Ejemplo n.º 1
def Rectangle1(center, L, W, theta1, theta2, orientation):

    d = sqrt(L**2 + W**2)
    alpha = -asin(W / d)
    L1 = sqrt((W / sin(theta1))**2 - W**2)
    L2 = sqrt((W / sin(theta2))**2 - W**2)
    point1 = [
        for num1 in RotateApoint([center[0] + L / 2, center[1] +
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    point2 = [
        for num2 in RotateApoint([center[0] - L / 2, center[1] +
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    point3 = [
        round(num3) for num3 in RotateApoint([
            center[0] - L / 2 + L2 if theta2 < radians(90) else center[0] -
            L / 2 - L2, center[1] - W / 2
        ], center, alpha + orientation)
    point4 = [
        round(num4) for num4 in RotateApoint([
            center[0] + L / 2 + L1 if theta1 < radians(90) else center[0] +
            L / 2 - L1, center[1] - W / 2
        ], center, alpha + orientation)
    return [point1, point2, point3, point4]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Square(center, length, orientation):
    alpha = -asin(1 / sqrt(2))
    point1 = [
        round(num1) for num1 in RotateApoint(
            [center[0] + length / 2, center[1] + length / 2], center, alpha +
    point2 = [
        round(num2) for num2 in RotateApoint(
            [center[0] - length / 2, center[1] + length / 2], center, alpha +
    point3 = [
        round(num3) for num3 in RotateApoint(
            [center[0] - length / 2, center[1] - length / 2], center, alpha +
    point4 = [
        round(num4) for num4 in RotateApoint(
            [center[0] + length / 2, center[1] - length / 2], center, alpha +
    return [point1, point2, point3, point4]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def RotationSet(points, Anchor, angle):
    rotating a set of points at once
    points are the vertices of the object
    Anchor is the reference point about which points are rotated
    angle is angle of rotation in rads
    New_points = []
    for idx, items in enumerate(points):
        out = []
        for idy, point in enumerate(items):
            out.append(RotateApoint(point, Anchor, radians(angle)))
    return New_points
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Rectangle(center, L, W, orientation):
    d = sqrt(L**2 + W**2)
    alpha = -asin(W / d)
    point1 = [
        for num1 in RotateApoint([center[0] + L / 2, center[1] +
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    point2 = [
        for num2 in RotateApoint([center[0] - L / 2, center[1] +
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    point3 = [
        for num3 in RotateApoint([center[0] - L / 2, center[1] -
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    point4 = [
        for num4 in RotateApoint([center[0] + L / 2, center[1] -
                                  W / 2], center, alpha + orientation)
    return [point1, point2, point3, point4]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def CentersCalculations(p1,p2,NrVertices, offset = 0):
    :param p1: the coordinate of the first point
    :param p2: the coordinate of the second point
    :param PreCenter: the center of an object that this new object is adjecent to.
    :param [c1,c2] the center of the next object
    :param Radius of the object
    :param Rotation Angle.
    # Frist calculate the middle point to rotate point around it.
    #p1 = [160,350]
    #p2 = [120,350]
    #PreCenter = [0,0]
    #NrVertices = 5
    Rotpoint = [(p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2, (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2]
    # assign p1 to the most left point and p2 to the most right
    if p1[0] < p2[0]:
        Px0 = p1
        Px1 = p2
    elif p1[0] > p2[0]:
        Px0 = p2
        Px1 = p1
    elif p1[0] == p2[0]:
        if p1[1] < p2[1]:
            Px0 = p1
            Px1 = p2
            Px0 = p2
            Px1 = p1
    elif p1[1] == p2[1]:
        if p1[0] < p2[0]:
            Px0 = p1
            Px1 = p1

            Px0 = p2
            Px1 = p1
    #print("After px0 {}, px1 {}".format(Px0, Px1))
    # now calculate the rotate angle and rotate the two vertices to have the same y-coordinate
    # so that the calculation of the center will be easier.

