def addHistToTGraphPoisson(self, h, g, w=1.):
        for i in range(0, g.GetN()):
            # shifted by +1, i.e. over/underflow
            err = h.GetBinError(i + 1)
            y = h.GetBinContent(i + 1)

            binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i + 1)

            # From
            alpha = 1. - 0.6827
            n = int(
                round(y * binWidth /
                      w))  # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors
            l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha / 2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0.
            u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n + 1, 1) if n != 0. else 0.
                math.sqrt(((n - l) / binWidth * w)**2 + g.GetErrorYlow(i)**2))
                math.sqrt(((u - n) / binWidth * w)**2 + g.GetErrorYhigh(i)**2))

            gx = Double(0.)
            gy = Double(0.)
            g.GetPoint(i, gx, gy)
            g.SetPoint(i, gx, y + gy)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__( self, process_list, sf = None, df = None ):
        self.__processes = process_list
        if sf and df:
            self.__sf = sf
            self.__df = df
            alpha = 1 - 0.6827            

            self.__sfCRGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.__sf)
            self.__dfCRGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.__df)
            for g in [self.__sfCRGraph, self.__dfCRGraph]:
                for i in range(g.GetN()):
                    N = g.GetY()[i]
                    LowErr = 0 if N == 0 else Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2, N, 1.)
                    UpErr = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2, N+1, 1.) # recommended by StatComm (1.8)
                    # Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, N+1, 1.) # gives 1.2, strictly 68% one-sided
                    g.SetPointEYlow(i, N-LowErr)
                    g.SetPointEYhigh(i, UpErr-N)
            for p in self.__processes:
                if in ['nonpromptSF', 'nonpromptDF']:
                    nom, low, high = [], [], []
                    for ib in range(p.nominal().GetXaxis().GetNbins()):
                        if in ['nonpromptDF']: hnp = self.__dfCRGraph
                        else: hnp = self.__sfCRGraph
                        npcr = hnp.GetY()[ib]
                        npcrErrLow = hnp.GetEYlow()[ib]
                        npcrErrHigh = hnp.GetEYhigh()[ib]
                        np = p.nominal().GetBinContent(ib+1)
                        npErr = p.nominal().GetBinError(ib+1)
                        alpha = np/npcr if npcr > 0 else npErr
                    hnom = p.nominal().Clone()
                    for ib in range(hnom.GetXaxis().GetNbins()):
                        hnom.SetBinContent(ib+1, nom[ib])
                    npGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(hnom)
                    for ib in range(hnom.GetXaxis().GetNbins()):
                        npGraph.SetPointEYlow(ib, low[ib])
                        npGraph.SetPointEYhigh(ib, high[ib])
                    if in ['nonpromptDF']:
                        self.__dfGraph = npGraph
                        self.__sfGraph = npGraph
        self.__uncertainties = set()
        for p in self.__processes:
            self.__uncertainties = self.__uncertainties.union( set( p.uncertaintySources() ) )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calculatePoissonErrors(n, confidenceInterval=0.6827):
    ## Calcultes the Poisson error for a given numer
    #  n                   number of entries
    #  confidenceInterval  probability covered inside the error band
    from ROOT import Math
    n = round(n)
    invIntegral = (1. - confidenceInterval) / 2.
    lo = Math.gamma_quantile(invIntegral, n, 1.) if n != 0 else 0.
    hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(invIntegral, n + 1, 1.)
    return n - lo, hi - n
    def createTGraphPoisson(self, h, w=1.):
        g = TGraphAsymmErrors(h)
        for i in range(0, g.GetN()):
            y = h.GetBinContent(i+1)
            binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i+1)

            # From
            alpha = 1. - 0.6827
            n = int(round(y*binWidth/w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors
            l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0.
            u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n+1, 1)
            # print y*binWidth/w, n, y, u, l
            g.SetPointEYlow(i, (n-l)/binWidth*w)
            g.SetPointEYhigh(i, (u-n)/binWidth*w)

        return g
    def createTGraphPoisson(self, h, w=1.):
        g = TGraphAsymmErrors(h)
        for i in range(0, g.GetN()):
            y = h.GetBinContent(i + 1)
            binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i + 1)

