def test_addGetDisplayComponent(): stage = Stage() stage.addDisplayComponent("BLORP", "location") assert stage.getDisplayComponent("BLORP") == QUrl.fromLocalFile("location") stage.addDisplayComponent("MEEP!", QUrl.fromLocalFile("MEEP")) assert stage.getDisplayComponent("MEEP!") == QUrl.fromLocalFile("MEEP")
def search_engine(q): ans = QUrl('') # ans = QUrl('') # ans = QUrl('') qq = QUrlQuery() qq.addQueryItem('q', q) ans.setQuery(qq) return ans
def get_proxy_auth_credentials(qurl, authenticator, proxy_host, parent=None): qurl = QUrl(qurl) qurl.setFragment(None) d = Credentials( _('Please specify a password for {0} at the proxy: {1}').format( qurl.toString(), proxy_host), parent) if d.exec() == d.Accepted: username, password = d.credentials authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password)
class ColorImage(QQuickPaintedItem): def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._source = QUrl() self._color = QColor() self._svg_data = b"" self._renderer = None sourceChanged = pyqtSignal() colorChanged = pyqtSignal() def _updateSVG(self) -> None: if not self._source or self._source.toLocalFile() == "": return try: with open(self._source.toLocalFile(), "rb") as f: self._svg_data = except FileNotFoundError: Logger.log( "w", f"Unable to find image located at {self._source.toLocalFile()}" ) return self._svg_data = self._svg_data.replace( b"<svg ", b"<svg fill=\"%s\" " %"utf-8")) self._renderer = QSvgRenderer(self._svg_data) self.update() def setSource(self, source: QUrl) -> None: if self._source != source: self._source = source self.sourceChanged.emit() self._updateSVG() @pyqtProperty(QUrl, fset=setSource, notify=sourceChanged) def source(self) -> QUrl: return self._source def setColor(self, color: QColor) -> None: if self._color != color: self._color = color self.colorChanged.emit() self._updateSVG() @pyqtProperty(QColor, fset=setColor, notify=colorChanged) def color(self) -> QColor: return self._color def paint(self, painter: QPainter) -> None: pixel_ratio = Application.getInstance().getMainWindow( ).effectiveDevicePixelRatio() painter.scale(1 / pixel_ratio, 1 / pixel_ratio) if self._renderer: self._renderer.render(painter)
def _onActionTriggered(self, message: Message, action: str) -> None: """Callback function for the "download" button on the update notification. This function is here is because the custom Signal in Uranium keeps a list of weak references to its connections, so the callback functions need to be long-lived. """ if action == "download": if self._download_url is not None: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(message.download_url)) elif action == "new_features": QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(message.change_log_url))
def __init__(self, url: str, home_url: str, icon: QIcon, ua: str): super().__init__() self.home_url = QUrl(home_url) self.web_view = QWebEngineView() = MyWebPage(QApplication.instance().applicationName(), ua) self._setup_ui(icon) self._setup_events() self._setup_webview()
def activeToolPanel(self): if not self._active_tool: return QUrl() try: panel_file = self._active_tool.getMetaData()["tool_panel"] except KeyError: return QUrl() return QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.path.join( PluginRegistry.getInstance().getPluginPath( self._active_tool.getPluginId()), panel_file))
def get_http_auth_credentials(qurl, authenticator, parent=None): qurl = QUrl(qurl) qurl.setFragment(None) realm = authenticator.realm() trealm = (' (%s)' % realm) if realm else '' ac = parent and parent.get_login_credentials(qurl.toString()) d = Credentials( _('Please specify a password for {0}{1}').format( qurl.toString(), trealm), parent) if ac is not None: if ac['autologin']: authenticator.setUser(ac['username']) authenticator.setPassword(ac['password']) return d.credentials = ac['username'], ac['password'] if d.exec() == QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted: username, password = d.credentials authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password) if parent is not None: parent.on_login_form_submit(qurl.toString(), username, password) else: if parent is not None: parent.setHtml( '<p style="font-family:sans-serif">{} {}</p>'.format( _('Authentication required to access: '), '<a href="{0}">{0}</a>'.format(qurl.toDisplayString())))
