Ejemplo n.º 1
def worker_wip(machine_code):
    ### This needs to be updated to reflect the fact that the worker_id task will now deal with the issue
    ### of machines being manned (operator present) or unmanned (operator absent or otherwise not there).
    """ Function to create individual machine WIP dict """

    print('For machine {} please enter thee following information: \n'.format(

    # Machine wip dictionary
    # The attendance no longer necessary once the ID number routine complete
    machine_dict = {'Attendance': 'Absent', 'Style': 'null', 'WIP': 'null'}
    # Determine absence
    user_choice = get_user_choice(
        '{} : Is the operator present?'.format(machine_code),
        'Please select an option', (
    # If operator not present
    if user_choice != 'Present':
        print wip_validation_fmt.format(
            machine_code, **machine_dict)  # print data back to user

        #check user satisfaction
        user_satisfied = get_user_choice(
            'Are you satisfied with data entered?', 'Select one',
            ('Yes', 'No'))
        if user_satisfied == 'No':
            return worker_wip(machine_code)  # re-enter worker wip data

        return machine_dict  # return the worker wip dict

    # If operator present
    machine_dict['Attendance'] = 'Present'
    prompt = 'Please enter current style name/number as per work order: '
    machine_dict['Style'] = get_user_input(prompt).strip().lower()
    prompt = 'Please enter the amount of WIP at time of checking: '
    machine_dict['WIP'] = get_user_special_float(prompt)

    print wip_validation_fmt.format(machine_code,
                                    **machine_dict)  # print data back to user

    user_satisfied = get_user_choice('Are you satisfied with data entered?',
                                     'Select one', ('Yes', 'No'))
    if user_satisfied == 'No':
        return worker_wip(machine_code)  #re-enter worker wip data

    return machine_dict  #return the worker wip dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def worker_id(machine_code):
    """ Function prompts user for informaiton about the machine and the id of the operator working the machine 
	(if any). Returns dict of that information"""
    # This generates the worker routine for an individual operator. Rather than thinking about
    # present/absent the user will simply state is the machine is manned or unmanned. If it is
    # manned they will be prompted to enter the worker id of the person working on the machine.
    # The fact that manned/unmanned status will be dealt with here means that the Attendance
    #component of the wip task is now defunct (although the user may wish to change the
    # manned/unmanned status during the task if for example the worker was absent when the id
    # routine is run, but present once the wip task is undertaken.
    print('For machine {} please enter thee following information: \n'.format(

    worker_id_dict = {'mc_status': 'Unmanned', 'worker_id': 'null'}

    title = '{} : Please state is machine is manned or unmanned?'.format(
    user_choice = get_user_choice(title, 'Please select an option',
                                  ('Manned', 'Unmanned'))

    # If machine unmanned
    if user_choice != 'Manned':
        print ID_validation_fmt.format(
            machine_code, **worker_id_dict)  # print data back to user

        #check user satisfaction
        user_satisfied = get_user_choice(
            'Are you satisfied with data entered?', 'Select one',
            ('Yes', 'No'))
        if user_satisfied == 'No':
            return worker_id(machine_code)  # re-enter the machine dict data

        return worker_id_dict  # return the machine dict

    worker_id_dict['mc_status'] = 'Manned'
    prompt = 'Please enter the id number of the worker on this machine as is appears on their ID card: '
    worker_id_dict['worker_id'] = get_user_input(prompt).strip().lower()
    print ID_validation_fmt.format(machine_code,
                                   **worker_id_dict)  # print data back to user

    user_satisfied = get_user_choice('Are you satisfied with data entered?',
                                     'Select one', ('Yes', 'No'))
    if user_satisfied == 'No':
        return worker_id(machine_code)  #re-enter worker wip data

    return worker_id_dict  #return the worker id dict
def worker_wip(machine_code):
    ### This needs to be updated to reflect the fact that the worker_id task will now deal with the issue
    ### of machines being manned (operator present) or unmanned (operator absent or otherwise not there).
    """ Function to create individual machine WIP dict """

    print ("For machine {} please enter thee following information: \n".format(machine_code))

    # Machine wip dictionary
    # The attendance no longer necessary once the ID number routine complete
    machine_dict = {"Attendance": "Absent", "Style": "null", "WIP": "null"}
    # Determine absence
    user_choice = get_user_choice(
        "{} : Is the operator present?".format(machine_code), "Please select an option", ("Present", "Absent")
    # If operator not present
    if user_choice != "Present":
        print wip_validation_fmt.format(machine_code, **machine_dict)  # print data back to user

        # check user satisfaction
        user_satisfied = get_user_choice("Are you satisfied with data entered?", "Select one", ("Yes", "No"))
        if user_satisfied == "No":
            return worker_wip(machine_code)  # re-enter worker wip data

        return machine_dict  # return the worker wip dict

    # If operator present
    machine_dict["Attendance"] = "Present"
    prompt = "Please enter current style name/number as per work order: "
    machine_dict["Style"] = get_user_input(prompt).strip().lower()
    prompt = "Please enter the amount of WIP at time of checking: "
    machine_dict["WIP"] = get_user_special_float(prompt)

    print wip_validation_fmt.format(machine_code, **machine_dict)  # print data back to user

    user_satisfied = get_user_choice("Are you satisfied with data entered?", "Select one", ("Yes", "No"))
    if user_satisfied == "No":
        return worker_wip(machine_code)  # re-enter worker wip data

    return machine_dict  # return the worker wip dict
def worker_id(machine_code):
    """ Function prompts user for informaiton about the machine and the id of the operator working the machine 
	(if any). Returns dict of that information"""
    # This generates the worker routine for an individual operator. Rather than thinking about
    # present/absent the user will simply state is the machine is manned or unmanned. If it is
    # manned they will be prompted to enter the worker id of the person working on the machine.
    # The fact that manned/unmanned status will be dealt with here means that the Attendance
    # component of the wip task is now defunct (although the user may wish to change the
    # manned/unmanned status during the task if for example the worker was absent when the id
    # routine is run, but present once the wip task is undertaken.
    print ("For machine {} please enter thee following information: \n".format(machine_code))

    worker_id_dict = {"mc_status": "Unmanned", "worker_id": "null"}

    title = "{} : Please state is machine is manned or unmanned?".format(machine_code)
    user_choice = get_user_choice(title, "Please select an option", ("Manned", "Unmanned"))

    # If machine unmanned
    if user_choice != "Manned":
        print ID_validation_fmt.format(machine_code, **worker_id_dict)  # print data back to user

        # check user satisfaction
        user_satisfied = get_user_choice("Are you satisfied with data entered?", "Select one", ("Yes", "No"))
        if user_satisfied == "No":
            return worker_id(machine_code)  # re-enter the machine dict data

        return worker_id_dict  # return the machine dict

    worker_id_dict["mc_status"] = "Manned"
    prompt = "Please enter the id number of the worker on this machine as is appears on their ID card: "
    worker_id_dict["worker_id"] = get_user_input(prompt).strip().lower()
    print ID_validation_fmt.format(machine_code, **worker_id_dict)  # print data back to user

    user_satisfied = get_user_choice("Are you satisfied with data entered?", "Select one", ("Yes", "No"))
    if user_satisfied == "No":
        return worker_id(machine_code)  # re-enter worker wip data

    return worker_id_dict  # return the worker id dict