Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement):
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

            print('The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...')

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict, key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))
            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords)

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config, platepar_refined, calstars_list, \
                distorsion_refinement=distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement=True)

            print('Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!')
            return platepar, False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def starListToDict(config, calstars_list, max_ffs=None):
    """ Converts the list of calstars into dictionary where the keys are FF file JD and the values is
        a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of stars. 


    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:

            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    if max_ffs is not None:

        # Limit the number of FF files used
        if len(star_dict) > max_ffs:

            # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
            rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), max_ffs)
            star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    return star_dict
Ejemplo n.º 3
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar,
    """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. 

        dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is.
        ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [Config instance]
        platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar.

    Keyword arguments:
        generate_plot: [bool] Generate the calibration variation plot. True by default.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are 
            recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file.

    # Use a copy of the config file
    config = copy.deepcopy(config)

    # If the given file does not exits, return nothing
    if not os.path.isfile(ftpdetectinfo_path):
        print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file does not exist: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path))
        print('    The recalibration on every file was not done!')

        return {}

    # Read the FTPdetectinfo data
    cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \

    # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    ### Add neighboring FF files for more robust photometry estimation ###

    ff_processing_list = []

    # Make a list of sorted FF files in CALSTARS
    calstars_ffs = sorted([ff_file for ff_file in calstars])

    # Go through the list of FF files with detections and add neighboring FFs
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name = meteor_entry[0]

        if ff_name in calstars_ffs:

            # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars
            ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name)

            # Add neighbours to the processing list

                k_indx = ff_indx + k

                if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)):

                    ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx]
                    if ff_name_tmp not in ff_processing_list:

    # Sort the processing list of FF files
    ff_processing_list = sorted(ff_processing_list)

    ### ###

    # Globally increase catalog limiting magnitude
    config.catalog_mag_limit += 1

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    star_catalog_status = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    if not star_catalog_status:
        print("Could not load the star catalog!")
        print(os.path.join(config.star_catalog_path, config.star_catalog_file))
        return {}

    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = star_catalog_status

    # Update the platepar coordinates from the config file
    platepar.lat = config.latitude
    platepar.lon = config.longitude
    platepar.elev = config.elevation

    prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar)

    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for ff_name in ff_processing_list:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        # Skip this meteor if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
        result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

        # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
        if result is None:

            print('Running FFT alignment...')

            # Run FFT alignment
            calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            test_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \

            # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
            result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, test_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

            # If the FFT alignment failed, align the original platepar using the smallest radius that matched
            #   and force save the the platepar
            if (result is None) and (min_match_radius is not None):
                print("Using the old platepar with the minimum match radius of: {:.2f}".format(min_match_radius))
                result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars, 
                    max_match_radius=min_match_radius, force_platepar_save=True)

                if result is not None:
                    working_platepar = result

            # If the alignment succeeded, save the result
                working_platepar = result

            working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:

            # Recompute alt/az of the FOV centre
            working_platepar.az_centre, working_platepar.alt_centre = raDec2AltAz(working_platepar.RA_d, \
                working_platepar.dec_d, working_platepar.JD, working_platepar.lat, working_platepar.lon)

            # Recompute the rotation wrt horizon
            working_platepar.rotation_from_horiz = rotationWrtHorizon(working_platepar)

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically recalibrated on an individual FF file
            working_platepar.auto_recalibrated = True

            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


            print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name))

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that autorecalib failed
            prev_platepar_tmp = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)
            prev_platepar_tmp.auto_recalibrated = False

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar_tmp

    ### Average out photometric offsets within the given neighbourhood size ###

    # Go through the list of FF files with detections
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name = meteor_entry[0]

        # Make sure the FF was successfuly recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

            # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars
            ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name)

            # Compute the average photometric offset and the improved standard deviation using all
            #   neighbors
            photom_offset_tmp_list = []
            photom_offset_std_tmp_list = []
            neighboring_ffs = []

                k_indx = ff_indx + k

                if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)):

                    # Get the name of the FF file
                    ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx]

                    # Check that the neighboring FF was successfuly recalibrated
                    if ff_name_tmp in recalibrated_platepars:
                        # Get the computed photometric offset and stddev

