Ejemplo n.º 1
# Create kernel PDF from the generated sample
# If the number of variables passed to the constructor is larger by 1 than the phase 
# space dimensionality, the last variables is considered as the weight
kde = BinnedKernelDensity("KernelPDF",
                          ntuple, # Input ntuple
                          "x",     # Variable to use
                          "w",     # Weight variable
                          1000,    # Number of bins
                          0.1,     # Kernel width
                          0,       # Approximation PDF (0 for flat approximation)
                          100000   # Sample size for MC convolution (0 for binned convolution)

# Write binned PDF into a file

# That's it. Now fill some control histograms and plot them. 
kernel_hist = TH1F("kernel", "Kernel PDF", 200, -1.5, 1.5) 



canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "WeightedTuple", 400, 400) 
kernel_hist.Scale( uniform_hist.GetSumOfWeights() / kernel_hist.GetSumOfWeights() ) 
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Generate 10000 toys according to the uniform PDF
uniform.generate(ntuple, 10000)

# Create kernel PDF from the generate sample
kde = BinnedKernelDensity("KernelPDF", 
                          ntuple, # Input ntuple
                          "x",    # Variable to use
                          1000,   # Number of bins
                          0.2,    # Kernel width
                          0,      # Approximation PDF (0 for flat approximation)
                          100000  # Sample size for MC convolution (0 for binned convolution)

# Write binned PDF into a file

uniform_hist = TH1F("unform", "PDF", 200, -1.5, 1.5)
kernel_hist = TH1F("kernel", "Kernel PDF", 200, -1.5, 1.5)



canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "OneDimPdf", 400, 400)

kernel_hist.Scale( uniform_hist.GetSumOfWeights() / kernel_hist.GetSumOfWeights() )
Ejemplo n.º 3
                         50000    # Sample size for MC integration

# Create kernel PDF from the generated sample
kde = BinnedKernelDensity("KernelPDF", 
                          phsp,    # Phase space
                          ntuple,  # Input ntuple
                          "x","y", # Variables to use
                          200,200, # Numbers of bins
                          0.4, 0.4,# Kernel widths
                          poly,    # Approximation PDF (0 for flat approximation)
                          50000    # Sample size for MC convolution (0 for binned convolution)

# Write binned PDF into a file

# That's it. Now fill some histograms and show the results. 

true_hist = TH2F("true", "True PDF", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0), 
                                     100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1))
poly_hist = TH2F("poly", "Polynomial PDF", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0), 
                                     100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1))
kernel_hist = TH2F("kernel", "Kernel PDF", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0), 
                                           100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1))

true_kpi = TH1F("true_kpi", "M^{2}(K_{S}#pi) slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0) )
poly_kpi = TH1F("poly_kpi", "M^{2}(K_{S}#pi) slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0) )
kernel_kpi = TH1F("kernel_kpi", "M^{2}(K_{S}#pi) slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0) )
true_pipi = TH1F("true_pipi", "M^{2}(#pi#pi) slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1) )
poly_pipi = TH1F("poly_pipi", "M^{2}(#pi#pi) slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1) )
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Generate 50000 toys according to the "true" PDF
truepdf.generate(ntuple, 50000) 

# Create kernel PDF from the generated sample. Use polynomial shape as an approximation PDF 
kde = BinnedKernelDensity("KernelPDF", 
                          phsp,      # Phase space
                          ntuple,    # Input ntuple
                          "x","y",   # Variables to use
                          200,200,   # Numbers of bins
                          0.2, 0.2,  # Kernel widths
                          approxpdf, # Approximation PDF (0 for flat approximation)
                          100000     # Sample size for MC convolution (0 for binned convolution)

# Write binned PDF into a file

# That's it. Now fill some histograms and show the results. 

true_hist = TH2F("true", "True PDF", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0), 
                                     100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1)) 
kernel_hist = TH2F("kernel", "Kernel PDF", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0), 
                                           100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1)) 

true_kpi = TH1F("true_kpi", "X slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0) ) 
kernel_kpi = TH1F("kernel_kpi", "X slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(0), phsp.upperLimit(0) ) 
true_pipi = TH1F("true_pipi", "Y slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1) ) 
kernel_pipi = TH1F("kernel_pipi", "Y slice", 100, phsp.lowerLimit(1), phsp.upperLimit(1) ) 

# Coordinates in the phase space where we will create the 1D slices.
from ROOT import std, Double