Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_red_image(self, img):
        new_img = QImage(img)

        for x in range(0, img.width()):
            for y in range(0, img.height()):
                pix = img.pixel(x, y)
                r = pix & 0xFF
                g = (pix >> 8) & 0xFF
                b = (pix >> 16) & 0xFF
                alpha_mask = pix & 0xFF000000

                new_img.setPixel(x, y, (alpha_mask | ((r + g + b) / 3)))

        return new_img
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def create_red_image(self, img):
     new_img = QImage(img)
     for x in range(0, img.width()):
         for y in range(0, img.height()):
             pix = img.pixel(x, y)
             r = pix & 0xFF
             g = (pix >> 8) & 0xFF
             b = (pix >> 16) & 0xFF
             alpha_mask = pix & 0xFF000000
             new_img.setPixel(x, y, (alpha_mask | ((r + g + b) / 3)))
     return new_img
class SetPixelFloat(UsesQApplication):
    '''Test case for calling setPixel with float as argument'''
    def setUp(self):
        #Acquire resources
        super(SetPixelFloat, self).setUp()
        self.color = qRgb(255, 0, 0)
        self.image = QImage(200, 200, QImage.Format_RGB32)

    def tearDown(self):
        #Release resources
        del self.color
        del self.image
        super(SetPixelFloat, self).tearDown()

    def testFloat(self):
        #QImage.setPixel(float, float, color) - Implicit conversion
        self.image.setPixel(3.14, 4.2, self.color)
        self.assertEqual(self.image.pixel(3.14, 4.2), self.color)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ImagenQImage(BaseImagen):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ImagenQImage, self).__init__()
        self.mode = "No implementado"

    def size(self):
        return (self.img.width(), self.img.height())

    def fromfile(self, filename):
        self.img = QImage(filename)

    def from_instance(self, qimage):
        self.img = qimage

    def empty(self, size, mode=QImage.Format_RGB888):
        self.img = QImage(size[0], size[1], mode)
        self.img.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0))  #Rellenamos la imagen con negro

    def getpixel(self, xy):
        color = self.img.pixel(xy[0], xy[1])
        return (qRed(color), qGreen(color), qBlue(color))

    def putpixel(self, xy, value):
        self.img.setPixel(xy[0], xy[1], qRgb(value[0], value[1], value[2]))

    def get_img(self):
        return self.img

    def save(self, filename):
        self.img.save(filename, format="BMP", quality=100)

    def from_opencv(self, img_opencv):
        dst = cv2.cvtColor(img_opencv, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        qim = QImage(dst.data, dst.shape[1], dst.shape[0], dst.strides[0],
        self.img = qim.copy()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setSettings(self):
     """Set color, verbosity and logging options."""
     self.logDock.setBgColor(self.config.get('Appearance', 'log_bg_color'))
     image = QImage(10, 10, QImage.Format_RGB32)
     image.fill(QColor(self.config.get('Appearance', 'circ_bg_color')))
     image.setPixel(0, 0, QColor(0, 0, 0).rgb())
     Plug.setInputVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'input_chang')
     Plug.setOutputVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'output_chang')
     Plug.connectVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'conn_discon_io')
     Plug.addPlugVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'adding_io')
     Circuit.addCircuitVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'adding_circ')
     Circuit.removePlugVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'removing_io')
     Circuit.removeCircuitVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'removing_circ')
     Circuit.detailedRemoveVerbose = self.config.getboolean(
         'LogVerbosity', 'detailed_rm')
     ClockThread.spd = self.config.getfloat(
         'Clock', 'speed')
     if self.config.getboolean('LogHandlers', 'gui'):
     if self.config.getboolean('LogHandlers', 'stdout'):
     if self.config.getboolean('LogHandlers', 'file'):
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: imagen.py Proyecto: zikofv/pdi
class ImagenQImage(BaseImagen):
  def __init__(self):
    super(ImagenQImage, self).__init__()
    self.mode = "No implementado"

  def size(self):
    return (self.img.width(), self.img.height())

  def fromfile(self, filename):
    self.img = QImage(filename)

  def from_instance(self, qimage):
    self.img = qimage

  def empty(self, size, mode=QImage.Format_RGB888):
    self.img = QImage(size[0], size[1], mode)
    self.img.fill(qRgb(0,0,0))#Rellenamos la imagen con negro

  def getpixel(self, xy):
    color = self.img.pixel(xy[0], xy[1])
    return (qRed(color), qGreen(color), qBlue(color))

  def putpixel(self, xy, value):
    self.img.setPixel(xy[0], xy[1], qRgb(value[0], value[1], value[2]))

  def get_img(self):
    return self.img

  def save(self, filename):
    self.img.save(filename, format="BMP", quality=100)

