Ejemplo n.º 1
    def rebuild_editor ( self ):
        """ Rebuilds the contents of the editor whenever the original factory
            object's **values** facet changes.
        # Clear any existing content:
        ### self.clear_layout()

        # Get the current facet value:
        cur_name = self.str_value

        # Create a sizer to manage the radio buttons:
        names   = self.names
        mapping = self.mapping
        n       = len( names )
        cols    = self.factory.cols
        rows    = (n + cols - 1) / cols
        incr    = [ n / cols ] * cols
        rem     = n % cols
        for i in range( cols ):
            incr[i] += (rem > i)

        incr[-1] = -( reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, incr[:-1], 0 ) - 1 )

        # Add the set of all possible choices:
        index = 0

        for i in range( rows ):
            for j in range( cols ):
                if n > 0:
                    name = label = names[ index ]
                    label = self.string_value( label, capitalize )
                    rb = QRadioButton( label )
                    rb.value = mapping[ name ]

                    rb.setChecked( name == cur_name )

                    QObject.connect( rb, SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), self._mapper,
                                     SLOT( 'map()' ) )
                    self._mapper.setMapping( rb, rb )

                    self.set_tooltip( rb )
                    self.control.addWidget( rb, i, j )

                    index += incr[j]
                    n     -= 1