Ejemplo n.º 1
def evaluate_actual_odd_even_turn_model():
    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = 'MinimalPath'
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes()) * (len(ag.nodes()) - 1)

    turn_model_odd = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'W2N', 'W2S', 'S2E', 'N2E']
    turn_model_even = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'S2W', 'S2E', 'N2W', 'N2E']

    if not check_tm_domination(turn_model_odd,
                               turn_model_even):  # taking out the domination!
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
            Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))

        for node in ag.nodes():
            node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(node)
            if node_x % 2 == 1:
                for turn in turn_model_odd:
                    shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                    from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                    to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                    Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port, to_port,
                for turn in turn_model_even:
                    shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                    from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                    to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                    Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port, to_port,
        connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
        print("connectivity_metric:", connectivity_metric)
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            print("Deadlock free!")

        doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg,
                                     False) / float(number_of_pairs)
        doa_ex = extended_degree_of_adaptiveness(
            ag, noc_rg, False) / float(number_of_pairs)
        print("doa:", doa)
        print("doa_ex", doa_ex)

def evaluate_actual_odd_even_turn_model():
    evaluates the classic odd-even turn model in terms of DoA and DoA_ex
    :return: None
    turns_health_2d_network = {"N2W": False, "N2E": False, "S2W": False, "S2E": False,
                               "W2N": False, "W2S": False, "E2N": False, "E2S": False}
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = 'MinimalPath'
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes())*(len(ag.nodes())-1)

    turn_model_odd = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'W2N', 'W2S', 'S2E', 'N2E']
    turn_model_even = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'S2W', 'S2E', 'N2W', 'N2E']

    if not check_tm_domination(turn_model_odd, turn_model_even):   # taking out the domination!
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False,  False))
        update_rg_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu, noc_rg)
        connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
        print "connectivity_metric:", connectivity_metric
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            print "Deadlock free!"

        doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)/float(number_of_pairs)
        doa_ex = extended_degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)/float(number_of_pairs)
        print "doa:", doa
        print "doa_ex", doa_ex
    return None
def enumerate_all_2d_turn_models_based_on_df(combination):
    Lists all 2D deadlock free turn models in "deadlock_free_turns" in "Generated_Files"
        We have 256 turns in 2D Mesh NoC!
    :param combination: number of turns which should be checked for combination!
    :return: None
    counter = 0
    all_turns_file = open('Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/all_2D_turn_models_'+str(combination)+'.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_2d_network = {"N2W": False, "N2E": False, "S2W": False, "S2E": False,
                               "W2N": False, "W2S": False, "E2N": False, "E2S": False}
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = 'NonMinimalPath'

    all_turns_file.write("#"+"\t\tDF/D\t"+'%25s' % "turns"+'%20s' % " "+"\t\t"+'%10s' % "c-metric" +
                         "\t\t"+'%10s' % "DoA"+"\t\t"+'%10s' % "DoAx"+"\n")
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes())*(len(ag.nodes())-1)
    turn_model_list = copy.deepcopy(PackageFile.FULL_TurnModel_2D)

    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    deadlock_counter = 0
    # print "Number of Turns:", combination
    for turns in itertools.combinations(turn_model_list, combination):
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        for turn in turns:
            turns_health[turn] = True
        counter += 1
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, list(turns), False,  False))
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)/float(number_of_pairs)
            doa_ex = extended_degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)/float(number_of_pairs)
            deadlock_free_counter += 1
            # print counter, "\t \033[92mDF\033[0m \t", list(turns), "\t\t", connectivity_metric
            all_turns_file.write(str(counter)+"\t\tDF\t"+'%51s' % str(list(turns)) +
                                 "\t\t"+'%10s' % str(connectivity_metric) +
                                 "\t\t"+'%10s' % str(round(doa, 2))+"\t\t"+'%10s' % str(round(doa_ex, 2))+"\n")
            deadlock_counter += 1
            # print counter, "\t \033[31mDL\033[0m   \t", list(turns), "\t\t----"
            all_turns_file.write(str(counter)+"\t\tDL\t"+'%51s' % str(list(turns)) +
        del shmu
        del noc_rg
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models with deadlock: "+str(deadlock_counter)+"\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models without deadlock: "+str(deadlock_free_counter)+"\n")
    return None
def enumerate_all_3d_turn_models_based_on_df(combination):
    Lists all 3D deadlock free turn models in "deadlock_free_turns" in "Generated_Files"
        We have 16,777,216 turns in 3D Mesh NoC! if it takes one second to calculate
        deadlock freeness Then it takes almost 194.2 Days (almost 6.4 Months) to
        check all of them. that is the reason we need to make this parallel!
    :param combination: number of turns which should be checked for combination!
    :return: None
    counter = 0
    all_turns_file = open('Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/all_3D_turn_models_'+str(combination)+'.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_3d_network = {"N2W": False, "N2E": False, "S2W": False, "S2E": False,
                               "W2N": False, "W2S": False, "E2N": False, "E2S": False,
                               "N2U": False, "N2D": False, "S2U": False, "S2D": False,
                               "W2U": False, "W2D": False, "E2U": False, "E2D": False,
                               "U2W": False, "U2E": False, "U2N": False, "U2S": False,
                               "D2W": False, "D2E": False, "D2N": False, "D2S": False}
    Config.ag.topology = '3DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 3

