Ejemplo n.º 1
 def getDefaultStyle(cls):
     if cls.__defstyle is None:
         _s = style.Style(u'Polyline Default Style',
                          linetype.Linetype(u'Solid', None),
                          color.Color(0xffffff), 1.0)
         cls.__defstyle = _s
     return cls.__defstyle
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, st=None, lt=None, col=None, t=None, **kw):
        """Initialize a GraphicObject.

GraphicObject([st, lt, col, t])

Optional arguments:
style: A style object that overrides the class default
linetype: A Linetype object that overrides the value in the Style
color: A Color object that overrides the value in the Style
thickness: A positive float that overrides the value in the Style
        super(GraphicObject, self).__init__(**kw)
        _st = st
        if _st is None:
            _st = self.getDefaultStyle()
        if not isinstance(_st, style.Style):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid style type: " + ` type(_st) `
        _col = _lt = _t = None
        if 'color' in kw:
            _col = kw['color']
        if _col is None:
            _col = col
        if _col is not None:
            if not isinstance(_col, color.Color):
                _col = color.Color(_col)
            if _col == _st.getColor():
                _col = None
        if 'linetype' in kw:
            _lt = kw['linetype']
        if _lt is None:
            _lt = lt
        if _lt is not None:
            if not isinstance(_lt, linetype.Linetype):
                raise TypeError, "Invalid linetype type: " + ` type(_lt) `
            if _lt == _st.getLinetype():
                _lt = None
        if 'thickness' in kw:
            _t = kw['thickness']
        if _t is None:
            _t = t
        if _t is not None:
            if not isinstance(_t, float):
                _t = util.get_float(_t)
            if _t < 0.0:
                raise ValueError, "Invalid thickness: %g" % _t
            if abs(_t - _st.getThickness()) < 1e-10:
                _t = None
        self.__style = _st
        self.__color = _col
        self.__linetype = _lt
        self.__thickness = _t
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _initialize_colors():
    _color = color.Color(255, 0, 0) # red
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(0, 255, 0) # green
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(0, 0, 255) # blue
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(255, 0, 255) # violet
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(255, 255, 0) # yellow
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(0, 255, 255) # cyan
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(255, 255, 255) # white
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
    _color = color.Color(0, 0, 0) # black
    globals.colors[_color] = _color
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def setColor(self, c=None):
        """Set the color of the object.


Setting the color overrides the value in the Style. Setting
the color to None or invoking this method without arguments
restores the color value defined in the Style.
        if self.isLocked():
            raise RuntimeError, "Color change not allowed - object locked."
        _c = c
        if _c is not None:
            if not isinstance(_c, color.Color):
                _c = color.Color(c)
        _oc = self.getColor()
        if ((_c is None and self.__color is not None)
                or (_c is not None and _c != _oc)):
            self.__color = _c
            self.sendMessage('color_changed', _oc)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, name, lt=None, col=None, t=None):
        """Instatiate a Style object.

Style(name [, lt, col, t])

name: A string giving the style a name

Option arguments:
lt: A Linetype object - defaults to a solid line Linetype
col: A Color object - defaults to the default Color object
t: A positive float value - defaults to 1.0
        if not isinstance(name, types.StringTypes):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid Style name: " + ` name `
        _n = name
        if not isinstance(_n, unicode):
            _n = unicode(name)
        _lt = lt
        if _lt is None:
            _lt = linetype.Linetype('Default_Solid', None)
        if not isinstance(_lt, linetype.Linetype):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid linetype: " + ` _lt `
        _c = col
        if _c is None:
            _c = Style.__defcolor
        if not isinstance(_c, color.Color):
            _c = color.Color(color)
        _t = t
        if _t is None:
            _t = 1.0
        _t = util.get_float(_t)
        if _t < 0.0:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid line thickness: %g" % _t
        self.__name = _n
        self.__linetype = _lt
        self.__color = _c
        self.__thickness = _t
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Style(object):
    """A class storing a particular of Linetype, Color, and Thickness.

A Style consists of four attributes:

name: The Style name
linetype: A Linetype object
color: A Color object
thickness: A positive float value giving the line thickness

A Style has the following methods:

getName(): Get the Style name.
getColor(): Get the Style color.
getLinetype(): Get the Style Linetype.
getThickness(): Get the Style line thickness.
clone(): Return an identical copy of the Style.

Once a Style is created, the values in that object cannot
be changed.

    __defcolor = color.Color(0xffffff)

    def __init__(self, name, lt=None, col=None, t=None):
        """Instatiate a Style object.

Style(name [, lt, col, t])

name: A string giving the style a name

Option arguments:
lt: A Linetype object - defaults to a solid line Linetype
col: A Color object - defaults to the default Color object
t: A positive float value - defaults to 1.0
        if not isinstance(name, types.StringTypes):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid Style name: " + ` name `
        _n = name
        if not isinstance(_n, unicode):
            _n = unicode(name)
        _lt = lt
        if _lt is None:
            _lt = linetype.Linetype('Default_Solid', None)
        if not isinstance(_lt, linetype.Linetype):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid linetype: " + ` _lt `
        _c = col
        if _c is None:
            _c = Style.__defcolor
        if not isinstance(_c, color.Color):
            _c = color.Color(color)
        _t = t
        if _t is None:
            _t = 1.0
        _t = util.get_float(_t)
        if _t < 0.0:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid line thickness: %g" % _t
        self.__name = _n
        self.__linetype = _lt
        self.__color = _c
        self.__thickness = _t

    def __eq__(self, obj):
        """Compare a Style object to another Style for equality.

