Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: View0.py Proyecto: iras/JADE
class View (QFrame):

    def __init__ (self, name, graph_view, scene, parent=None):
        QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.graph_view = graph_view
        self.graph_view.setView0 (self)
        self.scene = scene

        self.setFrameStyle (QFrame.Sunken | QFrame.StyledPanel)
        self.font = QFont()
        self.graphicsView = CustomGraphicsView ()
        self.graphicsView.setRenderHint (QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
        self.graphicsView.setDragMode (QGraphicsView.RubberBandDrag)
        self.graphicsView.setViewportUpdateMode (QGraphicsView.SmartViewportUpdate)
        # toolbox definition + group page definition
        sizePolicy = QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
        self.setObjectName ('Form')
        self.resize (900, 1000)
        self._toolBox = QToolBox (self)
        self._toolBox.setGeometry (QRect (0, 0, 131, 301))
        self._toolBox.setFont (self.font)
        self._toolBox.setObjectName ('_toolBox')
        self._toolBox.setCursor (Qt.PointingHandCursor)
        self.groupCluster = QWidget ()
        self.groupCluster.setGeometry (QRect(0, 0, 91, 241))
        self.groupCluster.setObjectName ('groupCluster')
        self.groupLineEdit = QLineEdit (self.groupCluster)
        self.groupLineEdit.setGeometry (QRect (2, 20, 60, 16))
        self.groupLineEdit.setObjectName ('groupLineEdit')
        self.label = QLabel (self.groupCluster)
        self.label.setGeometry (QRect (4, 6, 62, 16))
        self.label.setFont (self.font)
        self.label.setObjectName ('label')
        self.label_2 = QLabel (self.groupCluster)
        self.label_2.setGeometry (QRect (4, 40, 62, 16))
        self.label_2.setFont (self.font)
        self.label_2.setObjectName ('label_2')
        self.groupLineEdit_2 = QLineEdit (self.groupCluster)
        self.groupLineEdit_2.setGeometry (QRect(2, 54, 60, 16))
        self.groupLineEdit_2.setObjectName ('groupLineEdit_2')
        self.pushButton = QPushButton (self.groupCluster)
        self.pushButton.setGeometry (QRect (2, 90, 60, 16))
        self.pushButton.setFont (self.font)
        self.pushButton.setObjectName ('pushButton')
        self._toolBox.addItem (self.groupCluster, '')
        self._toolBox.setItemText (self._toolBox.indexOf (self.groupCluster), QApplication.translate ("Form", "Group", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self.setWindowTitle (QApplication.translate ("Form", "Form", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self.label.setText (QApplication.translate ("Form", "name group", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self.label_2.setText (QApplication.translate ("Form", "group id", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self.pushButton.setText (QApplication.translate ("Form", "add cluster", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self._toolBox.setSizePolicy (sizePolicy)
        self._toolBox.setEnabled (False)
        # adding the first cluster to the toolbox - a cluster is always present!
        self._cluster_page_list = []
        self.connect (self.pushButton, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.addCluster)  # connect the 'add-cluster' button to the method that taps into the model for cluster addition.
        self.connect (self.graph_view.getComm(), SIGNAL ("addCluster_MSignal(int)"), self.addClusterPage)
        self.connect (self.graph_view.getComm(), SIGNAL ("deleteCluster_MSignal(int)"), self.removeClusterPage)
        self.connect (self.graph_view.getComm(), SIGNAL ("updateClusterName_MSignal(int, QString)"), self.updateClusterViewName)
        self.addCluster () # add the first cluster. At least one cluster needs to be always present.
        self.disableAllClusterPagesDeleteButton() # since there's only one cluster page, the delete button is disabled.