            # Compute the new photometric offset and improved standard deviation (assume equal sample size)
            #   Source: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/55999/is-it-possible-to-find-the-combined-standard-deviation
            photom_offset_new = np.mean(photom_offset_tmp_list)
            photom_offset_std_new = np.sqrt(\
                np.sum([st**2 + (mt - photom_offset_new)**2 \
                for mt, st in zip(photom_offset_tmp_list, photom_offset_std_tmp_list)]) \
                / len(photom_offset_tmp_list)

            # Assign the new photometric offset and standard deviation to all FFs used for computation
            for ff_name_tmp in neighboring_ffs:
                recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev = photom_offset_new
                recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev_stddev = photom_offset_std_new

    ### ###

    ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ###

    all_pps = {}
    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr()
        all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str)

    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f:
        # Convert all platepars to a JSON file
        out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


    ### ###

    # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure
    if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0:

        print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...')

        # Use the initial platepar for calibration
        applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar)

        return recalibrated_platepars

    ### GENERATE PLOTS ###

    dt_list = []
    ang_dists = []
    rot_angles = []
    hour_list = []
    photom_offset_list = []
    photom_offset_std_list = []

    first_dt = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars])

    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
        pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

        # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar
        if pp_temp is None:

        # Add the datetime of the FF file to the list
        ff_dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name)

        # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar
        ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \
            np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d)))

        # Compute rotation difference
        rot_diff = (platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref + 180)%360 - 180

        # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration
        hour_list.append((ff_dt - first_dt).total_seconds()/3600)

        # Add the photometric offset to the list

    if generate_plot:

        # Generate the name the plots
        plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '')

        ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ###    


        plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3)

        plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3)
        plt.colorbar(label="Hours from first FF file")
        plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)")
        plt.ylabel("Rotation from reference (arcmin)")

        plt.title("FOV centre drift starting at {:s}".format(first_dt.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))



        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_calibration_variation.png'), dpi=150)

        # plt.show()


        ### ###

        ### Plot the photometric offset variation ###


        plt.errorbar(dt_list, photom_offset_list, yerr=photom_offset_std_list, fmt="o", \
            ecolor='lightgray', elinewidth=2, capsize=0, ms=2)

        # Format datetimes

        # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better

        plt.xlabel("UTC time")
        plt.ylabel("Photometric offset")

        plt.title("Photometric offset variation")



        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_photometry_variation.png'), dpi=150)


    ### ###

    ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ###

    meteor_output_list = []
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
            working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

            print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name)
            working_platepar = platepar

        # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids
        meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \

        meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks])

    # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file
    calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC'

    # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters
    if len(meteor_list) == 0:
        cam_code = ''
        fps = 0

    # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file
        shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \
            + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f')))
        print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file could not be backed up: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path))

    # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo
    FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \
        dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True)

    ### ###

    return recalibrated_platepars
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, catalog_stars,
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

                'The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...'

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {
                ff_file: star_data
                for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict,
                             key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))

            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]

            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff,

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time,


            ### If there are still not enough stars matched, try FFT again ###
            min_radius = 10

            # Prepare star dictionary to check the match
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)
            star_dict_temp = {}
            star_dict_temp[jd] = calstars_dict[max_len_ff]

            # Check the number of matched stars
            n_matched, _, _, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar_refined, catalog_stars, \
                star_dict_temp, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True, verbose=True)

            # Realign again if necessary
            if n_matched < config.min_matched_stars:
                    'Doing a second FFT pass as the number of matched stars was too small...'
                platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar_refined,

            ### ###

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config,

                'Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!'
            return platepar, False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def autoCheckFit(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement=False, _fft_refinement=False):
    """ Attempts to refine the astrometry fit with the given stars and and initial astrometry parameters.

        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Initial astrometry parameters.
        calstars_list: [list] A list containing stars extracted from FF files. See RMS.Formats.CALSTARS for
            more details.