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    turn_model_list = copy.deepcopy(PackageFile.FULL_TurnModel_3D)

    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    deadlock_counter = 0
    # print "Number of Turns:", combination
    for turns in itertools.combinations(turn_model_list, combination):
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_3d_network)
        for turn in turns:
            turns_health[turn] = True
        counter += 1
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, list(turns), False,  False))
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)
            deadlock_free_counter += 1
            # print counter, "\t \033[92mDF\033[0m \t", list(turns), "\t\t", connectivity_metric
            all_turns_file.write(str(counter)+"\t\tDF\t"+str(list(turns))+"\t\t"+str(connectivity_metric) +
            deadlock_counter += 1
            # print counter, "\t \033[31mDL\033[0m   \t", list(turns), "\t\t----"
        del shmu
        del noc_rg
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models with deadlock: "+str(deadlock_counter)+"\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models without deadlock: "+str(deadlock_free_counter)+"\n")
    return None
def enumerate_all_odd_even_turn_models(network_size, routing_type):
    all_odd_evens_file = open('Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/'+str(network_size)+"x"
                              +str(network_size)+"_"+str(routing_type)+"_"+'odd_even_tm_list_dl_free.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_2d_network = {"N2W": False, "N2E": False, "S2W": False, "S2E": False,
                               "W2N": False, "W2S": False, "E2N": False, "E2S": False}
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = network_size
    Config.ag.y_size = network_size
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = routing_type
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes())*(len(ag.nodes())-1)

    turn_model_list = []
    for length in range(0, len(turns_health_2d_network.keys())+1):
        for item in list(itertools.combinations(turns_health_2d_network.keys(), length)):
            if len(item) > 0:

    connected_counter = 0
    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    tm_counter = 0
    turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
    shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
    shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
    noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False,  False))

    for turn_model_odd in turn_model_list:
        for turn_model_even in turn_model_list:
            if not check_tm_domination(turn_model_odd, turn_model_even):   # taking out the domination!

                update_rg_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu, noc_rg)
                connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
                if connectivity_metric == number_of_pairs:
                    connected_counter += 1
                    if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
                        deadlock_free_counter += 1

                tm_counter += 1
                sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter +
                                 " number of fully connected TM: %i" % connected_counter +
                                 " number of deadlock free connected TM: %i" % deadlock_free_counter)

                clean_rg_from_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu, noc_rg)

    all_odd_evens_file.write("checked TM: %i " + str(tm_counter) +
                             " number of fully connected TM: %i" +str(connected_counter) +
                             " number of deadlock free connected TM: %i"+str(deadlock_free_counter))
    return None
def evaluate_actual_odd_even_turn_model():
    evaluates the classic odd-even turn model in terms of DoA and DoA_ex
    :return: None
    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = 'MinimalPath'
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes()) * (len(ag.nodes()) - 1)

    turn_model_odd = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'W2N', 'W2S', 'S2E', 'N2E']
    turn_model_even = ['E2N', 'E2S', 'S2W', 'S2E', 'N2W', 'N2E']

    if not check_tm_domination(turn_model_odd,
                               turn_model_even):  # taking out the domination!
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
            Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))
        update_rg_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu, noc_rg)
        connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
        print("connectivity_metric:", connectivity_metric)
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            print("Deadlock free!")

        doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg,
                                     False) / float(number_of_pairs)
        doa_ex = extended_degree_of_adaptiveness(
            ag, noc_rg, False) / float(number_of_pairs)
        print("doa:", doa)
        print("doa_ex", doa_ex)
    return None
def report_3d_turn_model_fault_tolerance(turn_model, viz, combination):
    generates 3D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param turn_model: list of allowed turns for generating the routing graph
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :return: None
    if combination == 108:
        raise ValueError(
            "breaking 108 edges out of 108 edges is not possible your connectivity is 0!"

