def rlbFromXmlFile(self, file): import os import ROOT from ROOT import gSystem CWD = os.getcwd() os.chdir(CWD) gSystem.Load('libGoodRunsListsLib') from ROOT import Root ## read the goodrunslist xml file reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader(file) reader.Interpret() goodrunslist = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList() goodrunslist.Summary(True) runs = goodrunslist.GetGoodRuns() rangelist = [] for i in range(len(runs)): run = runs[i] for j in range(len(run)): lumi_range = run[j] rangelist += [ RLBRange(run.GetRunNumber(), lumi_range.Begin(), lumi_range.End()) ] return rangelist
def verifyGRL(xmlfile): ## Needed to correct ROOT behavior; see below CWD = os.getcwd() ## Importing gSystem may change the current directory to one of the ## command-line arguments; chdir to original directory to have ## predictable behavior from ROOT import gSystem os.chdir(CWD) ## Import the ROOT library for reading han results gSystem.Load('libGoodRunsListsLib') from ROOT import Root ## read the goodrunslist xml files reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader() ## now adding xml file to interpreter reader.SetXMLFile(xmlfile) reader.Interpret() grlcollection = reader.GetMergedGRLCollection() print(">> Found %d independent good-run list(s). Now checking content." % len(grlcollection)) allOk = True ## now checking name, version, metadata, content for idx in range(len(grlcollection)): grl = grlcollection[idx] grlName = grl.GetName() grlVersion = grl.GetVersion() grlMDSize = grl.GetMetaDataSize() grlIsEmpty = grl.IsEmpty() if len(grlName) == 0: print(">> ERROR: good run list %d has no name." % (idx)) allOk = False if len(grlVersion) == 0: print( ">> ERROR: good run list %d, with name \'%s\', has no version." % (idx, grlName)) allOk = False if grlMDSize == 0: print( ">> ERROR: good run list %d, with name \'%s\', has no metadata." % (idx, grlName)) allOk = False if grlIsEmpty: print( ">> ERROR: good run list %d, with name \'%s\', has no run(s) and lumi-block range(s)." % (idx, grlName)) allOk = False if allOk: print(">> Content okay.") return allOk
from datetime import datetime ## Needed to correct ROOT behavior; see below CWD = os.getcwd() import ROOT ## Importing gSystem may change the current directory to one of the ## command-line arguments; chdir to original directory to have ## predictable behavior from ROOT import gSystem os.chdir(CWD) ## Import the ROOT library for reading han results gSystem.Load('libGoodRunsListsLib') from ROOT import Root ## read the goodrunslist xml file(s) reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader() reader.SetXMLFile('Collisions_DQgood_runlist.xml') reader.Interpret() grl = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList() ## show summary of content grl.Summary() ## Detailed: Summary(True) ### read grl of all collisions #reader.SetXMLFile('prelim_collisions.xml') #reader.Interpret() #grl_all = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList() #grl_all.Summary() ### try out the following functions #sumgrl = grl_all.GetSumWith(grl)
import ROOT # ## Importing gSystem may change the current directory to one of the # ## command-line arguments; chdir to original directory to have # ## predictable behavior # os.chdir(CWD) # ## Import the ROOT library for reading han results ROOT.gSystem.Load('libGoodRunsListsLib') from ROOT import Root refFractions = [] testFractions = [] refRates = [] testRates = [] ## read the goodrunslist xml file(s) reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader(grlFile) #reader.AddXMLFile('LumiRangeCollectionB.xml') reader.Interpret() grl = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList() goodruns = grl.GetGoodRuns() for rr in goodruns: rr.Summary() runNum = int(rr.GetRunNumber()) TAPs = CoolHelper.readLvl1Counters(runNum, itemList, "TAP") TAVs = CoolHelper.readLvl1Counters(runNum, itemList, "TAV") tapTurns = CoolHelper.readLvl1Turns(runNum, "TAP") lbDictRefTAP = TAPs[refItem] lbDictRefTAV = TAVs[refItem] for testLb in lbDictRefTAP.keys(): if not grl.HasRunLumiBlock(runNum, testLb): continue liveFrac = 100.
