def copy_directory(newdir, olddir, condition=None): """Reads all objects from olddir and writes them to newdir. newdir, olddir: Directories (inheriting from TDirectory). condition: Function that takes key name and returns whether the file should be kept or not (optional). """ for key in olddir.GetListOfKeys(): if condition is not None and (not condition(key) or key.GetName().startswith('ProcessID')): continue cl = gROOT.GetClass(key.GetClassName()) if not cl: continue if cl.InheritsFrom(TDirectory.Class()): newsub = newdir.mkdir(key.GetName()) oldsub = olddir.GetDirectory(key.GetName()) copy_directory(newsub, oldsub) elif cl.InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()): oldtree = olddir.Get(key.GetName()) newtree = oldtree.CloneTree(-1, 'fast') newtree.Write() else: obj = key.ReadObj() obj.Write(key.GetName()) del obj
def default_constructor(self): """ Check status of gDirectory with default constructor. """ filename = "TContextContextManager_test_default_constructor.root" self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, ROOT.gROOT) with TDirectory.TContext(): # Create a file to change gDirectory testfile = ROOT.TFile(filename, "recreate") self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, testfile) testfile.Close() self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, ROOT.gROOT) os.remove(filename)
def constructor_onearg(self): """ Check status of gDirectory with constructor taking a new directory. """ filenames = ["TContextContextManager_test_constructor_onearg_{}.root".format(i) for i in range(2)] file0 = ROOT.TFile(filenames[0], "recreate") file1 = ROOT.TFile(filenames[1], "recreate") self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file1) with TDirectory.TContext(file0): self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file0) self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file1) file0.Close() file1.Close() for filename in filenames: os.remove(filename)
def constructor_twoargs(self): """ Check status of gDirectory with constructor taking the previous directory and a new one. """ filenames = ["TContextContextManager_test_constructor_onearg_{}.root".format(i) for i in range(3)] file0 = ROOT.TFile(filenames[0], "recreate") file1 = ROOT.TFile(filenames[1], "recreate") file2 = ROOT.TFile(filenames[2], "recreate") self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file2) with TDirectory.TContext(file0, file1): self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file1) self.assertEqual(ROOT.gDirectory, file0) file0.Close() file1.Close() file2.Close() for filename in filenames: os.remove(filename)
def printDirectory(directory, prefix, args): for key in directory.GetListOfKeys(): classname = key.GetClassName() cl = gROOT.GetClass(classname) if (not cl): continue if (cl.InheritsFrom(TDirectory.Class())): print prefix, key.GetName() printDirectory(key.ReadObj(), prefix + " ", args) elif (cl.InheritsFrom(TH1.Class())): hist = key.ReadObj() if args.systematics or hist.GetName( ) == "nominal" or hist.GetTitle() == "nominal": if args.full: print prefix, hist.GetName(), hist.GetSumOfWeights() for i in range(0, hist.GetNbinsX() + 2): print prefix, " ", hist.GetBinContent( i), " +/- ", hist.GetBinError(i) else: print prefix, key.GetName(), hist.GetSumOfWeights() else: print "Unknown", key.GetName()
reference_frame = [ "colinsoper_phi", "collinsoper_theta", "helicity_phi", "helicity_theta" ] master_canvas = [] # print vars() histograms = [] nframe = 0 print "reference frame length must be 4 and it is : ", len(reference_frame) while nframe < len(reference_frame): folder = reference_frame[nframe] vars()[folder] = TDirectory() #folder = TDirectory() folder = file2.mkdir(reference_frame[nframe]) costheta_binmax = 0.6 costheta_binmin = -0.6 costheta_bin1 = 100 costheta_bin2 = 17 # histogram = TH1F(hist,"",n_bin,xmin,xmax) hist_costheta = TH1F("hist_costheta", "", costheta_bin1, costheta_binmax, costheta_binmin) hist_costheta2 = TH1F("hist_costheta2", "purityHv3", costheta_bin2,
inFileName = sys.argv[1] outFileName = sys.argv[2] outFileType = sys.argv[3] print("Input " + inFileName) print("Output " + outFileName) print("Ouput File Type " + outFileType) cscRootName = "MUON_CSC_PED" overviewName = "Overview" inFile = TFile(inFileName) cnv = TCanvas("c1", "c1") rootDir = TDirectory() overDir = TDirectory() rootDir = inFile.FindObjectAny(cscRootName) overDir = rootDir.FindObjectAny(overviewName) hist = TH1D() #Page 1 hist = overDir.Get("h_csc_calib_numSignificant") hist.Draw() cnv.Print(outFileName + "(", outFileType) #Page 2 cnv.Clear() cnv.Divide(2, 2)