    Config.UsedTurnModel = copy.deepcopy(turn_model)
    Config.TurnsHealth = copy.deepcopy(Config.setup_turns_health())

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))

    turn_model_name = return_turn_model_name(Config.UsedTurnModel)

    file_name = str(turn_model_name) + '_eval'
    turn_model_eval_file = open(
        'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/' + file_name + '.txt', 'a+')
    if viz:
        file_name_viz = str(turn_model_name) + '_eval_' + str(
            len(ag.edges()) - combination)
        turn_model_eval_viz_file = open(
            'Generated_Files/Internal/' + file_name_viz + '.txt', 'w')
        turn_model_eval_viz_file = None
    counter = 0
    metric_sum = 0

    list_of_avg = []
    number_of_combinations = comb(108, combination)
    while True:
        sub_ag = sample(ag.edges(), combination)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, copy.deepcopy(Config.TurnsHealth), False)
        for link in list(sub_ag):
            shmu.break_link(link, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
            Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, Config.UsedTurnModel,
                                             False, False))
        connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
        counter += 1
        metric_sum += connectivity_metric
        # std = None
        list_of_avg.append(float(metric_sum) / counter)
        if len(list_of_avg) > 5000:
            std = stdev(list_of_avg)
            if std < 0.009:
                # turn_model_eval_file.write("STD of the last 5000 average samples is bellow 0.009\n")
                # turn_model_eval_file.write("Terminating the search!\n")
                del shmu
                del noc_rg
        if viz:
                str(float(metric_sum) / counter) + "\n")

        if counter >= number_of_combinations:
            del shmu
            del noc_rg

        # print("#:"+str(counter)+"\t\tC.M.:"+str(connectivity_metric)+"\t\t avg:", \
        #    float(metric_sum)/counter, "\t\tstd:", std)
        del shmu
        del noc_rg

    if counter > 0:
        avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum) / counter
        avg_connectivity = 0
        str(len(ag.edges()) - combination) + "\t\t" + str(avg_connectivity) +
    if viz:
    return None
def enumerate_all_2d_turn_models_based_on_df(combination):
    Lists all 2D deadlock free turn models in "deadlock_free_turns" in "Generated_Files"
        We have 256 turns in 2D Mesh NoC!
    :param combination: number of turns which should be checked for combination!
    :return: None
    counter = 0
    all_turns_file = open(
        'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/all_2D_turn_models_' +
        str(combination) + '.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = 'NonMinimalPath'

    all_turns_file.write("#" + "\t\tDF/D\t" + '%25s' % "turns" + '%20s' % " " +
                         "\t\t" + '%10s' % "c-metric" + "\t\t" +
                         '%10s' % "DoA" + "\t\t" + '%10s' % "DoAx" + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("--------------" * 8 + "\n")
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes()) * (len(ag.nodes()) - 1)
    turn_model_list = copy.deepcopy(PackageFile.FULL_TurnModel_2D)

