop.screenGeometry (0)) if is_macintosh(): # menubar_height = 44 was measured (approximately) on an iMac G5 20 inch # screen; I don't know if it's the same on all Macs (or whether it can # vary with OS or user settings). (Is there any way of getting this info # from Qt? #e) menubar_height = 44 else: menubar_height = 0 screen_w = screensize.width() screen_h = screensize.height() # of which menubar_height is in use at the top x,y = 0,0 w,h = screen_w, screen_h y += menubar_height h -= menubar_height return (x,y), (w,h)
def paintEvent(self, event): QWidget.paintEvent(self, event) pmap = self._pixmap if pmap.isNull(): return w, h = pmap.width(), pmap.height() ow, oh = w, h cw, ch = self.rect().width(), self.rect().height() scaled, nw, nh = fit_image(w, h, cw, ch) if scaled: pmap = pmap.scaled(nw, nh, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) w, h = pmap.width(), pmap.height() x = int(abs(cw - w) / 2.0) y = int(abs(ch - h) / 2.0) target = QRect(x, y, w, h) p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) p.drawPixmap(target, pmap) if self.draw_border: pen = QPen() pen.setWidth(self.BORDER_WIDTH) p.setPen(pen) p.drawRect(target) if self.show_size: sztgt = target.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -4) f = p.font() f.setBold(True) p.setFont(f) sz = u"\u00a0%d x %d\u00a0" % (ow, oh) flags = Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight | Qt.TextSingleLine szrect = p.boundingRect(sztgt, flags, sz) p.fillRect(szrect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, 4), QColor(0, 0, 0, 200)) p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 255, 255))) p.drawText(sztgt, flags, sz) p.end()
def drag_icon(self, cover, multiple): cover = cover.scaledToHeight(120, Qt.SmoothTransformation) if multiple: base_width = cover.width() base_height = cover.height() base = QImage(base_width+21, base_height+21, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) base.fill(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0).rgba()) p = QPainter(base) rect = QRect(20, 0, base_width, base_height) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(10) rect.moveTop(10) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(0) rect.moveTop(20) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.setCompositionMode(p.CompositionMode_SourceAtop) p.drawImage(rect.topLeft(), cover) p.restore() p.drawRect(rect) p.end() cover = base return QPixmap.fromImage(cover)
def paintEvent(self, event): canvas_size = self.rect() width = self.current_pixmap_size.width() extrax = canvas_size.width() - width if extrax < 0: extrax = 0 x = int(extrax/2.) height = self.current_pixmap_size.height() extray = canvas_size.height() - height if extray < 0: extray = 0 y = int(extray/2.) target = QRect(x, y, width, height) p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) p.drawPixmap(target, self.pixmap.scaled(target.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) if gprefs['bd_overlay_cover_size']: sztgt = target.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -4) f = p.font() f.setBold(True) p.setFont(f) sz = u'\u00a0%d x %d\u00a0'%(self.pixmap.width(), self.pixmap.height()) flags = Qt.AlignBottom|Qt.AlignRight|Qt.TextSingleLine szrect = p.boundingRect(sztgt, flags, sz) p.fillRect(szrect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, 4), QColor(0, 0, 0, 200)) p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255,255,255))) p.drawText(sztgt, flags, sz) p.end()
def draw(self, painter, width, palette): flags = self.FLAGS | (Qt.AlignRight if self.right_align else Qt.AlignLeft) rect = QRect(self.rect) if self.right_align: rect.setRight(width - self.SIDE_MARGIN) painter.setPen(palette.color(self.color_role) if self.override_color is None else self.override_color) br = painter.drawText(rect, flags, self.text) if is not None: r = QRect(br.right() + self.SIDE_MARGIN // 2, + 2, br.height() - 4, br.height() - 4) painter.fillRect(r,
def paint(self, painter, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) style = waiting = self.timer.isActive() and if waiting: rect = QRect(0, 0, self.spinner_width, self.spinner_width) rect.moveCenter( self.draw_spinner(painter, rect) else: # Ensure the cover is rendered over any selection rect style.drawItemPixmap(painter, option.rect, Qt.AlignTop|Qt.AlignHCenter, QPixmap(
def paintEvent(self, event): canvas_size = self.rect() width = self.current_pixmap_size.width() extrax = canvas_size.width() - width if extrax < 0: extrax = 0 x = int(extrax/2.) height = self.current_pixmap_size.height() extray = canvas_size.height() - height if extray < 0: extray = 0 y = int(extray/2.) target = QRect(x, y, width, height) p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) p.drawPixmap(target, self.pixmap.scaled(target.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) p.end()