    if Px0[1] > Px1[1] and Px0[0] != Px1[0]:
        mode = 1
        theta = atan(abs(Px0[1] - Px1[1]) / abs(Px0[0] - Px1[0]))
        #print("theta", theta * (180 / pi))
        # now calculate the new coordinate of the two vertices p1 and p2 and call them [xhat1,yhat1], and [xhat2,yhat2]
        xhat1, yhat1 = RotateApoint(Px0, Rotpoint, theta)
        xhat2, yhat2 = RotateApoint(Px1, Rotpoint, theta)
    elif Px1[1] > Px0[1] and Px0[0] != Px1[0]:
        mode = 2
        theta = - atan(abs(Px0[1] - Px1[1]) / abs(Px0[0] - Px1[0]))
        #print("theta", theta * (180 / pi))
        # now calculate the new coordinate of the two vertices p1 and p2 and call them [xhat1,yhat1], and [xhat2,yhat2]
        xhat1, yhat1 = RotateApoint(Px0, Rotpoint, theta)
        xhat2, yhat2 = RotateApoint(Px1, Rotpoint, theta)
    elif Px0[1] == Px1[1]:
        # in this case the two vertices y-coordinates are equal so no need to rotate them.
        mode = 0
        xhat1 = Px0[0]
        yhat1 = Px0[1]
        xhat2 = Px1[0]
        yhat2 = Px1[1]
        theta = 0
    elif Px0[0] == Px1[0]:
        # in this case the two vertices x-coordinates are equal so we need to rotate them by pi/2 counterclockwise.
        mode = 3
        theta = pi / 2
        #print("theta", theta * (180 / pi))
        xhat1, yhat1 = RotateApoint(Px0, Rotpoint, theta)
        xhat2, yhat2 = RotateApoint(Px1, Rotpoint, theta)


    px1 = [xhat1,yhat1]
    px2 = [xhat2,yhat2]
    px1m = [xhat1, yhat1 - offset]
    px1p = [xhat1, yhat1 + offset]
    px2m = [xhat2, yhat2 - offset]
    px2p = [xhat2, yhat2 + offset]
    alpha = 2* pi/ NrVertices
    a = Distance(px1, px2)
    R = 0.5 * a / sin(alpha / 2)
    deltay = 0.5 * sqrt(4 * R ** 2 - a ** 2) + offset
    cx  = Rotpoint[0]
    cy1 = Rotpoint[1] - deltay
    cy2 = Rotpoint[1] + deltay
    centerx = [[cx, cy1], [cx, cy2]]
    c1 = centerx[0]
    c2 = centerx[1]
    if mode == 0:
        cx1 = c1[0]
        cy1 = c1[1]
        cx2 = c2[0]
        cy2 = c2[1]
        point0 = px1m
        point1 = px1p
        point2 = px2m
        point3 = px2p
    elif mode == 1:
        alpha = - theta
        cx1, cy1 = RotateApoint(c1, Rotpoint, alpha)
        cx2, cy2 = RotateApoint(c2, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point0 = RotateApoint(px1m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point1 = RotateApoint(px1p, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point2 = RotateApoint(px2m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point3 = RotateApoint(px2p, Rotpoint, alpha)
    elif mode == 2:
        alpha = - theta
        cx1, cy1 = RotateApoint(c1, Rotpoint, alpha)
        cx2, cy2 = RotateApoint(c2, Rotpoint, alpha)
        # -----------------#
        point0 = RotateApoint(px1m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point1 = RotateApoint(px1p, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point2 = RotateApoint(px2m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point3 = RotateApoint(px2p, Rotpoint, alpha)

    elif mode == 3:
        alpha = - theta
        cx1, cy1 = RotateApoint(c1, Rotpoint, alpha)
        cx2, cy2 = RotateApoint(c2, Rotpoint, alpha)
        # -----------------#
        point0 = RotateApoint(px1m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point1 = RotateApoint(px1p, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point2 = RotateApoint(px2m, Rotpoint, alpha)
        point3 = RotateApoint(px2p, Rotpoint, alpha)

    center1 = [cx1, cy1]
    center2 = [cx2, cy2]
    #R = Distance(p1,center1)
    # print("center 1",center1)
    # print("center 2", center2)
    # print("distance between p1 {} ,p2 {} and center 1".format(Distance(p1,center1),Distance(p2,center1)))
    # print("distance between p1 {} ,p2 {} and center 2".format(Distance(p1,center2),Distance(p2,center2)))
    # print("Angle center 1 and p2",AngleBtw2Points(center1,p2))
    # print("Angle center 2 and p2", AngleBtw2Points(center2,p2))
    # print("Diameter R center 1", Distance(center1, p2))
    # print("Diameter R center 2", Distance(center2, p2))

    return center1,center2, R, point0,point1,point2,point3