Ejemplo n.º 1
class FuncPlotter:
    def __init__(self, DOM, trace_image=None, width_range=[0.1, 2]):
        """Draws the graphics functions.

        trace_image    - a string specifying the name of the image file to trace
                        or QImage object
        width_range    - a list of two values defining the range of thickness in the trace line
        self.document = DOM
        self.trace_image = trace_image
        self.width_range = width_range
        self.img = None

        if trace_image is None:
            trace_image = DOM.image

        if isinstance(trace_image, QImage):
            self.img = trace_image
        elif trace_image and os.path.exists(trace_image):
            # image tracing shall consist of 256 index colors
            # ranked by the number of white (grayscale)
            from .image import grayscale
            self.img = QImage(trace_image)
            self.img = grayscale(self.img)

        if trace_image:
            self.img_w, self.img_h = self.img.width(), self.img.height()
            self.img_colors = float(self.img.colorCount() - 1)
            self.img_pixelIndex = self.img.pixelIndex

    def _trace_image(self, path, width_range):
        """Changes the coordinates (coords) curve as a function of the image.

        Here we take two neighboring points and calculate the angle (alpha), under which there is a line,
        perpendicular to the tangent to the curve. With this angle we hold
        connecting the ends of two parallel curves (right and left) to replace the old (coords),
        separated by a distance that depends on the index of the image.

        delta = (width_range[1] - width_range[0]) / 2.0
        min_width = width_range[0] / 2.0

        img_pixelIndex = self.img_pixelIndex
        img_w, img_h = self.img_w, self.img_h
        img_colors = self.img_colors
        scale = self.document.scale

        canvas_x1 = self.document.x1
        canvas_y1 = self.document.y1
        canvas_dx = self.document.dx / img_w
        canvas_dy = self.document.dy / img_h

        for i in range(len(path.node)):
            x, y = path.node[i].x, path.node[i].y
            pixel_x = int((x - canvas_x1) / canvas_dx)
            pixel_y = int((y - canvas_y1) / canvas_dy)
            if pixel_x >= 0 and pixel_x < img_w \
                    and pixel_y >= 0 and pixel_y < img_h:
                k = 1 - img_pixelIndex(pixel_x, pixel_y) / img_colors
                d = (min_width + k * delta) * scale
                path.node[i].d = d
            #    k = 0
            #d = (min_width + k * delta) * scale
            #path.node[i].d = d
        return path

    def auto_resolution(self, fX, fY, T):
        p = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res=0.25 / self.scale)
        _, _, w, h = p.boundingRect()
        return max(w, h) * 0.5

    def auto_resolution2(self, fX, fY, T):
        p = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res=0.25 / self.document.scale)
        l = p.length() if p else 0
        return l / (T[1] - T[0])

    def append_func(self,
        """Adds a graph of the functions fX (t) and fY (t).

        fX            - a function of one variable, calculates the coordinates of x or
                        function of the radius of the corner, if the following option (fY) returns False
        fY            - function of one variable that calculates the y-coordinate, or None
        T            - a list of two values ​​defining the range of the variable
        color        - a string that specifies the stroke color of the curve, you can use named values
                        of the SVG specification, or 'none'
        width        - the thickness of the circuit
        close_path    - parameter that indicates whether or not to close the curve

        # Step 1. Make Path
        pathData = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res / self.document.scale,
        if not (pathData):
            return False

        # Step 2. If there is a picture, tracing
        if self.img:
            pathData = self._trace_image(pathData, self.width_range)
            # This must be added the code division ways apart.
            # Convert line to polygon
            path = split(pathData)
        # Step 3. Append Path to data
        if len(path[0]) > 0:
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FuncPlotter:
    def __init__(self, DOM, trace_image=None, width_range=[0.1, 2]):
        """Draws the graphics functions.