def do_layout(self): fm = self.fontMetrics() bounding_rect = lambda text: fm.boundingRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000, Cell.FLAGS, text) line_spacing = 2 side_margin = Cell.SIDE_MARGIN self.rows = [] ypos = line_spacing + (1 if self.is_first else 0) if 'href' in name =['href'] if isinstance(name, list): name = self.html_name br1 = bounding_rect(name) sel =['selector'] or '' if['type'] == 'inline': sel = 'style=""' br2 = bounding_rect(sel) self.hyperlink_rect = QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()) self.rows.append([ Cell(name, self.hyperlink_rect, color_role=QPalette.Link), Cell(sel, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), right_align=True) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + 2 * line_spacing for prop in['properties']: text = + ':\xa0' br1 = bounding_rect(text) vtext = prop.value + '\xa0' + ('!' if prop.important else '') + prop.important br2 = bounding_rect(vtext) self.rows.append([ Cell(text, QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()), color_role=QPalette.LinkVisited, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden), Cell(vtext, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), swatch=prop.color, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + line_spacing self.height_hint = ypos + line_spacing self.width_hint = max(row[-1].rect.right() + side_margin for row in self.rows) if self.rows else 0
def rect_at(self, frac): return QRect(self.point_at(frac), self.size())
def boundingBox(self): r = QRect() for i in self.indicators: r = r.united( i.s.geometry()) return r
class Declaration(QWidget): hyperlink_activated = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, html_name, data, is_first=False, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Minimum) = data self.is_first = is_first self.html_name = html_name self.do_layout() self.setMouseTracking(True) def do_layout(self): fm = self.fontMetrics() bounding_rect = lambda text: fm.boundingRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000, Cell.FLAGS, text) line_spacing = 2 side_margin = Cell.SIDE_MARGIN self.rows = [] ypos = line_spacing + (1 if self.is_first else 0) if 'href' in name =['href'] if isinstance(name, list): name = self.html_name br1 = bounding_rect(name) sel =['selector'] or '' if['type'] == 'inline': sel = 'style=""' br2 = bounding_rect(sel) self.hyperlink_rect = QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()) self.rows.append([ Cell(name, self.hyperlink_rect, color_role=QPalette.Link), Cell(sel, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), right_align=True) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + 2 * line_spacing for prop in['properties']: text = + ':\xa0' br1 = bounding_rect(text) vtext = prop.value + '\xa0' + ('!' if prop.important else '') + prop.important br2 = bounding_rect(vtext) self.rows.append([ Cell(text, QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()), color_role=QPalette.LinkVisited, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden), Cell(vtext, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), swatch=prop.color, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + line_spacing self.height_hint = ypos + line_spacing self.width_hint = max(row[-1].rect.right() + side_margin for row in self.rows) if self.rows else 0 def sizeHint(self): return QSize(self.width_hint, self.height_hint) def paintEvent(self, ev): p = QPainter(self) p.setClipRect(ev.rect()) palette = self.palette() p.setPen(palette.color(QPalette.WindowText)) if not self.is_first: p.drawLine(0, 0, self.width(), 0) try: for row in self.rows: for cell in row: try: cell.draw(p, self.width(), palette) finally: p.restore() finally: p.end() def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): if hasattr(self, 'hyperlink_rect'): pos = ev.pos() hovering = self.hyperlink_rect.contains(pos) self.update_hover(hovering) cursor = Qt.ArrowCursor for r, row in enumerate(self.rows): for cell in row: if cell.rect.contains(pos): cursor = Qt.PointingHandCursor if cell.rect is self.hyperlink_rect else Qt.IBeamCursor if r == 0: break if cursor != Qt.ArrowCursor: break self.setCursor(cursor) return QWidget.mouseMoveEvent(self, ev) def mousePressEvent(self, ev): if hasattr(self, 'hyperlink_rect'): pos = ev.pos() if self.hyperlink_rect.contains(pos): self.emit_hyperlink_activated() return QWidget.mousePressEvent(self, ev) def emit_hyperlink_activated(self): dt =['type'] data = {'type':dt, 'name':self.html_name, 'syntax':'html'} if dt == 'inline': # style attribute data['sourceline_address'] =['href'] elif dt == 'elem': # <style> tag data['sourceline_address'] =['href'] data['rule_address'] =['rule_address'] else: # stylesheet data['name'] =['href'] data['rule_address'] =['rule_address'] data['syntax'] = 'css' self.hyperlink_activated.emit(data) def leaveEvent(self, ev): self.update_hover(False) self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) return QWidget.leaveEvent(self, ev) def update_hover(self, hovering): cell = self.rows[0][0] if (hovering and cell.override_color is None) or ( not hovering and cell.override_color is not None): cell.override_color = QColor( if hovering else None self.update()