def getIcon(self, icon_name: str, detail_level: str = "default") -> QUrl: """ Finds and returns the url of the requested icon. The icons are organized in folders according to their detail level and the same icon may exist with more details. If a detail level is not specified, the icon will be retrieved from the "default" folder. Icons with a higher detail level are recommended to be used with a bigger width/height. :param icon_name: The name of the icon to be retrieved. The same icon may exist in multiple detail levels. :param detail_level: The level of detail of the icon. Choice between "low, "default", "medium", "high". :return: The file url of the requested icon, in the requested detail level. """ if detail_level in self._icons: if icon_name in self._icons[detail_level]: return self._icons[detail_level][icon_name] elif icon_name in self._icons[ "icons"]: # Retrieve the "old" icon from the base icon folder return self._icons["icons"][icon_name] if icon_name in self._deprecated_icons: new_icon = self._deprecated_icons[icon_name]["new_icon"] warning = f"The icon '{icon_name}' is deprecated. Please use icon '{new_icon}' instead." Logger.log("w_once", warning) warnings.warn(warning, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.getIcon(self._deprecated_icons[icon_name]["new_icon"], self._deprecated_icons[icon_name]["size"]) # We don't log this anymore since we have new fallback behavior to load the icon from a plugin folder # Logger.log("w", "No icon %s defined in Theme", icon_name) return QUrl()
def createQmlComponent(self, qml_file_path: str, context_properties: Dict[str, "QObject"] = None) -> Optional["QObject"]: """Create a QML component from a qml file. :param qml_file_path:: The absolute file path to the root qml file. :param context_properties:: Optional dictionary containing the properties that will be set on the context of the qml instance before creation. :return: None in case the creation failed (qml error), else it returns the qml instance. :note If the creation fails, this function will ensure any errors are logged to the logging service. """ if self._qml_engine is None: # Protect in case the engine was not initialized yet return None path = QUrl.fromLocalFile(qml_file_path) component = QQmlComponent(self._qml_engine, path) result_context = QQmlContext(self._qml_engine.rootContext()) #type: ignore #MyPy doens't realise that self._qml_engine can't be None here. if context_properties is not None: for name, value in context_properties.items(): result_context.setContextProperty(name, value) result = component.create(result_context) for err in component.errors(): Logger.log("e", str(err.toString())) if result is None: return None # We need to store the context with the qml object, else the context gets garbage collected and the qml objects # no longer function correctly/application crashes. result.attached_context = result_context return result
def readLocalFile(self, file: QUrl, add_to_recent_files_hint: bool = True) -> None: if not file.isValid(): return if add_to_recent_files_hint: self._add_to_recent_files_hints.append(file) self._readLocalFile(file, add_to_recent_files_hint)
def interceptRequest(self, req): qurl = req.requestUrl() url = qurl.toString() changed, nurl = substitute(url) if changed: print( _('Redirecting {0} to {1} because of a URL substitution rule'). format(url, nurl)) req.redirect(QUrl(nurl))
def test_activeToolPanel(self): # There is no active tool, so it should be empty assert self.proxy.activeToolPanel == QUrl() with patch.object(self.tool, "getMetaData", MagicMock(return_value={"tool_panel": "derp"})): with patch("UM.PluginRegistry.PluginRegistry.getPluginPath", MagicMock(return_value="OMG")): Application.getInstance().getController().setActiveTool( self.tool) assert self.proxy.activeToolPanel == QUrl.fromLocalFile( "OMG/derp") # Try again with empty metadata with patch("UM.PluginRegistry.PluginRegistry.getMetaData", MagicMock(return_value={"tool": {}})): Application.getInstance().getController().setActiveTool("") Application.getInstance().getController().setActiveTool(self.tool) assert self.proxy.activeToolPanel == QUrl.fromLocalFile("")
