Ejemplo n.º 1
class Application(object):

    eventChannel = outlet('EventService')
    componentRegistry = outlet('ComponentRegistry')
    configService = outlet('ConfigService')
    txn = outlet('TransactionService')
    # TODO: Debug why binding a controller breaks the whole system
    # ... well I know why the it's because the SessionRegistery (which loads)
    # the controllers needs the Application object so it knows what extensions
    # to look for. Binding a controller then forces the SesionRegistery to not be loaded
    #Scheduler = outlet('Scheduler')

    log = outlet('LogService')

    MISCONFIGURED = 0  # Config file can not be interpreted
    LAUNCHING     = 1  # App spawned but has not checked in yet
    STARTING      = 2  # App has begun to load itself
    STARTED       = 3  # App is fully loaded and can service requests
    STOPPING      = 4  # App has been asked to shutdown, no new request will be accepted
    STOPPED       = 5  # App successfully shutdown, it can be relaunched if desired
    CRASHED       = 6  # App crashed during startup, or unexpectantly died, additional details may be available
    UNATTACHED    = 7  # The app appears to be running but we're not controlling it
    ATTACHING     = 8  # App was found unattached, and it was notified that we want to cntroll it.
                       # waiting for it to reestablish connection to controller
    NOTRESPONDING = 9  # App was sent a sig HUP but didn't check back in the prorper time



    __slots__ = ['name', 'config','appDir', 'pidPath', 'configFile', 'context',
                 'status', 'configError', 'digest',
                 'deferred', '_dh','scheduler',

    ## Instance Methods ##

    def __init__(self, appDir,  authoritativeOptions = None, **defaultComps):
        self.appBundle = Bundle(appDir)
        self.configFile = self.appBundle.pathForResource('app.conf')
        self.status = Application.STOPPED

        self.digest = ""
        self.name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(appDir))

        if not authoritativeOptions:
            authoritativeOptions = {}
        authoritativeOptions['application.name'] =  self.name
        authoritativeOptions['application.path'] =  os.path.abspath(appDir)
        authoritativeOptions['system.hostname'] =  socket.gethostname()


        logService = defaultComps.get("LogService")

        if logService is None:
            # everybody needs logging, especally  during devel. If one
            # isn't passed to us, set one up to go directly to syslog

            logService = LogService()
            logService.addData('app', self.name)

            logService.setFormat('[%(app)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
            defaultComps["LogService"] = logService

        # load the module that adapts our logging to somthething that twisted deferred's and failuers likes
        defaultComps["StdioOnnaStick"] =  StdioOnnaStick()

        defaultComps["ErrorFactory"] = ErrorFactory()


        # these two are sessions so we put their classe rather than
        # instances in componentRegistry
        defaultComps["RunLoop"] = RunLoop
        defaultComps["PortFactory"] = Port

        # our os signal handling, has to be as light weight as
        # possible. so any signal this app receives will be processed
        # by the sameRunLoop that started this app (hopefully you
        # don't have it bogged down running long synchronous tasks)

        self.mainRunLoop = RunLoop.currentRunLoop()

        self.componentRegistry = CompBinder()
        for compName, component in defaultComps.items():
            self.componentRegistry.addComponent(compName, component)

        serviceRegistry = ServiceRegistry()
        # blehq, serviceRegistry needs the application name in order to
        # load services that have been configured by convention 
        serviceRegistry.app_name = self.name
        serviceRegistry.app = self
        self.componentRegistry.addComponent("ServiceRegistry", serviceRegistry)
        # need to bind ServiceRegistry's before we can add the App as
        # a service.

        # Set up the config service with authorative options
        configService = ciConfigService()
        for option, value in authoritativeOptions.items():
          configService.set_default(option, value)

        try: # todo, remove this crap afte we pull the last bits of corba/omniorb from Rambler
            from epo import ciIApplication, ciIConfigService
            # Register the application service so that we can be remotely managed
            serviceRegistry.addService("Application", self, ciIApplication, [])
            serviceRegistry.addService("ConfigService", configService, ciIConfigService, [])
        except ImportError:
            # corba isn't installed
            serviceRegistry.addService("Application", self, None, [])
            # Note: ConfigService is placed into the componentRegistry
            # via the service registry. Not sure why I did this.
            serviceRegistry.addService("ConfigService", configService, None, [])


    def run_loop(self):
      return self.mainRunLoop

    def observe_value_for(self, key_path, of_object, change, *args):
      of_object.remove_observer(self, key_path)

    def queue(self):
      if not hasattr(self, 'scheduler'):
        self.scheduler = self.lookup('Scheduler')
      return self.scheduler.queue

    def quit(self, *args):
      # Stop the runloop while giving anything scheduled to run in the current
      # loop a chance to execute first.
      self.run_loop.waitBeforeCalling(0, self.run_loop.stop)

    def quit_with_error(self, failure):
      # Called to handle a defered failure
      return failure

    def quit_with_result(self, result):
      return result
    def wait_for(self, operation, timeout=5):
      """Test methods can use this method to execute an operation via the runLoop
      and wait for it to complete.

        operation | defered: Operation to be scheduled on the run loop
        [callback]: Method to invoke after operation has finished. Note if 
                    callback is used you must explicitly call self.run_loop.stop()
                    in your unit test.
        [timeout]: Max time in seconds to wait before giving up on the operation.
      Operations are queued in the default scheduler and then the run loop is started.
      It is an error to use this method if the RunLoop is arleady active.