        #size = self.style ().pixelMetric (QStyle.PM_ToolBarIconSize)
        iconSize = QSize (16, 16) #QSize (size, size)
        zoomInIcon = QToolButton ()
        zoomInIcon.setCursor (Qt.PointingHandCursor)
        zoomInIcon.setAutoRepeat (True)
        zoomInIcon.setAutoRepeatInterval (33)
        zoomInIcon.setAutoRepeatDelay (0)
        zoomInIcon.setIconSize (iconSize)
        zoomOutIcon = QToolButton ()
        zoomOutIcon.setCursor (Qt.PointingHandCursor)
        zoomOutIcon.setAutoRepeat (True)
        zoomOutIcon.setAutoRepeatInterval (33)
        zoomOutIcon.setAutoRepeatDelay (0)
        zoomOutIcon.setIconSize (iconSize)
        self.zoomSlider = QSlider ()
        self.zoomSlider.setCursor (Qt.PointingHandCursor)
        self.zoomSlider.setMinimum (200)
        self.zoomSlider.setMaximum (280)
        self.zoomSlider.setValue   (240)
        self.zoomSlider.setTickPosition (QSlider.TicksRight)
        # Zoom slider layout
        zoomSliderLayout = QVBoxLayout ()
        zoomSliderLayout.addWidget (zoomInIcon)
        zoomSliderLayout.addWidget (self.zoomSlider)
        zoomSliderLayout.addWidget (zoomOutIcon)
        self.printOutBtn = QPushButton()
        self.printOutBtn.setText ("print")
        self.printOutBtn.setFont (self.font)
        self.printOutBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.newJADESceneBtn = QPushButton()
        self.newJADESceneBtn.setText ("new")
        self.newJADESceneBtn.setFont (self.font)
        self.newJADESceneBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.loadNodesDescrpBtn = QPushButton()
        self.loadNodesDescrpBtn.setText ("load Nodes Description")
        self.loadNodesDescrpBtn.setFont (self.font)
        self.loadNodesDescrpBtn.setEnabled (True)
        self.graphLoadBtn = QPushButton()
        self.graphLoadBtn.setText ("load")
        self.graphLoadBtn.setFont (self.font)
        self.graphLoadBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.graphSaveBtn = QPushButton()
        self.graphSaveBtn.setText ("save")
        self.graphSaveBtn.setFont (self.font)
        self.graphSaveBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.resetButton = QToolButton ()
        self.resetButton.setText ("r")
        self.resetButton.setFont (self.font)
        self.resetButton.setEnabled (False)
        self.message_bar = QLineEdit ()
        self.message_bar.setGeometry (QRect (0, 0, 190, 12))
        self.message_bar.setObjectName ('message_bar')
        self.message_bar.setText ('Node description file, please.')
        self.message_bar.setFont (self.font)
        self.message_bar.setEnabled  (True)
        self.message_bar.setReadOnly (True)
        self.spacer = QSpacerItem (30, 20, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed );
        # Label layout
        labelLayout = QHBoxLayout ()
        self.label = QLabel (name)
        self.label.setFont (self.font)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.loadNodesDescrpBtn)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.newJADESceneBtn)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.graphLoadBtn)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.graphSaveBtn)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.printOutBtn)
        labelLayout.addItem   (self.spacer)
        labelLayout.addWidget (self.message_bar)
        #labelLayout.addWidget (self.label)
        labelLayout.addStretch ()
        # top layout
        topLayout = QGridLayout ()
        topLayout.setHorizontalSpacing (0)
        topLayout.setVerticalSpacing (0)
        topLayout.addLayout (labelLayout, 0, 1)
        topLayout.addWidget (self._toolBox, 1, 0)
        topLayout.addWidget (self.resetButton, 0, 2)
        topLayout.addWidget (self.graphicsView, 1, 1)
        topLayout.addLayout (zoomSliderLayout, 1, 2)
        self.setLayout (topLayout)
        self.connect (self.resetButton, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.resetView)
        self.connect (self.zoomSlider,  SIGNAL ("valueChanged(int)"), self.setupMatrix)
        self.connect (self.graphicsView.verticalScrollBar   (), SIGNAL ("valueChanged(int)"), self.setResetButtonEnabled)
        self.connect (self.graphicsView.horizontalScrollBar (), SIGNAL ("valueChanged(int)"), self.setResetButtonEnabled)
        self.connect (zoomInIcon,  SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.zoomIn)
        self.connect (zoomOutIcon, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.zoomOut)
