Ejemplo n.º 1
def scFromCCPVOff(p, v, offP):
    Converts cartesian position, velocity and offset to spherical coordinates
    (see also SCFromCC and SCFromCCPV).
    - p(3)      position (au)
    - v(3)      velocity (au per year)
    - offP(3)   offset position (au)
    - pos(2)    spherical position (degrees)
                ranges: axis 1: [0, 360), axis 2: [-90,90]
    - pm(2)     proper motion (arcsec per century)
    - parlax    parallax (arcsec)
    - radVel    radial velocity (km/s)
    - offDir    offset direction (degrees):
                dir. of increasing pos[0] = 0
                dir. of increasing pos[1] = 90
    - offMag    magnitude of offset (degrees on the sky)
    - atPole    true if at a pole; see "Error Cond." for implications
    Error Conditions:
    - Raises ValueError if |p| is too small to safely compute.
    - If p is very near a pole, atPole is set true,
      pos[1], pm[0], pm[1] and offDir are set to zero;
      pos[0], parlax, radVel and offMag are still computed correctly
      (pos[0] is +/-90.0, as appropriate).
    - If inputs are too large, overflows are possible--roughly if p^2 or v^2 overflows.
    2002-08-22 ROwen  Converted to Python from the TCC's sph_CCPVOff2SC 6-1.
    #  convert p and v from cartesian to spherical
    pos, pm, parlax, radVel, atPole = scFromCCPV(p, v)
    #  convert offP from cartesian to spherical
    offPos, magOffP, offAtPole = scFromCC(offP)
    #  compute offset direction and magnitude
    ang_A, side_bb, ang_C, offAtPole2 = angSideAng(
        90.0 - pos[1], offPos[0] - pos[0], 90.0 - offPos[1],
    offMag = side_bb
    if atPole:
        offDir = 0.0
        offDir = 90.0 - ang_C

    return (pos, pm, parlax, radVel, offDir, offMag, atPole)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def scFromDC(p):
    """Convert direction cosines or any cartesian vector to spherical coordinates.
    Similar to scFromCC but magnitude is not returned.

     - p(3)     direction cosines or any cartesian vector
    Returns a tuple containing:
    - pos(2)    spherical position (deg) as equatorial, polar angle,
                e.g. (RA, Dec), (-HA, Dec) or (Az, Alt);
                ranges are: pos[0]: [0, 360), pos[1]: [-90,90]
    - atPole    true if very near the pole, in which case pos[1] = 0,
                and pos[0] = +/- 90 as appropriate.
    Error Conditions:
    - If |p| is too small, raises ValueError.
    - If |p| is too large, overflows are possible--roughly if p^2 overflows.
    Of course neither of these can occur if p is a direction cosine (unit vector).
    2002-07-23 R Owen.
    pos, mag, atPole = scFromCC(p)
    return (pos, atPole)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def scFromCCPV(p, v):
    Converts cartesian position and velocity to spherical coordinates
    (if you just want to convert position, use sph_CC2SC).
    p(3)    cartesian position (au)
    v(3)    cartesian velocity (au per year)
    Returns a tuple containing:
    pos(2)  spherical position (degrees)
            ranges: pos[0]: [0, 360), pos[1]: [-90,90]
    pm(2)   proper motion (arcsec per century)
            dpos/dt, not velocity on the sky (i.e. large near the poles)
    parallax    parallax (arcsec)
    radVel  radial velocity (km/s, positive receding)
    atPole  true if at a pole; see "Error Cond." for implications
    Error Conditions:
    Raises valueError if |p| is too small
    If p is very near a pole, atPole is set true and pos[1], pm[0] and pm[1]
    are set to zero; pos[0], parallax and radVel are computed correctly
    (pos[0] is +/-90.0, as appropriate).
    If inputs are too large, overflows are possible--roughly if
    p^2 or v^2 overflows.
    2002-07-08 ROwen  Converted from TCC's sph_SCPV2CC 1-1.
    x, y, z = p
    vX, vY, vZ = v
    pos, magP, atPole = scFromCC(p)
    #  warning: test atPole after computing radial velocity and parallax
    #  since they can be correctly computed even at the pole
    #  compute parallax; note that arcsec = 1 / parsec;
    #  the division is safe because magP must have some reasonable
    #  minimum value, else scFromCC would have raised an exception
    parallax = RO.PhysConst.AUPerParsec / magP

    #  compute radial velocity in (au/year) and convert to (km/s)
    radVel = float ((x * vX) + (y * vY) + (z * vZ)) / magP
    radVel *= _KMPerSec_Per_AUPerYear
    #  now that parallax and radial velocity have been computed
    #  handle the "at pole" case
    if atPole:
        #  pos, parallax and radVel are already set
        pm = [0.0, 0.0]
        #  useful quantities
        magPxySq  = float((x * x) + (y * y))
        magPxy = math.sqrt (magPxySq)
        magPSq = magPxySq + z * z
        #  compute proper motion in rad per year,
        #  then convert to arcsec per century;
        #  the divisions are save because:
        #  - magPxySq must have some reasonable minimum value,
        #  else sph_CC2SC would have set atPole true,
        #  and that case has already been handled above
        #  - magPSq must have some reasonable minimum value,
        #  else sph_CC2SC would have set isOK false
        pm = [
            ((x * vY) - (y * vX)) / magPxySq,
            ((vZ * magPxy) - ((z / magPxy) * ((x * vX) + (y * vY)))) / magPSq,
        pm[0] = pm[0] * _ASPerCy_Per_RadPerYear
        pm[1] = pm[1] * _ASPerCy_Per_RadPerYear

    return (pos, pm, parallax, radVel, atPole)