Comparing two styles is really comparing that the linetypes
are the same, then the colors are the same, and that the
line thickness are the same (within a tiny tolerance). If all
three are the same, the comparison returns True. Otherwise, the
comparison returns False.
        if not isinstance(obj, Style):
            return False
        if obj is self:
            return True
        return (self.__name == obj.getName()
                and self.__linetype == obj.getLinetype()
                and self.__color == obj.getColor()
                and abs(self.__thickness - obj.getThickness()) < 1e-10)

    def __ne__(self, obj):
        """Compare a Style object to another Style for non-equality.

Comparing two styles is really comparing that the linetypes
are the same, then the colors are the same, and that the
line thickness are the same (within a tiny tolerance). If all
three are the same, the comparison returns False. Otherwise, the
comparison returns True.
        return not self == obj

    def __hash__(self):
        """Return a hash value for the Style.

Defining this method allows Styles to be stored in dictionaries.
        _val = hash(self.__color)
        _val = _val ^ hash(self.__linetype)
        _val = _val ^ hash(long(self.__thickness * 1e10))
        return _val

    def getName(self):
        """Return the name of the Style.

        return self.__name

    name = property(getName, None, None, "Style name.")

    def getLinetype(self):
        """Return the Linetype used by this Style.

        return self.__linetype

    linetype = property(getLinetype, None, None, "Style Linetype")

    def getColor(self):
        """Return the Color used by this Style.

        return self.__color

    color = property(getColor, None, None, "Style Color")

    def getThickness(self):
        """Return the line thickness used by this style.

        return self.__thickness

    thickness = property(getThickness, None, None, "Style Thickness.")

    def getStyleValues(self):
        _n = self.__name
        _l = self.__linetype.getName(), self.__linetype.getList()
        _c = self.__color.getColors()
        _t = self.thickness
        return _n, _l, _c, _t

    def clone(self):
        """Return an identical copy of a Style.

        _name = self.__name[:]
        _linetype = self.__linetype.clone()
        _color = self.__color.clone()
        _thickness = self.__thickness
        return Style(_name, _linetype, _color, _thickness)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def textstyle_dialog(gtkimage, textstyles):
    _window = gtkimage.getWindow()
    _dialog = gtk.Dialog(
        _('TextStyle Settings'), _window,
    _image = gtkimage.getImage()
    _ts = _image.getOption('TEXT_STYLE')
    _hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 5)
    _label = gtk.Label(_('Active TextStyle:'))
    _hbox.pack_start(_label, False, False, 5)
    _idx = 0
    if hasattr(gtk, 'ComboBox'):
        _widget = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
        for _i in range(len(textstyles)):
            _textstyle = textstyles[_i]
            if (_ts is _textstyle or _ts == _textstyle):
                _idx = _i
        _menu = gtk.Menu()
        for _i in range(len(textstyles)):
            _textstyle = textstyles[_i]
            if (_ts is _textstyle or _ts == _textstyle):
                _idx = _i
            _item = gtk.MenuItem(_textstyle.getName())
        _widget = gtk.OptionMenu()

    _hbox.pack_start(_widget, False, False, 0)
    _dialog.vbox.pack_start(_hbox, True, True)
    _gts = GtkTextStyle(_window)
    for _textstyle in textstyles:
    _fill_dialog(_dialog.vbox, _gts)
    _widget.connect('changed', _widget_changed, _gts)
    _response = _dialog.run()
    if _response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
        _nts = _gts.getTextStyle()
        if _nts != _ts:
            _image.setOption('TEXT_STYLE', _nts)
        for _opt, _val in _gts.getValues():
            if _opt == 'FONT_FAMILY':
                if _val != _image.getOption(_opt):
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
            elif _opt == 'FONT_STYLE':
                if _val != _image.getOption(_opt):
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
            elif _opt == 'FONT_WEIGHT':
                if _val != _image.getOption(_opt):
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
            elif _opt == 'FONT_COLOR':
                if _val != _image.getOption(_opt).getColors():
                    _r, _g, _b = _val
                    _image.setOption(_opt, color.Color(_r, _g, _b))
            elif _opt == 'TEXT_SIZE':
                if abs(_val - _image.getOption(_opt)) > 1e-10:
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
            elif _opt == 'TEXT_ANGLE':
                if abs(_val - _image.getOption(_opt)) > 1e-10:
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
            elif _opt == 'TEXT_ALIGNMENT':
                if _val != _image.getOption(_opt):
                    _image.setOption(_opt, _val)
                raise RuntimeError, "Unexpected TextStyle option '%s'" % _opt