Ejemplo n.º 1
 def default(self, obj):
     replacer = self.__type_replacements.get(type(obj), None)
     if replacer:
         obj = replacer(obj)
     if isinstance(obj, set):
         return tuple(
         )  # msgpack module can't deal with sets so we make a tuple out of it
     if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
         return str(obj)
     if isinstance(obj, bytearray):
         return bytes(obj)
     if isinstance(obj, complex):
         return msgpack.ExtType(0x30, struct.pack("dd", obj.real, obj.imag))
     if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
         if obj.tzinfo:
             raise errors.SerializeError(
                 "msgpack cannot serialize datetime with timezone info")
         return msgpack.ExtType(0x32, struct.pack("d", obj.timestamp()))
     if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
         return msgpack.ExtType(0x33, struct.pack("l", obj.toordinal()))
     if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
         return str(obj)
     if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number):
         return msgpack.ExtType(0x31, str(obj).encode("ascii"))  # long
     return self.class_to_dict(obj)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def connect(location):
    Connect to a Flame server on the given location, for instance localhost:9999 or ./u:unixsock
    This is just a convenience function to creates an appropriate Pyro proxy.
    if config.SERIALIZER != "pickle":
        raise errors.SerializeError("Flame requires the pickle serializer")
    proxy = core.Proxy("PYRO:%s@%s" % (constants.FLAME_NAME, location))
    return proxy
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def ext_hook(self, code, data):
     if code == 0x30:
         real, imag = struct.unpack("dd", data)
         return complex(real, imag)
     if code == 0x31:
         return int(data)
     if code == 0x32:
         return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(struct.unpack("d", data)[0])
     if code == 0x33:
         return datetime.date.fromordinal(struct.unpack("l", data)[0])
     raise errors.SerializeError("invalid ext code for msgpack: " + str(code))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def start(daemon):
    Create and register a Flame server in the given daemon.
    Be *very* cautious before starting this: it allows the clients full access to everything on your system.
    if config.FLAME_ENABLED:
        if set(config.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED) != {"pickle"}:
            raise errors.SerializeError(
                "Flame requires the pickle serializer exclusively")
        return daemon.register(Flame(), constants.FLAME_NAME)
        raise errors.SecurityError(
            "Flame is disabled in the server configuration")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def class_to_dict(cls, obj):
     Convert a non-serializable object to a dict. Partly borrowed from serpent.
     Not used for the pickle serializer.
     for clazz in cls.__custom_class_to_dict_registry:
         if isinstance(obj, clazz):
             return cls.__custom_class_to_dict_registry[clazz](obj)
     if type(obj) in (set, dict, tuple, list):
         # we use a ValueError to mirror the exception type returned by serpent and other serializers
         raise ValueError("can't serialize type " + str(obj.__class__) +
                          " into a dict")
     if hasattr(obj, "_pyroDaemon"):
         obj._pyroDaemon = None
     if isinstance(obj, BaseException):
         # special case for exceptions
         return {
             obj.__class__.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__,
             "__exception__": True,
             "args": obj.args,
             "attributes": vars(obj)  # add custom exception attributes
         value = obj.__getstate__()
     except AttributeError:
         if isinstance(value, dict):
             return value
         value = dict(
         )  # make sure we can serialize anything that resembles a dict
             "__class__"] = obj.__class__.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__
         return value
     except TypeError:
         if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
             # use the __slots__ instead of the vars dict
             value = {}
             for slot in obj.__slots__:
                 value[slot] = getattr(obj, slot)
                 "__class__"] = obj.__class__.__module__ + "." + obj.__class__.__name__
             return value
             raise errors.SerializeError(
                 "don't know how to serialize class " + str(obj.__class__) +
                 " using serializer " + str(cls.__name__) +
                 ". Give it vars() or an appropriate __getstate__")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_serializer_by_id(sid):
        return _serializers_by_id[sid]
    except KeyError:
        raise errors.SerializeError("no serializer available for id %d" % sid)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_serializer(name):
        return _serializers[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise errors.SerializeError("serializer '%s' is unknown or not available" % name)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def dict_to_class(cls, data):
     Recreate an object out of a dict containing the class name and the attributes.
     Only a fixed set of classes are recognized.
     Not used for the pickle serializer.
     from Pyro4 import core, futures  # XXX circular
     classname = data.get("__class__", "<unknown>")
     if isinstance(classname, bytes):
         classname = classname.decode("utf-8")
     if classname in cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry:
         converter = cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry[classname]
         return converter(classname, data)
     if "__" in classname:
         raise errors.SecurityError("refused to deserialize types with double underscores in their name: " + classname)
     # for performance, the constructors below are hardcoded here instead of added on a per-class basis to the dict-to-class registry
     if classname.startswith("Pyro4.core."):
         if classname == "Pyro4.core.URI":
             uri = core.URI.__new__(core.URI)
             return uri
         elif classname == "Pyro4.core.Proxy":
             proxy = core.Proxy.__new__(core.Proxy)
             return proxy
         elif classname == "Pyro4.core.Daemon":
             daemon = core.Daemon.__new__(core.Daemon)
             return daemon
     elif classname.startswith("Pyro4.util."):
         if classname == "Pyro4.util.SerpentSerializer":
             return SerpentSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.PickleSerializer":
             return PickleSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.MarshalSerializer":
             return MarshalSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.JsonSerializer":
             return JsonSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.MsgpackSerializer":
             return MsgpackSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.CloudpickleSerializer":
             return CloudpickleSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.DillSerializer":
             return DillSerializer()
     elif classname.startswith("Pyro4.errors."):
         errortype = getattr(errors, classname.split('.', 2)[2])
         if issubclass(errortype, errors.PyroError):
             return SerializerBase.make_exception(errortype, data)
     elif classname == "Pyro4.futures._ExceptionWrapper":
         ex = data["exception"]
         if isinstance(ex, dict) and "__class__" in ex:
             ex = SerializerBase.dict_to_class(ex)
         return futures._ExceptionWrapper(ex)
     elif data.get("__exception__", False):
         if classname in all_exceptions:
             return SerializerBase.make_exception(all_exceptions[classname], data)
         # python 2.x: exceptions.ValueError
         # python 3.x: builtins.ValueError
         # translate to the appropriate namespace...
         namespace, short_classname = classname.split('.', 1)
         if namespace in ("builtins", "exceptions"):
             if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
                 exceptiontype = getattr(exceptions, short_classname)
                 if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                     return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
                 exceptiontype = getattr(builtins, short_classname)
                 if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                     return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
         elif namespace == "sqlite3" and short_classname.endswith("Error"):
             import sqlite3
             exceptiontype = getattr(sqlite3, short_classname)
             if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                 return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
     log.warning("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)
     raise errors.SerializeError("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)