def numberbarPaint(self, number_bar, event): font_metrics = self.fontMetrics() # edit_font = self.font() current_line = self.document().findBlock( self.textCursor().position()).blockNumber() + 1 block = self.firstVisibleBlock() # block = self.document().findBlock(2) # block = self.document().firstBlock() line_count = block.blockNumber() painter = QPainter(number_bar) # baseBrush=self.palette().light() # baseBrush.setColor(Qt.darkGray) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self.palette().light()) # Iterate over all visible text blocks in the document. while block.isValid(): line_count += 1 block_bounding_rect = self.blockBoundingGeometry( block).translated(self.contentOffset()) block_top = # block_top_middle=block_top + font_metrics.height()/2 # f.write('line_count: %s , %s' % (line_count,block_top)) # Check if the position of the block is out side of the visible # area. if not block.isVisible() or block_top >= event.rect().bottom(): break # pass # We want the line number for the selected line to be bold. if line_count == current_line: font = painter.font() font.setBold(True) # font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() * 2) # painter.setFont(font) else: font = painter.font() font.setBold(False) # font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() * 2) # print 'painter font size',font.pointSize(), # '--->',font.pointSize()*2 edit_font_size = self.font().pointSize() if edit_font_size > 0: font.setPointSize(edit_font_size) painter.setFont(font) # font.setPointSize(20) # Draw the line number right justified at the position of the # line. paint_rect = QRect( 0, block_top, number_bar.width(), font_metrics.height()) # edit_font.pixelSize()) painter.drawText(paint_rect, Qt.AlignRight, unicode(line_count)) block = painter.end()
def paint(self, painter, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, QModelIndex()) # draw the hover and selection highlights m = index.model() db = m.db try: book_id = except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): return if book_id in m.ids_to_highlight_set: try: painter.setPen(self.highlight_color) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.drawRoundedRect(option.rect, 10, 10, Qt.RelativeSize) finally: painter.restore() marked = db = db.new_api cdata = self.cover_cache[book_id] device_connected = self.parent().gui.device_connected is not None on_device = device_connected and db.field_for('ondevice', book_id) right_adjust = 0 try: rect = option.rect rect.adjust(self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, -self.MARGIN, -self.MARGIN) orect = QRect(rect) if cdata is None or cdata is False: title = db.field_for('title', book_id, default_value='') authors = ' & '.join(db.field_for('authors', book_id, default_value=())) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter|Qt.TextWordWrap, '%s\n\n%s' % (title, authors)) if cdata is False: self.render_queue.put(book_id) else: if self.title_height != 0: trect = QRect(rect) rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - self.title_height) if self.animating is not None and self.animating.row() == index.row(): cdata = cdata.scaled(cdata.size() * self._animated_size) dx = max(0, int((rect.width() - cdata.width())/2.0)) dy = max(0, rect.height() - cdata.height()) right_adjust = dx rect.adjust(dx, dy, -dx, 0) painter.drawPixmap(rect, cdata) if self.title_height != 0: rect = trect rect.setTop(rect.bottom() - self.title_height + 5) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True) title = db.field_for('title', book_id, default_value='') metrics = painter.fontMetrics() painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter|Qt.TextSingleLine, metrics.elidedText(title, Qt.ElideRight, rect.width())) if marked: try: p = self.marked_emblem except AttributeError: p = self.marked_emblem = QPixmap(I('rating.png')).scaled(48, 48, transformMode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) drect = QRect(orect) drect.setLeft(drect.left() + right_adjust) drect.setRight(drect.left() + p.width()) drect.setBottom(drect.bottom() - self.title_height) drect.setTop(drect.bottom() - p.height()) painter.drawPixmap(drect, p) if on_device: try: p = self.on_device_emblem except AttributeError: p = self.on_device_emblem = QPixmap(I('ok.png')).scaled(48, 48, transformMode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) drect = QRect(orect) drect.setRight(drect.right() - right_adjust) drect.setBottom(drect.bottom() - self.title_height) drect.setTop(drect.bottom() - p.height() + 1) drect.setLeft(drect.right() - p.width() + 1) painter.drawPixmap(drect, p) finally: painter.restore()