        trace_image    - a string specifying the name of the image file to trace
                        or QImage object
        width_range    - a list of two values defining the range of thickness in the trace line
        self.document = DOM
        self.trace_image = trace_image
        self.width_range = width_range
        self.img = None

        if trace_image is None:
            trace_image = DOM.image

        if isinstance(trace_image, QImage):
            self.img = trace_image
        elif trace_image and os.path.exists(trace_image):
            # image tracing shall consist of 256 index colors
            # ranked by the number of white (grayscale)
            from .image import grayscale
            self.img = QImage(trace_image)
            self.img = grayscale(self.img)

        if trace_image:
            self.img_w, self.img_h = self.img.width(), self.img.height()
            self.img_colors = float(self.img.colorCount() - 1)
            self.img_pixelIndex = self.img.pixelIndex

    def _trace_image(self, path, width_range):
        """Changes the coordinates (coords) curve as a function of the image.

        Here we take two neighboring points and calculate the angle (alpha), under which there is a line,
        perpendicular to the tangent to the curve. With this angle we hold
        connecting the ends of two parallel curves (right and left) to replace the old (coords),
        separated by a distance that depends on the index of the image.

        delta = (width_range[1] - width_range[0]) / 2.0
        min_width = width_range[0] / 2.0

        img_pixelIndex = self.img_pixelIndex
        img_w, img_h = self.img_w, self.img_h
        img_colors = self.img_colors
        scale = self.document.scale

        canvas_x1 = self.document.x1
        canvas_y1 = self.document.y1
        canvas_dx = self.document.dx / img_w
        canvas_dy = self.document.dy / img_h

        for i in range(len(path.node)):
            x, y = path.node[i].x, path.node[i].y
            pixel_x = int((x - canvas_x1) / canvas_dx)
            pixel_y = int((y - canvas_y1) / canvas_dy)
            if pixel_x >= 0 and pixel_x < img_w \
                    and pixel_y >= 0 and pixel_y < img_h:
                k = 1 - img_pixelIndex(pixel_x, pixel_y) / img_colors
                d = (min_width + k * delta) * scale
                path.node[i].d = d
            #    k = 0
            #d = (min_width + k * delta) * scale
            #path.node[i].d = d
        return path

    def auto_resolution(self, fX, fY, T):
        p = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res=0.25 / self.scale)
        _, _, w, h = p.boundingRect()
        return max(w, h) * 0.5

    def auto_resolution2(self, fX, fY, T):
        p = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res=0.25 / self.document.scale)
        l = p.length() if p else 0
        return l / (T[1] - T[0])

    def append_func(self, fX, fY, T, res=1, color='black', width=3, close_path=False):
        """Adds a graph of the functions fX (t) and fY (t).

        fX            - a function of one variable, calculates the coordinates of x or
                        function of the radius of the corner, if the following option (fY) returns False
        fY            - function of one variable that calculates the y-coordinate, or None
        T            - a list of two values ​​defining the range of the variable
        color        - a string that specifies the stroke color of the curve, you can use named values
                        of the SVG specification, or 'none'
        width        - the thickness of the circuit
        close_path    - parameter that indicates whether or not to close the curve

        # Step 1. Make Path
        pathData = makePathData(fX, fY, T, res / self.document.scale, close_path)
        if not(pathData):
            return False

