Ejemplo n.º 1
def prices(symbol='$DJI', start=datetime.datetime(2008,1,1), end=datetime.datetime(2009,12,31)):
    start = util.normalize_date(start or datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(end or datetime.date(2009, 12, 31))
    symbol = symbol.upper()
    timeofday = datetime.timedelta(hours=16)
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, timeofday)

    ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, [symbol], ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))
    na_price = d_data['close'].values
    return na_price[:,0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def prices(symbol='$DJI',
           start=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
           end=datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 31)):
    start = util.normalize_date(start or datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(end or datetime.date(2009, 12, 31))
    symbol = symbol.upper()
    timeofday = datetime.timedelta(hours=16)
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, timeofday)

    ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, [symbol], ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))
    na_price = d_data['close'].values
    return na_price[:, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def chart_series(series,
    """Display a graph of the price history for the list of ticker symbols provided

      series (dataframe, list of str, or list of tuples): 
        datafram (Timestamp or Datetime for index)
          other columns are float y-axis values to be plotted
        list of str: 1st 3 comma or slash-separated integers are the year, month, day
          others are float y-axis values
        list of tuples: 1st 3 integers are year, month, day 
          others are float y-axis values
      market_sym (str): ticker symbol of equity or comodity to plot along side the series
      price (str): which market data value ('close', 'actual_close', 'volume', etc) to use 
         for the market symbol for comparison to the series 
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.
    series = util.make_dataframe(series)
    start = util.normalize_date(series.index[0]
                                or datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(series.index[-1]
                              or datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 28))
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, datetime.timedelta(hours=16))

    if market_sym:
        if isinstance(market_sym, basestring):
            market_sym = [market_sym.upper().strip()]
        reference_prices = da.get_data(timestamps, market_sym, [price])[0]
        reference_dict = dict(zip(market_sym, reference_prices))
        for sym, market_data in reference_dict.iteritems():
            series[sym] = pd.Series(market_data, index=timestamps)
    # na_price = reference_dict[price].values
    # if normalize:
    #     na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.plot(timestamps, na_price)
    # plt.legend(symbols)
    # plt.ylabel(price.title())
    # plt.xlabel('Date')
    # # plt.savefig('portfolio.chart_series.pdf', format='pdf')
    return series
Ejemplo n.º 4
def chart_series(series, market_sym='$SPX', price='actual_close', normalize=True):
    """Display a graph of the price history for the list of ticker symbols provided

      series (dataframe, list of str, or list of tuples): 
        datafram (Timestamp or Datetime for index)
          other columns are float y-axis values to be plotted
        list of str: 1st 3 comma or slash-separated integers are the year, month, day
          others are float y-axis values
        list of tuples: 1st 3 integers are year, month, day 
          others are float y-axis values
      market_sym (str): ticker symbol of equity or comodity to plot along side the series
      price (str): which market data value ('close', 'actual_close', 'volume', etc) to use 
         for the market symbol for comparison to the series 
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.
    series = util.make_dataframe(series)
    start = util.normalize_date(series.index[0] or datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(series.index[-1] or datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 28))
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, datetime.timedelta(hours=16))

    if market_sym:
        if isinstance(market_sym, basestring):
            market_sym = [market_sym.upper().strip()]
        reference_prices = da.get_data(timestamps, market_sym, [price])[0]
        reference_dict = dict(zip(market_sym, reference_prices))
        for sym, market_data in reference_dict.iteritems():
            series[sym] = pd.Series(market_data, index=timestamps)
    # na_price = reference_dict[price].values
    # if normalize:
    #     na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.plot(timestamps, na_price)
    # plt.legend(symbols)
    # plt.ylabel(price.title())
    # plt.xlabel('Date')
    # # plt.savefig('portfolio.chart_series.pdf', format='pdf')
    return series
Ejemplo n.º 5
def portfolio_prices(
    symbols=("AAPL", "GLD", "GOOG", "$SPX", "XOM", "msft"),
    start=datetime.datetime(2005, 1, 1),
    end=datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 31),  # data stops at 2013/1/1
    """Calculate the Sharpe Ratio and other performance metrics for a portfolio

      symbols (list of str): Ticker symbols like "GOOG", "AAPL", etc
      start (datetime): The date at the start of the period being analyzed.
      end (datetime): The date at the end of the period being analyzed.
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.
      allocation (list of float): The portion of the portfolio allocated to each equity.
    symbols = normalize_symbols(symbols)
    start = util.normalize_date(start)
    end = util.normalize_date(end)
    if allocation is None:
        allocation = [1. / len(symbols)] * len(symbols)
    if len(allocation) < len(symbols):
        allocation = list(allocation) + [1. / len(symbols)
                                         ] * (len(symbols) - len(allocation))
    total = np.sum(allocation.sum)
    allocation = np.array([(float(a) / total) for a in allocation])