def dump(self, items, out_stream, pdf_metadata): opts = self.opts page_size = get_page_size(self.opts) xdpi, ydpi = self.view.logicalDpiX(), self.view.logicalDpiY() # We cannot set the side margins in the webview as there is no right # margin for the last page (the margins are implemented with # -webkit-column-gap) ml, mr = opts.margin_left, opts.margin_right self.doc = PdfDevice(out_stream, page_size=page_size, left_margin=ml, top_margin=0, right_margin=mr, bottom_margin=0, xdpi=xdpi, ydpi=ydpi, errors=self.log.error, debug=self.log.debug, compress=not opts.uncompressed_pdf, mark_links=opts.pdf_mark_links) self.footer = opts.pdf_footer_template if self.footer: self.footer = self.footer.strip() if not self.footer and opts.pdf_page_numbers: self.footer = '<p style="text-align:center; text-indent: 0">_PAGENUM_</p>' self.header = opts.pdf_header_template if self.header: self.header = self.header.strip() min_margin = 36 if self.footer and opts.margin_bottom < min_margin: self.log.warn('Bottom margin is too small for footer, increasing it.') opts.margin_bottom = min_margin if self.header and opts.margin_top < min_margin: self.log.warn('Top margin is too small for header, increasing it.') opts.margin_top = min_margin, self.doc.height())) self.render_queue = items self.total_items = len(items) mt, mb = map(self.doc.to_px, (opts.margin_top, opts.margin_bottom)) self.margin_top, self.margin_bottom = map(lambda x:int(floor(x)), (mt, mb)) self.painter = QPainter(self.doc) self.doc.set_metadata(title=pdf_metadata.title,, tags=pdf_metadata.tags, mi=pdf_metadata.mi) self.doc_title = pdf_metadata.title self.doc_author = try: if self.cover_data is not None: p = QPixmap() try: p.loadFromData(self.cover_data) except TypeError: self.log.warn('This ebook does not have a raster cover, cannot generate cover for PDF' '. Cover type: %s' % type(self.cover_data)) if not p.isNull(): self.doc.init_page() draw_image_page(QRect(*self.doc.full_page_rect), self.painter, p, preserve_aspect_ratio=self.opts.preserve_cover_aspect_ratio) self.doc.end_page() finally: self.painter.restore() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.render_book) if self.loop.exec_() == 1: raise Exception('PDF Output failed, see log for details') if self.toc is not None and len(self.toc) > 0: self.doc.add_outline(self.toc) self.painter.end() if self.doc.errors_occurred: raise Exception('PDF Output failed, see log for details')
def resizeEvent(self, ev): QPlainTextEdit.resizeEvent(self, ev) cr = self.contentsRect() self.line_number_area.setGeometry( QRect(cr.left(),, self.line_number_area_width(), cr.height()))
def pre_main_show(win): """ Do whatever should be done after the main window is created but before it's first shown. """ # Determine the screen resolution and compute the normal window size for NE-1 # [bruce 041230 corrected this for Macintosh, and made sure it never exceeds # screen size even on a very small screen.] # [bruce 050118 further modified this and removed some older comments # (see cvs for those); also split out some code into] from platform_dependent.PlatformDependent import screen_pos_size ((x0, y0), (screen_w, screen_h)) = screen_pos_size() # note: y0 is nonzero on mac, due to menubar at top of screen. # use 85% of screen width and 90% of screen height, or more if that would be # less than 780 by 560 pixels, but never more than the available space. norm_w = int(min(screen_w - 2, max(780, screen_w * 0.85))) norm_h = int(min(screen_h - 2, max(560, screen_h * 0.90))) #bruce 050118 reduced max norm_h to never overlap mac menubar (bugfix?) # determine normal window origin # [bruce 041230 changed this to center it, but feel free to change this back # by changing the next line to center_it = 0] center_it = 1 if center_it: # centered in available area norm_x = (screen_w - norm_w) / 2 + x0 norm_y = (screen_h - norm_h) / 2 + y0 else: # at the given absolute position within the available area # (but moved towards (0,0) from that, if necessary to keep it all on-screen) want_x = 4 # Left (4 pixels) want_y = 36 # Top (36 pixels) norm_x = min(want_x, (screen_w - norm_w)) + x0 norm_y = min(want_y, (screen_h - norm_h)) + y0 # Set the main window geometry, hopefully before the caller shows the window from PyQt4.Qt import QRect win.setGeometry(QRect(norm_x, norm_y, norm_w, norm_h)) ###e it might be good to register this as the default geom. in the prefs system, and use that to implement "restore defaults" # After the above (whose side effects on main window geom. are used as defaults by the following code), # load any mainwindow geometry present in prefs db. [bruce 051218 new feature; see also new "save" features in] from utilities.debug import print_compact_stack try: # this code is similar to's _debug_load_window_layout from ne1_ui.prefs.Preferences import load_window_pos_size from utilities.prefs_constants import mainwindow_geometry_prefs_key_prefix keyprefix = mainwindow_geometry_prefs_key_prefix load_window_pos_size(win, keyprefix) win._ok_to_autosave_geometry_changes = True except: print_compact_stack( "exception while loading/setting main window pos/size from prefs db: " ) win.setGeometry(QRect(norm_x, norm_y, norm_w, norm_h)) _initialize_custom_display_modes(win) ### TODO: this would be a good place to add miscellaneous commands to the UI, # provided they are fully supported (not experimental, unlikely to cause bugs when added) # and won't take a lot of runtime to add. Otherwise they can be added after the # main window is shown. [bruce 071005 comment] ###@@@ return # from pre_main_show
# Global imports from __future__ import print_function import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication # Local imports from screenCaptureModifier import mainWindow from screenCaptureModifier.screenCapture import ScreenCapture from PyQt4.Qt import QRect import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--coords", default="200,200,800,600") p.add_argument("--fps", default=15) args = p.parse_args() window = mainWindow.MainWindow() # Tu si vyberas coordinaty na grabovanie plochy a fps x,y,width,height = args.coords.split(",") capture = ScreenCapture(coords=QRect(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)), fps=int(args.fps)) capture.newScreen.connect(window.originalPictureWidget.updateImage) capture.newTransformedScreen.connect(window.transofrmedPictureWidget.updateImage) app.exec_()
def setupUi(self, orientationWidget): win = MainWindow = # Set the default width and height. _width = 150 _height = 280 _maxWidth = 400 # 400 should be more than enough. --mark # "View > Orientation" Dock Widget orientationWidget.setEnabled(True) orientationWidget.setFloating(True) orientationWidget.setVisible(False) orientationWidget.setWindowTitle("Orientation") orientationWidget.setWindowIcon( geticon("ui/actions/View/Modify/Orientation.png")) orientationWidget.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height)) orientationWidget.setMaximumWidth(400) x = max(0, win.geometry().x()) y = max(0, win.geometry().y()) orientationWidget.move(x, y) self.orientationWindowContents = QtGui.QWidget(orientationWidget) gridlayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.orientationWindowContents) gridlayout.setMargin(4) gridlayout.setSpacing(4) hboxlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hboxlayout.setMargin(0) hboxlayout.setSpacing(6) self.pinOrientationWindowToolButton = QtGui.QToolButton( self.orientationWindowContents) self.pinOrientationWindowToolButton.setCheckable(True) self.pinOrientationWindowToolButton.setIcon( geticon("ui/dialogs/unpinned.png")) hboxlayout.addWidget(self.pinOrientationWindowToolButton) self.saveNamedViewToolButton = QtGui.QToolButton( self.orientationWindowContents) self.saveNamedViewToolButton.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/View/Modify/Save_Named_View.png") ) #@@ ninad 061115 dir path will be modified hboxlayout.addWidget(self.saveNamedViewToolButton) gridlayout.addLayout(hboxlayout, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.orientationViewList = QtGui.QListWidget(orientationWidget) self.orientationViewList.setFlow(QtGui.QListWidget.TopToBottom) self.orientationViewList.setWindowIcon( geticon("ui/actions/View/Modify/Orientation.png")) gridlayout.addWidget(self.orientationViewList, 1, 0, 1, 1) orientationWidget.setWidget(self.orientationWindowContents) MainWindow.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, orientationWidget)