## ## \date March 2022 ## \author Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano CERN/UPV import os import ROOT from ROOT import TDirectory, TFile # Sometimes it is useful to have multiple open files at once. In such cases, # the current directory will always be the file that was open last. file_1 = TFile("pyroot006_file_1.root", "recreate") file_2 = TFile("pyroot006_file_2.root", "recreate") print("Current directory: '{}'.\n".format(ROOT.gDirectory.GetName())) # Changing directory into another file can be safely done through a TContext # context manager. with TDirectory.TContext(file_1): # Inside the statement, the current directory is file_1 print("Current directory: '{}'.\n".format(ROOT.gDirectory.GetName())) histo_1 = ROOT.TH1F("histo_1", "histo_1", 10, 0, 10) file_1.WriteObject(histo_1, "my_histogram") # After the context, the current directory is restored back to file_2. Also, the # two files are kept open. This means that objects read, written or modified # inside the context are still available afterwards. print("Current directory: '{}'.\n".format(ROOT.gDirectory.GetName())) if file_1.IsOpen() and file_2.IsOpen(): print("'{}' and '{}' are open.\n".format(file_1.GetName(), file_2.GetName())) # TContext and TFile context managers can also be used in conjunction, allowing # for safely:
def merge_root_file(target, source_list): """ Merge next file from the source list with the target file. Function called recursively for each element of the list. :param TFile target: the result ROOT file :param TList source_list: list of input files to merge """ logger = get_logger() raw_path = target.GetPath() path = raw_path[raw_path.find(":") + 1:] first_source = source_list.First() current_source_dir = gDirectory # gain time, do not add the objects in the list in memory status = TH1.AddDirectoryStatus() TH1.AddDirectory(False) # loop over all keys in this directory #global_chain = TChain() next_key = TIter(current_source_dir.GetListOfKeys()) #key = TKey() #TKey old_key = None key = next_key() while key: # keep only the highest cycle number for each key #if old_key and not old_key.GetName() == key.GetName(): # continue # read object from first source file obj = key.ReadObj() if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TH1.Class()): # descendant of TH1 -> merge it"Merging histogram %s", obj.GetName()) h1 = TH1(obj) # loop over all source files and add the content of the # correspondant histogram to the one pointed to by "h1" next_source = source_list.After(first_source) while next_source: # make sure we are at the correct directory level by cd'ing to path key2 = gDirectory.GetListOfKeys().FindObject(h1.GetName()) if key2: h2 = TH1(key2.ReadObj()) h1.Add(h2) #del h2 next_source = source_list.After(next_source) elif obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()):"Merging tree %s", obj.GetName()) # loop over all source files and create a chain of Trees "global_chain" obj_name = obj.GetName() global_chain = TChain(obj_name) global_chain.Add(first_source.GetName()) next_source = source_list.After(first_source) while next_source: global_chain.Add(next_source.GetName()) next_source = source_list.After(next_source) elif obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TDirectory.Class()):"Found subdirectory %s", obj.GetName()) # create a new subdir of same name and title in the target file new_dir = target.mkdir(obj.GetName(), obj.GetTitle()) # newdir is now the starting point of another round of merging # newdir still knows its depth within the target file via # GetPath(), so we can still figure out where we are in the recursion merge_root_file(new_dir, source_list) else:"Unknown object type, name: %s, title: %s", obj.GetName(), obj.GetTitle()) # now write the merged histogram (which is "in" obj) to the target file # note that this will just store obj in the current directory level, # which is not persistent until the complete directory itself is stored # by "target.Write()" below if obj is not None: # if the object is a tree, it is stored in global_chain... if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()): global_chain.Merge(target.GetFile(), 0, "keep") else: obj.Write(key.GetName()) # move to the next element key = next_key() # save modifications to target file target.SaveSelf(True) TH1.AddDirectory(status) target.Write()
def save_histograms(self, directory: ROOT.TDirectory): for hist in self.get_histogram_dict().keys(): self.get_histogram_dict()[hist].Write()