        # Step 2. If there is a picture, tracing
        if self.img:
            pathData = self._trace_image(pathData, self.width_range)
            # This must be added the code division ways apart.
            # Convert line to polygon
            path = split(pathData)
        # Step 3. Append Path to data
        if len(path[0]) > 0:
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class pngDisplay(QWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(pngDisplay, self).__init__(parent)
        #self.profiler = cProfile.Profile()
        # create the label that displays the image - cribbing from the Image
        # Viewer example in the Qt docs.
        self.imLabel = QLabel()
        self.imLabel.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Ignored)
        # Create a gray field to use when no png is available
        self.defaultPM = QPixmap(700,900)
        # Create a scroll area within which to display our imLabel, this
        # enables the creation of horizontal and vertical scroll bars, when
        # the imLabel exceeds the size of the scroll area.
        self.scarea = QScrollArea()
        # The following two lines make sure that page up/dn gets through
        # the scrollarea widget and up to us.
        # create the text label that will have the page number in it
        self.txLabel = QLabel(u"No image")
        self.txLabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignHCenter)
        self.txLabel.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Sunken | QFrame.StyledPanel)
        # Create a spinbox to set the zoom from 15 to 200 with a label:
        # (originally a slider, hence the name)
        self.minZoom = 0.15
        self.maxZoom = 2.00
        self.zlider = QSpinBox()
        # connect the value change signal to a slot to handle it
        self.connect(self.zlider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.newZoomFactor)
        # create the to-width and to-height zoom buttons
        zoomWidthButton = QPushButton(u'to Width')
        self.connect(zoomWidthButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.zoomToWidth)
        zoomHeightButton = QPushButton(u'to Height')
        self.connect(zoomHeightButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.zoomToHeight)
        # Make an hbox to contain the spinbox and two pushbuttons, with
        # stretch on left and right to center the group.
        zlabel = QLabel(
            u'&Zoom ' + str(self.zlider.minimum())
            + '-' + str(self.zlider.maximum()) + '%')
        zhbox = QHBoxLayout()
        # With all the pieces in hand, create our layout basically a
        # vertical stack: scroll area, label, slider box.
        vbox = QVBoxLayout()
        # the image gets a high stretch and default alignment, the text
        # label hugs the bottom and doesn't stretch at all.
        # Initialize assuming no book is open.
        self.ready = False # nothing to display
        # Recover the last-set zoom factor from the settings object, default 1.0
        qv = IMC.settings.value("pngs/zoomFactor",QVariant(1.0))
        self.zoomFactor = qv.toFloat()[0]
        # The following causes entry into newZoomFactor, below, which tests
        # self.ready, hence the latter has to be assigned-to first.

    # local subroutine to initialize our contents for an empty edit.
    # called from _init_ and from newPosition when we discover the file
    # has been cleared on us. Don't reset the zoomFactor, leave it as
    # the user last set it.
    def clear(self):
        # Clear the page name, used by pqNotes
        IMC.currentImageNumber = None # will be name of last png file e.g. "002"
        # Clear the page filename, used in our caption label
        self.lastPage = QString() # last file name e.g. "002.png"
        # Clear the path to the pngs folder, used to fetch image files
        self.pngPath = QString()
        # Clear the index of the last-shown page in the page table
        # -1 means no page is being displayed.
        self.lastIndex = -1
        # Clear the index of the next page to display, normally same as last
        self.nextIndex = -1
        # Set not-ready to indicate no pngs directory available.
        self.ready = False
        # Clear out & release storage of our QImage and QPixmaps
        self.pixmap = QPixmap() # null pixmap
        self.image = QImage()
        self.noImage() # show gray image

    # Display a blank gray frame and "No Image" below.
    # Called from clear() above and from showPage when no valid image.
    def noImage(self) :
        self.txLabel.setText(u"No image")
        self.lastIndex = -1 # didn't see a prior page
        self.nextIndex = -1

    # This slot gets the main window's signal shuttingDown.
    # We save our current zoom factor into IMC.settings.
    def shuttingDown(self):

    # This slot gets pqMain's signal docHasChanged(QString), telling
    # us that a different document has been loaded. This could be for
    # a successful File>Open, or a failed File>Open or File>New.
    # The bookPath is a null QString for File>New, or the full bookPath.
    # If the latter, we convert that into the path to the pngs folder,
    # and see if bookPath/pngs is a directory. If so, we set self.ready
    # to true, indicating it is worthwhile to try opening image files.
    # At this point the gray image is displayed and previously would remain displayed
    # until the user moved the cursor in some way, generating cursorPositionChanged.
    # That's a minor annoyance, to avoid it we will fake that signal now.
    def newFile(self, bookPath):
        if not bookPath.isNull(): # this was successful File>Open
            finf = QFileInfo(bookPath)
            self.pngPath = finf.absolutePath().append(u"/pngs/")
            finf = QFileInfo(self.pngPath)
            if finf.exists() and finf.isDir(): # looking good
                self.ready = True
                # We could inform the user we couldn't find a pngs folder,
                # but you know -- the user is probably already aware of that.
                self.clear() # just put up the gray default image
        else: # It was a File>New

