Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_conf(self):
        r = Request({"foo": "bar"}, {}, {})

        conf = r.get_configuration()

        for mem in (r.conf, r.config, r.configuration):
            yield self.eq_, mem, conf
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_story_no_break(self):
        req = Request({"base_url": "/"}, {}, {"bl_type": "file"})

        args = {"entry": {"body": "no break", "file_path": ""}, "request": req}

        self.assertEquals(args["entry"]["body"], "no break")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def category_to_tags(command, argv):
    """Goes through all entries and converts the category to tags

    It adds the tags line as the second line.

    It maintains the mtime for the file.
    import config

    datadir = config.py.get("datadir")
    if not datadir:
        raise ValueError("config.py has no datadir property.")

    sep = config.py.get("tags_separator", ",")

    from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
    from Pyblosxom.blosxom import blosxom_entry_parser
    from Pyblosxom import tools

    data = {}

    # register entryparsers so that we parse all possible file types.
    data["extensions"] = tools.run_callback("entryparser",
                                            {"txt": blosxom_entry_parser},
                                            mappingfunc=lambda x, y: y,
                                            defaultfunc=lambda x: x)

    req = Request(config.py, {}, data)

    # grab all the entries in the datadir
    filelist = tools.walk(req, datadir)

    if not datadir.endswith(os.sep):
        datadir = datadir + os.sep

    for mem in filelist:
        print "working on %s..." % mem

        category = os.path.dirname(mem)[len(datadir):]
        tags = category.split(os.sep)
        print "   adding tags %s" % tags
        tags = "#tags %s\n" % (sep.join(tags))

        atime, mtime = os.stat(mem)[7:9]

        fp = open(mem, "r")
        data = fp.readlines()

        data.insert(1, tags)

        fp = open(mem, "w")

        os.utime(mem, (atime, mtime))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_head_and_foot(self):
        from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
        gfd = get_formatted_date

        entry1 = dict(W3CDateTest.entry1)
        entry2 = dict(W3CDateTest.entry2)
        entry3 = dict(W3CDateTest.entry3)

        req = Request({}, {}, {"entry_list": [entry1, entry2, entry3]})
        entry = {}
        args = {"entry": entry, "request": req}
        self.assertEquals(entry["w3cdate"], gfd(self.entry1))

        req = Request({}, {}, {"entry_list": [entry3, entry2, entry1]})
        entry = {}
        args = {"entry": entry, "request": req}
        self.assertEquals(entry["w3cdate"], gfd(self.entry3))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_tagsfile(self):
        req = Request({"datadir": self.get_datadir()}, {}, {})

        cfg = {"datadir": self.get_datadir()}
            os.path.join(self.get_datadir(), os.pardir, "tags.index"))

        tags_filename = os.path.join(self.get_datadir(), "tags.db")
        cfg = {"datadir": self.get_datadir(), "tags_filename": tags_filename}
        self.assertEquals(tags.get_tagsfile(cfg), tags_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_story_break_single_file(self):
        # if showing a single file, then we nix the BREAK bit.
        req = Request({"base_url": "/"}, {}, {"bl_type": "file"})

        args = {
            "entry": {
                "body": "no BREAK break\n",
                "file_path": ""
            "request": req

        self.assertEquals(args["entry"]["body"], "no  break\n")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_generate_calendar(self):
        entry1 = dict(PyCalendarTest.entry1)

        from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
        req = Request({"datadir": self.get_datadir()}, {}, {
            "entry_list": [entry1],
            "extensions": {}
        cb_prepare({"request": req})

        data = req.get_data()
        cal = data["calendar"]

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_story_break_index(self):
        # if showing the entry in an index, then we replace the BREAK
        # with the template and nix everything after BREAK.
        req = Request({
            "readmore_template": "FOO",
            "base_url": "/"
        }, {}, {"bl_type": "dir"})

        args = {
            "entry": {
                "body": "no BREAK break",
                "file_path": ""
            "request": req

        self.assertEquals(args["entry"]["body"], "no FOO")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def buildtags(command, argv):
    """Command for building the tags index."""
    import config

    datadir = config.py.get("datadir")
    if not datadir:
        raise ValueError("config.py has no datadir property.")

    sep = config.py.get("tags_separator", ",")
    tagsfile = get_tagsfile(config.py)
    from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import blosxom_entry_parser, Request
    from Pyblosxom import tools
    from Pyblosxom.entries import fileentry

    data = {}

    # register entryparsers so that we parse all possible file types.
    data["extensions"] = tools.run_callback("entryparser",
                                            {"txt": blosxom_entry_parser},
                                            mappingfunc=lambda x, y:y,
                                            defaultfunc=lambda x: x)

    req = Request(config.py, {}, data)

    # grab all the entries in the datadir
    filelist = tools.walk(req, datadir)
    entrylist = [fileentry.FileEntry(req, e, datadir) for e in filelist]

    tags_to_files = {}
    for mem in entrylist:
        tagsline = mem["tags"]
        if not tagsline:
        tagsline = [t.strip() for t in tagsline.split(sep)]
        for t in tagsline:
            tags_to_files.setdefault(t, []).append(mem["filename"])

    savefile(tagsfile, tags_to_files)
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
# This file is part of Pyblosxom.
# Copyright (C) 2011 by the Pyblosxom team.  See AUTHORS.
# Pyblosxom is distributed under the MIT license.  See the file
# LICENSE for distribution details.

from StringIO import StringIO

from Pyblosxom.tests import UnitTestBase
from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
from Pyblosxom.renderers import blosxom

req = Request({}, {}, {})

class TestBlosxomRenderer(UnitTestBase):
    def test_dollar_parse_problem(self):
        output = StringIO()
        renderer = blosxom.BlosxomRenderer(req, output)
        renderer.flavour = {"story": "$(body)"}

        # mocking out _run_callback to just return the args dict
        renderer._run_callback = lambda c, args: args

        entry = {"body": r'PS1="\u@\h \[\$foo \]\W\[$RST\] \$"'}

        # the rendered template should be exactly the same as the body
        # in the entry--no \$ -> $ silliness.
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_data(self):
        r = Request({}, {}, {"foo": "bar"})

        self.eq_(r.data, r.get_data())
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_http(self):
        r = Request({}, {"foo": "bar"}, {})

        self.eq_(r.http, r.get_http())