def ApplyAddCuts(InputFolder, OutputFolder, Campaign): ChannelList = ChannelList_MC16a if Campaign == "MC16d": ChannelList = ChannelList_MC16d if Campaign == "MC16e": ChannelList = ChannelList_MC16e TreeList = ["nominal"] if "SYSLJ" in InputFolder: TreeList = SystTreeList InputFiles = glob.glob(InputFolder + "/*root*") for InputFile in InputFiles: OutputFile = InputFile.replace(InputFolder, OutputFolder) if os.path.exists(OutputFile): continue fF = TFile(InputFile, "READ") fF_out = TFile(OutputFile, "RECREATE") # save sumWeights tree to new file fT_weight = fF.Get("sumWeights") fT_weight_out = fT_weight.CloneTree() fT_weight_out.Write() # save all bookkeeping histograms to new file for Channel in ChannelList: DIR = TDirectory() fF.GetObject(Channel, DIR) DIR.ReadAll() fF_out.mkdir(Channel) DIR_new = TDirectory() DIR.GetList().Write() DIR_new.Write() for TreeName in TreeList: print( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------> Running over tree = ", TreeName) if TreeName == "nominal_SYST": continue fT = fF.Get(TreeName) entries = fT.GetEntries() reader1 = TMVA.Reader() reader2 = TMVA.Reader() var_LL_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klfitter_logLikelihood[0]", var_LL_1) var_EvtProb_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klfitter_eventProbability[0]", var_EvtProb_1) var_WhadPt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_Whad_pt", var_WhadPt_1) var_WlepPt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_Wlep_pt", var_WlepPt_1) var_ThadPt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_tophad_pt", var_ThadPt_1) var_TlepPt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_toplep_pt", var_TlepPt_1) var_j_n_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("tma_njets", var_j_n_1) var_met_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("tma_met", var_met_1) var_TTbarPt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_ttbar_pt", var_TTbarPt_1) var_mwt_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("tma_mtw", var_mwt_1) var_DRwjets_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_dR_qq_W", var_DRwjets_1) var_DRbjets_1 = array('f', [0]) reader1.AddVariable("klf_orig_dR_bb", var_DRbjets_1) var_LL_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klfitter_logLikelihood[0]", var_LL_2) var_EvtProb_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klfitter_eventProbability[0]", var_EvtProb_2) var_WhadPt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_Whad_pt", var_WhadPt_2) var_WlepPt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_Wlep_pt", var_WlepPt_2) var_ThadPt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_tophad_pt", var_ThadPt_2) var_TlepPt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_toplep_pt", var_TlepPt_2) var_j_n_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("tma_njets", var_j_n_2) var_met_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("tma_met", var_met_2) var_TTbarPt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_ttbar_pt", var_TTbarPt_2) var_mwt_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("tma_mtw", var_mwt_2) var_DRwjets_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_dR_qq_W", var_DRwjets_2) var_DRbjets_2 = array('f', [0]) reader2.AddVariable("klf_orig_dR_bb", var_DRbjets_2) reader1.BookMVA( "BDT", "TrainingSteffenChristmas/weights_noWindowCuts/MassTraining_BDT.weights.xml" ) reader2.BookMVA( "BDT", "TrainingSteffenChristmas/weights_withWindowCuts/MassTraining_BDT.weights.xml" ) fT_out = fT.CloneTree(0) d_noWC = array('f', [0.]) d_withWC = array('f', [0.]) fT_out.Branch("bdtOutput_8TeVlike_noWC", d_noWC, 'bdtOutput_8TeVlike_noWC/F') fT_out.Branch("bdtOutput_8TeVlike_withWC", d_withWC, 'bdtOutput_8TeVlike_withWC/F') for i in range(0, entries): fT.GetEntry(i) var_LL_1[0] = fT.klfitter_logLikelihood[0] var_EvtProb_1[0] = fT.klfitter_eventProbability[0] var_WhadPt_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_Whad_pt var_WlepPt_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_Wlep_pt var_ThadPt_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_tophad_pt var_TlepPt_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_toplep_pt var_j_n_1[0] = fT.tma_njets var_met_1[0] = fT.tma_met var_TTbarPt_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_ttbar_pt var_mwt_1[0] = fT.tma_mtw var_DRwjets_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_dR_qq_W var_DRbjets_1[0] = fT.klf_orig_dR_bb var_LL_2[0] = fT.klfitter_logLikelihood[0] var_EvtProb_2[0] = fT.klfitter_eventProbability[0] var_WhadPt_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_Whad_pt var_WlepPt_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_Wlep_pt var_ThadPt_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_tophad_pt var_TlepPt_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_toplep_pt var_j_n_2[0] = fT.tma_njets var_met_2[0] = fT.tma_met var_TTbarPt_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_ttbar_pt var_mwt_2[0] = fT.tma_mtw var_DRwjets_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_dR_qq_W var_DRbjets_2[0] = fT.klf_orig_dR_bb d_noWC[0] = reader1.EvaluateMVA("BDT") d_withWC[0] = reader2.EvaluateMVA("BDT") #print d_noWC[0]," ",d_withWC[0] fT_out.Fill() fT_out.Write() fF_out.Close()