    # This function is the slot that is connected to the editor's
    # cursorPositionChanged signal. Its input is cursor position and
    # the page table. Its output is to set self.nextIndex to the
    # desired next image table row, and to call showPage.
    def newPosition(self):
        if self.ready :
            # We have a book and some pngs. Find the position of the higher end
            # of the current selection.
            pos = IMC.editWidget.textCursor().selectionEnd()
            # Get the page table index that matches this position, or -1
            # if that is above the first psep, or there is no page data
            self.nextIndex = IMC.pageTable.getIndex(pos)
        else :# No file loaded or no pngs folder found.
            self.nextIndex = -1
        if self.nextIndex != self.lastIndex :

    # Display the page indexed by self.nextIndex. This is called when the cursor
    # moves to a new page (newPosition, above), or when the PageUp/Dn keys are used,
    # (keyPressEvent, below) or when the zoom factor changes in any of several ways.
    def showPage(self):
        # If self.lastIndex is different from self.nextIndex, the page has
        # changed, and we need to load a new image.
        if self.lastIndex != self.nextIndex :
            self.lastIndex = self.nextIndex # don't come here again until it changes.
            if self.lastIndex > -1 :
                # Form the image filename as a Qstring, e.g. "025" and save that for
                # use by pqNotes:
                IMC.currentImageNumber = IMC.pageTable.getScan(self.lastIndex)
                # dbg = unicode(IMC.currentImageNumber)
                # Form the complete filename by appending ".png" and save as
                # self.lastPage for use in forming our caption label.
                self.lastPage = QString(IMC.currentImageNumber).append(QString(u".png"))
                # dbg = unicode(self.lastPage)
                # Form the full path to the image. Try to load it as a QImage.
                pngName = QString(self.pngPath).append(self.lastPage)
                self.image = QImage(pngName,'PNG')
                # dbg = unicode(self.image)
                # dbg = self.image.isNull()
                # If that successfully loaded an image, make sure it is one byte/pixel.
                if not self.image.isNull() \
                   and self.image.format() != QImage.Format_Indexed8 :
                    # It might be Format_Mono (1 bit/pixel) or even Format_RGB32.
                    self.image = self.image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Indexed8,Qt.ColorOnly)
                # Convert the image to a pixmap. If it's null, so is the pixmap.
                self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.image,Qt.ColorOnly)
            else :
                IMC.currentImageNumber = QString(u"n.a.")
                self.lastPage = QString()
                self.image = QImage()
                self.pixmap = QPixmap()
        if not self.pixmap.isNull():
            # We successfully found and loaded an image and converted it to pixmap.
            # Load it in our label for display, set the zoom factor, and the caption.
            # We do this every time through (even if lastIndex equalled nextIndex)
            # because the zoomfactor might have changed.
            self.imLabel.resize( self.zoomFactor * self.pixmap.size() )
            folio = IMC.pageTable.getDisplay(self.lastIndex)
            self.txLabel.setText(u"image {0} (folio {1})".format(self.lastPage,folio))
        else: # no file was loaded. It's ok if pages are missing
            self.noImage() # display the gray image.