      # TODO: Remove this check when the Scheduler no longer useses deferred's
      if isinstance(operation, Deferred):
        operation.addCallbacks(self.quit_with_result, self.quit_with_error)

        if hasattr(operation.result, 'raiseException'):
        operation.add_observer(self, 'is_finished', 0, self.quit)
      # Both deferred or an operation will return here
      return operation.result

    def wait(self, timeout=5):
      timer = self.mainRunLoop.waitBeforeCalling(timeout, self.quit)
      if not timer.called:

    def loadConfig(self):

        configStatus = self.getConfigStatus()
        # Check to see if our config file has changed
        if configStatus == Application.CONFIG_UNMODIFIED and self.configError:
            # Config file hasn't changed and we're still misconfigured
            raise AppMisconfigured(self.configError)
        elif configStatus == Application.CONFIG_MISSING:
            self.configError = 'Missing config file %s' % self.configFile
            raise AppMisconfigured(self.configError)
        elif configStatus == Application.CONFIG_UNMODIFIED:
        assert configStatus == Application.CONFIG_MODIFIED
        self.configError = ""
        extensions = set()
        ext_dir = self.appBundle.pathForResource('extensions')
        if os.path.isdir(ext_dir):
        self.config = Config(extensions)

    def getConfigStatus(self):
        md5sum = md5()

            configFile = open(self.configFile)
        except IOError:
            return Application.CONFIG_MISSING
        for line in configFile:

        digest = md5sum.digest()
        if self.digest == "":
            self.digest = digest
            return Application.CONFIG_MODIFIED
        elif self.digest == digest:
            return Application.CONFIG_UNMODIFIED
            self.digest = digest
            return Application.CONFIG_MODIFIED

    def load(self):
        """Sets up the message bus if we have a controller then set
        our status to starting.

        onStatusSent will be called once the controller acknowledges
        our start. 

        if self.getStatus() not in (Application.MISCONFIGURED, Application.STOPPED, Application.CRASHED):
            raise AppErrLoaded()
        old=signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sighandler )
        old=signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sighandler )
        #signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.onSigChild)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.onSigHUP)
        # todo: it wolud be nice if we restored theses signals when
        # the App is done.


            # Here's were we'd load up the config file, the core services,
            # any extensions and register this object as a service, fire
            # off the Initilization event to tell the components that
            # registration is complete and finally signal our controlling
            # app (if any) that we've open for business.

            compReg = self.componentRegistry

            # this add's the ability to read services from a descriptor file
            compReg.addComponent("ServiceHandler", ServiceHandler())
            compReg.addComponent("Component", Component)

            # these add the ability to read sessions and register them
            # globaly from descriptors.
            compReg.addComponent("SessionRegistry", SessionRegistry())

            # Bind the core service to each other
            self.eventChannel.registerEvent("Initializing", self, str)
            self.eventChannel.registerEvent("Shutdown", self, str)

            options = {}
            for extension in self.config.extensions:
                options[extension.name] = extension.options



                # we need a transaction service before continuing, right
                # now the real txnservice is in our corba extension,
                # so.. if the corba bridge wasn't loaded we need to use an
                # in memory one

            except KeyError:
                from Rambler.LocalTXNService import LocalTXNService
                compReg.addComponent("TransactionService", LocalTXNService())

            if len(self.componentRegistry.needsBinding):
                raise RuntimeError, "Server could not start because\n" +\

            self.eventChannel.publishEvent("Initializing", self, self.txn.get_transaction_name())

        except AppMisconfigured:
            # We don't want to report this as a crash, or do we?...
        except Exception:
            # We got an error while loading, notify our controller
            # with it then reraise the exception to kill this
            # application
            msg = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
            self.setStatus(Application.CRASHED, msg)

    def noOp(self):
        # needed to make corba clients happy
    def isRunning(self):
        return self.status == Application.STARTED

    def lookup(self, component):
        return self.componentRegistry.lookup(component)

