Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        BasicSettings.__init__(self, parent)
        self.l = l = QFormLayout(self)

        def default_font(which):
            from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineSettings
            s = QWebEngineSettings.defaultSettings()
            which = getattr(s, {'serif': 'SerifFont', 'sans': 'SansSerifFont', 'mono': 'FixedFont'}[which])
            return s.fontFamily(which)

        def family_getter(which, w):
            ans = unicode_type(w.currentFont().family())
            if ans == default_font(which):
                ans = None
            return ans

        def family_setter(which, w, val):
            w.setCurrentFont(QFont(val or default_font(which)))

        families = {'serif':_('Serif text'), 'sans':_('Sans-serif text'), 'mono':_('Monospaced text')}
        for fam in sorted(families):
            text = families[fam]
            w = QFontComboBox(self)
            self('engine_preview_%s_family' % fam, widget=w, getter=partial(family_getter, fam), setter=partial(family_setter, fam))
            l.addRow(_('Font family for &%s:') % text, w)

        w = self.choices_widget('preview_standard_font_family', families, 'serif', 'serif')
        l.addRow(_('Style for standard &text:'), w)

        w = self('preview_base_font_size')
        w.setMinimum(8), w.setMaximum(100), w.setSuffix(' px')
        l.addRow(_('&Default font size:'), w)
        w = self('preview_mono_font_size')
        w.setMinimum(8), w.setMaximum(100), w.setSuffix(' px')
        l.addRow(_('&Monospace font size:'), w)
        w = self('preview_minimum_font_size')
        w.setMinimum(4), w.setMaximum(100), w.setSuffix(' px')
        l.addRow(_('Mi&nimum font size:'), w)
        w = self('preview_sync_context')
        w.setMinimum(0), w.setMaximum(10), w.setSuffix(' ' + _('lines'))
        w.setToolTip('<p>' + _(
            'Number of lines that are shown above the current line when syncing the text shown in the preview panel to the cursor position in the code view'))
        l.addRow(_('Visible lines above s&ync point:'), w)
        l.addRow(_('Background color:'), self.color_override('preview_background'))
        l.addRow(_('Foreground color:'), self.color_override('preview_foreground'))
        l.addRow(_('Link color:'), self.color_override('preview_link_color'))