Ejemplo n.º 1
    def retraction(self, u, vec):
        """Transports a set of points from the complex Stiefel
        manifold via a retraction map.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p), a set
                of points to be transported.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
            a set of transported points."""

        if self._retraction == 'svd':
            new_u = u + vec
            _, v, w = tf.linalg.svd(new_u)
            return v @ adj(w)

        elif self._retraction == 'cayley':
            W = vec @ adj(u) - 0.5 * u @ (adj(u) @ vec @ adj(u))
            W = W - adj(W)
            Id = tf.eye(W.shape[-1], dtype=W.dtype)
            return tf.linalg.inv(Id - W / 2) @ (Id + W / 2) @ u

        elif self._retraction == 'qr':
            new_u = u + vec
            q, r = tf.linalg.qr(new_u)
            diag = tf.linalg.diag_part(r)
            sign = tf.math.sign(diag)[..., tf.newaxis, :]
            return q * sign
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
            the set of Reimannian gradients."""

        n = u.shape[-1]
        m = u.shape[-3]
        shape = u.shape[:-3]
        size = len(shape)
        idx = tuple(range(size))

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(egrad, idx + (size + 2, size, size + 1))
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n * m, n))

        u_mod = tf.transpose(u, idx + (size + 2, size, size + 1))
        u_mod = tf.reshape(u_mod, shape + (n * m, n))

        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n, m, n))
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(vec_mod, idx + (size + 1, size + 2, size))

        return vec_mod
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            the set of Reimannian gradients."""

        k = u.shape[-1]
        n = int(math.sqrt(u.shape[-2]))
        shape = u.shape[:-2]

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(egrad, shape + (n, k * n))
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)

        u_mod = tf.reshape(u, shape + (n, k * n))
        u_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u_mod)
        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n ** 2, k))
        return vec_mod
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            the set of Reimannian gradients.

            The complexity O(kn^3)"""

        k = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        n = tf.cast(tf.math.sqrt(tf.cast(tf.shape(u)[-2], dtype=tf.float32)),
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-2]

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            egrad, shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], (k * n)[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)

        u_mod = tf.reshape(
            u, shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], (k * n)[tf.newaxis]))
        u_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u_mod)
        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            vec_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n**2)[tf.newaxis], k[tf.newaxis]))
        return vec_mod
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            the set of Reimannian gradients."""

        if self.metric == 'log_euclidean':
            lmbd, U = tf.linalg.eigh(u)
            f = _f_matrix(lmbd)
            # Riemannian gradient
            E = adj(U) @ ((egrad + adj(egrad)) / 2) @ U
            R = U @ (E * f * f) @ adj(U)
            return R

        elif self.metric == 'log_cholesky':
            n = u.shape[-1]
            dtype = u.dtype
            L = tf.linalg.cholesky(u)

            mask = tf.ones((n, n), dtype=dtype)
            mask = _lower(mask)
            G_inv = mask + tf.linalg.diag(tf.linalg.diag_part(L) ** 2)

            R = G_inv * ((egrad + adj(egrad)) @ L)
            R_diag = tf.linalg.diag(tf.linalg.diag_part(R))
            R = R - 1j * tf.cast(tf.math.imag(R_diag), dtype=u.dtype)

            return _push_forward_chol(R, L)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            a set of projected vectors."""

        k = u.shape[-1]
        n = int(math.sqrt(u.shape[-2]))
        shape = u.shape[:-2]

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec, shape + (n, k * n))
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)

        u_mod = tf.reshape(u, shape + (n, k * n))
        u_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u_mod)
        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n ** 2, k))

        # projection onto the horizontal space
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_mod - adj(vec_mod) @ u)
        return vec_mod - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            the set of Reimannian gradients.