def paint(self, painter, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.paint( self, painter, option, QModelIndex()) # draw the hover and selection highlights m = index.model() db = m.db try: book_id = except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError): return if book_id in m.ids_to_highlight_set: try: painter.setPen(self.highlight_color) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.drawRoundedRect(option.rect, 10, 10, Qt.RelativeSize) finally: painter.restore() marked = db = db.new_api cdata = self.cover_cache[book_id] device_connected = self.parent().gui.device_connected is not None on_device = device_connected and db.field_for('ondevice', book_id) right_adjust = 0 try: rect = option.rect rect.adjust(self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, -self.MARGIN, -self.MARGIN) orect = QRect(rect) if cdata is None or cdata is False: title = db.field_for('title', book_id, default_value='') authors = ' & '.join( db.field_for('authors', book_id, default_value=())) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.TextWordWrap, '%s\n\n%s' % (title, authors)) if cdata is False: self.render_queue.put(book_id) else: if self.title_height != 0: trect = QRect(rect) rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - self.title_height) if self.animating is not None and self.animating.row( ) == index.row(): cdata = cdata.scaled(cdata.size() * self._animated_size) dx = max(0, int((rect.width() - cdata.width()) / 2.0)) dy = max(0, rect.height() - cdata.height()) right_adjust = dx rect.adjust(dx, dy, -dx, 0) painter.drawPixmap(rect, cdata) if self.title_height != 0: rect = trect rect.setTop(rect.bottom() - self.title_height + 5) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True) title = db.field_for('title', book_id, default_value='') metrics = painter.fontMetrics() painter.drawText( rect, Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.TextSingleLine, metrics.elidedText(title, Qt.ElideRight, rect.width())) if marked: try: p = self.marked_emblem except AttributeError: p = self.marked_emblem = QPixmap(I('rating.png')).scaled( 48, 48, transformMode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) drect = QRect(orect) drect.setLeft(drect.left() + right_adjust) drect.setRight(drect.left() + p.width()) drect.setBottom(drect.bottom() - self.title_height) drect.setTop(drect.bottom() - p.height()) painter.drawPixmap(drect, p) if on_device: try: p = self.on_device_emblem except AttributeError: p = self.on_device_emblem = QPixmap(I('ok.png')).scaled( 48, 48, transformMode=Qt.SmoothTransformation) drect = QRect(orect) drect.setRight(drect.right() - right_adjust) drect.setBottom(drect.bottom() - self.title_height) drect.setTop(drect.bottom() - p.height() + 1) drect.setLeft(drect.right() - p.width() + 1) painter.drawPixmap(drect, p) finally: painter.restore()
p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--zmqHost", default="") p.add_argument("--zmqPort", default=8889) p.add_argument("--coords", default="200,200,800,600") p.add_argument("--sendModified", default=False) p.add_argument("--fps", default=15) args = p.parse_args() window = mainWindow.MainWindow() window.setWindowTitle("Server version of viewer") # Tu si vyberas coordinaty na grabovanie plochy a fps x, y, width, height = args.coords.split(",") capture = ScreenCapture(coords=QRect(int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height)), fps=int(args.fps)) server = zmqPublisher(args.zmqHost, args.zmqPort) def sendOriginalPicture(frameBuffer): server.send(b"original", frameBuffer[-1].copy()) def sendModifiedPicture(frameBuffer): server.send(b"modified", frameBuffer[-1].copy()) def onClose(): capture.newScreen.disconnect(sendOriginalPicture) capture.newTransformedScreen.disconnect(sendModifiedPicture) server.close()
def draw(self, painter, xmap, ymap, rect): """Implements QwtPlotItem.draw(), to render the image on the given painter.""" xp1, xp2, xdp, xs1, xs2, xds = xinfo = xmap.p1(), xmap.p2( ), xmap.pDist(), xmap.s1(), xmap.s2(), xmap.sDist() yp1, yp2, ydp, ys1, ys2, yds = yinfo = ymap.p1(), ymap.p2( ), ymap.pDist(), ymap.s1(), ymap.s2(), ymap.sDist() dprint(5, "draw:", rect, xinfo, yinfo) self._current_rect = QRectF(QPointF(xs2, ys1), QSizeF(xds, yds)) self._current_rect_pix = QRect( QPoint(*self.lmToPix(xs1, ys1)), QPoint(*self.lmToPix(xs2, ys2))).intersected( self._bounding_rect_pix) dprint(5, "draw:", self._current_rect_pix) # put together tuple describing current mapping mapping = xinfo, yinfo # if mapping has changed w.r.t. cache (i.e. zoom has changed), discard all cached QImages if mapping != self._cache_mapping: dprint(2, "does not match cached mapping, cache is:", self._cache_mapping) dprint(2, "and we have:", mapping) self.clearDisplayCache() self._cache_mapping = mapping t0 = time.time() # check cached QImage for current image key. qimg = self._cache_qimage.get(self._image_key) if qimg: dprint(5, "QImage found in cache, reusing") # else regenerate image else: # check for cached