Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, filename):
        """ Process the file """
        print(f"ax3_seconds_stats.py processing {filename}")
        # Count number of lines in file to get array dimension
        print("Count lines in file")
        count = 0
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            while line:
                row = Row(line)
                if row.skip:
                    count += 1
                if count % 1000000 == 0:
                    print(f"{count} lines counted")
                line = self.fh.readline().strip()

        self.filename = filename
        self.timestamp = np.array(["(empty)" for _ in range(count)])
        self.epoch = np.zeros((count,))
        self.x = np.zeros((count,))
        self.y = np.zeros((count,))
        self.z = np.zeros((count,))
        self.tot = np.zeros((count,))

        print("Read file")
        self.firstLine = None
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            index = 0
            while line:
                row = Row(line)
                if row.skip:
                    if self.firstLine is None:
                         self.firstLine = row.timestamp
                    self.timestamp[index] = row.timestamp
                    self.epoch[index] = row.getEpoch()
                    self.x[index] = row.val[0]
                    self.y[index] = row.val[1]
                    self.z[index] = row.val[2]
                    self.tot[index] = row.getTotAcc()
                    index += 1
                if index % 1000000 == 0:
                    print(f"{index} data lines read")

                line = self.fh.readline().strip()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self, filename):
        """ Process the file """
        # Count number of valid lines in file to get array dimension
        count = 0
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            while line:
                row = Row(line, decode=False)
                if row.skip:
                    count += 1
                    if count % 1000000 == 0:
                        print(f"{count} lines counted")
                line = self.fh.readline().strip()

        self.filename = filename
        self.timestamp = np.array(["(empty)" for _ in range(count)])
        self.epoch = np.zeros((count,))
        self.x = np.zeros((count,))
        self.y = np.zeros((count,))
        self.z = np.zeros((count,))
        self.tot = np.zeros((count,))
        rowAbove8 = [0,0,0]
        rowAbove7 = [0,0,0]
        rowAbove6 = [0,0,0]
        rowAbove1 = [0,0,0]

        self.firstLine = None
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            index = 0
            while line:
                row = Row(line)
                if row.skip:
                    if self.firstLine is None:
                         self.firstLine = row.timestamp
                    self.timestamp[index] = row.timestamp
                    self.epoch[index] = row.getEpoch()
                    self.x[index] = row.val[0]
                    self.y[index] = row.val[1]
                    self.z[index] = row.val[2]
                    self.tot[index] = row.getTotAcc()
                    index += 1
                    if index % 1000000 == 0:
                        print(f"{index} lines read")

                    for axis in range(len(row.val)):
                        if abs(row.val[axis]) >= 8:
                            rowAbove8[axis] = rowAbove8[axis] + 1
                        if abs(row.val[axis]) >= 7:
                            rowAbove7[axis] = rowAbove7[axis] + 1
                        if abs(row.val[axis]) >= 6:
                            rowAbove6[axis] = rowAbove6[axis] + 1
                        if abs(row.val[axis]) >= 1:
                            rowAbove1[axis] = rowAbove1[axis] + 1
                line = self.fh.readline().strip()

        for axis in range(len(row.val)):
            # size of x is the same as y and z
            proportion = rowAbove8[axis]/self.x.size
            print(f"axis {axis}, +/-8 or more {rowAbove8[axis]} times")
            print(f"axis {axis}, +/-7 or more {rowAbove7[axis]} times")
            print(f"axis {axis}, +/-6 or more {rowAbove6[axis]} times")
            print(f"axis {axis}, +/-1 or more {rowAbove1[axis]} times")

        outputFilename = self.makeOutFile(filename, self.firstLine)
        outfile = open(outputFilename, "w")
        with outfile:
            writer = csv.writer(outfile)
            for index in range(self.epoch.size):
                writer.writerow([self.epoch[index], self.x[index],
                                 self.y[index], self.z[index],
        return outputFilename
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, filename, threshold):
        """ Process the file """
        # Count number of seconds in the file
        count = 0
        firstEpoch = None
        lastEpoch = None
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            while line:
                row = Row(line)
                if row.skip:
                elif firstEpoch is None:
                    firstEpoch = row.getEpoch()
                line = self.fh.readline().strip()

            lastEpoch = row.getEpoch()
        secondsInFile = int(lastEpoch) - int(firstEpoch) + 1
        days = round(secondsInFile / 86400, 1)
            f"File contains {days} days ({secondsInFile} seconds) worth of data"

        epochTimestamps = np.zeros(secondsInFile)
        maxAccPerSecond = np.zeros(secondsInFile)
        firstSecondEpoch = int(firstEpoch)

        # Now scan through the file and pick out the highest acceleration
        # in each second
        with open(filename, "rt", newline="\n") as self.fh:
            line = self.fh.readline().strip()
            while line:
                row = Row(line)
                if row.skip:
                    second = int(row.getEpoch()) - firstSecondEpoch
                    epochTimestamps[second] = int(row.getEpoch())
                    totalAcc = row.getTotAcc()
                    if totalAcc > maxAccPerSecond[second]:
                        maxAccPerSecond[second] = totalAcc
                line = self.fh.readline().strip()
        print(f"Max per second accelerations extracted")
        aboveThresholdValues = np.copy(maxAccPerSecond)
        # Now scan through looking for movement above a threshold
        for second in range(len(aboveThresholdValues)):
            if aboveThresholdValues[second] < threshold:
                aboveThresholdValues[second] = 0

        print(f"Determining periods of movement")
        # Scan through the above threshold values to set +/-5 minutes to
        # 1 when there is an above threshold value
        inUse = np.zeros(secondsInFile)
        for second in range(len(aboveThresholdValues)):
            if aboveThresholdValues[second] > 0:
                # Set the previous 5 * 60 values, less one, to 1
                backIndex = second - ((4 * 60) + 59)
                for index in range(backIndex, second):
                    inUse[index] = 1
                # Set the next 5 * 60 values to 1
                for index in range(second, second + (5 * 60)):
                    aboveThresholdValues[second] = 1

        plotFilename, outputFilename = self.makeOutFile(filename, threshold)
        self._plot(plotFilename, threshold, epochTimestamps, maxAccPerSecond,
                   aboveThresholdValues, inUse)

        # Output this as a data file
        outfile = open(outputFilename, "w")
        with outfile:
            writer = csv.writer(outfile)
            for second in range(len(aboveThresholdValues)):
                    int(firstEpoch) + second, second,
                    round(maxAccPerSecond[second], 6),
                    aboveThresholdValues[second], inUse[second]

        return [plotFilename, outputFilename]