            The complexity O(n^3)."""

        if self._metric == 'log_euclidean':
            lmbd, U = tf.linalg.eigh(u)
            f = _f_matrix(lmbd)
            # Riemannian gradient
            E = adj(U) @ ((egrad + adj(egrad)) / 2) @ U
            R = U @ (E * f * f) @ adj(U)
            return R

        elif self._metric == 'log_cholesky':
            L = tf.linalg.cholesky(u)

            sym_fl = (egrad + adj(egrad)) @ L
            L_sq_diag = tf.linalg.diag_part(L)**2
            term2 = 0.5 * L_sq_diag * tf.linalg.diag_part(sym_fl + adj(sym_fl))
            term2 = tf.linalg.diag(term2)
            term1 = _lower(sym_fl)
            R = term1 + term2

            return _push_forward_chol(R, L)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def inner(self, u, vec1, vec2):
        """Returns manifold wise inner product of vectors from
        a tangent space.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            vec1: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of tangent vectors from the complex
                Stiefel manifold.
            vec2: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of tangent vectors from the complex
                Stiefel manifold.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., 1, 1),
            manifold wise inner product"""

        if self._metric == 'euclidean':
            s_sq = tf.linalg.trace(adj(vec1) @ vec2)[..., tf.newaxis,
        elif self._metric == 'canonical':
            G = tf.eye(u.shape[-2], dtype=u.dtype) - u @ adj(u) / 2
            s_sq = tf.linalg.trace(adj(vec1) @ G @ vec2)[..., tf.newaxis,
        return tf.cast(tf.math.real(s_sq), dtype=u.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, r),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, r),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, r),
            a set of projected vectors.

            The complexity is O(nr^2)."""

        # projection onto the tangent space of ||u||_F = 1
        vec_proj = vec - u * tf.reduce_sum(
            tf.math.conj(u) * vec, axis=(-2, -1))[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]

        # projection onto the horizontal space
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_proj - adj(vec_proj) @ u)
        return vec_proj - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: povm.py Proyecto: RyAlAl/QGOpt
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
            a set of projected vectors.

            The complexity is O(mn^3)."""

        n = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        m = tf.shape(u)[-3]
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-3]
        size = tf.size(shape)
        idx = tf.range(size)

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 2)[tf.newaxis], size[tf.newaxis],
                       (size + 1)[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            vec_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n * m)[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))

        u_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 2)[tf.newaxis], size[tf.newaxis],
                       (size + 1)[tf.newaxis]))
        u_mod = tf.reshape(
            u_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n * m)[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))

        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], m[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 1)[tf.newaxis], (size + 2)[tf.newaxis],

        # projection onto the horizontal space (POVM element-wise)
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_mod - adj(vec_mod) @ u)
        return vec_mod - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def vector_transport(self, u, vec1, vec2):
        """Returns a vector tranported along an another vector
        via vector transport.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold, starting points.
            vec1: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of vectors to be transported.
            vec2: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            a set of transported vectors.

            The complexity O(n^3)."""

        if self._metric == 'log_euclidean':
            lmbd, U = tf.linalg.eigh(u)
            # geoidesic in S
            Su = U @ tf.linalg.diag(tf.math.log(lmbd)) @ adj(U)
            Svec2 = _pull_back_log(vec2, U, lmbd)
            Sresult = Su + Svec2
            # eig decomposition of a new point from S
            log_new_lmbd, new_U = tf.linalg.eigh(Sresult)
            # new lmbd
            new_lmbd = tf.exp(log_new_lmbd)
            # transported vector
            new_vec1 = _push_forward_log(_pull_back_log(vec1, U, lmbd), new_U,

            return new_vec1

        elif self._metric == 'log_cholesky':
            v = self.retraction(u, vec2)

            L = tf.linalg.cholesky(u)
            inv_L = tf.linalg.inv(L)

            inv_diag_L = tf.linalg.diag(1 / tf.linalg.diag_part(L))

            X = _pull_back_chol(vec1, L, inv_L)

            K = tf.linalg.cholesky(v)

            L_transport = _lower(X) + tf.linalg.band_part(K, 0, 0) *\
                inv_diag_L * tf.linalg.band_part(X, 0, 0)

            return K @ adj(L_transport) + L_transport @ adj(K)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def retraction_transport(self, u, vec1, vec2):
        """Performs a retraction and a vector transport simultaneously.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold, starting points.
            vec1: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of vectors to be transported.
            vec2: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of direction vectors.

            two complex valued tensors of shape (..., n, n),
            a set of transported points and vectors."""