    Keyword arguments:
        distorsion_refinement: [bool] Whether the distorsion should be fitted as well. False by default.
        _fft_refinement: [bool] Internal flag indicating that autoCF is running the second time recursively
            after FFT platepar adjustment.
        (platepar, fit_status):
            platepar: [Platepar structure] Estimated/refined platepar.
            fit_status: [bool] True if fit was successfuly, False if not.

    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement):
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

            print('The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...')

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict, key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))
            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords)

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config, platepar_refined, calstars_list, \
                distorsion_refinement=distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement=True)

            print('Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!')
            return platepar, False

    if _fft_refinement:
        print('Second ACF run with an updated platepar via FFT phase correlation...')

    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path, \
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:
            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    # There has to be a minimum of 200 FF files for star fitting, and only 100 will be subset if there are more
    if len(star_dict) < config.calstars_files_N:
        print('Not enough FF files in CALSTARS for ACF!')
        return platepar, False


        # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
        rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), config.calstars_files_N)
        star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    # Calculate the total number of calibration stars used
    total_calstars = sum([len(star_dict[key]) for key in star_dict])
    print('Total calstars:', total_calstars)

    if total_calstars < config.calstars_min_stars:
        print('Not enough calibration stars, need at least', config.calstars_min_stars)
        return platepar, False

    # A list of matching radiuses to try, pairs of [radius, fit_distorsion_flag]
    #   The distorsion will be fitted only if explicity requested
    min_radius = 0.5
    radius_list = [[10, False], 
                    [5, False], 
                    [3, False],
                    [1.5, True and distorsion_refinement], 
                    [min_radius, True and distorsion_refinement]]

    # Calculate the function tolerance, so the desired precision can be reached (the number is calculated
    # in the same regard as the cost function)
    fatol, xatol_ang = computeMinimizationTolerances(config, platepar, len(star_dict))

    ### If the initial match is good enough, do only quick recalibratoin ###
    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
        min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    if n_matched >= config.calstars_files_N:

        # Check if the average distance with the tightest radius is close
        if avg_dist < config.dist_check_quick_threshold:

            # Use a reduced set of initial radius values
            radius_list = [[1.5, True and distorsion_refinement], 
                           [min_radius, True and distorsion_refinement]]


    # Match increasingly smaller search radiia around image stars
    for i, (match_radius, fit_distorsion) in enumerate(radius_list):

        # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
        n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
            match_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

        print('Max radius:', match_radius)
        print('Initial values:')
        print(' Matched stars:', n_matched)
        print(' Average deviation:', avg_dist)

        # The initial number of matched stars has to be at least the number of FF imaages, otherwise it means
        #   that the initial platepar is no good
        if n_matched < config.calstars_files_N:
            print('The total number of initially matched stars is too small! Please manually redo the plate or make sure there are enough calibration stars.')
            # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
            return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, min_radius, verbose=True):

            # Print out notice only if the platepar is good right away
            if i == 0:
                print("Initial platepar is good enough!")

            return platepar, True

        # Initial parameters for the astrometric fit (don't fit the scale if the distorsion is not being fit)
        if fit_distorsion:
            p0 = [platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref, platepar.F_scale]
            p0 = [platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref]

        # Fit the astrometric parameters
        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsAstro, p0, args=(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
            star_dict, match_radius, fit_distorsion), method='Nelder-Mead', \
            options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': xatol_ang})


        # If the fit was not successful, stop further fitting
        if not res.success:

            # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
            return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

            # If the fit was successful, use the new parameters from now on
            if fit_distorsion:
                ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref, F_scale = res.x

                ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref = res.x
                F_scale = platepar.F_scale

            platepar.RA_d = ra_ref
            platepar.dec_d = dec_ref
            platepar.pos_angle_ref = pos_angle_ref
            platepar.F_scale = F_scale

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, min_radius, verbose=True):
            return platepar, True

        # Fit the lens distorsion parameters
        if fit_distorsion:


            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly_rev, args=(config, \
                platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.x_poly_rev = res.x

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly_rev, args=(config, \
                platepar,catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.y_poly_rev = res.x