def _createRequest( self, http_method: str, url: str, headers_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, data: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[["QNetworkReply"], None]] = None, error_callback: Optional[Callable[ ["QNetworkReply", "QNetworkReply.NetworkError"], None]] = None, download_progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, upload_progress_callback: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, scope: Optional[HttpRequestScope] = None) -> "HttpRequestData": # Sanity checks if timeout is not None and timeout <= 0: raise ValueError( "Timeout must be a positive number if provided, but [%s] was given" % timeout) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) # Set headers if headers_dict is not None: for key, value in headers_dict.items(): request.setRawHeader(key.encode("utf-8"), value.encode("utf-8")) if scope is not None: scope.requestHook(request) # Generate a unique request ID request_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # Create the request data request_data = HttpRequestData( request_id, http_method=http_method, request=request, data=data, manager_timeout_callback=self._onRequestTimeout, callback=callback, error_callback=error_callback, download_progress_callback=download_progress_callback, upload_progress_callback=upload_progress_callback, timeout=timeout) with self._request_lock: self._request_queue.append(request_data) # Schedule a call to process pending requests in the queue if not self._process_requests_scheduled: self.callLater(0, self._processNextRequestsInQueue) self._process_requests_scheduled = True return request_data
def _readLocalFile(self, file: QUrl, add_to_recent_files_hint: bool = True) -> None: from UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob import ReadFileJob filename = file.toLocalFile() job = ReadFileJob(filename, handler=self, add_to_recent_files=add_to_recent_files_hint) job.finished.connect(self._readWorkspaceFinished) job.start()
def _readLocalFile(self, file: QUrl, add_to_recent_files_hint: bool = True): # We need to prevent circular dependency, so do some just in time importing. from UM.Mesh.ReadMeshJob import ReadMeshJob filename = file.toLocalFile() job = ReadMeshJob(filename, add_to_recent_files=add_to_recent_files_hint) job.finished.connect(self._readMeshFinished) job.start()
def _create_empty_request(self, path: str) -> QNetworkRequest: """"Creates an empty HTTP request (GET or POST). Args: path: HTTP relative path. """ url = QUrl(f'http://{self._ip_address}{path}') Logger.log('d', url.toString()) request = QNetworkRequest(url) if USE_QT5: request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.FollowRedirectsAttribute, True) else: # FollowRedirectsAttribute was deprecated in PyQt6. # request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest.Attribute.RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest.RedirectPolicy.ManualRedirectPolicy) return request
def openUrl(self, target_url: str, allowed_schemes: List[str]) -> bool: """ Opens the target_url if it has an allowed and valid scheme. This function can be called inside QML files. :param target_url: The URL string to be opened e.g. '' :param allowed_schemes: A list of the schemes that are allowed to be opened e.g. ['http', 'https'] :return: True if the URL opens successfully, False if an invalid scheme is used """ if self._urlHasValidScheme(target_url, allowed_schemes): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(target_url)) return True return False