            # From
            alpha = 1. - 0.6827
            n = int(
                round(y * binWidth /
                      w))  # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors
            l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha / 2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0.
            u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n + 1, 1)
            # print y*binWidth/w, n, y, u, l
            g.SetPointEYlow(i, (n - l) / binWidth * w)
            g.SetPointEYhigh(i, (u - n) / binWidth * w)

        return g
    def addHistToTGraphPoisson(self, h, g, w=1.):
        for i in range(0, g.GetN()):
            # shifted by +1, i.e. over/underflow
            err = h.GetBinError(i+1)
            y = h.GetBinContent(i+1)

            binWidth = h.GetBinWidth(i+1)
            # From
            alpha = 1. - 0.6827
            n = int(round(y*binWidth/w)) # Round is necessary due to, well, rounding errors
            l = Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2., n, 1.) if n != 0. else 0.
            u = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha, n+1, 1) if n != 0. else 0.
            g.SetPointEYlow(i, math.sqrt(((n-l)/binWidth*w)**2 + g.GetErrorYlow(i)**2))
            g.SetPointEYhigh(i, math.sqrt(((u-n)/binWidth*w)**2 + g.GetErrorYhigh(i)**2))

            gx = Double(0.)
            gy = Double(0.)
            g.GetPoint(i, gx, gy)
            g.SetPoint(i, gx, y + gy)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Nzj   = zmumuj_data.Get('TotEvts').GetVal()*ztautauj.Get('NormEvts').GetVal()/zmumuj.Get('NormEvts').GetVal()
#Nwt   = (Nevts - (Nqcd + Nzj))*(wtOttbar/(1+wtOttbar))
Nwt   = powheg_predictions.Get("Wt_dr_xsec").GetVal() * L * totaleff_wt
Nsig  = Nevts - Nqcd - Nzj - Nwt
Nbkg = Nqcd + Nzj + Nwt

acc   = TFile("/user2/sfarry/workspaces/top/tuples/ttbar_acc.root")
A     = acc.Get('acc').GetVal()
A_err = acc.Get('acc_err').GetVal()

xsec = Nsig * A / (totaleff * L )

from math import floor
#poisson uncertainties
alpha = 1 - 0.68268942
Nwt_err_lo  = Nwt - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nwt),1)
Nzj_err_lo  = Nzj - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nzj),1)
Nqcd_err_lo = Nqcd - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nqcd),1)
Nbkg_err_lo = Nbkg - Math.gamma_quantile(alpha/2.0, floor(Nbkg),1)
Nwt_err_hi  = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nwt)+1,1) - Nwt
Nzj_err_hi  = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nzj)+1,1) - Nzj
Nqcd_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nqcd)+1,1) - Nqcd
Nbkg_err_hi = Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2.0, floor(Nbkg)+1,1) - Nbkg

stat_err = xsec / sqrt(Nevts)
syst_err = xsec * sqrt(pow(totaleff_err / totaleff, 2) + pow(A_err / A, 2) + pow(Nbkg_err_hi/(Nevts - Nbkg),2))
lumi_err = xsec * 0.039

print "Number of selected events: %f +/- %f" %(Nevts, sqrt(Nevts))
print "Same sign background     : %f + %f - %f" %(Nqcd, Nqcd_err_hi, Nqcd_err_lo)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield,

        # Histogram holders
        signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1)
        backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background',
                                   self.nbins, 0, 1)

        # Loop over the chromosomes in the population
        for genome in population:

            # Reset histograms

            # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward)
            net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome)

            # Loop over the events creating signal histogram
            for event in signalSample:
                # Extract variables and weight
                variables = event[1:]
                weight = event[0]
                # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets
                # Net output
                output = net.sactivate(variables)[0]
                # Filling histograms
                signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight)

            # Signal overall normalization scale
            signalScale = signalYield / len(signalSample)

            # Loop over the events creating background histogram
            for event in backgroundSample:
                # Extract variables and weight
                variables = event[1:]
                weight = event[0]
                # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets
                # Net output
                output = net.sactivate(variables)[0]
                # Filling histograms
                backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight)

            # Background overall normalization scale
            backgroundScale = backgroundYield / len(backgroundSample)

            # Random generators
            rcount = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535)))
            rsignal = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535)))
            rbackground = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0, 65535)))

            zscore = 0.
            sqweight = 0.

            # Computing weighted z-score
            for bin in xrange(1, signalHistogram.GetNbinsX() + 1):

                newz = 0.
                oldz = 0.

