Ejemplo n.º 1
class StatesCreator(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.qh = QueenHeuristic()

    def generate_random_start_state(self):
        # Default state
        state = [
        # Loop until a conflict is reached.
        conf_found = False
        while not conf_found:
            # Populate columns
            for j in range(0, 8):
                rand_i = randint(0, 7)  # Select random row in the column.
                state[rand_i][j] = 1    # Place queen there.
            # Check if there are any conflicts.
            conf_c = self.qh.count_total_conflicts(state)
            if conf_c > 0:
                return state

    def get_sample_start_state(self, num):
        # lecture example 1
        if num == 0:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 1
        # lecture example 2
        elif num == 1:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 28
        # https://thewalnut.io/app/release/14/#time=9
        elif num == 2:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 1
        # http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~gwickler/eightqueens.html
        elif num == 3:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 1
        elif num == 4:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 1

        return (state, conflicts_n)

    def get_sample_final_state(self, number):
        conflicts_n = 0
        if number == 1:
            state = [
        elif number == 2:
            state = [
        elif number == 3:
            state = [

        return (state, conflicts_n)

    def get_sample_inter_state(self, number):
        if number == 1:
            state = [
            conflicts_n = 3
        elif number == 2:
            state = [
                [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
            conflicts_n = 3

        return (state, conflicts_n)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ChessQueenWorld(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # Heuristic object
        self.heuristic = QueenHeuristic()
        # States creator object
        self.states_creator = StatesCreator()
        # Max. number of iterations for searching a solution.
        self.max_iter_count = 500

    def solve_random_board(self):
        gen_state = self.states_creator.generate_random_start_state()
        (sol_path, total_steps) = self.solve_given_board(gen_state)
        solution = sol_path if sol_path else False
        return solution, gen_state, total_steps

    def solve_sample_board(self, num):
        gen_state = self.states_creator.get_sample_start_state(num)[0]
        (sol_path, total_steps) = self.solve_given_board(gen_state)

    def solve_given_board(self, start_state):
        # Prepare variables
        solution_path = []
        current_state = start_state
        conf_count = self.heuristic.count_total_conflicts(current_state)
        total_steps = 0
        # Show board
        print('Number of conflicts: %d') % conf_count
        # Repeat until there are no conflicts.
        iter_n = 0
        while conf_count > 0:
            # Check n. of performed iterations
            if iter_n > self.max_iter_count:
                return False, 0
            iter_n += 1
            #print ('========iter. %d========') % iter_n
            # Create a new state from current state.
            (new_state, performed_steps) = self.heuristic.choose_min_conflict_positions(current_state)
            # Check if the new state is alredy in solution path.
            if new_state in solution_path:
                continue # If yes, re-run the method.
            # If not, it's part of solution.
            conf_count = self.heuristic.count_total_conflicts(new_state)
            current_state = new_state
            total_steps += len(performed_steps)
        # Show solution
        print  # blank line
        if solution_path:
            print('>>>Solved in %d steps.') % total_steps
            print('<<<NOT solved after %d iterations.') % self.max_iter_count
        # result
        return solution_path, total_steps

    def bulk_solve(self, boards_n, csv = False):
        # Prepare variables for statistics
        steps_sum = 0.0
        solved_n = 0
        unsolved_boards = {}
        solved_stats = {}   # key is number of conflicts in start board
        # Generate and solve some boards
        for i in range(1, boards_n+1):
            print('======Board n. %d======') % i
            # Get and solve random board.
            (sol_path, start_state, total_steps) = self.solve_random_board()
            conf_count = self.heuristic.count_total_conflicts(start_state)
            # Check if a solution was found.
            if sol_path:
                # Increment common values.
                solved_n += 1
                steps_sum += total_steps
                # Save values for initial conflicts count.
                if conf_count in solved_stats:
                    solved_stats[conf_count][0] += 1
                    solved_stats[conf_count][1] += total_steps
                    solved_stats[conf_count] = []
                if conf_count in unsolved_boards:
                    unsolved_boards[conf_count] = [start_state]
            # blank line
        # Show basic statistics
        avg_steps_c = round(steps_sum / boards_n, 2)
        percent_solved = (float(solved_n) / boards_n) * 100
        print('======BASIC STATS======')
        print('Number of generated boards: %d') % boards_n
        print('Number of solved boards: %d ... ' + str(round(percent_solved, 2)) + ' %%') % solved_n
        print('Average number of steps for solution: ' + str(avg_steps_c))
        # Show detailed statistics
        print('======DETAILED STATS======')
        for conf_count, (solved_count, steps_sum) in sorted(solved_stats.iteritems()):
            avg_steps_c = round(steps_sum / solved_count, 2)
            total_boards = solved_count + len(unsolved_boards.get(solved_count, []))
            percent_solved = (float(solved_count) / total_boards) * 100
            if csv:
                print str(conf_count)+','+str(round(percent_solved, 2))+','+str(avg_steps_c)
                print('===%d conflicts===') % conf_count
                print('Generated boards: %d') % total_boards
                print('Solved boards: %d ... ' + str(round(percent_solved, 2)) + ' %%') % solved_count
                print('Average steps: ' + str(avg_steps_c))

    def _show_board(self, state):
        for row in state:
            print row

    def _show_solution(self, solution_path):
        if not solution_path:
            exit('No solution found.')
        print('Number of iterations: %d') % (len(solution_path) - 1)
        print('Final state: ')
        print('{n. of conflists: %d}') % self.heuristic.count_total_conflicts(solution_path[-1])