def set_message(self, text, color_, bold=False, is_permanent=False): from vise.view import certificate_error_domains key = (text,, bold, is_permanent) if key == self.current_key: return self.current_key = key self.is_permanent = is_permanent prefix = text.partition(':')[0] self.is_address = self.is_permanent and prefix.lower() in { 'http', 'https', 'vise', 'file' } self.is_secure = prefix.lower() in {'https', 'vise', 'file'} color_ = color_ or self.palette().color(self.palette().WindowText) if self.is_address: qurl = QUrl(text) if self.is_secure and in certificate_error_domains: self.is_secure = False if qurl.scheme() in {'vise', 'file'}: host = qurl.path() rest = '' sep = ':' else: host = rest = qurl.toDisplayString( QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemoveScheme | QUrl.UrlFormattingOption.RemoveAuthority) sep = '://' self.static_text = QStaticText( '<span style="white-space:nowrap; color: {fg}">' '<span style="color:{emph}; font-weight:bold">{scheme}</span><span style="color:{dull}">{sep}</span>' '<span style="color:{fg}">{host}</span>' '<span style="color:{dull}">{rest}</span>'.format(, emph='green' if self.is_secure else 'red', scheme=escape(qurl.scheme()), host=escape(host), dull=color('status bar dull foreground', 'gray'), sep=sep, rest=escape(rest))) else: self.static_text = QStaticText( '<span style="color:{}; font-weight: {}; white-space:nowrap">{}</span>' .format(, ('bold' if bold else 'normal'), escape(text))) to = QTextOption(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop) to.setWrapMode(QTextOption.WrapMode.NoWrap) self.static_text.setTextOption(to) self.static_text.prepare(font=self.font()) self.update()
def _paste_and_go(window, in_current_tab=True): c = QApplication.clipboard() for mode in QClipboard.Mode.Clipboard, QClipboard.Mode.Selection: text = c.text(mode).strip() if text: if text.partition(':')[0].lower() in { 'file', 'http', 'https', 'about', 'chrome' }: qurl = QUrl.fromUserInput(text) if qurl.isValid() and not qurl.isEmpty(): window.open_url(qurl, in_current_tab=in_current_tab) return window.show_status_message(_('No URL in clipboard'), 2, 'success')
def icon(self): if self._icon is None: self._icon = QIcon() url = places.favicon_url(self.place_id) if url is not None: f = QApplication.instance() if f is not None: with closing(f): raw = f.readAll() p = QPixmap() p.loadFromData(raw) if not p.isNull(): self._icon.addPixmap(p) return self._icon
def _construct_Qurl(path): """ A helper function to make sure scheme and etc is set for correct QUrl """ url = QUrl() url.setScheme("file") raw_path = "/" + os.path.dirname(path) + "/" url.setPath(raw_path) return url
def addFileToRecentFiles(self, file_name: str) -> None: file_path = QUrl.fromLocalFile(file_name) if file_path in self._recent_files: self._recent_files.remove(file_path) self._recent_files.insert(0, file_path) if len(self._recent_files) > 10: del self._recent_files[10] pref = "" for path in self._recent_files: pref += path.toLocalFile() + ";" self.getPreferences().setValue("%s/recent_files" % self.getApplicationName(), pref) self.recentFilesChanged.emit()
def _onEngineCreated(self) -> None: qmlRegisterType( MaterialSettingsPluginVisibilityHandler. MaterialSettingsPluginVisibilityHandler, "Cura", 1, 0, "MaterialSettingsVisibilityHandler") # Adding/removing pages from the preferences dialog is handles in QML # There is no way to access the preferences dialog directly, so we have to search for it preferencesDialog = None main_window = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMainWindow() if not main_window: Logger.log( "e", "Could not replace Materials preferencepane with patched version because there is no main window" ) return for child in main_window.contentItem().children(): try: test = child.setPage # only PreferencesDialog has a setPage function preferencesDialog = child break except: pass if preferencesDialog: Logger.log( "d", "Replacing Materials preferencepane with patched version") qml_folder = "qml" if not USE_QT5 else "qml_qt5" materialPreferencesPage = QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), qml_folder, "MaterialsPage.qml")) if USE_QT5: materialPreferencesPage = materialPreferencesPage.toString() preferencesDialog.removePage(3) preferencesDialog.insertPage( 3, catalog.i18nc("@title:tab", "Materials"), materialPreferencesPage) else: Logger.log( "e", "Could not replace Materials preferencepane with patched version" )
def download_files(self): if len(self.file_list): if not self.file_number: self.file_number=len(self.file_list) tmp=self.file_list[-1] if exists(tmp[-1]): try: remove(tmp[-1]) except: pass event:\ self.on_downloadRequested(event)) self.label.setText('Статус: скачивание файла "%s" ( %i из %i )'%\ (tmp[2],self.file_number-len(self.file_list)+1,self.file_number))[3]),tmp[-1]) else: self.label.setText('Статус:...') self.reload() try: for b in self.buttons: b.setEnabled(True) except: pass
