def MakeROOTPrimitive(self): result = TList() result.SetName(self.triggername) self.__eventcount.SetName("events") self.__projectedSpectrum.SetName("spectrum") result.Add(self.__eventcount) result.Add(self.__projectedSpectrum) return result
def MakeROOTPrimitive(self, name): result = TList() result.SetName(name) if self.__MCtruth: result.Add(self.__MCtruth) for hist in self.__triggers.itervalues(): result.Add(hist) return result
def ROOTify(self): """ Create simple primitive ROOT object structure """ outputlist = TList() outputlist.SetName("JetSpectraPt%03d" % (int(self.__jetpt))) for spec in self.__spectra: outputlist.Add(spec) return outputlist
def dict2rootmap(dict): '''assumes keys are strings, and vals are lists of strings''' map = TMap() for (key, entries) in dict.iteritems(): rootkey = TObjString(key) rootval = TList() for entry in entries: rootval.Add(TObjString(entry)) map.Add(rootkey, rootval) return map
def DrawUL(gUL): alist = TList() for i in range(gUL.GetN()): a = TArrow(gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i], gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i] / 3., 0.01, ">") a.SetLineColor(gUL.GetLineColor()) a.Draw() alist.Add(a) return alist
def hadd(input_file_names, result_file_name): """ The top function for merging files. :param str result_file_name: path to the output file :param list[str] source_list: list of paths to the input files """ target = TFile.Open(result_file_name, "RECREATE") file_list = TList() for file_name in input_file_names: file_list.Add(TFile.Open(file_name)) merge_root_file(target, file_list)
def GetRootPrimitive(self, name): """ Convert object to a root primitive (so that it can be wirtten to a rootfile) """ result = TList() result.SetName(name) events = self._events.GetROOTHisto() events.SetName("events") result.Add(events) spectrum = self.__spectrum.GetRootPrimitive() spectrum.SetName("spectrum") result.Add(spectrum) return result
def WriteToFile(self, outputname): outputlists = [] for categ in self.__categories.keys(): mylist = TList() mylist.SetName(categ) for entry in self.__categories[categ].itervalues(): mylist.Add(entry) outputlists.append(mylist) outputfile = TFile(outputname, "RECREATE") for myobject in outputlists: myobject.Write(myobject.GetName(), TObject.kSingleKey) outputfile.Close()
def CreateData(fileList, filename): pathList = fileList #['test1.root', 'test2.root'] signalTreeList = TList() backgroundTreeList = TList() outputFile = TFile(filename, 'recreate') pyfilelist = [] pySignalTreelist = [] pyBackgroundTreelist = [] for path in pathList: print("Path", path) inputFile = TFile(path, 'read') pyfilelist.append(inputFile) # Make this TFile survive the loop! inputSignalTree = inputFile.Get('Signal') inputBackgroundTree = inputFile.Get('Background') pySignalTreelist.append( inputSignalTree) # Make this TTree survive the loop! pyBackgroundTreelist.append( inputBackgroundTree) # Make this TTree survive the loop! outputSignalTree = inputSignalTree.CloneTree( ) #instead of extensive processing outputBackgroundTree = inputBackgroundTree.CloneTree( ) #instead of extensive processing signalTreeList.Add(inputSignalTree) backgroundTreeList.Add(inputBackgroundTree) outputSignalTree = TTree.MergeTrees(signalTreeList) outputBackgroundTree = TTree.MergeTrees(backgroundTreeList) outputFile.Write() outputFile.Close()
def ProcessBin(self, mybin): results = BinContent() bindata = self._inputcol.GetData(mybin) for trigger in [ "MinBias", "EMCJHigh", "EMCJLow", "EMCGHigh", "EMCGLow" ]: print "Doing trigger %s" % (trigger) jetcont = bindata.GetData(trigger).GetJetContainer() outputcont = TList() outputcont.SetName(trigger) for jetpt in jetcont.GetListOfJetPts(): print "Inspecting jet pt %f" % (jetpt) jetdat = JetData(jetpt, trigger) projectedRec = jetcont.MakeProjectionRecKine( jetpt, 0, "projectedPtRec") projectedMC = jetcont.MakeProjectionMCKine( jetpt, 0, "projectedPtMC") jetdat.AddSpectrum(projectedRec, False) jetdat.AddSpectrum(projectedMC, True) outputcont.Add(jetdat.ROOTify()) results.AddTrigger(trigger, outputcont) return results
def MergeHists(listOfHists): ''' Method to merge histos Parameters ---------- - listOfHists: python list of histos Returns ---------- - hMerged: merged histo ''' listMerge = TList() for iHist, hist in enumerate(listOfHists): if iHist == 0: hMerged = hist.Clone() else: listMerge.Add(hist) hMerged.Merge(listMerge) return hMerged
def Add(self, other): if self.__outputtype == "TDirectoryFile": othercontent = other.content()"self scaled %s, has content: %s" % (, "Yes" if self.hascontent() else "No"))"other scaled %s, has content: %s" % (, "Yes" if other.hascontent() else "No")) for c in self.__content.GetListOfKeys(): for o in othercontent.GetListOfKeys(): if c.GetName() == o.GetName(): others = TList() others.append(o.ReadObj()) c.ReadObj().Merge(others) else: others = TList() others.append(other.content()) self.__content.Merge(others)
def MakeOutputList(self): result = TList() result.SetName("Results%d" % (self.__limit)) rawspectrum = deepcopy(self.__datamodel.GetRawSpectrum()) rawspectrum.SetName("rawspectrum") fitcurve = deepcopy(self.__datamodel.GetFitCurve()) fitcurve.SetName("parameterisation") ptreach = self.__points.MakeLimitCurve(None, direction="central") ptreach.SetName("ptreach") result.Add(rawspectrum) result.Add(fitcurve) result.Add(ptreach) return result
import cuts as ct import ROOT as rt from ROOT import TFile, TTree, TCanvas, TH1F, TList, TH2F, TH3F, TMath, TF1, TStyle, gStyle, TRefArray, TClonesArray, TObjArray, gPad, TPaveText, TLegend, TString, TObject, gROOT, TFormula, TEllipse, TDirectory, TLorentzVector from ROOT import TMath as mt from datetime import date # this code creates the histograms from the analysis results and also applies some additional cuts # however I am still new to the pyroot so I might be defining histogram more than I needed # my goal was to create just one set of histogram and clear it after every time I store them in root file for different level of cuts # Different directory are created to store all the histogram at different level of cuts #Opening the file>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filename = "PolarizationSample" infilename = filename + ".root" file = TFile.Open(infilename) #file = TFile.Open("AnalysisResults.root") list = TList() list = file.Get("Polar") tree = list.FindObject("result") daughter = TLorentzVector() #daughter = #tree2 = file.Get("tree2") #tree2.AddFriend(tree) #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text = TPaveText(.05, .1, .95, .8) #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #this is to use to run in batch mode to avoid printing all the plots gROOT.SetBatch(rt.kTRUE) #this create the master canvas color and the entries to print #gStyle.SetCanvasColor(22)
def main(options, args): gROOT.Reset() #load our super special Polarization PDF gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationPdf.cxx+') gROOT.ProcessLine('.L RooPolarizationConstraint.cxx+') #setup integration intConf = ROOT.RooAbsReal.defaultIntegratorConfig() #intConf.Print('v') #intConf.method1D().setLabel('RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D') output = TFile.Open('PolVsPt' + options.fitFrame + '.root', 'recreate') lth_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lphi_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthphi_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthtilde_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() f_pt_p = TGraphAsymmErrors() lth_pt_p_list = TList() lphi_pt_p_list = TList() lthphi_pt_p_list = TList() lth_pt_p.SetName('lth_pt_p') lphi_pt_p.SetName('lphi_pt_p') lthphi_pt_p.SetName('lthphi_pt_p') lthtilde_pt_p.SetName('lthtilde_pt_p') f_pt_p.SetName('f_pt_p') lth_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lphi_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthphi_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lthtilde_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() f_pt_np = TGraphAsymmErrors() lth_pt_np_list = TList() lphi_pt_np_list = TList() lthphi_pt_np_list = TList() lth_pt_np.SetName('lth_pt_np') lphi_pt_np.SetName('lphi_pt_np') lthphi_pt_np.SetName('lthphi_pt_np') lthtilde_pt_np.SetName('lthtilde_pt_np') f_pt_np.SetName('f_pt_np') total_nonzero_points = 0 for f in args: infile = TFile.Open(f) #ws = output.Get(f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[0]) frame = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[1] rapBin = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[2].split('_')[0] ptBin = f[:f.find('.root')].split('-')[2].split('_')[1] lth_p = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin) for point in range(lth_p.GetN()): x = ROOT.Double(0) y = ROOT.Double(0) exl = float(0) exh = float(0) eyl = float(0) eyh = float(0) lth_p.GetPoint(point, x, y) if x != 0.0 and y != 0.0: infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lth_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lphi_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthphi_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthtilde_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) f_pt_p.