                # Computing the zvalue per bin
                for point in xrange(1, self.mpoints + 1):
                    # Sample background
                    background = Math.gamma_quantile(
                        (backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) /
                         backgroundScale) + 1., backgroundScale)
                    # Background larger that zero
                    if background > 0.:
                        # Sampling signal
                        signal = Math.gamma_quantile(
                            (signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin) / signalScale)
                            + 1., signalScale)
                        # Sampling count
                        count = rcount.Poisson(signal + background)
                        # Computing pvalue
                        pvalue = Math.poisson_cdf_c(
                            count, background) + Math.poisson_pdf(
                                count, background)
                        # Computing zvalue
                        zvalue = self.minz
                        if pvalue < 1.0:
                            zvalue = Math.normal_quantile_c(pvalue, 1)
                        # zvalue iterative average
                        newz = (zvalue + (point - 1) * oldz) / point
                        # Computing relative difference
                        error = math.fabs((newz - oldz) / newz)
                        # Convergency criteria
                        if error < self.error: break
                        # Updating oldz
                        oldz = newz
                        if point == self.mpoints:
                                'Warning reach maximum number of integration %s points.'
                                % point)

                weight = self.weight(signalHistogram.GetBinCenter(bin))
                zscore = zscore + weight * newz
                sqweight = sqweight + weight**2

            # Fitness function is zscore transform back to 1 - pvalue
            # Set the fitness value to the chomosome
   = 1. - Math.normal_cdf_c(
                zscore / Math.sqrt(sqweight))
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def __call__(self, population, signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample):

    # Histogram holders
    signalHistogram = TH1F('signalHistogram', 'signal', self.nbins, 0, 1)
    backgroundHistogram = TH1F('backgroundHistogram', 'background', self.nbins, 0, 1)

    # Loop over the chromosomes in the population 
    for genome in population:
      # Reset histograms

      # Get a nn describe by the chromosome (feed foreward)
      net = nn.create_ffphenotype(genome)   

      # Loop over the events creating signal histogram
      for event in signalSample:
        # Extract variables and weight
        variables = event[1:]
        weight = event[0]
        # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets
        # Net output
        output = net.sactivate(variables)[0]
        # Filling histograms
        signalHistogram.Fill(output, weight)

      # Signal overall normalization scale
      signalScale = signalYield/len(signalSample)
      # Loop over the events creating background histogram
      for event in backgroundSample:
        # Extract variables and weight
        variables = event[1:]
        weight = event[0]
        # Not strictly necessary in feedforward nets
        # Net output
        output = net.sactivate(variables)[0]
        # Filling histograms
        backgroundHistogram.Fill(output, weight)

      # Background overall normalization scale
      backgroundScale = backgroundYield/len(backgroundSample)
      # Random generators
      rcount = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535)))
      rsignal = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535)))
      rbackground = TRandom3(int(random.uniform(0,65535)))

      zscore = 0.; sqweight = 0.
      # Computing weighted z-score
      for bin in xrange(1,signalHistogram.GetNbinsX()+1):

        newz = 0.; oldz = 0.

        # Computing the zvalue per bin
        for point in xrange(1,self.mpoints+1):
          # Sample background
          background = Math.gamma_quantile(rbackground.Uniform(), 
            (backgroundHistogram.GetBinContent(bin)/backgroundScale)+1., backgroundScale
          # Background larger that zero
          if background > 0.:
            # Sampling signal
            signal = Math.gamma_quantile(rsignal.Uniform(),
              (signalHistogram.GetBinContent(bin)/signalScale)+1., signalScale
            # Sampling count
            count = rcount.Poisson(signal+background)
            # Computing pvalue
            pvalue = Math.poisson_cdf_c(count,background) + Math.poisson_pdf(count,background)
            # Computing zvalue
            zvalue = self.minz
            if pvalue < 1.0: zvalue = Math.normal_quantile_c(pvalue,1)
            # zvalue iterative average 
            newz = (zvalue + (point - 1)*oldz)/point
            # Computing relative difference
            error = math.fabs((newz - oldz)/newz)
            # Convergency criteria
            if error < self.error: break
            # Updating oldz
            oldz = newz  
            if point == self.mpoints:
              self.message('Warning reach maximum number of integration %s points.' % point)

        weight = self.weight(signalHistogram.GetBinCenter(bin))
        zscore = zscore + weight * newz
        sqweight = sqweight + weight**2
      # Fitness function is zscore transform back to 1 - pvalue
      # Set the fitness value to the chomosome = 1. - Math.normal_cdf_c(zscore/Math.sqrt(sqweight))