def draw_gates(self, y, x):

        # TODO: take coordinates and put them into global var in a tuple with id
        #   then check to see if the id is less than count --> green

        gate_d = Settings.WIDTH * 0.2  # diameter of gates
        aoe_d = Settings.WIDTH * 3  # diameter of gate_AOE

        # create and add gates
        gate_x = x * Settings.WIDTH - gate_d / 2
        gate_y = y * Settings.HEIGHT - gate_d / 2
        gate = QRectF(gate_x, gate_y, gate_d, gate_d)
        self.addEllipse(gate,, QColor(255, 0, 0, 255))

        # create and add gate_AOE
        aoe_x = x * Settings.WIDTH - aoe_d / 2
        aoe_y = y * Settings.HEIGHT - aoe_d / 2
        aoe = QRectF(aoe_x, aoe_y, aoe_d, aoe_d)
        self.addEllipse(aoe,, QColor(0, 255, 0, 25))
 def paintGrid(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF, gridSize: int):
     left, top, right, bottom = rect.getCoords()
     x_min = (int(left - 1) // gridSize + 1) * gridSize
     y_min = (int(top - 1) // gridSize + 1) * gridSize
     x_max = (int(right) // gridSize) * gridSize
     y_max = (int(bottom) // gridSize) * gridSize
     # logging.debug(
     #     "x=(%s<=%s..%s<=%s) y=(%s<=%s..%s<=%s)",
     #     *(left, x_min, x_max, right),
     #     *(top, y_min, y_max, bottom)
     # )
     painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.gray, 2))
     painter.drawLines(QLineF(0, top, 0, bottom), QLineF(left, 0, right, 0))
     painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.gray, 1))
         QLineF(x, top, x, bottom)
         for x in range(x_min, x_max + 1, gridSize) if x)
         QLineF(left, y, right, y)
         for y in range(y_min, y_max + 1, gridSize) if y)