    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    deadlock_counter = 0
    # print("Number of Turns:", combination)
    for turns in itertools.combinations(turn_model_list, combination):
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        for turn in turns:
            turns_health[turn] = True
        counter += 1
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
            Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, list(turns), False,
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg,
                                         False) / float(number_of_pairs)
            doa_ex = extended_degree_of_adaptiveness(
                ag, noc_rg, False) / float(number_of_pairs)
            deadlock_free_counter += 1
                str(counter) + "\t\tDF\t" + '%51s' % str(list(turns)) +
                "\t\t" + '%10s' % str(connectivity_metric) + "\t\t" +
                '%10s' % str(round(doa, 2)) + "\t\t" +
                '%10s' % str(round(doa_ex, 2)) + "\n")
            deadlock_counter += 1
                str(counter) + "\t\tDL\t" + '%51s' % str(list(turns)) +
                "\t\t-----" + "\t\t-----" + "\t\t-----" + "\n")
        del shmu
        del noc_rg
    all_turns_file.write("---------------------------" + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models with deadlock: " +
                         str(deadlock_counter) + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models without deadlock: " +
                         str(deadlock_free_counter) + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("==========================================" + "\n")
    return None
def enumerate_all_3d_turn_models_based_on_df(combination):
    Lists all 3D deadlock free turn models in "deadlock_free_turns" in "Generated_Files"
        We have 16,777,216 turns in 3D Mesh NoC! if it takes one second to calculate
        deadlock freeness Then it takes almost 194.2 Days (almost 6.4 Months) to
        check all of them. that is the reason we need to make this parallel!
    :param combination: number of turns which should be checked for combination!
    :return: None
    counter = 0
    all_turns_file = open(
        'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/all_3D_turn_models_' +
        str(combination) + '.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_3d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False,
        "N2U": False,
        "N2D": False,
        "S2U": False,
        "S2D": False,
        "W2U": False,
        "W2D": False,
        "E2U": False,
        "E2D": False,
        "U2W": False,
        "U2E": False,
        "U2N": False,
        "U2S": False,
        "D2W": False,
        "D2E": False,
        "D2N": False,
        "D2S": False
    Config.ag.topology = '3DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 3

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    turn_model_list = copy.deepcopy(PackageFile.FULL_TurnModel_3D)

    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    deadlock_counter = 0
    # print("Number of Turns:", combination)
    for turns in itertools.combinations(turn_model_list, combination):
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_3d_network)
        for turn in turns:
            turns_health[turn] = True
        counter += 1
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
            Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, list(turns), False,
        if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            doa = degree_of_adaptiveness(ag, noc_rg, False)
            deadlock_free_counter += 1
                str(counter) + "\t\tDF\t" + str(list(turns)) + "\t\t" +
                str(connectivity_metric) + "\t\t" + str(doa) + "\n")
            deadlock_counter += 1
                str(counter) + "\t\tDL\t" + str(list(turns)) + "\t\t-----"
        del shmu
        del noc_rg
    all_turns_file.write("---------------------------" + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models with deadlock: " +
                         str(deadlock_counter) + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("Number of turn models without deadlock: " +
                         str(deadlock_free_counter) + "\n")
    all_turns_file.write("==========================================" + "\n")
    return None
def report_odd_even_turn_model_router_fault_tolerance(viz, routing_type, combination, network_size, ft_dictionary,
    generates 2D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :param routing_type: can be "minimal" or "nonminimal"
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :return: ft_dictionary a dictionary with turn mode id (from selected_turn_models)
    as keys and average connectivity_metric as value.

    turns_health_2d_network = {"N2W": False, "N2E": False, "S2W": False, "S2E": False,
                               "W2N": False, "W2S": False, "E2N": False, "E2S": False}
    tm_counter = 0
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = network_size
    Config.ag.y_size = network_size
    Config.ag.z_size = 1

    Config.RotingType = routing_type

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))
    router_list = list(itertools.combinations(ag.nodes(), combination))

    for turn_id in selected_turn_models:
        counter = 0
        metric_sum = 0
        turn_model = all_odd_even_list[turn_id]

        turn_model_odd = turn_model[0]
        turn_model_even = turn_model[1]

        file_name = str(tm_counter)+'_eval'
        turn_model_eval_file = open('Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/'+file_name+'.txt', 'a+')
        if viz:
            file_name_viz = str(tm_counter)+'_eval_'+str(len(ag.nodes())-counter)
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = open('Generated_Files/Internal/odd_even'+file_name_viz+'.txt', 'w')
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = None

        for sub_router_list in router_list:
            turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
            shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
            shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
            noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False,  False))

            for node in ag.nodes():
                if node not in sub_router_list:
                    node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(node)
                    if node_x % 2 == 1:
                        for turn in turn_model_odd:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node)+str(turn[0])+"I"
                            to_port = str(node)+str(turn[2])+"O"
                            Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                        for turn in turn_model_even:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node)+str(turn[0])+"I"
                            to_port = str(node)+str(turn[2])+"O"
                            Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                    for port_1 in ["N", "S", "E", "W", "L"]:
                        for port_2 in ["N", "S", "E", "W", "L"]:
                            if port_1 != port_2:
                                from_port = str(node)+str(port_1)+"I"
                                to_port = str(node)+str(port_2)+"O"
                                if (from_port, to_port) in noc_rg.edges():
                                    Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'REMOVE')