  def from_opencv(self, img_opencv):
    dst = cv2.cvtColor(img_opencv, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    qim = QImage(dst.data, dst.shape[1], dst.shape[0], dst.strides[0], QImage.Format_RGB888)
    self.img = qim.copy()
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Render():
    '''Transform the numpy data into a renderable image suitable for screen'''

    def __init__( self, world ):
        self.world = world
        for k in self.world:
            exec( 'self.' + k + ' = self.world[k]' )

        self.width = len( self.elevation )
        self.height = self.width
        self.image = QImage( self.width, self.height, QImage.Format_RGB32 )

    def hex2rgb( self, hexcolor ):
        r = ( hexcolor >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
        g = ( hexcolor >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
        b = hexcolor & 0xFF;
        return [r, g, b]

    def rgb2hex( self, rgb ):
        assert( len( rgb ) == 3 )
        return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb

    def convert( self, mapType ):

        background = []
        if mapType == "heightmap":
            heightmap = self.elevation * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = heightmap[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "sealevel":
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    gValue = elevation * 255
                    if elevation <= constants.WGEN_SEA_LEVEL: # sealevel
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, gValue ).rgb() )
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "elevation":
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    if elevation <= constants.WGEN_SEA_LEVEL: # sealevel
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, 128 ).rgb() )
                    elif elevation < constants.BIOME_ELEVATION_HILLS: # grasslands
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 128, 255, 0 ).rgb() )
                    elif elevation < constants.BIOME_ELEVATION_MOUNTAIN_LOW: # mountains
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 90, 128, 90 ).rgb() )
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 255, 255, 255 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "heatmap":
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.temperature[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue * 255, gValue * 128, ( 1 - gValue ) * 255 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "rawheatmap":
            temperature = self.temperature * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = temperature[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'windmap':
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.wind[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, gValue * 255, 0 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'rainmap':
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.rainfall[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue * 100, gValue * 100, gValue * 255 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'windandrainmap':
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    rain = int( 255 * min( self.wind[x, y], 1.0 ) )
                    wind = int( 255 * min( self.rainfall[x, y], 1.0 ) )
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, wind, rain ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'drainagemap':
            drainage = self.drainage * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = drainage[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'rivermap':
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.elevation[x, y] * 255
                    if self.elevation[x, y] <= constants.WGEN_SEA_LEVEL: # sealevel
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, gValue ).rgb() )
                        rgb = QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb()
                        if self.rivers[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = constants.COLOR_COBALT
                        if self.lakes[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = constants.COLOR_AZURE
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, rgb )

        elif mapType == 'biomemap':
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, self.biomeColour[x, y] )

        elif mapType == "erosionmap":
            erosion = self.erosion * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y] 
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "erosionappliedmap":
            erosion = ( self.elevation - self.erosion ) *  255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in xrange( self.width ):
                for y in xrange( self.height ):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        else: # something bad happened...
            print "did not get a valid map type, check your bindings programmer man!"
            print len( background ), background, mapType
            from numpy import zeros
            background = zeros( ( self.width, self.height ), dtype = "int32" )

        return self.image
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Render(object):
    Cette classe génère une image lorsqu'une instance de la classe
    image_provider demande une mise à jour.

    def __init__(self, gui_handler, width, height):
        self.__gui_handler = gui_handler
        self.__width = width
        self.__height = height

        self.__pixmap = QPixmap(self.__width, self.__height)
        self.__image = QImage(self.__width, self.__height, QImage.Format.Format_RGB32)

        self.positions = {}

        # Pour savoir si c'est le premier tour ou pas.
        self.__first = True

        # Contient les différents types d'entités et terrain avec leurs
        # couleurs associées.
        self.__terrain = []

    def pixmap(self):
        Renvoie le pixmap mis à jour.
        self.__pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.__image)
        return self.__pixmap

    def update(self):
        Mise a jour de l'image.
        if self.__first:
            self.__first = False
            self.__map_data = self.__gui_handler.get_map_data()
            self.__next_data = self.__gui_handler.get_entities()
            labels = []

            # Découverte du terrain
            for terrain in SimUtils.get_terrains():
                labels.append(StatItem(terrain.name, "", terrain.color))

            # Tri lexicographique des labels.
            labels.sort(key=lambda stat: stat._name)
            # Ajout des labels de terrain
            for label in labels:

            # Remplissage de la carte avec les terrains.
            for i in range(0, self.__width):
                for j in range(0, self.__height):
                    # Affichage du point.
                    color = QColor(self.__terrain[self.__map_data.get_terrain_type(i,j)])

            # Permet de faire le tri entre les entités déjà rencontrées et les
            # autres.
            entity_types = {}

            # Liste des futurs labels
            labels = []

            # Découverte des entités - affectation des couleurs
            for entity in self.__next_data:
                # Ajout des labels de couleur pour les entités
                if not entity_types.has_key(entity.__name__):
                    entity_types[entity.__name__] = True

                    for label, color in entity._labels.iteritems():
                        labels.append(StatItem(label, "", color))

