Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_callable_attributes(self):
        """Test callable attributes of a NodeList class"""
        class TestClass:
            def __init__(self, name, child=None):
                self.child = child
                self.bar = name

            def foo(self):
                return self.bar + "foo"

            def getself(self):
                return self

        t1 = TestClass('t1', TestClass('t1child'))
        t2 = TestClass('t2', TestClass('t2child'))
        t3 = TestClass('t3')

        nl = NodeList([t1, t2, t3])
        assert nl.foo() == ['t1foo', 't2foo', 't3foo'], nl.foo()
        assert nl.bar == ['t1', 't2', 't3'], nl.bar
        assert nl.getself().bar == ['t1', 't2', 't3'], nl.getself().bar
        assert nl[0:2].child.foo() == ['t1childfoo', 't2childfoo'], \
        assert nl[0:2].child.bar == ['t1child', 't2child'], \
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_null(self):
     """Test a null NodeList"""
     nl = NodeList([])
     r = str(nl)
     assert r == '', r
     for node in nl:
         raise Exception("should not enter this loop")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _GcdaGenerator(env, target, target_factory=_null, **overrides):
    """Tell that **target** produces one or more ``*.gcda`` files.

            An instance of SCons Environment.
            Target node, which is supposed to produce ``*.gcda`` files, usually
            it's an alias to a test runner, for example ``'check'`` Alias.
            Factory used to generate the **target**, by default it's
            Key-value parameters used to override current construction
            variables provided by **env**.
    This method searches the current dependency tree starting from **target**.
    During search it recognizes all Object files (``*.o``, ``*.os``, etc)
    produced by Object builders of **env** and, for each Object file, generates
    corresponding ``*.gcda`` node as a side effect of **target**.
    from SCons.Util import NodeList
    env = env.Override(overrides)
    if env.get('GCCCOV_DISABLE'):
        return target
    if target_factory is _null:
        target_factory = env.get('GCCCOV_RUNTEST_FACTORY', env.ans.Alias)
    target = env.arg2nodes(target, target_factory, target=target)
    result = {}
    for tgt in target:
        gcda = _FindGcdaNodes(env, tgt)
        env.SideEffect(gcda, tgt)
        noclean = env.get('GCCCOV_NOCLEAN', [])
        noclean = env.arg2nodes(noclean, target=tgt)
        clean = NodeList([f for f in gcda if f not in noclean])
        noignore = env.get('GCCCOV_NOIGNORE', [])
        noignore = env.arg2nodes(noignore, target=tgt)
        ignore = NodeList([f for f in gcda if f not in noignore])
        if len(clean) > 0:
            env.Clean(tgt, clean)
        if len(ignore) > 0:
            env.Ignore('.', gcda)
        result[tgt] = gcda
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _find_objects(env, target):
    """Find all object files that the **target** node depends on.

        env : SCons.Environment.Environment
            a SCons Environment object
            node where we start our recursive search, usually program name or
            an alias which depends on one or more programs. Of course  it may
            be a list of such things. Typically it's an alias target which runs
            test program (the 'check' target).
    from SCons.Util import NodeList, unique
    nodes = env.arg2nodes(target, target=target)
    object_builders = _get_object_builders(env)
    objects = NodeList()
    excludes = env.get('GCCCOV_EXCLUDE', [])
    excludes = env.arg2nodes(excludes, target=target)
    recur = env.get('GCCCOV_MAX_RECURSION', 256)
    _find_objects_r(env, nodes, object_builders, objects, excludes, recur)
    return NodeList(unique(objects))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_simple_attributes(self):
        """Test simple attributes of a NodeList class"""
        class TestClass:
            def __init__(self, name, child=None):
                self.child = child
                self.bar = name

        t1 = TestClass('t1', TestClass('t1child'))
        t2 = TestClass('t2', TestClass('t2child'))
        t3 = TestClass('t3')

        nl = NodeList([t1, t2, t3])
        assert nl.bar == ['t1', 't2', 't3'], nl.bar
        assert nl[0:2].child.bar == ['t1child', 't2child'], \
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _find_objects_r(env, nodes, object_builders, objects, excludes, recur):
    """Helper function (recursion) for _find_objects()"""
    from SCons.Util import NodeList
    if recur <= 0:
        raise GCovRecursionError("Maximum recursion depth exceeded")
    children = NodeList()
    for node in nodes:
        if node not in excludes:
            if node.has_builder():
                builder = node.get_builder()
                if builder in object_builders:
    if len(children) > 0:
        _find_objects_r(env, children, object_builders, objects, excludes,
                        recur - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _object2gcda(env, objects, target):
    """Determine gcda files corresponding to a given objects"""
    import os
    from SCons.Util import NodeList, is_List
    objects = env.arg2nodes(objects, target=target)
    gcdas = NodeList()
    for obj in objects:
        gcda = os.path.splitext(str(obj))[0] + env.get('GCCCOV_GCDA_SUFFIX',
    excludes = env.get('GCCCOV_EXCLUDE', [])
    excludes = env.arg2nodes(excludes, target=target)
    gcdas = env.arg2nodes(gcdas, target=target)
    for exclude in excludes:
        if exclude in gcdas:
    return gcdas