def installPlugin(self, plugin_path: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: plugin_path = QUrl(plugin_path).toLocalFile() plugin_id = self._getPluginIdFromFile(plugin_path) if plugin_id is None: #Failed to load. return None # Remove it from the to-be-removed list if it's there if plugin_id in self._plugins_to_remove: self._plugins_to_remove.remove(plugin_id) self._savePluginData() # Copy the plugin file to the cache directory so it can later be used for installation cache_dir = os.path.join(Resources.getCacheStoragePath(), "plugins") if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) cache_plugin_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, plugin_id + ".plugin") if os.path.exists(cache_plugin_filename): os.remove(cache_plugin_filename) shutil.copy2(plugin_path, cache_plugin_filename) # Add new install data install_info = { "plugin_id": plugin_id, "filename": cache_plugin_filename } self._plugins_to_install[plugin_id] = install_info self._savePluginData() Logger.log("i", "Plugin '%s' has been scheduled for installation.", plugin_id) result = { "status": "ok", "id": "", "message": i18n_catalog.i18nc( "@info:status", "The plugin has been installed.\nPlease re-start the application to activate the plugin." ), } return result
def openVideoFile(self): # self.mediaPlayer.setMedia(QMediaContent()) if self.sender() == self.openVideoAction: self.videoFile, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open video", QDir.homePath()) # if self.videoFile != '': # self.setWindowTitle('{} - {}'.format(os.path.basename(self.videoFile), # os.path.basename(self.projectFile))) if self.videoFile != '': self.setWindowTitle('{} - {}'.format( os.path.basename(self.videoFile), os.path.basename(self.projectFile))) self.saveProjectAction.setEnabled(True) self.maskGenAction.setEnabled(True) # self.loadGraphAction.setEnabled(True) # self.saveGraphAction.setEnabled(True) # self.drawPointAction.setEnabled(True) # self.drawLineAction.setEnabled(True) # self.drawZoneAction.setEnabled(True) creation_datetime, width, height = getVideoMetadata(self.videoFile) self.videoStartDatetime = self.videoCurrentDatetime = creation_datetime self.dateLabel.setText(creation_datetime.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y')) self.gView.setSceneRect(0, 0, width, height) self.videoItem = QGraphicsVideoItem() self.videoItem.setAspectRatioMode( Qt.AspectRatioMode.KeepAspectRatio) self.gScene.addItem(self.videoItem) self.videoItem.mouseMoveEvent = self.gView.mouseMoveEvent self.videoItem.setSize(QSizeF(width, height)) self.mediaPlayer.setVideoOutput(self.videoItem) self.mediaPlayer.setSource(QUrl.fromLocalFile(self.videoFile)) self.gView.labelSize = width / 50 self.playButton.setEnabled(True) # self.gView.setViewport(QOpenGLWidget()) self.mediaPlayer.pause()
def _onMessageActionTriggered(self, message, action): if action == "open_folder" and hasattr(message, "_folder"): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(message._folder))
def _getArticle(self, article_id, language="en_US") -> List[List[str]]: """ Gets the rich text of a specified article. This function lazily loads an article from a file. If it's never been loaded before the article gets parsed and stored. Otherwise it'll get taken from the cache. :param article_id: The ID of the article to get. :param language: The language to get the article in. :return: A list of article "parts". Each article part is a list, where the first element indicates the type of part and the rest contains the content. Possible types of parts are "rich_text", "images" or "checkbox". """ if article_id in self.articles and language in self.articles[article_id]: return self.articles[article_id][language] images_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources", "articles", "images") try: if language not in self.article_locations[article_id]: language = "en_US" # Fall back to English if the preferred language