                # Affichage de l'entité.
                self.__image.setPixel(entity._x, entity._y, QColor(entity._color).rgb())
                self.positions[id(entity)] = [entity._x, entity._y]

            # Tri lexicographique des labels.
            labels.sort(key=lambda stat: stat._name)

            for label in labels:
            # Mise à jour du rendu
            for entity in self.__next_data:
                # Cas d'une entité désactivée (morte)
                remove_entity = not entity._is_active()
                if id(entity) not in self.positions:
                    # Ajout de l'entité en cours de simulation
                    self.__image.setPixel(entity._x, entity._y, QColor(entity._color).rgb())
                    self.positions[id(entity)] = [entity._x,entity._y]

                # Le simulateur demande de repeindre l'entité
                old_points = self.positions[id(entity)]

                if not remove_entity:
                    self.positions[id(entity)] = [entity._x, entity._y]

                # On remet la couleur du terrain.
                color = QColor(self.__terrain[self.__map_data.get_terrain_type(old_points[0], old_points[1])])
                self.__image.setPixel(old_points[0], old_points[1], color.rgb())

                if not remove_entity:
                    # Ajout des paramètres de setPixel dans une liste pour être ploté après.
                    self.__image.setPixel(entity._x, entity._y, QColor(entity._color).rgb())
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Render():
    '''Transform the numpy data into a renderable image suitable for screen'''
    def __init__(self, world):
        self.world = world
        for k in self.world:
            exec('self.' + k + ' = self.world[k]')

        self.width, self.height = self.elevation.shape
        self.image = QImage(self.width, self.height, QImage.Format_RGB32)
        self.image.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))

    def hex2rgb(self, hexcolor):
        r = (hexcolor >> 16) & 0xFF
        g = (hexcolor >> 8) & 0xFF
        b = hexcolor & 0xFF
        return [r, g, b]

    def rgb2hex(self, rgb):
        assert (len(rgb) == 3)
        return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb

    def convert(self, mapType, seaLevel=None):
        if seaLevel:
            seaLevel /= 100.0  # reduce to 0.0 to 1.0 range

        background = []
        if mapType == "heightmap":
            heightmap = self.elevation * 255  # convert to greyscale
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = heightmap[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        elif mapType == "sealevel":
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    gValue = elevation * 255
                    if elevation <= seaLevel:
                        self.image.setPixel(x, y,
                                            QtGui.QColor(0, 0, gValue).rgb())
                            x, y,
                            QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        elif mapType == "elevation":
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    if elevation <= seaLevel:
                        if elevation < seaLevel / 4.0:
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_DEEPSEA)
                        elif elevation < seaLevel / 2.0:
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_SEA)
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_BLUE)
                        if elevation < 0.65:
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_GRASSLAND)
                        elif elevation < 0.95:
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_HILLS)
                            self.image.setPixel(x, y, COLOR_WHITE)

        elif mapType == "heatmap":
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = self.temperature[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue * 255, gValue * 128,
                                     (1 - gValue) * 255).rgb())

        elif mapType == "rawheatmap":
            temperature = self.temperature * 255  # convert to greyscale
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = temperature[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        elif mapType == 'windmap':
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = self.wind[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel(x, y,
                                        QtGui.QColor(0, gValue * 255, 0).rgb())

        elif mapType == 'rainmap':
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = self.rainfall[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue * 100, gValue * 100,
                                     gValue * 255).rgb())

        elif mapType == 'windandrainmap':
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    rain = int(255 * min(self.wind[x, y], 1.0))
                    wind = int(255 * min(self.rainfall[x, y], 1.0))
                    self.image.setPixel(x, y,
                                        QtGui.QColor(0, wind, rain).rgb())

        elif mapType == 'drainagemap':
            drainage = self.drainage * 255  # convert to greyscale
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = drainage[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        elif mapType == 'rivermap':
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = self.elevation[x, y] * 255
                    if self.elevation[x, y] <= seaLevel:
                        self.image.setPixel(x, y,
                                            QtGui.QColor(0, 0, gValue).rgb())
                        rgb = QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb()
                        if self.rivers[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = COLOR_COBALT
                        if self.lakes[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = COLOR_AZURE
                        self.image.setPixel(x, y, rgb)

        elif mapType == 'biomemap':
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    self.image.setPixel(x, y, self.biomeColour[x, y])

        elif mapType == "erosionmap":
            erosion = self.erosion * 255  # convert to greyscale
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        elif mapType == "erosionappliedmap":
            erosion = (self.elevation -
                       self.erosion) * 255  # convert to greyscale
            for x in range(self.width):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y]
                        x, y,
                        QtGui.QColor(gValue, gValue, gValue).rgb())

        else:  # something bad happened...
                "did not get a valid map type, check your bindings programmer man!"
            print(len(background), background, mapType)
            from numpy import zeros
            background = zeros((self.width, self.height), dtype="int32")

        return self.image
Ejemplo n.º 10
from PySide.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from PySide.QtGui import QImage