    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, datetime.timedelta(hours=16))

    ls_keys = [price_type]
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, symbols, ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))

    na_price = d_data[price_type].values
    if normalize:
        na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    na_price *= allocation
    return np.sum(na_price, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def chart(
    symbols=("AAPL", "GLD", "GOOG", "$SPX", "XOM", "msft"),
    start=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
    end=datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 31),  # data stops at 2013/1/1
    """Display a graph of the price history for the list of ticker symbols provided

      symbols (list of str): Ticker symbols like "GOOG", "AAPL", etc
      start (datetime): The date at the start of the period being analyzed.
      end (datetime): The date at the end of the period being analyzed.
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.

    start = util.normalize_date(start or datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(end or datetime.date(2009, 12, 31))
    symbols = [s.upper() for s in symbols]
    timeofday = datetime.timedelta(hours=16)
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, timeofday)

    ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, symbols, ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))

    na_price = d_data['close'].values
    if normalize:
        na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    plt.plot(timestamps, na_price)
    plt.ylabel('Adjusted Close')
    plt.savefig('chart.pdf', format='pdf')
    return na_price
Ejemplo n.º 7
def portfolio_prices(
    symbols=("AAPL", "GLD", "GOOG", "$SPX", "XOM", "msft"),
    start=datetime.datetime(2005, 1, 1),
    end=datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 31),  # data stops at 2013/1/1
    """Calculate the Sharpe Ratio and other performance metrics for a portfolio

      symbols (list of str): Ticker symbols like "GOOG", "AAPL", etc
      start (datetime): The date at the start of the period being analyzed.
      end (datetime): The date at the end of the period being analyzed.
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.
      allocation (list of float): The portion of the portfolio allocated to each equity.
    symbols = normalize_symbols(symbols)
    start = util.normalize_date(start)
    end = util.normalize_date(end)
    if allocation is None:
        allocation = [1. / len(symbols)] * len(symbols)
    if len(allocation) < len(symbols):
        allocation = list(allocation) + [1. / len(symbols)] * (len(symbols) - len(allocation))
    total = np.sum(allocation.sum)
    allocation = np.array([(float(a) / total) for a in allocation])

    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, datetime.timedelta(hours=16))

    ls_keys = [price_type]
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, symbols, ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))

    na_price = d_data[price_type].values
    if normalize:
        na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    na_price *= allocation
    return np.sum(na_price, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def chart(
    symbols=("AAPL", "GLD", "GOOG", "$SPX", "XOM", "msft"),
    start=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
    end=datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 31),  # data stops at 2013/1/1
    """Display a graph of the price history for the list of ticker symbols provided

      symbols (list of str): Ticker symbols like "GOOG", "AAPL", etc
      start (datetime): The date at the start of the period being analyzed.
      end (datetime): The date at the end of the period being analyzed.
      normalize (bool): Whether to normalize prices to 1 at the start of the time series.

    start = util.normalize_date(start or datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    end = util.normalize_date(end or datetime.date(2009, 12, 31))
    symbols = [s.upper() for s in symbols]
    timeofday = datetime.timedelta(hours=16)
    timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(start, end, timeofday)

    ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close']
    ldf_data = da.get_data(timestamps, symbols, ls_keys)
    d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data))

    na_price = d_data['close'].values
    if normalize:
        na_price /= na_price[0, :]
    plt.plot(timestamps, na_price)
    plt.ylabel('Adjusted Close')
    plt.savefig('chart.pdf', format='pdf')
    return na_price
Ejemplo n.º 9
def findEvents(symbols_year, startday, endday, event, data_item="close"):
    dataobj = DataAccess('Yahoo')
    symbols = dataobj.get_symbols_from_list("sp500%d" % symbols_year)
    # Reading the Data for the list of Symbols.
    timestamps = getNYSEdays(startday, endday, timedelta(hours=16))
    # Reading the Data
    print "# reading data"
    close = dataobj.get_data(timestamps, symbols, data_item)
    # Generating the Event Matrix
    print "# finding events"
    eventmat = copy.deepcopy(close)
    for sym in symbols:
        for time in timestamps:
            eventmat[sym][time] = NAN
    for symbol in symbols:
        event(eventmat, symbol, close[symbol], timestamps)
    return eventmat