    # Catch the signal from the Zoom spinbox with a new value.
    # Store the new value as a float, and if we have a page, repaint it.
    def newZoomFactor(self,new_value):
        self.zoomFactor = new_value / 100
        if self.ready :

    # Catch the click on zoom-to-width and zoom-to height. The job is basically
    # the same for both. 1: Using the QImage that should be in self.image,
    # scan the pixels to find the width (height) of the nonwhite area.
    # 2. Get the ratio of that to our image label's viewport width (height).
    # 4. Set that ratio as the zoom factor and redraw the image. And finally
    # 5. Set the scroll position(s) of our scroll area to left-justify the text.
    # We get access to the pixels using QImage:bits() which gives us a PyQt4
    # "voidptr" that we can index to get byte values.
    def zoomToWidth(self):
        if (not self.ready) or (self.image.isNull()) :
            return # nothing to do here
        #self.profiler.enable() #dbg
        # Query the Color look-up table and build a list of the Green values
        # corresponding to each possible pixel value. Probably there are just
        # two colors so colortab is [0,255] but there could be more, depending
        # on how the PNG was defined, 16 or 32 or even 255 grayscale.
        colortab = [ int((self.image.color(c) >> 4) & 255)
                     for c in range(self.image.colorCount()) ]
        ncols = self.image.width() # number of logical pixels across
        stride = (ncols + 3) & (-4) # number of bytes per scanline
        nrows = self.image.height() # number of pixels high
        vptr = self.image.bits() # uchar * bunch-o-pixel-bytes
        vptr.setsize(stride * nrows) # make the pointer indexable

        # Scan in from left and right to find the outermost dark spots.
        # Looking for single pixels yeilds too many false positives, so we
        # look for three adjacent pixels that sum to less than 32.
        # Most pages start with many lines of white pixels so in hopes of
        # establishing the outer edge early, we start at the middle, go to
        # the end, then do the top half.
        left_side = int(ncols/2) # leftmost dark spot seen so far
        # scan from the middle down
        for r in xrange(int(nrows/2)*stride, (nrows-1)*stride, stride) :
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in xrange(left_side):
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[c + r]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray pair
                    left_side = c # new, further-left, left margin
                    break # no need to look further on this line
                pa = pb
                pb = pc
        # scan from the top to the middle, hopefully left_side is small now
        for r in xrange(0, int(nrows/2)*stride, stride) :
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in xrange(left_side):
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[c + r]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray pair
                    left_side = c # new, further-left, left margin
                    break # no need to look further on this line
                pa = pb
                pb = pc
        # Now do the same for the right margin.
        right_side = int(ncols/2) # rightmost dark spot seen so far
        for r in xrange(int(nrows/2)*stride, (nrows-1)*stride, stride) :
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in xrange(ncols-1,right_side,-1) :
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[c + r]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray pair
                    right_side = c # new, further-right, right margin
                pa = pb
                pb = pc
        for r in xrange(0, int(nrows/2)*stride, stride)  :
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in xrange(ncols-1,right_side,-1) :
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[c + r]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray pair
                    right_side = c # new, further-right, right margin
                pa = pb
                pb = pc
        # The area with color runs from left_side to right_side. How does
        # that compare to the size of our viewport? Scale to that and redraw.
        #print('ls {0} rs {1} vp {2}'.format(left_side,right_side,self.scarea.viewport().width()))
        text_size = right_side - left_side + 2
        port_width = self.scarea.viewport().width()
        self.zoomFactor = max( self.minZoom, min( self.maxZoom, port_width / text_size ) )
        # the next line signals newZoomFactor, which calls showPage.
        # Set the scrollbar to show the page from its left margin.
        self.scarea.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(int( left_side * self.zoomFactor) )
        #self.profiler.disable() #dbg
        #pstats.Stats(self.profiler).print_stats() # dbg