is not available. markdown_file = self.article_locations[article_id][language] with open(markdown_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: markdown_str = images_path = os.path.dirname(markdown_file) except (OSError, KeyError): # File doesn't exist or is otherwise not readable. if self.definition_container and article_id in self.definition_container.getAllKeys(): markdown_str = self.definition_container.getProperty(article_id, "label") + "\n====\n" markdown_str += "*" + self.definition_container.getProperty(article_id, "description") + "*" # Use the setting description as fallback. else: markdown_str = "There is no article on this topic." # Store this unparsed for later. if language not in self.articles_source: self.articles_source[language] = {} self.articles_source[language][article_id] = markdown_str if images_path not in self._markdown_per_folder: renderer = QtMarkdownRenderer.QtMarkdownRenderer(images_path) self._markdown_per_folder[images_path] = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer) # Renders the Markdown articles into the subset of HTML supported by Qt. # Pre-process so that comments and conditionals don't influence the business. markdown_str = QtMarkdownRenderer.QtMarkdownRenderer.preprocess_conditionals(markdown_str) markdown_str = QtMarkdownRenderer.QtMarkdownRenderer.preprocess_comments(markdown_str) find_images = re.compile(r"!\[(.*)\]\(([^\)]+)\)") find_checkboxes = re.compile(r"\[ \]\s*([^\n]+)") image_description = None parts = [] # type: List[List[str]] # List of items in the article. Each item starts with a type ID, and then a variable number of data items. for index, part_between_images in enumerate(find_images.split(markdown_str)): # The parts of the regex split alternate between text, image description and image URL. if index % 3 == 0: part_between_images = part_between_images.strip() if part_between_images or index == 0: parts_between_checkboxes = find_checkboxes.split(part_between_images) for index2, part_between_checkboxes in enumerate(parts_between_checkboxes): part_between_checkboxes = part_between_checkboxes.strip() # The parts of the regex split alternate between text and checkbox description. if index2 % 2 == 0: if part_between_checkboxes: rich_text = self._markdown_per_folder[images_path](part_between_checkboxes) parts.append(["rich_text", rich_text]) else: # if index2 == 1: preference_key = "settings_guide/" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(part_between_checkboxes).lower() parts.append(["checkbox", preference_key, part_between_checkboxes]) elif index % 3 == 1: image_description = mistune.markdown(part_between_images) else: # if index % 3 == 2: if image_description is not None: if parts[-1][0] != "images": # List of images. parts.append(["images"]) image_url = os.path.join(images_path, part_between_images) parts[-1].append(QUrl.fromLocalFile(image_url).toString() + "|" + image_description) image_description = None if article_id not in self.articles: self.articles[article_id] = {} self.articles[article_id][language] = parts if article_id not in self.articles_rich_text: self.articles_rich_text[article_id] = {} self.articles_rich_text[article_id][language] = self._markdown_per_folder[images_path](markdown_str) return self.articles[article_id][language]
loaded = pyqtSignal() error = pyqtSignal(str, arguments=["errorText"]) metaDataChanged = pyqtSignal() @pyqtProperty("QVariantMap", notify=metaDataChanged) def metaData(self): return self._metadata @pyqtProperty(str, notify=loaded) def definitionId(self): return self._definition_id signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) file_name = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: file_name = sys.argv[1] del sys.argv[1] app = QApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() qmlRegisterType(DefinitionLoader, "Example", 1, 0, "DefinitionLoader") qmlRegisterType(DefinitionTreeModel.DefinitionTreeModel, "Example", 1, 0, "DefinitionTreeModel") if file_name: engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("open_file", QUrl.fromLocalFile(file_name)) engine.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "main.qml")) app.exec()