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) exh = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lth_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lth_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lphi_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthphi_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthphi_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthtilde_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthtilde_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('f_p_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) f_pt_p.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lth_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lphi_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthphi_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) lthtilde_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetPoint(point, x, y) f_pt_np.SetPoint(total_nonzero_points, x, y) exh = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lth_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lth_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lphi_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthphi_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthphi_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('lthtilde_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) lthtilde_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) exh = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXhigh(point) exl = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorXlow(point) eyh = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYhigh(point) eyl = infile.Get('f_np_rap' + rapBin).GetErrorYlow(point) f_pt_np.SetPointError(total_nonzero_points, exl, exh, eyl, eyh) total_nonzero_points += 1 lth_pt_p.Write() lphi_pt_p.Write() lthphi_pt_p.Write() lthtilde_pt_p.Write() f_pt_p.Write() lth_pt_np.Write() lphi_pt_np.Write() lthphi_pt_np.Write() lthtilde_pt_np.Write() f_pt_np.Write() output.Close()
format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_4.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_5.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_6.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_7.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_8.root". format(home), "{0}/scratch0/ntuple/background_analysis/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_9.root". format(home), ] tree_list = TList() tree_name = "Summary/tree" output_file_name = "~/scratch0/PFAnalysis_QCDEM3080_0.root" files = [ TFile(file_name) for file_name in file_list if os.path.exists(file_name) ] print("{0} files found.".format(len(files))) trees = [file.Get(tree_name) for file in files] for tree in trees: if tree: tree_list.Add(tree) merged_tree = TTree.MergeTrees(tree_list) output_file = TFile(output_file_name, "recreate") merged_tree.Write()
#!/usr/bin/python import code import ROOT as rt from ROOT import TFile, TTree , TCanvas, TH1F, TList , TH2F ,TMath ,TF1, TStyle ,gStyle , TRefArray, TClonesArray, TObjArray, gPad , TLegend ,TString file = TFile.Open("Incohernt_Phi_PID.root") #list = file.Get("") PhiMass = TCanvas("PhiMass","Phi_Mass",600,300,700,527) Sigma_Radius = TCanvas("Sigma_Radius","Sigma_Radius",600,300) SigmavsSigma = TCanvas("SigmavsSigma","SigmaVsSigama",600,300) dEdX = TCanvas("dEdX","dEdX",600,300) test = TCanvas("test","dEdX",600,300) list = TList() list = file.Get("UPCPhiTaskTest/UPCPhiWithTrigger") tree = list.FindObject("scatterplot") #MassPlot for Incoherent Candidates HighPt_Mass = TH1F("HighPt_Mass","Mass Dist of Inco #Phi with TOF",100, 0 ,10) HighPt_Mass.SetFillStyle(4050) HighPt_Mass.SetYTitle("Number of Events") HighPt_Mass.SetXTitle("Phi Mass(MeV/C^2)") HighPt_Mass.SetTitleOffset(1.5, "Y") HighPt_Mass.SetTitleOffset(1.3, "X") HighPt_Mass.SetLineColor(rt.kGreen) HighPt_Mass.SetMarkerStyle(rt.kCircle) HighPt_Mass.SetLineWidth(2) HighPt_Mass.SetOption("E1") Pt_mass = HighPt_Mass.Clone() Pt_mass.SetLineColor(rt.kRed) Pt_mass.SetLineWidth(4) #Mass Plot for Coherent Candidates LowPt_Mass = TH1F("LowPt_Mass","Mass Dist of Incoherent #Phi without TOF info",100, 0 ,2)
def recursiveMerge(target, infile, path='', cache={'TOTALLUMI': 0}, cutflow=True): l = infile.GetDirectory(path) keys = l.GetListOfKeys() cycles = {} #print("keys in input file: \n\n{0}\n\n".format( for entry in range(keys.GetEntries()): name = keys.At(entry).GetName() + ";" + str(keys.At(entry).GetCycle()) if path: cachename = path + "/" + name else: cachename = name obj = l.Get(name) if type(obj) == TDirectoryFile: #print("TDirectory obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) targetpath = keys.At(entry).GetName() if not target.Get(targetpath): target.mkdir(targetpath) recursiveMerge(target, infile, path + "/" + obj.GetName(), cache) elif type(obj) == TTree: #print("TTree obj name: {0} - cachename: {1} ".format(obj.GetName(), cachename)) cyclename, cyclenumber = cachename.split(';') if cyclename in cycles: continue #print("cyclename: {0} - cyclenumber: {1}".format(cyclename, cyclenumber)) cycles[cyclename] = cyclenumber if not cyclename in cache: #print("adding cyclename {0} to cache (via TTree::CloneTree())".format(cyclename)) cache[cyclename] = obj.CloneTree() else: objcached = cache[cyclename] col = TObjArray() col.Add(obj) #print("merging TTree obj to cached object") objcached.Merge(col) elif issubclass(obj.__class__, TH1): #print("TH1 obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if not cutflow and keys.At(entry).GetName() == "CutFlow": continue if not cachename in cache: cache[cachename] = obj.Clone() else: objcached = cache[cachename] col = TObjArray() col.Add(obj) objcached.Merge(col) elif type(obj) == TObjString: #print("TObjString obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if obj: objnew = TObjString(obj.GetString().Data()) objnew.Write(keys.At(entry).GetName()) cache['TOTALLUMI'] += 1 elif issubclass(obj.__class__, TList): #print("TList obj name: {0}".format(obj.GetName())) if obj: objnew = TList(obj) objnew.Write(keys.At(entry).GetName()) # not working... else: print "UNKNOWN OBJECT", name, "OF TYPE", type(obj)
def GetROOTPrimitive(self): output = TList() output.SetName(self.__name) for rootobject in self.__rootobjects: output.Add(rootobject.GetROOTPrimitive()) return output
def run_analysis(options,args): tm = tree_manager() pu_weight_sum = 0.0 selected_events = [] metaInfoTrees = [] nEvents_total = int(0) pwd = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath() for kFile,input_file in enumerate(args): print print 'processing input file %i/%i: %s'%(kFile+1, len(args), input_file) in_file = TFile.Open(input_file,'read') leptonType = options.leptonType tree = None nEvents_sample = 0 specific = None treeName = 'Ntuple' if not options.allBranches: if leptonType == 'muon': #specific = muonBranches+commonBranches mmg = in_file.Get('mmg') tree = mmg.Get('final').Get(treeName) metaInfoTrees.append(mmg.Get('metaInfo').CloneTree()) nEvents_sample = mmg.Get('eventCount').GetBinContent(1) nEvents_total += mmg.Get('skimCounter').GetBinContent(1) mmg = None elif leptonType == 'electron': #specific = electronBranches+commonBranches eeg = in_file.Get('eeg') tree = eeg.Get('final').Get(treeName) metaInfoTrees.append(eeg.Get('metaInfo').CloneTree()) nEvents_sample = eeg.Get('eventCount').GetBinContent(1) nEvents_total += eeg.Get('skimCounter').GetBinContent(1) eeg = None else: raise Exception('invalid lepton type: %s'%options.leptonType) total_events = tree.GetEntriesFast() tick_size = total_events/100.0 if tick_size < 1: tick_size = 1.0 #tm.importTree(treeName,tree,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zs'%treeName,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zgs'%treeName,specific) #tm.cloneTree(treeName,'%s_zgs_nosihih'%treeName,specific) #setup process dependent stuff cuts = setupCuts(options) #lepton_mass = lepton_masses[options.leptonType] #z_info = z_infos[options.leptonType] #lepton_info = lepton_infos[options.leptonType] #setup pu-reweighing #pu_weight = pu_weight_nominal #if options.isSummer11: # pu_weigt = pu_weight_summer11 procWeight = 1.0 if options.datType != 'data': procWeight = (options.crossSection * run_lumi[options.leptonType][options.runYear]\ [options.runType]) # setup the corrector (this links the appropriate four momenta # into a common naming scheme correct = setup_corrections(options.runYear , options.runType, options.leptonType, options.datType, options.leptonCor , options.gamCor, options.vanilla ) ievent = long(0) for event in tree: ievent+=1 #print ievent,total_events,fmod(ievent/total_events,0.01) if( not (ievent+1)%int(tick_size) or ievent+1 == total_events ): sys.stdout.write('\r%3.0f%s complete! (%i/%i)'%(((ievent+1)/ tick_size), '%', ievent+1, total_events)) sys.stdout.flush() # setup the common event momentum # ell1 = lepton1, ell2 = lepton2 # gam = photon, Z = dilepton, Zg = Z+photon correct(event) run_idx = getRunIndex([0],options.runYear, options.runType,options.datType, options.leptonType) setattr(event,'procWeight',procWeight) setattr(event,'puWeight',1.0) if options.datType != 'data': setattr(event,'eventFraction',float(ievent+1)/total_events) event.puWeight = pu_S10_CD_reweight(event.nTruePU[0]) #selected_z = [] #selected_pho_nosihih = [] #selected_pho = [] #bad_leptons = [] if options.datType == 'data': # kill run 170722 # kill the obvious pile up combinatorial event if ([0] == 170722 or ([0] == 166512 and event.lumi[0] == 1678 and event.evt[0] == 1822682238) ): continue bestLLG = None bestZdiff = -1 for i in range(event.N_PATFinalState): cuts.getCutflow('trigger')(event,i) if options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('trigger') : continue cuts.getCutflow('pho')(event,i) cuts.getCutflow('leptons')(event,i) if ( options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('leptons') and not cuts.getCutflow('pho') ): continue cuts.getCutflow('z')(event,i) if options.exlProc and not cuts.getCutflow('z'): continue if ( cuts.getCutflow('trigger') and cuts.getCutflow('leptons') and cuts.getCutflow('pho') and cuts.getCutflow('z') ): thisZdiff = abs(Z_POLE-event.Z[i].M()) if( cuts.getCut('mindr')[0](event.ell1[i], event.ell2[i], event.gam[i]) and (thisZdiff < bestZdiff or bestLLG is None) ): bestZdiff = thisZdiff bestLLG = i #event object selection done if options.exlProc and bestLLG is None: continue bestZ = bestLLG if bestLLG is not None: setattr(event,'ell1SF',1.0) setattr(event,'ell2SF',1.0) #if run_idx != -1: # event.ell1SF = leptonSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # getattr(event,lepton_info['pt'])[idx1], # getattr(event,lepton_info['eta'])[idx1], # run_idx, # options.leptonType) # event.ell2SF = leptonSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # getattr(event,lepton_info['pt'])[idx2], # getattr(event,lepton_info['eta'])[idx2], # run_idx, # options.leptonType) setattr(event,'bestZ',bestLLG) outTrees.bestZTree(event,tm) #tm.fillTree('%s_zs'%treeName,{}) #bestPhoNoSihih = None #bestPhoNoSihihPt = -1 #for idxph in selected_pho_nosihih: # pho.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.phoCorEt[idxph], # event.phoEta[idxph], # event.phoPhi[idxph], # 0.0) # if bestPhoNoSihih is None or pho.Pt() > bestPhoNoSihihPt: # if ( bestZ is not None and # cuts.getCut('mindr')[0](event.bestZLeg1, # event.bestZLeg2, # pho) ): # bestPhoNoSihih = idxph # bestPhoNoSihihPt = pho.Pt() # elif( bestZ is None ): # bestPhoSihih = idxph # bestPhoSihihPt = pho.Pt() bestPho = bestLLG #and bestPhoNoSihih is None: (below) if options.exlProc and bestPho is None: continue if bestPho is not None: setattr(event,'phoSF',1.0) #if run_idx != -1: # event.phoSF = phoSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # event.phoEt[bestPho], # event.phoEta[bestPho], # run_idx) setattr(event,'bestPho',bestPho) #if bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # setattr(event,'phoNoSihihSF',event.phoSF) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihihIdx',bestPho) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihih',pho) #elif bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # pho.SetPtEtaPhiM(event.phoCorEt[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoEta[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoPhi[bestPhoNoSihih], # 0.0) # setattr(event,'phoNoSihihSF',1.0) # if run_idx != -1: # event.phoNoSihihSF = phoSF_nominal(event.nGoodVtx, # event.phoEt[bestPhoNoSihih], # event.phoEta[bestPhoNoSihih], # run_idx) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihihIdx',bestPhoNoSihih) # setattr(event,'bestPhoNoSihih',pho) if bestLLG is not None: #if bestPhoNoSihih is not None: # thezg = event.bestZ + event.bestPhoNoSihih # setattr(event,'bestZGNoSihih',thezg) # outTrees.bestZGTreeNoSihih(event,tm) # tm.fillTree('EventTree_zgs_nosihih',{}) hzg_r94cat = hzg_4cat_r9based[leptonType](event,bestLLG) setattr(event,'bestZG_r94cat',hzg_r94cat) hzg_r94cat_mod = \ hzg_4cat_r9based_mod[leptonType](event,bestLLG) setattr(event,'bestZG_r94cat_mod',hzg_r94cat_mod) thezg = event.Zg[bestLLG] selected_events.append(([bestLLG], event.lumi[bestLLG], event.evt[bestLLG])) setattr(event,'bestZG',thezg) outTrees.bestZGTree(event,tm) pu_weight_sum += event.puWeight #tm.fillTree('%s_zgs'%treeName,{}) tree = None in_file.Close() del in_file #make a nice file name input_file = args[0] nameparts = input_file[input_file.rfind('/')+1:] nameparts = nameparts.split('.') #output selected event numbers to file if needed print print 'Selected %i (%.2f) events after processing!'%(len(selected_events), pu_weight_sum) try: os.makedirs(options.prefix) print 'Created prefix directory: %s'%options.prefix except os.error: print 'Prefix directory: %s already exists'%options.prefix if options.dumpSelectedEvents: #sort events selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[2]) selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[1]) selected_events.sort(key=lambda event: event[0]) evf = open(options.prefix + '%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'%('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.leptonType, 'txt'), 'w') for ev in selected_events: evf.write('Run, Lumi, Event #:\t%i\t%i\t%i\n'%ev) evf.close() #push all of our output trees to a file outFileName = '' if options.vanilla: outFileName = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'\ %('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.datType, options.leptonType, 'vanilla', nameparts[-1]) else: outFileName = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_processed.%s'\ %('_'.join(nameparts[:-1]), options.runType, options.datType, options.leptonType, options.leptonCor, options.gamCor, nameparts[-1]) hEventCount = TH1I('eventCount','Total Events Processed',1,0,1) hEventCount.SetBinContent(1,nEvents_total) metaTList = TList() for tree in metaInfoTrees: metaTList.Add(tree) metaTree = TTree.MergeTrees(metaTList) outf = TFile.Open(options.prefix + outFileName,'RECREATE') metaTree.Write() hEventCount.Write() tm.write() outf.Close()
def init_pdfs(fit, params, prefix, signal): ''' Initialize RooFit PDFs from parameter dictionary :param MassFit fit: - MassFit instance :param dict params: - parameter dictionary :param str prefix: - pdf name prefix :param bool signal: - signal pdf :return: (pdf, components) with pdf - Composit pdf, components - list of component pdfs :rtype: tuple ''' # Build recursive composit pdf: # M(x) = f_sig*S(x) + (1-f_sig){f_peak*P(x) + (1-f_peak)*B(x)} # # This avoids problems with sum(fractions) > 1 # See chapter 3 of RooFit Users Manual # # Store all auto generated obejcts in TLists. Otherwise python will destroy # them as soon as this function ends _pdf = None #: Composit PDF to return _components = TList() #: List of component PDFs _components_all = TList() #: List of component PDFs _fracs = TList() #: List of fractions _funcs = TList() #: List of formula variables _params = { prefix+"_"+fit.mass_name: fit.mass } _i = 1 _n_comps = len(params["components"]) for _comp in params["components"]: # Create parameters _comp_params = TList() _comp_constrs = TList() for _par in _comp["params"]: _name = prefix + "_" + _par["name"] if _name in _params: _comp_params.append(_params[_name]) else: if "random" in _par and _par["random"] == True: # Generate starting value and validity range _min = random.uniform(_par["min"], _par["value"]) _max = random.uniform(_par["value"], _par["max"]) _value = random.uniform(_min, _max) _par["random"] = False # Store obtained values _par["min"] = _min _par["max"] = _max _par["value"] = _value _var = RooRealVar( _name, _par["title"], _value, _min, _max, _par["units"] ) else: _var = RooRealVar( _name, _par["title"], _par["value"], _par["min"], _par["max"], _par["units"] ) fit.parameters.push_back(_var) _comp_params.Add(_var) _params[_name] = _var if "constraint" in _par: _constr = RooGaussian( _name+"_constr", _par["title"]+"_constr", _var, RooFit.RooConst(_par["constraint"]["mean"]), RooFit.RooConst(_par["constraint"]["sigma"]) ) fit.constraints.push_back(_constr) _comp_constrs.Add(_constr) # Store mean and sigma of core part of the signal PDF if _i == 1 and signal == True: fit.sig_mass = _comp_params.At(0) fit.sig_sigma = _comp_params.At(1) _name = prefix+"_"+_comp["name"] # Initialize component if _comp["type"] not in supported_pdfs: raise Exception("Unknown PDF type: %s" % _comp["type"]) if _comp["type"] == "RooAddPdf": (_sum_pdf, _sum_components, _sum_params) = init_pdfs(fit, _comp, _comp['name'], signal) _components_all.AddAll(_sum_components) _components.Add(_sum_pdf) _params.update(_sum_params) elif _comp["type"] == "RooGaussian": _components.Add(RooGaussian( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooParamGaussian": _v = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_variable", "", "@0*@1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2)) ) _funcs.Add(_v) _components.Add(RooGaussian( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _v) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooParamGaussianOffset": _m = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_var_mean", "", "@0+@1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1)) ) _s = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_var_sigma", "", "@0*@1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3)) ) _funcs.Add(_m) _funcs.Add(_s) _components.Add(RooGaussian( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _m, _s) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooPolynomial": if len(_comp_params): _components.Add(RooPolynomial( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, RooArgList(_comp_params)) ) else: _components.Add(RooPolynomial( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooChebychev": _components.Add(RooChebychev( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, RooArgList(_comp_params)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooExponential": _components.Add(RooExponential( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooVoigtian": _components.Add(RooVoigtian( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooCBShape": _components.Add(RooCBShape( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooParamCBShape": _v = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_variable", "", "@0*@1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2)) ) _funcs.Add(_v) _components.Add(RooCBShape( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _v, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooDoubleCBShape": _components.Add(RooDoubleCBShape( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooCutCBShape": _components.Add(RooCutCBShape( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooArgusBG": _components.Add(RooArgusBG( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooRArgusBG": _v = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_variable", "", "2*@0 - @1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(0), fit.mass) ) _funcs.Add(_v) _components.Add(RooArgusBG( _name, _comp["title"], _v, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooIpatia": _components.Add(RooIpatia( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooIpatia2": _components.Add(RooIpatia2( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6), _comp_params.At(7), _comp_params.At(8)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooCassandra": _components.Add(RooCassandra( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooAsymCassandra": _components.Add(RooAsymCassandra( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooDecay": _r = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution", _comp["title"]+"_resolution", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _components.Add(RooDecay( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r, RooDecay.DoubleSided) ) _funcs.Add(_r) elif _comp["type"] == "RooDecayLeft": _r = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution", _comp["title"]+"_resolution", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _components.Add(RooDecay( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r, RooDecay.Flipped) ) _funcs.Add(_r) elif _comp["type"] == "RooDecayRight": _r = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution", _comp["title"]+"_resolution", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _components.Add(RooDecay( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r, RooDecay.SingleSided) ) _funcs.Add(_r) elif _comp["type"] == "RooExpGaussExp": _components.Add(RooExpGaussExp( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3)) ) elif _comp["type"] == "RooHistPdf": if 'config' not in _comp: raise Exception("Missing 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") if 'file' not in _comp['config']: raise Exception("Missing 'file' key in the 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") if 'name' not in _comp['config']: raise Exception("Missing 'name' key in the 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") _f = TFile(_comp['config']['file']) _pdf = _f.Get(_comp['config']['name']) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "Conv_RooDecay_RooBreitWigner": _r1 = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution_1", _comp["title"]+"_resolution_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _f1 = RooDecay( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r1, RooDecay.DoubleSided ) _f2 = RooBreitWigner( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _funcs.Add(_r1) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooNumConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooDecay_RooBreitWigner": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _r1 = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution_1", _comp["title"]+"_resolution_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _f1 = RooDecay( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r1, RooDecay.DoubleSided ) _f2 = RooBreitWigner( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _funcs.Add(_r1) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooDecay_RooCBShape": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _r1 = RooGaussModel( _name+"_resolution_1", _comp["title"]+"_resolution_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(2) ) _f1 = RooDecay( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(1), _r1, RooDecay.DoubleSided ) _f2 = RooCBShape( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _funcs.Add(_r1) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooCassandra_RooGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooCassandra( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooAsymCassandra_RooGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooAsymCassandra( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) #_pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( # _name, # _comp["title"], # fit.mass, # _f1, # _f2 # ) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f2, _f1 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooAsymCassandra_RooDoubleGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _v = RooFormulaVar( _name+"_variable", "", "@0*@1", RooArgList( _comp_params.At(6), _comp_params.At(7)) ) _funcs.Add(_v) _f1 = RooAsymCassandra( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _f3 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_3", _comp["title"]+"_comp_3", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(5), _v ) _f4 = RooAddPdf( _name, _comp["title"], RooArgList(_f2, _f3), RooArgList(_comp_params.At(8)) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _funcs.Add(_f3) _funcs.Add(_f4) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f4, _f1 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "Conv_RooAsymCassandra_RooGaussian": _f1 = RooAsymCassandra( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooNumConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f2, _f1 ) # Does not work #_pdf.setConvolutionWindow(_comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6), 6.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooAsymCassandra3_RooGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooAsymCassandra3( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(7), _comp_params.At(8) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f2, _f1 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooCassandra_RooCBShape": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(50000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooCassandra( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2) ) _f2 = RooCBShape( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(100.