from datetime import datetime ## Needed to correct ROOT behavior; see below CWD = os.getcwd() import ROOT ## Importing gSystem may change the current directory to one of the ## command-line arguments; chdir to original directory to have ## predictable behavior from ROOT import gSystem os.chdir(CWD) ## Import the ROOT library for reading han results gSystem.Load('../StandAlone/') from ROOT import Root ## read the goodrunslist xml file(s) reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader('LumiRangeCollectionA.xml') #reader.AddXMLFile('LumiRangeCollectionB.xml') reader.Interpret() goodrunslist = reader.GetMergedGRLCollection() ## show summary of content goodrunslist.Summary() ## Detailed: Summary(True) ## constains run and/or lumiblock ? if goodrunslist.HasRun(90210): print "Foo!" # contains run 90210 ? if goodrunslist.HasRunLumiBlock(90210, 7): print "Bar!" # run 90210, lb 7 ? ## Now write out xml again ... writer = Root.TGoodRunsListWriter() writer.SetGRLCollection(goodrunslist) writer.SetFilename('test2.xml')
import os import sys import ROOT from DAZSLE.PhiBBPlusJet.analysis_base import AnalysisBase from math import ceil, sqrt from ROOT import gInterpreter, gSystem, gROOT, gStyle, Root, TCanvas, TLegend, TH1F, TFile, TGraphErrors gInterpreter.Declare("#include \"MyTools/RootUtils/interface/SeabornInterface.h\"") gInterpreter.Declare("#include \"MyTools/RootUtils/interface/HistogramManager.h\"") gSystem.Load("/uscms/home/dryu/DAZSLE/CMSSW_8_0_20/lib/slc6_amd64_gcc530/") gInterpreter.Declare("#include \"MyTools/AnalysisTools/interface/EventSelector.h\"") gSystem.Load("/uscms/home/dryu/DAZSLE/CMSSW_8_0_20/lib/slc6_amd64_gcc530/") gROOT.SetBatch(ROOT.kTRUE); gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) seaborn = Root.SeabornInterface() seaborn.Initialize() class SignalCutflow(AnalysisBase): def __init__(self, tree_name="Events"): super(SignalCutflow, self).__init__(tree_name=tree_name) self._output_path = "" def set_output_path(self, output_path): self._output_path = output_path def start(self): self._processed_events = 0 # Histograms self._histograms = ROOT.Root.HistogramManager()
def work(self): # trigger config tool to read trigger info in the ntuples trigger_config = get_trigger_config() OutputModel = (RecoTauBlock + EventVariables + SkimExtraModel + TrueTauBlock) onfilechange = [] # update the trigger config maps on every file change onfilechange.append((update_trigger_config, (trigger_config,))) cutflow = Hist(2, 0, 2, name='cutflow', type='D') # initialize the TreeChain of all input files (each containing one tree named self.metadata.treename) chain = TreeChain(self.metadata.treename, files=self.files,, cache=True, cache_size=10000000, learn_entries=30, onfilechange=onfilechange) # create output tree tree = Tree(name='higgstautauhh', model=OutputModel) copied_variables = ['actualIntPerXing', 'averageIntPerXing', 'RunNumber', 'EventNumber', 'lbn'] tree.set_buffer( chain.buffer, branches=copied_variables, create_branches=True, visible=False) chain.always_read(copied_variables) # set the event filters event_filters = EventFilterList([ #Triggers( # datatype=self.metadata.datatype, # year=YEAR, # skim=False), PriVertex(), LArError(), LArHole(datatype=self.metadata.datatype), JetCleaning( datatype=self.metadata.datatype, year=YEAR), TauAuthor(1), TauHasTrack(1), TauPT(1, thresh=25 * GeV), TauEta(1), TauCrack(1), TauLArHole(1), #TauTriggerMatch( # config=trigger_config, # year=YEAR, # datatype=self.metadata.datatype, # skim=False, # tree=tree, # min_taus=1), ]) self.filters['event'] = event_filters chain.filters += event_filters # define tree collections chain.define_collection(name="taus", prefix="tau_", size="tau_n", mix=TauFourMomentum) chain.define_collection(name="taus_EF", prefix="trig_EF_tau_", size="trig_EF_tau_n", mix=TauFourMomentum) # jet_* etc. is AntiKt4LCTopo_* in tau-perf D3PDs chain.define_collection(name="jets", prefix="jet_", size="jet_n", mix=FourMomentum) chain.define_collection(name="truetaus", prefix="trueTau_", size="trueTau_n", mix=MCTauFourMomentum) chain.define_collection(name="mc", prefix="mc_", size="mc_n", mix=MCParticle) chain.define_collection(name="muons", prefix="mu_staco_", size="mu_staco_n") chain.define_collection(name="electrons", prefix="el_", size="el_n") chain.define_collection(name="vertices", prefix="vxp_", size="vxp_n") from externaltools import PileupReweighting from ROOT import Root # Initialize the pileup reweighting tool pileup_tool = Root.TPileupReweighting() if YEAR == 2011: pileup_tool.AddConfigFile(PileupReweighting.get_resource('mc11b_defaults.prw.root')) pileup_tool.AddLumiCalcFile('lumi/2011/hadhad/ilumicalc_histograms_None_178044-191933.root') elif YEAR == 2012: pileup_tool.AddConfigFile(PileupReweighting.get_resource('mc12a_defaults.prw.root')) pileup_tool.SetDataScaleFactors(1./1.11) pileup_tool.AddLumiCalcFile('lumi/2012/hadhad/ilumicalc_histograms_None_200841-205113.root') else: raise ValueError('No pileup reweighting defined for year %d' % YEAR) # discard unrepresented data (with mu not simulated in MC) pileup_tool.SetUnrepresentedDataAction(2) pileup_tool.Initialize() # entering the main event loop... for event in chain: tree.reset() tree.number_of_good_vertices = len(event.vertices) # match only with visible true taus tau: tau.vis_Et > 10 * GeV and abs(tau.vis_eta) < 2.5) if len(event.truetaus) == 1: true_tau = event.truetaus[0] TrueTauBlock.set(tree, 1, true_tau) else: continue # Truth-matching matched_reco = None reco_index = true_tau.tauAssoc_index tau = event.taus.getitem(reco_index) if tau in event.taus: matched_reco = tau else: continue tree.MET = event.MET_RefFinal_BDTMedium_et # fill tau block RecoTauBlock.set(event, tree, matched_reco, None) # set the event weight tree.pileup_weight = pileup_tool.GetCombinedWeight(event.RunNumber, event.mc_channel_number, event.averageIntPerXing) tree.mc_weight = event.mc_event_weight tree.Fill(reset=True) tree.FlushBaskets() tree.Write() total_events = event_filters[0].total cutflow[0] = total_events cutflow[1] = total_events cutflow.Write()
import ROOT ROOT.gSystem.Load('GoodRunsLists/StandAlone/') from ROOT import Root reader = Root.TGoodRunsListReader() reader.AddXMLFile('grlA.xml') reader.AddXMLFile('grlB.xml') reader.Interpret() grl_overlap = reader.GetMergedGoodRunsList(Root.AND) writer = Root.TGoodRunsListWriter() writer.SetGoodRunsList(grl_overlap) writer.SetFilename('grl_overlap_goodrunslists.xml') writer.WriteXMLFile() from goodruns import GRL grl_a = GRL('grlA.xml') grl_b = GRL('grlB.xml') grl_overlap = grl_a & grl_b'grl_overlap_goodruns.xml')