        if self.metric == 'log_euclidean':
            lmbd, U = tf.linalg.eigh(u)
            # geoidesic in S
            Su = U @ tf.linalg.diag(tf.math.log(lmbd)) @ adj(U)
            Svec2 = _pull_back_log(vec2, U, lmbd)
            Sresult = Su + Svec2
            # eig decomposition of new point from S
            log_new_lmbd, new_U = tf.linalg.eigh(Sresult)
            # new point from S++
            new_point = new_U @ tf.linalg.diag(tf.exp(log_new_lmbd)) @\
            # new lmbd
            new_lmbd = tf.exp(log_new_lmbd)
            # transported vector
            new_vec1 = _push_forward_log(_pull_back_log(vec1, U, lmbd),
                                         new_U, new_lmbd)

            return new_point, new_vec1

        elif self.metric == 'log_cholesky':
            v = self.retraction(u, vec2)

            L = tf.linalg.cholesky(u)
            inv_L = tf.linalg.inv(L)

            inv_diag_L = tf.linalg.diag(1 / tf.linalg.diag_part(L))

            X = _pull_back_chol(vec1, L, inv_L)

            K = tf.linalg.cholesky(v)

            L_transport = _lower(X) + tf.linalg.band_part(K, 0, 0) *\
                inv_diag_L * tf.linalg.band_part(X, 0, 0)

            return v, K @ adj(L_transport) + L_transport @ adj(K)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: povm.py Proyecto: RyAlAl/QGOpt
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
            the set of Reimannian gradients.

            The complexity is O(mn^3)."""

        n = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        m = tf.shape(u)[-3]
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-3]
        size = tf.size(shape)
        idx = tf.range(size)

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 2)[tf.newaxis], size[tf.newaxis],
                       (size + 1)[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            vec_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n * m)[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))

        u_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 2)[tf.newaxis], size[tf.newaxis],
                       (size + 1)[tf.newaxis]))
        u_mod = tf.reshape(
            u_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n * m)[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))

        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], m[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(
            shape_conc(idx, (size + 1)[tf.newaxis], (size + 2)[tf.newaxis],

        return vec_mod
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def retraction(self, u, vec):
        """Transports a set of points from the manifold via a
        retraction map.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k), a set
                of points to be transported.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            a set of transported points.

            The complexity O(kn^3)"""

        k = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        n = tf.cast(tf.math.sqrt(tf.cast(tf.shape(u)[-2], dtype=tf.float32)),
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-2]

        # svd based retraction
        u_new = u + vec
        u_new = tf.reshape(
            u_new, shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], (n * k)[tf.newaxis]))
        _, U, V = tf.linalg.svd(u_new)

        u_new = U @ adj(V)
        u_new = tf.reshape(
            u_new, shape_conc(shape, (n**2)[tf.newaxis], k[tf.newaxis]))
        return u_new
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def retraction(self, u, vec):
        """Transports a set of points from the manifold via a
        retraction map.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n), a set
                of points to be transported.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
            a set of transported points."""

        n = u.shape[-1]
        m = u.shape[-3]
        shape = u.shape[:-3]
        size = len(shape)
        idx = tuple(range(size))

        # svd based retraction
        u_new = u + vec
        u_new = tf.transpose(u_new, idx + (size + 1, size + 2, size))
        u_new = tf.reshape(u_new, shape + (n, n * m))
        _, U, V = tf.linalg.svd(u_new)

        u_new = U @ adj(V)
        u_new = tf.reshape(u_new, shape + (n, n, m))
        u_new = tf.transpose(u_new, idx + (size + 2, size, size + 1))
        return u_new
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def random(self, shape, dtype=tf.complex64):
        """Returns a set of points from the manifold generated

            shape: tuple of integer numbers (..., n, n),
                shape of a generated matrix.
            dtype: type of an output tensor, can be
                either tf.complex64 or tf.complex128.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            a generated matrix."""

        list_of_dtypes = [tf.complex64, tf.complex128]

        if dtype not in list_of_dtypes:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect dtype")
        real_dtype = tf.float64 if dtype == tf.complex128 else tf.float32

        u = tf.complex(tf.random.normal(shape, dtype=real_dtype),
                       tf.random.normal(shape, dtype=real_dtype))

        u = 0.5 * (u + adj(u))
        return u
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: povm.py Proyecto: RyAlAl/QGOpt
    def is_in_manifold(self, u, tol=1e-5):
        """Checks if a point is in the manifold or not.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a point to be checked.
            tol: small real value showing tolerance.