intensity-mapped data if self._cache_imap is not None: dprint(5, "intensity-mapped data found in cache, reusing") else: if self._cache_interp is not None: dprint(5, "interpolated data found in cache, reusing") else: image = self._image.transpose( ) if self._data_fortran_order else self._image spline_order = 2 xsamp = abs(xmap.sDist() / xmap.pDist()) / abs(self._dl) ysamp = abs(ymap.sDist() / ymap.pDist()) / abs(self._dm) if max(xsamp, ysamp) < .33 or min(xsamp, ysamp) > 2: spline_order = 1 dprint(2, "regenerating drawing cache, sampling factors are", xsamp, ysamp, "spline order is", spline_order) self._cache_imap = None if self._prefilter is None and spline_order > 1: self._prefilter = interpolation.spline_filter( image, order=spline_order) dprint(2, "spline prefiltering took", time.time() - t0, "secs") t0 = time.time() # make arrays of plot coordinates # xp[0],yp[0] corresponds to pixel 0,0, where 0,0 is the upper-left corner of the plot # the maps are in a funny order (w.r.t. meaning of p1/p2/s1/s2), so the indices here are determined empirically # We also adjust by half-pixel, to get the world coordinate of the pixel _center_ xp = xmap.s1() - (xmap.sDist() / xmap.pDist()) * ( 0.5 + numpy.arange(int(xmap.pDist()))) yp = ymap.s2() - (ymap.sDist() / ymap.pDist()) * ( 0.5 + numpy.arange(int(ymap.pDist()))) # now convert plot coordinates into fractional image pixel coordinates xi = self._x0 + (xp - self._l0) / self._dl yi = self._y0 + (yp - self._m0) / self._dm # interpolate image data ### # old code for nearest-neighbour interpolation ### # superceded by interpolation below (we simply round pixel coordinates to go to NN when oversampling) ### xi = xi.round().astype(int) ### oob_x = (xi<0)|(xi>=self._nx) ### xi[oob_x] = 0 ### yi = yi.round().astype(int) ### oob_y = (yi<0)|(yi>=self._ny) ### yi[oob_y] = 0 ### idx = (xi[:,numpy.newaxis]*self._ny + yi[numpy.newaxis,:]).ravel() ### interp_image = self._image.ravel()[idx].reshape((len(xi),len(yi))) ### interp_image[oob_x,:] = 0 ### interp_image[:,oob_y] = 0 ### self._qimage_cache = self.colormap.colorize(interp_image,self._img_range) ### self._qimage_cache_attrs = (rect,xinfo,yinfo) # if either axis is oversampled by a factor of 3 or more, switch to nearest-neighbour interpolation by rounding pixel values if xsamp < .33: xi = xi.round() if ysamp < .33: yi = yi.round() # make [2,nx,ny] array of interpolation coordinates xy = numpy.zeros((2, len(xi), len(yi))) xy[0, :, :] = xi[:, numpy.newaxis] xy[1, :, :] = yi[numpy.newaxis, :] # interpolate. Use NAN for out of range pixels... # for fortran order, tranpose axes for extra speed (flip XY around then) if self._data_fortran_order: xy = xy[-1::-1, ...] if spline_order > 1: interp_image = interpolation.map_coordinates( self._prefilter, xy, order=spline_order, cval=numpy.nan, prefilter=False) else: interp_image = interpolation.map_coordinates( image, xy, order=spline_order, cval=numpy.nan) # ...and put a mask on them (Colormap.colorize() will make these transparent). mask = ~numpy.isfinite(interp_image) self._cache_interp = interp_image, mask) dprint(2, "interpolation took", time.time() - t0, "secs") t0 = time.time() # ok, we have interpolated data in _cache_interp self._cache_imap = self.imap.remap(self._cache_interp) dprint(2, "intensity mapping took", time.time() - t0, "secs") t0 = time.time() # ok, we have intensity-mapped data in _cache_imap qimg = self.colormap.colorize(self._cache_imap) dprint(2, "colorizing took", time.time() - t0, "secs") t0 = time.time() # cache the qimage self._cache_qimage[self._image_key] = qimg.copy() # now draw the image t0 = time.time() painter.drawImage(xp1, yp2, qimg) dprint(2, "drawing took", time.time() - t0, "secs")
def paintEvent(self, event): w = self.viewport().rect().width() painter = QPainter(self.viewport()) painter.setClipRect(event.rect()) floor = event.rect().bottom() ceiling = event.rect().top() fv = self.firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() origin = self.contentOffset() doc = self.document() lines = [] for num, text in self.headers: top, bot = num, num + 3 if bot < fv: continue y_top = self.blockBoundingGeometry( doc.findBlockByNumber(top)).translated(origin).y() y_bot = self.blockBoundingGeometry( doc.findBlockByNumber(bot)).translated(origin).y() if max(y_top, y_bot) < ceiling: continue if min(y_top, y_bot) > floor: break painter.setFont(self.heading_font) br = painter.drawText(3, y_top, w, y_bot - y_top - 5, Qt.TextSingleLine, text) painter.setPen(QPen(self.palette().text(), 2)) painter.drawLine(0, br.bottom() + 3, w, br.bottom() + 3) for top, bot, kind in self.changes: if bot < fv: continue y_top = self.blockBoundingGeometry( doc.findBlockByNumber(top)).translated(origin).y() y_bot = self.blockBoundingGeometry( doc.findBlockByNumber(bot)).translated(origin).y() if max(y_top, y_bot) < ceiling: continue if min(y_top, y_bot) > floor: break if y_top != y_bot: painter.fillRect(0, y_top, w, y_bot - y_top, self.diff_backgrounds[kind]) lines.append((y_top, y_bot, kind)) if top in self.images: img, maxw = self.images[top][:2] if bot > top + 1 and not img.isNull(): y_top = self.blockBoundingGeometry( doc.findBlockByNumber(top + 1)).translated(origin).y() + 3 y_bot -= 3 scaled, imgw, imgh = fit_image(img.width(), img.height(), w - 3, y_bot - y_top) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform, True) painter.drawPixmap(QRect(3, y_top, imgw, imgh), img) painter.end() PlainTextEdit.paintEvent(self, event) painter = QPainter(self.viewport()) painter.setClipRect(event.rect()) for top, bottom, kind in sorted(lines, key=lambda (t, b, k): {'replace': 0}.get(k, 1)): painter.setPen(QPen(self.diff_foregrounds[kind], 1)) painter.drawLine(0, top, w, top) painter.drawLine(0, bottom - 1, w, bottom - 1)
class Declaration(QWidget): hyperlink_activated = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, html_name, data, is_first=False, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Minimum) = data self.is_first = is_first self.html_name = html_name self.do_layout() self.setMouseTracking(True) def do_layout(self): fm = self.fontMetrics() bounding_rect = lambda text: fm.boundingRect(0, 0, 10000, 10000, Cell. FLAGS, text) line_spacing = 2 side_margin = Cell.SIDE_MARGIN self.rows = [] ypos = line_spacing + (1 if self.is_first else 0) if 'href' in name =['href'] if isinstance(name, list): name = self.html_name br1 = bounding_rect(name) sel =['selector'] or '' if['type'] == 'inline': sel = 'style=""' br2 = bounding_rect(sel) self.hyperlink_rect = QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()) self.rows.append([ Cell(name, self.hyperlink_rect, color_role=QPalette.Link), Cell(sel, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), right_align=True) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + 2 * line_spacing for prop in['properties']: text = + ':\xa0' br1 = bounding_rect(text) vtext = prop.value + '\xa0' + ('!' if prop.important else '') + prop.important br2 = bounding_rect(vtext) self.rows.append([ Cell(text, QRect(side_margin, ypos, br1.width(), br1.height()), color_role=QPalette.LinkVisited, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden), Cell(vtext, QRect(br1.right() + side_margin, ypos, br2.width(), br2.height()), swatch=prop.color, is_overriden=prop.is_overriden) ]) ypos += max(br1.height(), br2.height()) + line_spacing self.height_hint = ypos + line_spacing self.width_hint = max(row[-1].rect.right() + side_margin for row in self.rows) if self.rows else 0 def sizeHint(self): return QSize(self.width_hint, self.height_hint) def paintEvent(self, ev): p = QPainter(self) p.setClipRect(ev.rect()) palette = self.palette() p.setPen(palette.color(QPalette.WindowText)) if not self.is_first: p.drawLine(0, 0, self.width(), 0) try: for row in self.rows: for cell in row: try: cell.draw(p, self.width(), palette) finally: p.restore() finally: p.end() def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): if hasattr(self, 'hyperlink_rect'): pos = ev.pos() hovering = self.hyperlink_rect.contains(pos) self.update_hover(hovering) cursor = Qt.ArrowCursor for r, row in enumerate(self.rows): for cell in row: if cell.rect.contains(pos): cursor = Qt.PointingHandCursor if cell.rect is self.hyperlink_rect else Qt.IBeamCursor if r == 0: break if cursor != Qt.ArrowCursor: break self.setCursor(cursor) return QWidget.mouseMoveEvent(self, ev) def mousePressEvent(self, ev): if hasattr(self, 'hyperlink_rect'): pos = ev.pos() if self.hyperlink_rect.contains(pos): self.emit_hyperlink_activated() return QWidget.mousePressEvent(self, ev) def emit_hyperlink_activated(self): dt =['type'] data = {'type': dt, 'name': self.html_name, 'syntax': 'html'} if dt == 'inline': # style attribute data['sourceline_address'] =['href'] elif dt == 'elem': # <style> tag data['sourceline_address'] =['href'] data['rule_address'] =['rule_address'] else: # stylesheet data['name'] =['href'] data['rule_address'] =['rule_address'] data['syntax'] = 'css' self.hyperlink_activated.emit(data) def leaveEvent(self, ev): self.update_hover(False) self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) return QWidget.leaveEvent(self, ev) def update_hover(self, hovering): cell = self.rows[0][0] if (hovering and cell.override_color is None) or ( not hovering and cell.override_color is not None): cell.override_color = QColor( if hovering else None self.update()