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QCoreApplication([])
    img = QImage("lenna.png")
    w, h = img.size().width(), img.size().width()
    for p in ((x, y) for x in range(w) for y in range(h)):
        colour = img.pixel(p[0], p[1])  # AARRGGBB
        r = (colour >> 16) & 0xFF
        g = (colour >> 8)  & 0xFF
        b =  colour        & 0xFF
        avg = round((r + g + b) / 3)    # Naïve method (no colour weighting)
        new_colour = 0xff000000 + (avg << 16) + (avg << 8) + avg
        img.setPixel(p[0], p[1], new_colour)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Render():
    '''Transform the numpy data into a renderable image suitable for screen'''

    def __init__( self, world ):
        self.world = world
        for k in self.world:
            exec( 'self.' + k + ' = self.world[k]' )

        self.width, self.height = self.elevation.shape
        self.image = QImage( self.width, self.height, QImage.Format_RGB32 )

    def hex2rgb( self, hexcolor ):
        r = ( hexcolor >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
        g = ( hexcolor >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
        b = hexcolor & 0xFF;
        return [r, g, b]

    def rgb2hex( self, rgb ):
        assert( len( rgb ) == 3 )
        return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb

    def convert( self, mapType, seaLevel = None ):
        if seaLevel:
            seaLevel /= 100.0 # reduce to 0.0 to 1.0 range
        background = []
        if mapType == "heightmap":
            heightmap = self.elevation * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = heightmap[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "sealevel":
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    gValue = elevation * 255
                    if elevation <= seaLevel:
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, gValue ).rgb() )
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "elevation":
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    elevation = self.elevation[x, y]
                    if elevation <= seaLevel:
                        if elevation < seaLevel/4.0:
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_DEEPSEA )
                        elif elevation < seaLevel/2.0:
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_SEA )
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_BLUE )
                        if elevation < 0.65:
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_GRASSLAND )
                        elif elevation < 0.95:
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_HILLS )
                            self.image.setPixel( x, y, COLOR_WHITE )

        elif mapType == "heatmap":
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.temperature[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue * 255, gValue * 128, ( 1 - gValue ) * 255 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "rawheatmap":
            temperature = self.temperature * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = temperature[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'windmap':
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.wind[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, gValue * 255, 0 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'rainmap':
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.rainfall[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue * 100, gValue * 100, gValue * 255 ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'windandrainmap':
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    rain = int( 255 * min( self.wind[x, y], 1.0 ) )
                    wind = int( 255 * min( self.rainfall[x, y], 1.0 ) )
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, wind, rain ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'drainagemap':
            drainage = self.drainage * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = drainage[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == 'rivermap':
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = self.elevation[x, y] * 255
                    if self.elevation[x, y] <= seaLevel: 
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( 0, 0, gValue ).rgb() )
                        rgb = QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb()
                        if self.rivers[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = COLOR_COBALT
                        if self.lakes[x, y] > 0.0:
                            rgb = COLOR_AZURE
                        self.image.setPixel( x, y, rgb )

        elif mapType == 'biomemap':
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, self.biomeColour[x, y] )

        elif mapType == "erosionmap":
            erosion = self.erosion * 255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y] 
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        elif mapType == "erosionappliedmap":
            erosion = ( self.elevation - self.erosion ) *  255 # convert to greyscale
            for x in range( self.width ):
                for y in range( self.height ):
                    gValue = erosion[x, y]
                    self.image.setPixel( x, y, QtGui.QColor( gValue, gValue, gValue ).rgb() )

        else: # something bad happened...
            print("did not get a valid map type, check your bindings programmer man!")
            print(len( background ), background, mapType)
            from numpy import zeros
            background = zeros( ( self.width, self.height ), dtype = "int32" )

        return self.image
Ejemplo n.º 12
from PySide.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from PySide.QtGui import QImage

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QCoreApplication([])
    img = QImage("lenna.png")
    w, h = img.size().width(), img.size().width()
    for p in ((x, y) for x in range(w) for y in range(h)):
        colour = img.pixel(p[0], p[1])  # AARRGGBB
        r = (colour >> 16) & 0xFF
        g = (colour >> 8) & 0xFF
        b = colour & 0xFF
        avg = round((r + g + b) / 3)  # Naïve method (no colour weighting)
        new_colour = 0xff000000 + (avg << 16) + (avg << 8) + avg
        img.setPixel(p[0], p[1], new_colour)