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooCassandra3_RooCBShape": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(50000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooCassandra3( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3) ) _f2 = RooCBShape( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5), _comp_params.At(6), _comp_params.At(7) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(100.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooHistPdf_RooGaussian": # Load reference ROOT tree _ref_full_ch = TChain(_comp['config']['tree']) _ref_full_ch.Add(_comp['config']['files']) # Run selection _ref_ch = _ref_full_ch.CopyTree(_comp['config']['selection']) _bins = fit.mass.getBins() fit.mass.setBins(_comp['config']['bins']) # Create hist PDF _data = RooDataSet( 'ds_' + _name, '', RooArgSet(fit.mass), RooFit.Import(_ref_ch) ) _hist = _data.binnedClone() _f1 = RooHistPdf( name+'_histpdf', _comp['title']+'_histpdf', RooArgSet(fit.mass), _hist, 2 # Order of interpolation function ) fit.mass.setBins(_bins) # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _f2 = RooGaussModel( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1) ) _funcs.Add(_hist) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f2, _f1 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(5.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "Conv_RooHistPdf_RooGaussian": if 'config' not in _comp: raise Exception("Missing 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") if 'file' not in _comp['config']: raise Exception("Missing 'file' key in the 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") if 'name' not in _comp['config']: raise Exception("Missing 'name' key in the 'config' section for RooHistPdf.") _file = TFile(_comp['config']['file']) _f1 = _file.Get(_comp['config']['name']) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooNumConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f2, _f1 ) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_RooDoubleCBShape_RooGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _f1 = RooDoubleCBShape( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5) ) _f2 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(6), _comp_params.At(7) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f1, _f2 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) elif _comp["type"] == "FFT_2xCBShape_RooGaussian": # Define sampling frequency fit.mass.setBins(10000,"fft") ; _cb_frac = RooRealVar( _name+"_cb_frac", _name+"_cb_frac", 0.1, 0.0, 1.0) _f1 = RooCBShape( _name+"_comp_1", _comp["title"]+"_comp_1", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(2), _comp_params.At(3) ) _f2 = RooCBShape( _name+"_comp_2", _comp["title"]+"_comp_2", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(0), _comp_params.At(1), _comp_params.At(4), _comp_params.At(5) ) _f3 = RooAddPdf( _name+"_comp_3", _comp["title"]+"_comp_3", RooArgList(_f1, _f2), RooArgList(_cb_frac), kTRUE) _f4 = RooGaussian( _name+"_comp_4", _comp["title"]+"_comp_4", fit.mass, _comp_params.At(6), _comp_params.At(7) ) _funcs.Add(_f1) _funcs.Add(_f2) _funcs.Add(_f3) _funcs.Add(_f4) _funcs.Add(_cb_frac) _pdf = RooFFTConvPdf( _name, _comp["title"], fit.mass, _f3, _f4 ) _pdf.setBufferFraction(50.0) _components.Add(_pdf) else: raise Exception("Unknown PDF type: "+_comp["type"]) if _i < _n_comps: _f_v = 0.1 _f_min = 0.0 _f_max = 1.0 if "fraction" in _comp: _f_v = _comp["fraction"]["value"] _f_min = _comp["fraction"]["min"] _f_max = _comp["fraction"]["max"] _f = RooRealVar( prefix+"_frac_"+_comp["name"], prefix+" component "+_comp["name"]+" fraction", _f_v, _f_min, _f_max) if "fraction" in _comp and "constraint" in _comp["fraction"]: _constr = RooGaussian( _name+"_frac_constr", _name+"_frac_constr", _f, RooFit.RooConst(_comp["fraction"]["constraint"]["mean"]), RooFit.RooConst(_comp["fraction"]["constraint"]["sigma"]) ) fit.constraints.push_back(_constr) _comp_constrs.Add(_constr) _fracs.Add(_f) _i += 1 if _n_comps == 1: _pdf = _components.At(0) else: # Make sure we are creating a recursive composit PDF _pdf = RooAddPdf( prefix+"_pdf", prefix+" PDF", RooArgList(_components), RooArgList(_fracs), kTRUE) _components_all.AddAll(_components) return (_pdf, _components_all, _params)
def splitData(): """ Sometimes this segfaults. No idea why. Just re-run and it's fine. """ f1 = TFile("./data/malbek_data.root") tree0 = f1.Get("malbek_wrt") axPeaks = [1.739, 1.836, 2.307, 2.464] # declare as arrays s/t ROOT branches work. access values with e.g. ene[0] = 1. ene0, wt0, shift = array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]) tree0.SetBranchAddress("energy_keV", ene0) tree0.SetBranchAddress("weight", wt0) tList = TList() tVec = [0., 0., 0., 0.] tmp = TFile("./data/malbek_splitData.root", "RECREATE") for i in range(len(axPeaks)): ene, wt = array('d', [0.]), array('d', [0.]) shift = axPeaks[len(axPeaks) - 1] - axPeaks[i] tVec[i] = TTree("t%d" % i, "t%d" % i) tVec[i].Branch("energy_keV", ene, "energy_keV/D") tVec[i].Branch("weight", wt, "weight/D") for j in range(tree0.GetEntries()): tree0.GetEntry(j) ene[0], wt[0] = ene0[0], wt0[0] ene[0] += shift tVec[i].Fill() print "axPeaks: %d tree %d - %d entries shift %.3f keV" % ( len(axPeaks), len(tVec), tVec[i].GetEntries(), shift) tList.Add(tVec[i]) tVec[i].Write() tree1 = ROOT.TTree.MergeTrees(tList) tree1.SetName("mergeTree") tree1.SetTitle("mergeTree") print "Trees merged, with %d entries total." % tree1.GetEntries() tree1.Write() # -- create diagnostic shifted & merged spectrum -- malbekExposure = 89.5 binSize = 0.04 eLo, eHi = 0.8, 5. nBins = int((eHi - eLo) / binSize + 0.5) h0 = H1D(tree0, nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h0.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) h0.SetLineWidth(2) h0.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h1 = H1D(tVec[0], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h1.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kBlue, 0.5) h1.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h2 = H1D(tVec[1], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h2.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kGreen, 0.5) h2.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h3 = H1D(tVec[2], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h3.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kMagenta, 0.5) h3.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) h4 = H1D(tVec[3], nBins, eLo, eHi, "energy_keV", "weight") h4.SetLineColor(ROOT.kCyan) h4.Scale(1. / malbekExposure) hAdd = TH1D("hAdd", "", nBins, eLo, eHi) hAdd.Add(h1) hAdd.Add(h2) hAdd.Add(h3) hAdd.Add(h4) hAdd.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) hAdd.SetLineWidth(2) hAdd.SetMinimum(0) hAdd.SetMaximum(2) ymax = hAdd.GetMaximum() hAdd.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Energy (keV)") hAdd.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Counts / kg-d") c = TCanvas("c", "Bob Ross's Canvas", 1100, 800) hAdd.Draw("hist") h0.Draw("hist same") h1.Draw("hist same") h2.Draw("hist same") h3.Draw("hist same") h4.Draw("hist same") # Draw lines around the gaussian fit ROI, using 2 sigma of the energy resolution fitWin = 3 * getSigma(axPeaks[3]) print "Malbek resolution at %.2f keV is %.2f" % (axPeaks[3], getSigma(axPeaks[3])) print "Set 3-sigma fit region to %.2f - %.2f" % (axPeaks[3] - fitWin, axPeaks[3] + fitWin) l1 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3], 0., axPeaks[3], ymax) l1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) l1.SetLineWidth(2) l1.Draw("same") l2 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3] + fitWin, 0., axPeaks[3] + fitWin, ymax) l2.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kRed, 0.5) l2.SetLineWidth(2) l2.Draw("same") l3 = ROOT.TLine(axPeaks[3] - fitWin, 0., axPeaks[3] - fitWin, ymax) l3.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kRed, 0.5) l3.SetLineWidth(2) l3.Draw("same") leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.85, 0.85) leg.AddEntry(hAdd, "Shifted+Summed", "l") leg.AddEntry(h4, "peak-%.3f (unshifted)" % (axPeaks[3]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h3, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[2]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h2, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[1]), "l") leg.AddEntry(h1, "peak-%.3f" % (axPeaks[0]), "l") leg.AddEntry(l1, "3-sigma fit region", "l") leg.Draw("same") c.Print("./plots/shiftSpec.pdf")
