Ejemplo n.º 1
 def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
     if index.column() == 0:
         pushButton = QPushButton(parent)
         #pushButton.setIcon(QtGui.QPixmap(":/spotify/resources/icons/play_lgrey.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal,
         #  QtGui.QIcon.Off)
         return pushButton
         return QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
     """ Creates and returns the custom StarEditor object we'll use to edit
         the StarRating.
     if index.column() == 3:
         editor = StarEditor(parent)
         return editor
         return QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option, index)
 def testIntDelegate(self):
     """PYSIDE-1250: When creating a QVariant, use int instead of long long
        for anything that fits into a int. Verify by checking that a spin
        box is created as item view editor for int."""
     item = QStandardItem()
     item.setData(123123, Qt.EditRole)  # <-- QVariant conversion here
     model = QStandardItemModel()
     style_option = QStyleOptionViewItem()
     delegate = QStyledItemDelegate()
     editor = delegate.createEditor(None, style_option, model.index(0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(type(editor), QSpinBox)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def createEditor(self, parent: QModelIndex, option: QStyleOptionViewItem,
                     index: QModelIndex) -> QWidget:
		Creates the widget used to change data from the model and can be
		reimplemented to customize editing behavior

		:param parent: Parent of the editor.
		:type parent: QModelIndex
		:param option: Option of the editor.
		:type option: QStyleOptionViewItem
		:param index: Index of the editor.
		:type index: QModelIndex
		:return: Editor for PropModel
		:rtype: QWidget
        data = index.internalPointer()
        if index.column() == 1 and isinstance(
                data, Property) and data.getType() == bool:
            return None

        if type(data) == Property:
            if index.column() == 1:
                t = data.getType()
                if t == str:
                    return QLineEdit(parent)
                elif t == int:
                    return QSpinBox(parent)
                elif t == bool:
                    return QCheckBox(parent)
                elif t == float:
                    return QDoubleSpinBox(parent)
                elif issubclass(t, Enum):
                    editor = QComboBox(parent)
                    t = type(data.getValue())
                    for i, option in enumerate(t):
                        editor.addItem(option.name, option)
                    return editor
        return QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option, index)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
     if index.model().get_item(index).waiting_evaluation:
         return AskVerdict(parent, self)
         return QStyledItemDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option,
Ejemplo n.º 6
class KnechtValueDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
    def __init__(self, view):
        """ Basic item delegate that returns the views default item delegate or depending
            on the item type column: an appropriate custom render setting item delegate.

        :param modules.itemview.treeview.KnechtTreeView view: View we replace delegates in
        super(KnechtValueDelegate, self).__init__(view)
        self.view = view

        self.default_delegate = QStyledItemDelegate(view)
        self.setting_delegate = None

    def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
        # ---- Default behaviour ----
        if not self._index_is_custom_setting(index):
            return self.default_delegate.createEditor(parent, option, index)

        # ---- Custom behaviour ----
        return self.setting_delegate.create_editor(parent, option, index)

    def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
        # ---- Default behaviour ----
        if not self._index_is_custom_setting(index):
            return self.default_delegate.setEditorData(editor, index)

        # ---- Custom behaviour ---
        self.setting_delegate.set_editor_data(editor, index)

    def setModelData(self, editor, model, index):
        # ---- Default behaviour ----
        if not self._index_is_custom_setting(index):
            return self.default_delegate.setModelData(editor, model, index)

        # ---- Custom behaviour ---
        self.setting_delegate.set_model_data(editor, model, index)

    def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index):
        # ---- Default behaviour ----
        if not self._index_is_custom_setting(index):
            return self.default_delegate.updateEditorGeometry(
                editor, option, index)

        # ---- Custom behaviour ---

    def _index_is_custom_setting(self, index: QModelIndex):
        src_index = index.model().mapToSource(index)
        item: KnechtItem = index.model().sourceModel().get_item(src_index)
        setting_type = item.data(Kg.TYPE)

        if item.userType in [Kg.output_item]:
            self.setting_delegate = OutputDirButton(self.view)
            return True

        if item.userType in [Kg.plmxml_item]:
            self.setting_delegate = InputFileButton(self.view)
            return True

        if item.userType == Kg.render_setting and setting_type in RENDER_SETTING_MAP.keys(
            self.setting_delegate = RENDER_SETTING_MAP[setting_type](self.view)
            return True
        return False