Ejemplo n.º 1
                  mhtpx, mhtpy = 0., 0.
                  for j,jet in enumerate(goodJets):
                    mhtpx -= jet["pt"]*cos(jet["phi"])
                    mhtpy -= jet["pt"]*sin(jet["phi"])
                    if j<4:
                  s.mht = sqrt(mhtpx**2 + mhtpy**2)
                  leptonPair = []
                  if chmode=="doubleMu":  leptonPair = getBestLeptonPair(allGoodLeptons["muons"], chmode) 
                  if chmode=="doubleEle": leptonPair = getBestLeptonPair(allGoodLeptons["electrons"], chmode)
                  if chmode=="eleMu":     leptonPair = getBestLeptonPair(allGoodLeptons["leptons"], chmode)
#                  if len(allGoodLeptons) >=2 and ((mode=="highMET" and allGoodLeptons[0]["pt"]>20.) or (mode=="lowMET" and allGoodLeptons[1]["pt"]>20.))\
                  if len(leptonPair) >=2 and ((mode=="highMET" and leptonPair[0]["pt"]>20. and leptonPair[1]["pt"]>10.) or (mode=="lowMET" and leptonPair[1]["pt"]>20.)):
                    l1 = leptonPair[0]; l2 = leptonPair[1];
                    s.nLep = len(allGoodLeptons["leptons"])
                    s.deltaRLL = deltaR(l1, l2)
                    px1 = l1["pt"]*cos(l1["phi"]);  px2 = l2["pt"]*cos(l2["phi"])
                    py1 = l1["pt"]*sin(l1["phi"]);  py2 = l2["pt"]*sin(l2["phi"])
                    pz1 = l1["pt"]*sinh(l1["eta"]); pz2 = l2["pt"]*sinh(l2["eta"])
                    px = px1+px2 
                    py = py1+py2
                    pz = pz1+pz2
                    s.ptZ = sqrt(px*px + py* py)
                    p1 = sqrt(px1*px1+py1*py1+pz1*pz1)
                    p2 = sqrt(px2*px2+py2*py2+pz2*pz2)
                    p = sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz) 
                    s.mLL = sqrt((p1 + p2)*(p1 + p2) - p*p)

                    s.jzb = getVarValue(c, "mht") - s.ptZ
                    s.pdg1 = l1["pdg"]
                    s.pdg2 = l2["pdg"]