            bolean tensor of shape (...)."""

        n = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        m = tf.shape(u)[-3]
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-3]
        u_resh = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u)
        u_resh = tf.reshape(
            u_resh, shape_conc(shape, (m * n)[tf.newaxis], n[tf.newaxis]))
        u_resh = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u_resh)
        uudag = u_resh @ adj(u_resh)
        Id = tf.eye(tf.shape(uudag)[-1], dtype=u.dtype)
        diff = tf.linalg.norm(uudag - Id, axis=(-2, -1))
        uudag_norm = tf.linalg.norm(uudag, axis=(-2, -1))
        Id_norm = tf.linalg.norm(Id, axis=(-2, -1))
        rel_diff = tf.abs(diff / tf.math.sqrt(Id_norm * uudag_norm))
        return tol > rel_diff
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def retraction(self, u, vec):
        """Transports a set of points from the manifold via a
        retraction map.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k), a set
                of points to be transported.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            a set of transported points."""

        k = u.shape[-1]
        n = int(math.sqrt(u.shape[-2]))
        shape = u.shape[:-2]

        # svd based retraction
        u_new = u + vec
        u_new = tf.reshape(u_new, shape + (n, n * k))
        _, U, V = tf.linalg.svd(u_new)

        u_new = U @ adj(V)
        u_new = tf.reshape(u_new, shape + (n ** 2, k))
        return u_new
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the complex Stiefel manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
            a set of projected vectors"""

        return 0.5 * u @ (adj(u) @ vec - adj(vec) @ u) +\
                         (tf.eye(u.shape[-2], dtype=u.dtype) -\
                          u @ adj(u)) @ vec
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
            the set of Reimannian gradients."""

        if self._metric == 'euclidean':
            return 0.5 * u @ (adj(u) @ egrad - adj(egrad) @ u) +\
                             (tf.eye(u.shape[-2], dtype=u.dtype) -\
                              u @ adj(u)) @ egrad

        elif self._metric == 'canonical':
            return egrad - u @ adj(egrad) @ u
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the complex Stiefel manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
            a set of projected vectors

            the complexity is O(np^2)"""

        u_shape = tf.shape(u)
        return 0.5 * u @ (adj(u) @ vec - adj(vec) @ u) +\
                         vec - u @ (adj(u) @ vec)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n ** 2, k),
            a set of projected vectors.

            The complexity O(kn^3+k^2n^2)"""

        k = tf.shape(u)[-1]
        n = tf.cast(tf.math.sqrt(tf.cast(tf.shape(u)[-2], dtype=tf.float32)),
        shape = tf.shape(u)[:-2]

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            vec, shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], (k * n)[tf.newaxis]))
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)

        u_mod = tf.reshape(
            u, shape_conc(shape, n[tf.newaxis], (k * n)[tf.newaxis]))
        u_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(u_mod)
        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(vec_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(
            vec_mod, shape_conc(shape, (n**2)[tf.newaxis], k[tf.newaxis]))

        # projection onto the horizontal space
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_mod - adj(vec_mod) @ u)
        return vec_mod - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def inner(self, u, vec1, vec2):
        """Returns manifold wise inner product of vectors from
        a tangent space.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            vec1: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of tangent vectors from the complex
                Stiefel manifold.
            vec2: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of tangent vectors from the complex
                Stiefel manifold.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., 1, 1),
            manifold wise inner product

            The complexity for the 'euclidean' metric is O(pn),
            the complexity for the 'canonical' metric is O(np^2)"""

        if self._metric == 'euclidean':
            s_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.conj(vec1) * vec2,
                                 axis=(-2, -1),
        elif self._metric == 'canonical':
            s_sq_1 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.conj(vec1) * vec2,
                                   axis=(-2, -1),
            vec1_dag_u = adj(vec1) @ u
            u_dag_vec2 = adj(u) @ vec2
            s_sq_2 = tf.reduce_sum(u_dag_vec2 *
                                   axis=(-2, -1),
            s_sq = s_sq_1 - 0.5 * s_sq_2
        return tf.cast(tf.math.real(s_sq), dtype=u.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            a set of projected vectors"""