        self.setupMatrix ()
        self.printer = QPrinter (QPrinter.HighResolution)
        self.prev_selection_list = []
        self.isClusterRemovalOverridden = False
    def setMessageBarText (self, text):
        self.message_bar.setText (text)
    def enableControls (self):
        self.printOutBtn.setEnabled (True)
        self.newJADESceneBtn.setEnabled (True)
        self.graphLoadBtn.setEnabled (True)
        self.graphSaveBtn.setEnabled (True)
        self._toolBox.setEnabled (True)
    def disableControls (self):
        self.printOutBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.newJADESceneBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.graphLoadBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self.graphSaveBtn.setEnabled (False)
        self._toolBox.setEnabled (False)
    def setGraphicsViewCSSBackground (self):
        self.graphicsView.setStyleSheet('background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:1, x2:0, y2:0, stop:0 rgba(125, 125, 135, 255), stop:1 rgba(215, 215, 215, 255));\ncolor: rgb(255, 255, 255);')
    def selectionChanged (self):
        current_selection_list = self.scene.selectedItems ()
        list_of_unselected_items = [item for item in self.prev_selection_list if item not in current_selection_list]
        # un-mark items in list_of_unselected_items
        for item in list_of_unselected_items:
            if self.graph_view.isTag (item) == True:
                item.switchToUnSelectedStateColour ()
        # mark items in current_selection_list
        for item in current_selection_list:
            if self.graph_view.isTag (item) == True:
                item.switchToSelectedStateColour ()
        self.prev_selection_list = current_selection_list
    # - - -    cluster-specific methods   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def addCluster (self):
        self.graph_view.delegateClusterAddition ()
    def addClusterPage (self, new_cluster_id):
        self.enableAllClusterPagesDeleteButton () # enable all the cluster page's delete buttons (as I can be bothered to go look for the one that got previously disabled) 
        tmp_w = QWidget ()
        tmp_l = QLabel (tmp_w)
        tmp_e = QLineEdit (tmp_w)
        tmp_b = QPushButton (tmp_w)
        self._cluster_page_list.append ([new_cluster_id, tmp_w, tmp_l, tmp_e, tmp_b])
        tmp_w.setGeometry (QRect (0, 0, 131, 241))
        tmp_w.setObjectName ('Cluster_' + str (new_cluster_id))
        tmp_l.setGeometry (QRect (4, 6, 62, 16))
        tmp_l.setFont (self.font)
        tmp_l.setObjectName ('label_' + str (new_cluster_id))
        tmp_e.setGeometry (QRect (2, 20, 60, 16))
        tmp_e.setObjectName ('groupLineEdit_' + str (new_cluster_id))
        tmp_b.setGeometry (QRect (2, 50, 60, 16))
        tmp_b.setFont (self.font)
        tmp_b.setObjectName ('pushButton_' + str (new_cluster_id))
        self._toolBox.addItem (tmp_w, 'cluster_page_'+str(new_cluster_id))
        self._toolBox.setItemText (self._toolBox.indexOf (tmp_w), QApplication.translate ('Form', 'C_'+str(new_cluster_id), None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        tmp_l.setText (QApplication.translate ("Form", "name cluster", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        tmp_b.setText (QApplication.translate ("Form", "delete", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self._toolBox.setCurrentIndex (new_cluster_id)
        QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName (self)
        # hook up the delete button (use a closure)
        receiver = lambda : self.removeCluster (new_cluster_id)
        self.connect (tmp_b, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), receiver)  # connect the 'add cluster' button to the method generating new cluster pages.
        receiver2 = lambda value : self.updateClusterModelName (new_cluster_id, value)
        self.connect (tmp_e, SIGNAL ("textChanged(QString)"), receiver2)
    def removeAllClusters (self):
        copy_list = list (self._cluster_page_list)
        self.isClusterRemovalOverridden = True
        for item in copy_list:
                self.removeCluster (item[0])
        self.graph_view.initGraphViewLists ()
        self.graph_view.initComm  ()
        self.graph_view.initModel ()
        self._cluster_page_list = []
        self.addCluster () # add the first cluster. At least one cluster needs to be always present.