def stackHistograms(t_plots, t_processList, l_histoList, l_legendList, l_textList, l_axisList, saveAs,l_ratioList, saveString, tagText): ''' PURPOSE: Function to create stacked plots and save them to the local disk. This function will: * Create a stacked plot * Create a ratio plot * Allow for Blinding * Save the canvas as requested ''' # Release the variables from the lists h_st, location_suf, name, c_x, c_y, v_rebin, xMin, xMax, doBlinding, b_low, b_high = l_histoList l_st, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize = l_legendList t_st, plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_start, t_gap, t_x = l_textList a_st, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, yOffset, a_labelSize, a_textSize, y_scale = l_axisList r_st, doRatio, r_yLabel, r_xOffset, r_yOffset, r_labelSize, r_textSize = l_ratioList len_plots = len(t_plots) plotText = plotText + tagText l_overlay = [] l_data = [] sh = THStack('sh', '') t_legend = [] listMC = TList() for i in xrange(len_plots): process, location_pre, v_colour, v_scale, ovack, sigrouta, l_marker, sel = t_processList[i] histogram = rebin(t_plots[i][0], v_rebin) histogram.Scale(float(v_scale)) histogram.SetLineWidth(1) histogram.SetLineColor(int(v_colour)) l_legendLine = [t_plots[i][0], process, l_marker] t_legend.append(l_legendLine) if sigrouta == "DATA" and int(doBlinding): histogram = blindingPlots(histogram, b_low, b_high) if ovack == "STACK": if sigrouta == "BACKGROUND": listMC.Add(histogram) histogram.SetFillColor(int(v_colour)) sh.Add(histogram) elif ovack == "OVERLAY" and sigrouta != "DATA": l_overlay.append(histogram) elif ovack == "OVERLAY" and sigrouta == "DATA": histogram.SetMarkerStyle(8) histogram.SetMarkerColor(1) l_data.append(histogram) else: print "\n%s or %s are not a valid options" % (sigrouta, ovack) sys.exit(1) mergeMC = histogram.Clone('mergeMC') mergeMC.Reset() mergeMC.Merge(listMC) gROOT.SetBatch(1) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', int(c_x), int(c_y)) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if int(doRatio): m_Pad = TPad('m_pad', 'm_pad', 0, 0.30, 1, 1) r_Pad = TPad('r_pad', 'r_pad', 0, 0, 1, 0.30) m_Pad.Draw() r_Pad.Draw() m_Pad.SetTopMargin(0.05) m_Pad.SetBottomMargin(0.01) r_Pad.SetTopMargin(0) r_Pad.SetBottomMargin(0.3) m_Pad.SetTicks(1) m_Pad.Update() else: c.SetTicks(1) c.Update # Draw our plots we defined earlier. First the stacked plot, then any overlaid plots and finally data sh.Draw() if l_overlay: for i in xrange(len(l_overlay)): l_overlay[i].Draw('hist same') h_MCerr = getStatUncert(mergeMC) h_MCerr.SetMarkerSize(0) h_MCerr.SetFillColor(921) h_MCerr.SetFillStyle(3344) h_MCerr.Draw('e2s same') t_legend.append([h_MCerr, 'Stat Uncert.', 'f']) if l_data: h_data = mergeData(l_data, doBlinding, b_low, b_high) h_data.Draw('epsames') ## Next up is to add the styling: ## 1, Axis labels ## 2. Text on the plot ## 3. Legend if not int(doRatio): setupAxes(sh, xLabel, yLabel, xOffset, 0.8, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, y_scale) else: sh.SetMinimum(0.001) setupAxes(sh, "", yLabel, -999, yOffset, a_textSize, xMin, xMax, y_scale) setupLegend(t_legend, l_x1, l_y1, l_x2, l_y2, l_textSize) setupTextOnPlot(plotText, t_textSize, t_alignment, t_x, t_start, t_gap) if int(doRatio): r_Pad.SetTicks(1) r_Pad.Update() l_mc = TList() l_data = TList() for i in xrange(len_plots): l_histogram = rebin(t_plots[i][0], v_rebin) process, location_pre, v_colour, v_scale, ovack, sigrouta, l_marker, tag = t_processList[i] if sigrouta == "SIGNAL": l_mc.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "BACKGROUND": l_mc.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "DATA": l_data.Add(l_histogram) elif sigrouta == "OVERLAY": pass else: print "\nOption %s not available" % (sigrouta) mh_MC = l_histogram.Clone('mh_MC') mh_MC.Merge(l_mc) h_statMC = getRelError(mh_MC) h_statMC.SetMarkerSize(0) h_statMC.SetFillColor(921) h_statMC.SetFillStyle(3344) h_statMC.Draw('e2s') setupAxes(h_statMC, xLabel, r_yLabel, r_xOffset, r_yOffset, r_textSize, xMin, xMax, 1) h_statMC.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.38, 0.38) mh_data = l_histogram.Clone('mh_data') mh_data.Merge(l_data) h_dataMC = getRatio(mh_data, mh_MC, doBlinding, b_low, b_high) h_dataMC.Draw('epsames') h_line = TLine(float(xMin), 0, float(xMax), 0) h_line.SetLineWidth(2) h_line.SetLineColor(1) h_line.SetLineStyle(2) h_line.Draw('same') savePlots(c, saveString, saveAs)
def fhadd(self, prefix="", force=False, verbose=False, slow=True): """ taken from This function will merge objects from a list of root files and write them to a target root file. The target file is newly created and must not exist, or if -f ("force") is given, must not be one of the source files. IMPORTANT: It is required that all files have the same content! Fast but memory hungry alternative to ROOT's hadd. Arguments: target -- name of the target root file sources -- list of source root files classname -- restrict merging to objects inheriting from classname force -- overwrite target file if exists """ target = prefix + self.Name + ".root" sources = [j.Output for j in self.Jobs] TH1.AddDirectory(False) # check if target file exists and exit if it does and not in force mode if not force and os.path.exists(target): raise RuntimeError("target file %s exists" % target) # open the target file print "fhadd Target file:", target outfile = TFile(target, "RECREATE") # open the seed file - contents is looked up from here seedfilename = sources[0] print "fhadd Source file 1", seedfilename seedfile = TFile(seedfilename) # get contents of seed file print "looping over seed file" contents = self.loop(seedfile) print "done %d objects are ready to be merged" % len(contents) if (verbose): for c in contents: print c # open remaining files otherfiles = [] for n, f in enumerate(sources[1:]): print "fhadd Source file %d: %s" % (n + 2, f) otherfiles.append(TFile(f)) # loop over contents and merge objects from other files to seed file objects for n, (path, hname) in enumerate(contents): print "fhadd Target object: %s" % os.path.join(path, hname) obj_path = os.path.join(path, hname) obj_ = seedfile.Get(obj_path[1:])'/') # create target directory structure for d in path.split('/')[1:]: directory = gDirectory.GetDirectory(d) if not directory: gDirectory.mkdir(d).cd() else: obj = None if obj_.InheritsFrom("TTree"): obj = obj_.CloneTree() else: obj = obj_.Clone() # merge objects l = TList() for o in [of.Get(obj_path[1:]) for of in otherfiles]: l.Add(o) obj.Merge(l) # delete objects if in slow mode if slow: print "Deleting %d object(s)", l.GetEntries() l.Delete() # write object to target obj.Write(obj.GetName(), TObject.kOverwrite) print "Writing and closing file" # let ROOT forget about open files - prevents deletion of TKeys for f in [outfile, seedfile] + otherfiles: gROOT.GetListOfFiles().Remove(f) outfile.Write() outfile.Close() for f in [seedfile] + otherfiles: f.Close()
def GetRootPrimitive(self, listname): """ Make root primitives (for root IO) """ result = TList() result.SetName(listname) tracklist = TList() tracklist.SetName("trackContainers") for name, tc in self.__trackContainers.iteritems(): tracklist.Add(tc.GetRootPrimitive("trackcontainer_%s" % (name))) clusterlist = TList() clusterlist.SetName("clusterContainers") for name, cc in self.__clusterContainers.iteritems(): clusterlist.Add(cc.GetRootPrimitive("clustercontainer_%s" % (name))) result.Add(tracklist) result.Add(clusterlist) return result
def test2Lists(self): """Test list/TList behavior and compatibility""" l = TList() l.Add(TObjString('a')) l.Add(TObjString('b')) l.Add(TObjString('c')) l.Add(TObjString('d')) l.Add(TObjString('e')) l.Add(TObjString('f')) l.Add(TObjString('g')) l.Add(TObjString('h')) l.Add(TObjString('i')) l.Add(TObjString('j')) self.assertEqual(len(l), 10) self.assertEqual(l[3], 'd') self.assertEqual(l[-1], 'j') self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, 20) self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, -20) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[3] = TObjString('z') self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) del l[2] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) self.assert_(TObjString('b') in l) self.assert_(not TObjString('x') in l) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6]), ['z', 'e', 'f', 'g']) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6:2]), ['z', 'f']) self.assertEqual(list(l[-5:-2]), ['f', 'g', 'h']) self.assertEqual(list(l[7:]), ['i', 'j']) self.assertEqual(list(l[:3]), ['a', 'b', 'z']) del l[2:4] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[2:5] = [TObjString('1'), TObjString('2')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j']) l[6:6] = [TObjString('3')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3']) l.append(TObjString('4')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4']) l.extend([TObjString('5'), TObjString('j')]) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) self.assertEqual(l.count('b'), 