        # projection onto the tangent space of ||u||_F = 1
        vec_proj = vec - u * tf.linalg.trace(adj(u) @ vec)[..., tf.newaxis,

        # projection onto the horizontal space
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_proj - adj(vec_proj) @ u)
        return vec_proj - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def retraction(self, u, vec):
        """Transports a set of points from the manifold via a
        retraction map.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n), a set
                of points to be transported.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of direction vectors.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            a set of transported points.

            The complexity O(n^3)."""

        if self._metric == 'log_euclidean':
            lmbd, U = tf.linalg.eigh(u)
            # geodesic in S
            Su = U @ tf.linalg.diag(tf.math.log(lmbd)) @ adj(U)
            Svec = _pull_back_log(vec, U, lmbd)
            Sresult = Su + Svec

            return tf.linalg.expm(Sresult)

        elif self._metric == 'log_cholesky':
            L = tf.linalg.cholesky(u)
            inv_L = tf.linalg.inv(L)

            X = _pull_back_chol(vec, L, inv_L)

            inv_diag_L = tf.linalg.diag(1 / tf.linalg.diag_part(L))

            cholesky_retraction = _lower(L) + _lower(X) +\
                tf.linalg.band_part(L, 0, 0) *\
                tf.exp(tf.linalg.band_part(X, 0, 0) * inv_diag_L)

            return cholesky_retraction @ adj(cholesky_retraction)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            a set of projected vectors."""
        return (vec + adj(vec)) / 2
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of points from the complex Stiefel
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, p),
            the set of Reimannian gradients.

            The complexity is O(np^2)"""

        if self._metric == 'euclidean':
            u_shape = tf.shape(u)
            return 0.5 * u @ (adj(u) @ egrad - adj(egrad) @ u) +\
                             egrad - u @ (adj(u) @ egrad)

        elif self._metric == 'canonical':
            return egrad - u @ (adj(egrad) @ u)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def is_in_manifold(self, u, tol=1e-5):
        """Checks if a point is in the manifold or not.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a point to be checked.
            tol: small real value showing tolerance.

            bolean tensor of shape (...)."""

        diff_norm = tf.linalg.norm(u - adj(u), axis=(-2, -1))
        u_norm = tf.linalg.norm(u, axis=(-2, -1))
        rel_diff = tf.abs(diff_norm / u_norm)
        return tol > rel_diff
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def proj(self, u, vec):
        """Returns projection of vectors on a tangen space
        of the manifold.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            vec: complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
                a set of vectors to be projected.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., m, n, n),
            a set of projected vectors."""

        n = u.shape[-1]
        m = u.shape[-3]
        shape = u.shape[:-3]
        size = len(shape)
        idx = tuple(range(size))

        # projection onto the tangent space of the Stiefel manifold
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(vec, idx + (size + 2, size, size + 1))
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n * m, n))

        u_mod = tf.transpose(u, idx + (size + 2, size, size + 1))
        u_mod = tf.reshape(u_mod, shape + (n * m, n))

        vec_mod = vec_mod - 0.5 * u_mod @ (adj(u_mod) @ vec_mod +\
                                           adj(vec_mod) @ u_mod)
        vec_mod = tf.reshape(vec_mod, shape + (n, m, n))
        vec_mod = tf.transpose(vec_mod, idx + (size + 1, size + 2, size))

        # projection onto the horizontal space (POVM element-wise)
        uu = adj(u) @ u
        Omega = lyap_symmetric(uu, adj(u) @ vec_mod - adj(vec_mod) @ u)
        return vec_mod - u @ Omega
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def egrad_to_rgrad(self, u, egrad):
        """Returns the Riemannian gradient from an Euclidean gradient.

            u: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of points from the manifold.
            egrad: complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
                a set of Euclidean gradients.

            complex valued tensor of shape (..., n, n),
            the set of Reimannian gradients."""

        rgrad = egrad - u * tf.linalg.trace(adj(u) @ egrad)[..., tf.newaxis,
        return rgrad