            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            counter += 1
            metric_sum += connectivity_metric
            if viz:


        if counter > 0:
            avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum)/counter
            avg_connectivity = 0
        if turn_id in ft_dictionary.keys():
            ft_dictionary[turn_id] = [avg_connectivity]
        if viz:
        sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter+"\t\t\tnumber of broken routers: %i " % combination)
        tm_counter += 1
    return ft_dictionary
Ejemplo n.º 11
def enumerate_all_odd_even_turn_models(network_size, routing_type):
    all_odd_evens_file = open(
        'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Lists/' + str(network_size) + "x" +
        str(network_size) + "_" + str(routing_type) + "_" +
        'odd_even_tm_list_dl_free.txt', 'w')
    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = network_size
    Config.ag.y_size = network_size
    Config.ag.z_size = 1
    Config.RotingType = routing_type
    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag())
    number_of_pairs = len(ag.nodes()) * (len(ag.nodes()) - 1)

    turn_model_list = []
    for length in range(0, len(turns_health_2d_network.keys()) + 1):
        for item in list(
            if len(item) > 0:

    connected_counter = 0
    deadlock_free_counter = 0
    tm_counter = 0
    turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
    shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
    shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
    noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
        Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))

    for turn_model_odd in turn_model_list:
        for turn_model_even in turn_model_list:
            if not check_tm_domination(
                    turn_model_even):  # taking out the domination!
                for node in ag.nodes():
                    node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(
                    if node_x % 2 == 1:
                        for turn in turn_model_odd:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                        for turn in turn_model_even:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
                if connectivity_metric == number_of_pairs:
                    connected_counter += 1
                    if check_deadlock_freeness(noc_rg):
                        deadlock_free_counter += 1
                        all_odd_evens_file.write("[" + str(turn_model_odd) +
                                                 "," + str(turn_model_even) +

                tm_counter += 1
                sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter +
                                 " number of fully connected TM: %i" %
                                 connected_counter +
                                 " number of deadlock free connected TM: %i" %

                for node in ag.nodes():
                    node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(
                    if node_x % 2 == 1:
                        for turn in turn_model_odd:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'REMOVE')
                        for turn in turn_model_even:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'REMOVE')

    all_odd_evens_file.write("checked TM: %i " + str(tm_counter) +
                             " number of fully connected TM: %i" +
                             str(connected_counter) +
                             " number of deadlock free connected TM: %i" +
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def report_odd_even_turn_model_router_fault_tolerance(viz, routing_type,
    generates 2D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :param routing_type: can be "minimal" or "nonminimal"
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :return: None

    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    tm_counter = 0
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = network_size
    Config.ag.y_size = network_size
    Config.ag.z_size = 1

    Config.RotingType = routing_type

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))
    router_list = list(itertools.combinations(ag.nodes(), combination))

    for turn_id in selected_turn_models:
        counter = 0
        metric_sum = 0
        turn_model = all_odd_even_list[turn_id]

        turn_model_odd = turn_model[0]
        turn_model_even = turn_model[1]

        file_name = str(tm_counter) + '_eval'
        turn_model_eval_file = open(
            'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/' + file_name + '.txt', 'a+')
        if viz:
            file_name_viz = str(tm_counter) + '_eval_' + str(
                len(ag.nodes()) - counter)
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = open(
                'Generated_Files/Internal/odd_even' + file_name_viz + '.txt',
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = None

        for sub_router_list in router_list:
            turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
            shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
            shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)
            noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
                Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))

            for node in ag.nodes():
                if node not in sub_router_list:
                    node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(
                    if node_x % 2 == 1:
                        for turn in turn_model_odd:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                        for turn in turn_model_even:
                            shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                            from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                            to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                                noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'ADD')
                    for port_1 in ["N", "S", "E", "W", "L"]:
                        for port_2 in ["N", "S", "E", "W", "L"]:
                            if port_1 != port_2:
                                from_port = str(node) + str(port_1) + "I"
                                to_port = str(node) + str(port_2) + "O"
                                if (from_port, to_port) in noc_rg.edges():
                                        noc_rg, from_port, to_port, 'REMOVE')