1) self.assertEqual(l.count('j'), 2) self.assertEqual(l.count('x'), 0) self.assertEqual(l.index(TObjString('i')), 4) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.index, TObjString('x')) l.insert(3, TObjString('6')) l.insert(20, TObjString('7')) l.insert(-1, TObjString('8')) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7']) self.assertEqual(l.pop(), '7') self.assertEqual(l.pop(3), '1') self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) l.remove(TObjString('j')) l.remove(TObjString('3')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.remove, TObjString('x')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', '4', '5', 'j']) l.reverse() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', '5', '4', 'i', '2', '6', 'b', 'a', '8']) l.sort() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['2', '4', '5', '6', '8', 'a', 'b', 'i', 'j']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: l.sort(key=TObjString.GetName) l.reverse() else: l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.GetName(), a.GetName())) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'a', '8', '6', '5', '4', '2']) l2 = l[:3] self.assertEqual(list(l2 * 3), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) self.assertEqual(list(3 * l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 *= 3 self.assertEqual(list(l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 = l[:3] l3 = l[6:8] self.assertEqual(list(l2 + l3), ['j', 'i', 'b', '5', '4']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: next = '__next__' else: next = 'next' i = iter(l2) self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'j') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'i') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'b') self.assertRaises(StopIteration, getattr(i, next))
fit.bkg_n = nbkg prefix = "Bg" if len(fit_params) > 1: prefix = + "_" + prefix (bkg_pdf, bkg_components, bkg_params) = init_pdfs(fit, fpars["background"], prefix, False) all_params.update(bkg_params) nextra = None if 'extra' in fpars: prefix = "Ext" if len(fit_params) > 1: prefix = + "_" + prefix (extra_pdf, extra_components, extra_params) = init_pdfs(fit, fpars["extra"], prefix, False) extra_yield = fpars["extra"]["yield"] if 'params' in extra_yield: _extra_params = TList() _extra_constrs = TList() for _par in extra_yield["params"]: _name = _par["name"] if _name in all_params: _extra_params.append(all_params[_name]) else: _var = RooRealVar( _name, _par["title"], _par["value"], _par["min"], _par["max"], _par["units"] ) fit.parameters.push_back(_var) _extra_params.Add(_var) all_params[_name] = _var if "constraint" in _par: _constr = RooGaussian(
ds = genpdf['pdf'].generate(RooArgSet(*genpdf['obs']), 150000, RooFit.Verbose()) #saveEta(ds); # HACK (2/2): restore correct eta range after generation ds.get().find('eta').setRange(0.0, 0.5) ds.Print('v') for o in genpdf['obs']: if not o.InheritsFrom('RooAbsCategory'): continue ds.table(o).Print('v') from ROOT import RooDataSet, RooArgSet from ROOT import TList mistagresultList = TList(); etaAvgList = TList(); print "**** ADDING CATEGORIES ****" ds = ds.reduce("qt!=qt::Untagged"); xRegions = createCategoryHistogram(ds,ds.get().find('eta'),NUMCAT); ds.addColumn(xRegions) ds.table(xRegions).Print("v") keepvars = [ds.get().find(name) for name in ['qt', 'qf', 'tageffRegion', 'time']] for i in xrange(NUMCAT): etaAvgList.AddLast(ds.reduce("tageffRegion == tageffRegion::Cat%u" % (i + 1,)).meanVar(ds.get().find('eta'))); etaAvg = ds.meanVar(ds.get().find('eta')); dspercat = [ ds.reduce(RooArgSet(*keepvars),"tageffRegion == tageffRegion::Cat%u" % (i + 1,)) for i in xrange(NUMCAT) ]
reader.BookMVA( "testmva", "/home/arun/VHbbNtuples_7_6_x/CMSSW_7_6_3_for8X/src/tthAnalysis/HiggsToTauTau/test/training_2lss_1tau_TTV/weights_2lss_1tau_TTV_wCuts_10Var_15Mar2017/mvaTTHvsTTV2lss1tau_BDTG.weights.xml" ) file = TFile( "/home/arun/ttHAnalysis/2016/2017Feb21_fastsim_dR03mvaLoose/histograms/2lss_1tau/forBDTtraining_SS_OS/ntuple_2lss_1tau_SS_OS_all.root" ) if process == "signal": tree = file.Get("2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/signal/evtTree") elif process == "TTV": tree_ttw = file.Get( "2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/TTW/evtTree") tree_ttz = file.Get( "2lss_1tau_lepSS_sumOS_Loose/sel/evtntuple/TTZ/evtTree") list = TList() list.Add(tree_ttw) list.Add(tree_ttz) tree = TTree.MergeTrees(list) tree.SetName("bkgTree") c1 = TCanvas() c1.SetFillColor(10) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(0.12) c1.SetBottomMargin(0.12) c1.SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.SetLogy() histogram_base = TH1F("histogram_base", "", 100, -1., 1.) histogram_base.SetTitle("")
def test2Lists(self): """Test list/TList behavior and compatibility""" l = TList() l.Add(TObjString('a')) l.Add(TObjString('b')) l.Add(TObjString('c')) l.Add(TObjString('d')) l.Add(TObjString('e')) l.Add(TObjString('f')) l.Add(TObjString('g')) l.Add(TObjString('h')) l.Add(TObjString('i')) l.Add(TObjString('j')) self.assertEqual(len(l), 10) self.assertEqual(l[3], 'd') self.assertEqual(l[-1], 'j') self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, 20) self.assertRaises(IndexError, l.__getitem__, -20) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[3] = TObjString('z') self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) del l[2] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) self.assert_(TObjString('b') in l) self.assert_(not TObjString('x') in l) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6]), ['z', 'e', 'f', 'g']) self.assertEqual(list(l[2:6:2]), ['z', 'f']) self.assertEqual(list(l[-5:-2]), ['f', 'g', 'h']) self.assertEqual(list(l[7:]), ['i', 'j']) self.assertEqual(list(l[:3]), ['a', 'b', 'z']) del l[2:4] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']) l[2:5] = [TObjString('1'), TObjString('2')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j']) l[6:6] = [TObjString('3')] self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3']) l.append(TObjString('4')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4']) l.extend([TObjString('5'), TObjString('j')]) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) self.assertEqual(l.count('b'), 1) self.assertEqual(l.count('j'), 2) self.assertEqual(l.count('x'), 0) self.assertEqual(l.index(TObjString('i')), 4) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.index, TObjString('x')) l.insert(3, TObjString('6')) l.insert(20, TObjString('7')) l.insert(-1, TObjString('8')) if not self.legacy_pyroot: # The pythonisation of TSeqCollection in experimental PyROOT mimics the # behaviour of the Python list, in this case for insert. # The Python list insert always inserts before the specified index, so if # -1 is specified, insert will place the new element right before the last # element of the list. self.assertEqual(list(l), [ 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '8', '7' ]) # Re-synchronize with current PyROOT's list l.insert(0, TObjString('8')) self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '8', '7' ]) l.pop(-2) self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7' ]) else: self.assertEqual(list(l), [ '8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7' ]) self.assertEqual(l.pop(), '7') self.assertEqual(l.pop(3), '1') self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j']) l.remove(TObjString('j')) l.remove(TObjString('3')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, l.remove, TObjString('x')) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', '4', '5', 'j']) l.reverse() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', '5', '4', 'i', '2', '6', 'b', 'a', '8']) l.sort() self.assertEqual(list(l), ['2', '4', '5', '6', '8', 'a', 'b', 'i', 'j']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: l.sort(key=TObjString.GetName) l.reverse() else: l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.GetName(), a.GetName())) self.assertEqual(list(l), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'a', '8', '6', '5', '4', '2']) l2 = l[:3] self.assertEqual(list(l2 * 3), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) self.assertEqual(list(3 * l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 *= 3 self.assertEqual(list(l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b']) l2 = l[:3] l3 = l[6:8] self.assertEqual(list(l2 + l3), ['j', 'i', 'b', '5', '4']) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: next = '__next__' else: next = 'next' i = iter(l2) self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'j') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'i') self.assertEqual(getattr(i, next)(), 'b') self.assertRaises(StopIteration, getattr(i, next))