        self.isClusterRemovalOverridden = False # remove override
    def removeCluster (self, cluster_id):
        self.graph_view.delegateClusterRemoval (cluster_id)
    def removeClusterPage (self, cluster_id):
        threshold = 1 if self.isClusterRemovalOverridden==False else 0
        qq = len(self._cluster_page_list)
        if qq > threshold:
            for i in range (qq-1, -1, -1):
                if int(self._cluster_page_list[i][0]) == cluster_id:
                    self._toolBox.removeItem (self._toolBox.indexOf(self._cluster_page_list[i][1]))
                    del self._cluster_page_list[i]
        if len(self._cluster_page_list) == 1:
            self.disableAllClusterPagesDeleteButton ()
    def disableAllClusterPagesDeleteButton (self):
        if len(self._cluster_page_list) > 0:
            for item in self._cluster_page_list:
                item[4].setEnabled (False)
    def enableAllClusterPagesDeleteButton (self):
        if len(self._cluster_page_list) > 0:
            for item in self._cluster_page_list:
                item[4].setEnabled (True)
    def updateClusterModelName (self, cluster_id, text):
        self.graph_view.delegateUpdateClusterName (cluster_id, text)
    def updateClusterViewName (self, cluster_id, text):
        if len(self._cluster_page_list) > 0:
            for item in self._cluster_page_list:
                if int(item[0]) == cluster_id:
                    item[3].setText (str(text))
    def updateCurrentClusterNodeList (self, node):
        # fetch the current cluster's id.
        curr_widget = self._toolBox.currentWidget()
        for item in self._cluster_page_list:
            if item[1] == curr_widget:
                # delegate cluster node list update.
                self.graph_view.delegateClusterNodeListUpdate (item[0], node)
    def getCurrentClusterIndex (self):
        return self._toolBox.currentIndex ()
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def getGraphicsView (self):
        return self.graphicsView
    def resetView (self):
        self.zoomSlider.setValue (250)
        self.setupMatrix ()
        self.graphicsView.ensureVisible (QRectF (0, 0, 0, 0))
        self.resetButton.setEnabled (False)
    def setResetButtonEnabled (self):
        self.resetButton.setEnabled (True)
    def setupMatrix (self):
        scale = pow (2.0, (self.zoomSlider.value () - 250) / 50.0)
        matrix = QMatrix ()
        matrix.scale (scale, scale)
        self.graphicsView.setMatrix (matrix)
        self.setResetButtonEnabled ()
    def printOutGraph (self):
        qqq = QPainter (self.printer)
    def importNodesDescription (self):
        aa = QFileDialog (self).getOpenFileName()
        if aa != QString (u''): # it can be equal to QString(u'') when the user presses the Escape key, so in that circumstance, nothing is returned.
            self.graph_view.setNodesDescription (open(aa).read())
    def resetScene (self):
        self.removeAllClusters ()
        self.resetView ()
    def exportGraph (self):
        aa = QFileDialog (self).getSaveFileName ()
        if aa != QString (u''): # it can be equal to QString(u'') when the user presses the Escape key, so in that circumstance, nothing is returned.
            file0 = open (aa, 'w')
            file0.write (self.graph_view.delegateExport ())
            file0.close ()
            print '\n*** file exported.\n'
    def importGraph (self):
        aa = QFileDialog (self).getOpenFileName ()
        if aa != QString (u''): # it can be equal to QString(u'') when the user presses the Escape key, so in that circumstance, nothing is returned.
            file0 = open (aa, 'r')
            XML_content = file0.read()
            file0.close ()
            self.graph_view.delegateImport (XML_content)
            print '\n*** file imported.\n'
    # zoom slider
    def zoomIn  (self) : self.zoomSlider.setValue (self.zoomSlider.value() + 1)
    def zoomOut (self) : self.zoomSlider.setValue (self.zoomSlider.value() - 1)
    def getZoomSlider (self): return self.zoomSlider
    def setToolboxCSSColorScheme (self, css): self._toolBox.setStyleSheet (css)

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    def wireViewItemsUp (self):
        self.connect (self.newJADESceneBtn,    SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.resetScene)
        self.connect (self.loadNodesDescrpBtn, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.importNodesDescription)
        self.connect (self.graphSaveBtn,       SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.exportGraph)
        self.connect (self.graphLoadBtn,       SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.importGraph)
        self.connect (self.printOutBtn,        SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.printOutGraph)