            ### ###


            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcSkyResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly_fwd, args=(config, \
                platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.x_poly_fwd = res.x

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcSkyResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly_fwd, args=(config, \
                platepar,catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.y_poly_fwd = res.x

            ### ###

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
        star_dict, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    print('FINAL SOLUTION with {:f} px:'.format(min_radius))
    print('Matched stars:', n_matched)
    print('Average deviation:', avg_dist)

    # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically refined with CheckFit
    platepar.auto_check_fit_refined = True

    return platepar, True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def autoCheckFit(config, platepar, calstars_list):
    """ Attempts to refine the astrometry fit with the given stars and and initial astrometry parameters.

        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Initial astrometry parameters.
        calstars_list: [list] A list containing stars extracted from FF files. See RMS.Formats.CALSTARS for
            more details.
        (platepar, fit_status):
            platepar: [Platepar structure] Estimated/refined platepar.
            fit_status: [bool] True if fit was successfuly, False if not.

    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars
    catalog_stars = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path, config.star_catalog_file, \
        lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, mag_band_ratios=config.star_catalog_band_ratios)

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:

            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    # There has to be a minimum of 200 FF files for star fitting, and only 100 will be subset if there are more
    if len(star_dict) < config.calstars_files_N:
        print('Not enough FF files in CALSTARS for ACF!')
        return platepar, False


        # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
        rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), config.calstars_files_N)
        star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    # Calculate the total number of calibration stars used
    total_calstars = sum([len(star_dict[key]) for key in star_dict])
    print('Total calstars:', total_calstars)

    if total_calstars < config.calstars_min_stars:
        print('Not enough calibration stars, need at least',
        return platepar, False

    # A list of matching radiuses to try, pairs of [radius, fit_distorsion_flag]
    min_radius = 0.5
    radius_list = [[10, False], [5, False], [3, False], [1.5, True],
                   [min_radius, True]]

    # Calculate the function tolerance, so the desired precision can be reached (the number is calculated
    # in the same reagrd as the cost function)
    fatol = (config.dist_check_threshold**
             2) / np.sqrt(len(star_dict) * config.min_matched_stars + 1)

    # Parameter estimation tolerance for angular values
    fov_w = platepar.X_res / platepar.F_scale
    xatol_ang = config.dist_check_threshold * fov_w / platepar.X_res

    ### If the initial match is good enough, do only quick recalibratoin ###

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
        min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    if n_matched >= config.calstars_files_N:

        # Check if the average distance with the tightest radius is close
        if avg_dist < config.dist_check_quick_threshold:

            # Use a reduced set of initial radius values
            radius_list = [[1.5, True], [min_radius, True]]


    # Match increasingly smaller search radiia around image stars
    for i, (match_radius, fit_distorsion) in enumerate(radius_list):

        # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
        n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
            match_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

        print('Max radius:', match_radius)
        print('Initial values:')
        print(' Matched stars:', n_matched)
        print(' Average deviation:', avg_dist)

        # The initial number of matched stars has to be at least the number of FF imaages, otherwise it means
        #   that the initial platepar is no good
        if n_matched < config.calstars_files_N:
                'The total number of initially matched stars is too small! Please manually redo the plate or make sure there are enough calibration stars.'
            return platepar, False

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,

            # Print out notice only if the platepar is good right away
            if i == 0:
                print("Initial platepar is good enough!")

            return platepar, True

        # Initial parameters for the astrometric fit
        p0 = [
            platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref,

        # Fit the astrometric parameters
        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsAstro, p0, args=(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
            star_dict, match_radius), method='Nelder-Mead', \
            options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': xatol_ang})


        # If the fit was not successful, stop further fitting
        if not res.success:
            return platepar, False

            # If the fit was successful, use the new parameters from now on
            ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref, F_scale = res.x

            platepar.RA_d = ra_ref
            platepar.dec_d = dec_ref
            platepar.pos_angle_ref = pos_angle_ref
            platepar.F_scale = F_scale

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,
            return platepar, True

        # Fit the lens distorsion parameters
        if fit_distorsion:

            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly, args=(config, platepar,\
                catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.x_poly = res.x

            # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
            if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,
                return platepar, True

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly, args=(config, platepar,\
                catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.y_poly = res.x

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
        star_dict, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    print('FINAL SOLUTION with {:f} px:'.format(min_radius))
    print('Matched stars:', n_matched)
    print('Average deviation:', avg_dist)

    return platepar, True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def recalibratePlateparsForFF(
    Recalibrate platepars corresponding to ff files based on the stars.

        prev_platepar: [platepar]
        ff_file_names: [list] list of ff file names
        calstars: [dict] A dictionary with only one entry, where the key is 'jd' and the value is the
            list of star coordinates.
        catalog_stars: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [config]

    Keyword arguments:
        lim_mag: [float]
        ignore_distance_threshold: [bool] Don't consider the recalib as failed if the median distance
            is larger than the threshold.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where one key is ff file name and the value is
            a calibrated corresponding platepar.
    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for ff_name in ff_file_names:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        # Skip this meteor if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        result = None

        # Skip recalibration if less than a minimum number of stars were detected
        if (len(calstars[ff_name]) >= config.ff_min_stars) and (len(
                calstars[ff_name]) >= config.min_matched_stars):

            # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
            result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(

            # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
            if result is None:

                print('Running FFT alignment...')

                # Run FFT alignment
                calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
                calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
                test_platepar = alignPlatepar(config,

                # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
                result, _ = recalibrateFF(config,

                # If the FFT alignment failed, align the original platepar using the smallest radius that matched
                #   and force save the the platepar
                if (result is None) and (min_match_radius is not None):
                        "Using the old platepar with the minimum match radius of: {:.2f}"
                    result, _ = recalibrateFF(

                    if result is not None:
                        working_platepar = result

                # If the alignment succeeded, save the result
                    working_platepar = result

                working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:

            # Recompute alt/az of the FOV centre
            working_platepar.az_centre, working_platepar.alt_centre = raDec2AltAz(

            # Recompute the rotation wrt horizon
            working_platepar.rotation_from_horiz = rotationWrtHorizon(

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically recalibrated on an individual FF file
            working_platepar.auto_recalibrated = True

            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


                'Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that autorecalib failed
            prev_platepar_tmp = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)
            prev_platepar_tmp.auto_recalibrated = False

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar_tmp

    return recalibrated_platepars
Ejemplo n.º 8
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar):
    """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. 

        dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is.
        ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [Config instance]
        platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are 
            recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file.

    # Read the FTPdetectinfo data
    cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \

    # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar)

    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Skip this meteors if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
        result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

        # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
        if result is None:

            print('Running FFT alignment...')

            # Run FFT alignment
            calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            working_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \

            # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
            result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

            if result is not None:
                working_platepar = result

            working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


            print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name))

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar

    ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ###

    all_pps = {}
    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr()
        all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str)

    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f:
        # Convert all platepars to a JSON file
        out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


    ### ###

    # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure
    if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0:

        print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...')

        # Use the initial platepar for calibration
        applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar)

        return recalibrated_platepars

    ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ###

    ang_dists = []
    rot_angles = []
    hour_list = []

    first_jd = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars])

    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
        pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

        # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar
        if pp_temp is None:

        # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar
        ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \
            np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d)))

        rot_angles.append((platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref)*60)

        # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration
        hour_list.append((FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) - first_jd).total_seconds()/3600)


    plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3)

    plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3)
    plt.colorbar(label='Hours from first FF file')
    plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)")
    plt.ylabel('Rotation from reference (arcmin)')



    # Generate the name for the plot
    calib_plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') \
        + '_calibration_variation.png'

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, calib_plot_name), dpi=150)

    # plt.show()


    ### ###

    ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ###

    meteor_output_list = []
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
            working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

            print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name)
            working_platepar = platepar

        # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids
        meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \

        meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks])

    # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file
    calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC'

    # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters
    if len(meteor_list) == 0:
        cam_code = ''
        fps = 0

    # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file
    shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \
        + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f')))

    # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo
    FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \
        dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True)

    ### ###

    return recalibrated_platepars