currentRangeTF1List.Delete() #for i in range(1,numCat+1): #currentRangeTF1List.Last().IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1List.Last()); #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue..."); return rangeFit import os os.chdir(os.environ['B2DXFITTERSROOT'] + '/tutorial/etaHist') fileList = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) #TList containing relevant data for each eta set in directory mainResultList = TList() #number of tagging categories numTagCat = 5 #parse etaHist directory for .root files for i in fileList[:1]: if (i[-5:] != '.root'): continue print i inFile = TFile(i) inFile.GetListOfKeys().Print() #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue"); theTH1DHist = TH1F() inFile.GetObject("etaHist", theTH1DHist)
def test2Lists( self ): """Test list/TList behavior and compatibility""" l = TList() l.Add( TObjString('a') ) l.Add( TObjString('b') ) l.Add( TObjString('c') ) l.Add( TObjString('d') ) l.Add( TObjString('e') ) l.Add( TObjString('f') ) l.Add( TObjString('g') ) l.Add( TObjString('h') ) l.Add( TObjString('i') ) l.Add( TObjString('j') ) self.assertEqual( len(l), 10 ) self.assertEqual( l[3], 'd' ) self.assertEqual( l[-1], 'j' ) self.assertRaises( IndexError, l.__getitem__, 20 ) self.assertRaises( IndexError, l.__getitem__, -20 ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'] ) l[3] = TObjString('z') self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'] ) del l[2] self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', 'z', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'] ) self.assert_( TObjString('b') in l ) self.assert_( not TObjString('x') in l ) self.assertEqual( list(l[2:6]), ['z', 'e', 'f', 'g'] ) self.assertEqual( list(l[2:6:2]), ['z', 'f'] ) self.assertEqual( list(l[-5:-2]), ['f', 'g', 'h'] ) self.assertEqual( list(l[7:]), ['i', 'j'] ) self.assertEqual( list(l[:3]), ['a', 'b', 'z'] ) del l[2:4] self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'] ) l[2:5] = [ TObjString('1'), TObjString('2') ] self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j'] ) l[6:6] = [ TObjString('3') ] self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3'] ) l.append( TObjString('4') ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4'] ) l.extend( [ TObjString('5'), TObjString('j') ] ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['a', 'b', '1', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j'] ) self.assertEqual( l.count( 'b' ), 1 ) self.assertEqual( l.count( 'j' ), 2 ) self.assertEqual( l.count( 'x' ), 0 ) self.assertEqual( l.index( TObjString( 'i' ) ), 4 ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, l.index, TObjString( 'x' ) ) l.insert( 3, TObjString('6') ) l.insert( 20, TObjString('7') ) l.insert( -1, TObjString('8') ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '1', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j', '7'] ) self.assertEqual( l.pop(), '7' ) self.assertEqual( l.pop(3), '1' ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', 'j', '3', '4', '5', 'j'] ) l.remove( TObjString( 'j' ) ) l.remove( TObjString( '3' ) ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, l.remove, TObjString( 'x' ) ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['8', 'a', 'b', '6', '2', 'i', '4', '5', 'j'] ) l.reverse() self.assertEqual( list(l), ['j', '5', '4', 'i', '2', '6', 'b', 'a', '8'] ) l.sort() self.assertEqual( list(l), ['2', '4', '5', '6', '8', 'a', 'b', 'i', 'j'] ) if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: l.sort( key=TObjString.GetName ) l.reverse() else: l.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(b.GetName(),a.GetName()) ) self.assertEqual( list(l), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'a', '8', '6', '5', '4', '2'] ) l2 = l[:3] self.assertEqual( list(l2 * 3), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b'] ) self.assertEqual( list(3 * l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b'] ) l2 *= 3 self.assertEqual( list(l2), ['j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b', 'j', 'i', 'b'] ) l2 = l[:3] l3 = l[6:8] self.assertEqual( list(l2+l3), ['j', 'i', 'b', '5', '4'] ) i = iter(l2) self.assertEqual(, 'j' ) self.assertEqual(, 'i' ) self.assertEqual(, 'b' ) self.assertRaises( StopIteration, )
def divideEtaTH1Ds(etaHist, numCat, sourceFileName=None, categoryList=None, drawHist=False): # etaHist - the TH1D to split into categories # numCat - number of tagging categories # categoryList - list of tagging category names # drawHist - whether or not to display each category-split histogram # sourceFileName - name of etaHist root file #normalize etaHist etaHist.Scale(1.0 / etaHist.Integral()) #create default category names if none are given if categoryList == None: categoryList = [] for i in range(numCat): categoryList += ["Cat" + str(i)] histSum = etaHist.Integral() #get list of limits limList = [-1] for i in range(1, numCat): start = limList[i - 1] + 1 targetVal = histSum / numCat left = start right = etaHist.GetNbinsX() #print "\n\n\n",etaHist.Integral(start,start+1),"\n\n\n\n"; while abs(left - right) > 1: if etaHist.Integral(start, int((left + right) / 2)) > targetVal: right = (left + right) / 2 else: left = (left + right) / 2 #print start, left, right, etaHist.Integral(start,int((left+right)/2)),targetVal,",", if abs(etaHist.Integral(start, left) - targetVal) > abs(etaHist.Integral(start, right) - targetVal): limList += [right] else: limList += [left] limList[0] = 0 limList += [etaHist.GetNbinsX()] print limList #rangeFit is a 4-element TList containing: # - the sourceFileName as element 0 # - a RooThresholdCategory as element 2, and its RooRealVar as element 1 # - a tList of tFitResult as element 3 rangeFit = TList() rangeFit.AddLast(TObjString(sourceFileName)) rangeFit.AddLast(RooRealVar('x', 'x', 0.0, 1.0)) rangeFit.AddLast( RooThresholdCategory("tageffRegion", "region of tageff", rangeFit.At(1), "Cat" + str(numCat))) rangeFit.AddLast(TList()) #plot each category-split histogram, if necessary if drawHist == True: ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kOcean) #create stack to contain the category TH1Ds etaHistStack = THStack("etaHistStack", "Stack of TH1Ds") #create category-masking function for TH1D clones histCutterFunc = TF1("histCutterFunc", "((x>=[0])?((x<[1])?1.0:0.0):0.0)", 0.0, 1.0) for i in range(len(limList) - 1): etaHistClone = etaHist.Clone() histCutterFunc.SetParameter( 0, etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i])) histCutterFunc.SetParameter( 1, etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i + 1])) #histCutterFunc.Draw(); #raw_input("Press Enter to continue to next hisCutterFunc"); etaHistClone.Multiply(histCutterFunc) etaHistClone.SetFillColor(38 + i) etaHistStack.Add(etaHistClone) etaHistClone = etaHist.Clone() etaHistClone.SetFillColor(38 + len(limList)) #etaHistStack.Add(etaHistClone); import time os.chdir(os.environ['B2DXFITTERSROOT'] + '/tutorial') if (not (os.path.isdir('fits'))): os.mkdir('fits') os.chdir('fits') histCanvas = TCanvas() etaHistStack.Draw("hist PFC") #etaHistClone.Draw("hist PFC"); #histCanvas.SaveAs('tagRegionFitList_%f.pdf' % time.time()); #create thresholds and fitting functions (all linear, but with different ranges corresponding to the categories) currentRangeTF1List = TList() for i in range(1, numCat + 1): if (i <= numCat): rangeFit.At(2).addThreshold( etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i]), categoryList[i - 1]) currentRangeTF1List.AddLast( TF1( "fitFuncEtaset", "[0]+[1]*(x-" + str( etaHist.Integral(limList[i - 1], limList[i]) / (limList[i] - limList[i - 1])) + ")", etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i - 1]), etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i]))) #currentRangeTF1 = TF1("fitFuncEtaset","[0]+[1]*x",etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i-1]),etaHist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(limList[i])); rangeFit.Last().AddLast( etaHist.Fit(currentRangeTF1List.Last(), "R0S").Get().Clone()) if (drawHist == True): currentRangeTF1List.Last().DrawCopy('same') #raw_input('Press Enter to continue to next fit function'); #currentRangeTF1.IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1); #print "P0, P1 = ",rangeFit.Last().Last().Parameter(0), rangeFit.Last().Last().Parameter(1); histCanvas.SaveAs('tagRegionFitList_%f.pdf' % time.time()) currentRangeTF1List.Delete() #for i in range(1,numCat+1): #currentRangeTF1List.Last().IsA().Destructor(currentRangeTF1List.Last()); #s = raw_input("Press Enter to continue..."); return rangeFit