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.status

    # TODO: I think setStatus is defunc
    def setStatus(self, status, details=None):
        """Sends a life cycle notification to the controlling process, if any."""
        self.onStatusSent(None, status)

    def switch_user(self):

        if self.config.user: # The config file has a user, so attempt to switch to it
            user = self.config.user
            if os.getuid() != 0:
                 raise RuntimeError("Can't switch to user '%s' specified in %s "
                                   "because this application wasn't started as root." % 
                                   (user, self.configFile))
                uid = pwd.getpwnam(user)[2] # The UID.
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError("Can't switch to user '%s' specified in %s "
                                   "because the user does not exist." % 
                                   (user, self.configFile))

    def switch_group(self):
        if self.config.group: # The config file has a group, attempt to switch to it
            group = self.config.group
            if os.getuid() != 0:
                 raise RuntimeError("Can't switch to group '%s' specified in %s "
                                   "because this application wasn't started as root." % 
                                   (group, self.configFile))
                gid = gwd.getgrgid(group)[2] 
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError("Can't switch to group '%s' specified in %s "
                                   "because the group does not exist." % 
                                   (group, self.configFile))

    def shutdown(self):
        runLoop = self.mainRunLoop
        if self.status ==  Application.STARTED:

            self.log.info("Shutdown requested")

            # the LCP will notify us in onStatusSent when the
            # controller receives STOPPING, at which point will start
            # the shutdown sequence
            runLoop.callFromThread(self.setStatus, Application.STOPPING)
        elif self.status in (Application.STOPPING, Application.STOPPED):
            self.log.warn("Application received shutdown request even though it's either stopped or stopping.")

            # hmm looks like we've been asked to shutdown when we're
            # in a state where we can't do that, yet, try it again in
            # runLoops next pass. This could happpen if we're started
            # just so we can be shutdown.
            self.log.info("Retrying shutdown request app status "
                          "is %s instead of STARTED(%s)" %
                          (self.status, Application.STARTED) )

    # ASYNC event listeners

    def sighandler(self, signum, frame):
        # important! signal handlers can be called at any time
        # inbetween any python instruction. we have to take great
        # pains to ensure that no locks are aquired by a signal
        # handler or we'll dead lock. That's why we wrap this shutdown
        # call in an extra callFromThread even though self.shutdown()
        # does the same thing. Reason for this is I believe the python
        # logging module uses locks, so we don't want to try acquiring
        # one of those while this is running. If someone knows whether
        # logging is signal safe, we could relax this and just call
        # self.shutdown()


    def onSigChild(self, signum, frame):

    def reapChildren(self):
            # keep calling waitpid, until it throws error 10, which
            # means their are no more dead children to reap.
            except OSError, e:
                if e.errno == 10:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, appDir,  authoritativeOptions = None, **defaultComps):
        self.appBundle = Bundle(appDir)
        self.configFile = self.appBundle.pathForResource('app.conf')
        self.status = Application.STOPPED

        self.digest = ""
        self.name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(appDir))

        if not authoritativeOptions:
            authoritativeOptions = {}
        authoritativeOptions['application.name'] =  self.name
        authoritativeOptions['application.path'] =  os.path.abspath(appDir)
        authoritativeOptions['system.hostname'] =  socket.gethostname()


        logService = defaultComps.get("LogService")

        if logService is None:
            # everybody needs logging, especally  during devel. If one
            # isn't passed to us, set one up to go directly to syslog

            logService = LogService()
            logService.addData('app', self.name)

            logService.setFormat('[%(app)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
            defaultComps["LogService"] = logService

        # load the module that adapts our logging to somthething that twisted deferred's and failuers likes
        defaultComps["StdioOnnaStick"] =  StdioOnnaStick()

        defaultComps["ErrorFactory"] = ErrorFactory()


        # these two are sessions so we put their classe rather than
        # instances in componentRegistry
        defaultComps["RunLoop"] = RunLoop
        defaultComps["PortFactory"] = Port

        # our os signal handling, has to be as light weight as
        # possible. so any signal this app receives will be processed
        # by the sameRunLoop that started this app (hopefully you
        # don't have it bogged down running long synchronous tasks)

        self.mainRunLoop = RunLoop.currentRunLoop()

        self.componentRegistry = CompBinder()
        for compName, component in defaultComps.items():
            self.componentRegistry.addComponent(compName, component)

        serviceRegistry = ServiceRegistry()
        # blehq, serviceRegistry needs the application name in order to
        # load services that have been configured by convention 
        serviceRegistry.app_name = self.name
        serviceRegistry.app = self
        self.componentRegistry.addComponent("ServiceRegistry", serviceRegistry)
        # need to bind ServiceRegistry's before we can add the App as
        # a service.

        # Set up the config service with authorative options
        configService = ciConfigService()
        for option, value in authoritativeOptions.items():
          configService.set_default(option, value)

        try: # todo, remove this crap afte we pull the last bits of corba/omniorb from Rambler
            from epo import ciIApplication, ciIConfigService
            # Register the application service so that we can be remotely managed
            serviceRegistry.addService("Application", self, ciIApplication, [])
            serviceRegistry.addService("ConfigService", configService, ciIConfigService, [])
        except ImportError:
            # corba isn't installed
            serviceRegistry.addService("Application", self, None, [])
            # Note: ConfigService is placed into the componentRegistry
            # via the service registry. Not sure why I did this.
            serviceRegistry.addService("ConfigService", configService, None, [])