            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            counter += 1
            metric_sum += connectivity_metric
            if viz:
                    str(float(metric_sum) / counter) + "\n")
            # print "#:"+str(counter)+"\t\tC.M.:"+str(connectivity_metric)+"\t\t avg:", \
            #     float(metric_sum)/counter, "\t\tstd:", std


        if counter > 0:
            avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum) / counter
            avg_connectivity = 0
            str(len(ag.nodes()) - combination) + "\t\t" +
            str(avg_connectivity) + "\n")
        if turn_id in ft_dictionary.keys():
            ft_dictionary[turn_id] = [avg_connectivity]
        if viz:
        sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter +
                         "\t\t\tnumber of broken routers: %i " % combination)
        tm_counter += 1
    return ft_dictionary
def report_odd_even_turn_model_fault_tolerance(viz, routing_type, combination,
                                               network_size, ft_dictionary,
    generates 2D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :param routing_type: can be "minimal" or "nonminimal"
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :return: ft_dictionary a dictionary with turn mode id (from selected_turn_models)
    as keys and average connectivity_metric as value.

    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    tm_counter = 0
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = network_size
    Config.ag.y_size = network_size
    Config.ag.z_size = 1

    Config.RotingType = routing_type

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))
    sub_ag_list = list(itertools.combinations(ag.edges(), combination))
    turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
    shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
    shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)

    for turn_id in selected_turn_models:
        counter = 0
        metric_sum = 0
        turn_model = all_odd_even_list[turn_id]

        turn_model_odd = turn_model[0]
        turn_model_even = turn_model[1]

        file_name = str(tm_counter) + '_eval'
        turn_model_eval_file = open(
            'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/' + file_name + '.txt', 'a+')
        if viz:
            file_name_viz = str(tm_counter) + '_eval_' + str(
                len(ag.edges()) - counter)
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = open(
                'Generated_Files/Internal/odd_even' + file_name_viz + '.txt',
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = None

        for sub_ag in sub_ag_list:
            for link in list(sub_ag):
                shmu.break_link(link, False)

            noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
                Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))
            update_rg_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu,

            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            counter += 1
            metric_sum += connectivity_metric
            if viz:
                    str(float(metric_sum) / counter) + "\n")

            for link in list(sub_ag):
                shmu.restore_broken_link(link, False)
            clean_rg_from_odd_even(ag, turn_model_odd, turn_model_even, shmu,


        if counter > 0:
            avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum) / counter
            avg_connectivity = 0
            str(len(ag.edges()) - combination) + "\t\t" +
            str(avg_connectivity) + "\n")
        if turn_id in ft_dictionary.keys():
            ft_dictionary[turn_id] = [avg_connectivity]
        if viz:
        sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter +
                         "\t\t\tnumber of broken links: %i " % combination)
        tm_counter += 1
    return ft_dictionary
Ejemplo n.º 14
def report_odd_even_turn_model_fault_tolerance(viz, routing_type, combination):
    generates 2D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :param routing_type: can be "minimal" or "nonminimal"
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :return: None
    turns_health_2d_network = {
        "N2W": False,
        "N2E": False,
        "S2W": False,
        "S2E": False,
        "W2N": False,
        "W2S": False,
        "E2N": False,
        "E2S": False
    tm_counter = 0
    Config.ag.topology = '2DMesh'
    Config.ag.x_size = 3
    Config.ag.y_size = 3
    Config.ag.z_size = 1

    selected_turn_models = [
        677, 678, 697, 699, 717, 718, 737, 739, 757, 759, 778, 779, 797, 799,
        818, 819, 679, 738, 777, 798
    #selected_turn_models = [677, 798]
    if routing_type == "minimal":
        Config.RotingType = 'MinimalPath'
        Config.RotingType = 'NonMinimalPath'

    for turn_id in selected_turn_models:
        counter = 0
        metric_sum = 0
        turn_model = all_odd_even_list[turn_id]

        ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))
        turn_model_odd = turn_model[0]
        turn_model_even = turn_model[1]

        file_name = str(tm_counter) + '_eval'
        turn_model_eval_file = open(
            'Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/' + file_name + '.txt', 'a+')
        if viz:
            file_name_viz = str(tm_counter) + '_eval_' + str(
                len(ag.edges()) - counter)
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = open(
                'Generated_Files/Internal/odd_even' + file_name_viz + '.txt',
            turn_model_eval_viz_file = None

        sub_ag_list = list(itertools.combinations(ag.edges(), combination))
        turns_health = copy.deepcopy(turns_health_2d_network)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, turns_health, False)

        for sub_ag in sub_ag_list:
            for link in list(sub_ag):
                shmu.break_link(link, False)

            noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(
                Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, [], False, False))
            for node in ag.nodes():
                node_x, node_y, node_z = AG_Functions.return_node_location(
                if node_x % 2 == 1:
                    for turn in turn_model_odd:
                        shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                        from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                        to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                        Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port,
                                                       to_port, 'ADD')
                    for turn in turn_model_even:
                        shmu.restore_broken_turn(node, turn, False)
                        from_port = str(node) + str(turn[0]) + "I"
                        to_port = str(node) + str(turn[2]) + "O"
                        Routing.update_noc_route_graph(noc_rg, from_port,
                                                       to_port, 'ADD')

            connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
            counter += 1
            metric_sum += connectivity_metric
            if viz:
                    str(float(metric_sum) / counter) + "\n")
            # print "#:"+str(counter)+"\t\tC.M.:"+str(connectivity_metric)+"\t\t avg:", \
            #     float(metric_sum)/counter, "\t\tstd:", std
            for link in list(sub_ag):
                shmu.restore_broken_link(link, False)
            del noc_rg


        if counter > 0:
            avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum) / counter
            avg_connectivity = 0
            str(len(ag.edges()) - combination) + "\t\t" +
            str(avg_connectivity) + "\n")
        if viz:
        sys.stdout.write("\rchecked TM: %i " % tm_counter +
                         "\t\t\tnumber of healthy links: %i " % combination)
        tm_counter += 1
    return None
def report_3d_turn_model_fault_tolerance(turn_model, viz, combination):
    generates 3D architecture graph with all combinations C(len(ag.nodes), combination)
    of links and writes the average connectivity metric in a file.
    :param turn_model: list of allowed turns for generating the routing graph
    :param combination: number of links to be present in the network
    :param viz: if true, generates the visualization files
    :return: None
    if combination == 108:
        raise ValueError("breaking 108 edges out of 108 edges is not possible your connectivity is 0!")

    Config.UsedTurnModel = copy.deepcopy(turn_model)
    Config.TurnsHealth = copy.deepcopy(Config.setup_turns_health())

    ag = copy.deepcopy(AG_Functions.generate_ag(report=False))

    turn_model_name = return_turn_model_name(Config.UsedTurnModel)

    file_name = str(turn_model_name)+'_eval'
    turn_model_eval_file = open('Generated_Files/Turn_Model_Eval/'+file_name+'.txt', 'a+')
    if viz:
        file_name_viz = str(turn_model_name)+'_eval_'+str(len(ag.edges())-combination)
        turn_model_eval_viz_file = open('Generated_Files/Internal/'+file_name_viz+'.txt', 'w')
        turn_model_eval_viz_file = None
    counter = 0
    metric_sum = 0

    list_of_avg = []
    number_of_combinations = comb(108, combination)
    while True:
        sub_ag = sample(ag.edges(), combination)
        shmu = SystemHealthMonitoringUnit.SystemHealthMonitoringUnit()
        shmu.setup_noc_shm(ag, copy.deepcopy(Config.TurnsHealth), False)
        for link in list(sub_ag):
            shmu.break_link(link, False)
        noc_rg = copy.deepcopy(Routing.generate_noc_route_graph(ag, shmu, Config.UsedTurnModel,
                                                                False,  False))
        connectivity_metric = reachability_metric(ag, noc_rg, False)
        counter += 1
        metric_sum += connectivity_metric
        # std = None
        if len(list_of_avg) > 5000:
            std = stdev(list_of_avg)
            if std < 0.009:
                # turn_model_eval_file.write("STD of the last 5000 average samples is bellow 0.009\n")
                # turn_model_eval_file.write("Terminating the search!\n")
                del shmu
                del noc_rg
        if viz:

        if counter >= number_of_combinations:
            del shmu
            del noc_rg

        # print "#:"+str(counter)+"\t\tC.M.:"+str(connectivity_metric)+"\t\t avg:", \
        #    float(metric_sum)/counter, "\t\tstd:", std
        del shmu
        del noc_rg

    if counter > 0:
        avg_connectivity = float(metric_sum)/counter
        avg_connectivity = 0
    if viz:
    return None