    def zoomToHeight(self):
        if (not self.ready) or (self.image.isNull()) :
            return # nothing to do here
        # Query the Color look-up table and build a list of the Green values
        # corresponding to each possible pixel value. Probably there are just
        # two colors so colortab is [0,255] but there could be more, depending
        # on how the PNG was defined, 16 or 32 or even 255 grayscale.
        colortab = [ int((self.image.color(c) >> 4) & 255)
                     for c in range(self.image.colorCount()) ]
        ncols = self.image.width() # number of logical pixels across
        stride = (ncols + 3) & (-4) # number of bytes per scanline
        nrows = self.image.height() # number of pixels high
        vptr = self.image.bits() # uchar * bunch-o-pixel-bytes
        vptr.setsize(stride * nrows) # make the pointer indexable
        # Scan in from top and bottom to find the outermost rows with
        # significant pixels.
        top_side = -1 # The uppermost row with a significant spot of black
        offset = 0 # vptr index to the first/next pixel row
        for r in range(nrows) :
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in range(ncols) :
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[offset + c]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray triplet
                    top_side = r # that's the row,
                    break # ..so stop scanning
                pa, pb = pb, pc
            if top_side >= 0 : # we hit
                break # ..so don't scan down any further
            offset += stride # continue to next row
        # top_side indexes the first row with a significant blot
        if top_side == -1 : # never found one: an all-white page. bug out.
        bottom_side = nrows # The lowest row with a significant blot
        offset = stride * nrows # vptr index to last/next row of pixels
        for r in range(nrows,top_side,-1) :
            offset -= stride
            pa, pb = 255, 255 # virtual white outside border
            for c in range(ncols) :
                pc = colortab[ ord(vptr[offset + c]) ]
                if (pa + pb + pc) < 32 : # black or dark gray triplet
                    bottom_side = r
                pa, pb = pb, pc
            if bottom_side < nrows : # we hit
        # bottom_side is the lowest row with significant pixels. It must be
        # < nrows, there is at least one row (top_side) with a dot in it.
        # However if the page is mostly white, don't zoom to that extent.
        if bottom_side < (top_side+100) :
            return # seems to be a mostly-white page, give up
        # The text area runs from scanline top_side to bottom_side.
        text_height = bottom_side - top_side + 1
        port_height = self.scarea.viewport().height()
        self.zoomFactor = max( self.minZoom, min( self.maxZoom, port_height / text_height ) )
        self.zlider.setValue(int(100*self.zoomFactor)) # signals newZoomFactor->showPage
        # Set the scrollbar to show the page from its top margin.
        self.scarea.verticalScrollBar().setValue(int( top_side * self.zoomFactor) )

    # Re-implement the parent's keyPressEvent in order to provide zoom:
    # ctrl-plus increases the image size by 1.25
    # ctrl-minus decreases the image size by 0.8
    # Also trap pageup/dn and use to walk through images.
    # At this point we do not reposition the editor to match the page viewed.
    # we page up/dn but as soon as focus returns to the editor and the cursor
    # moves, this display will snap back to the edited page. As a user that
    # seems best, come over to Pngs and page ahead to see what's coming, then
    # back to the editor to read or type.
    def keyPressEvent(self, event):
        # assume we will not handle this key and clear its accepted flag
        # If we are initialized and have displayed some page, look at the key
        if self.ready:
            kkey = int( int(event.modifiers()) & IMC.keypadDeModifier) | int(event.key())
            if kkey in IMC.zoomKeys :
                # ctl/cmd + or -, do the zoom
                fac = (0.8) if (kkey == IMC.ctl_minus) else (1.25)
                fac *= self.zoomFactor # target zoom factor
                if (fac >= self.minZoom) and (fac <= self.maxZoom): # keep in bounds
                    self.zoomFactor = fac
            elif (event.key() == Qt.Key_PageUp) or (event.key() == Qt.Key_PageDown) :
                event.accept() # real pgUp or pgDn, we do it
                fac = 1 if (event.key() == Qt.Key_PageDown) else -1
                fac += self.lastIndex
                if (fac >= 0) and (fac < IMC.pageTable.size()) :
                    # not off either end of the book, so,
                    self.nextIndex = fac
        if not event.isAccepted() : # we don't do those, pass them on
            super(pngDisplay, self).keyPressEvent(event)