def get_manager(device, community): sd = SNMP.sessionData(device, version=1) sd.add_community(community, SNMP.RW) sess = SNMP.new_session(sd) dev = HPSwitchManager(sess) dev.add_mibs(MIBS) return dev
def monitoring(self, ip, mainPojo, mainDBRRD, indexInterface, indexCPU): snmp = SNMP() hostname = mainPojo.getHostname(str(ip)) community = mainPojo.getCommunity(str(hostname)) version_snmp = 0 if str(mainPojo.getVersionSNMP( str(hostname))) == "v1" else 1 port_snmp = int(mainPojo.getPortSNMP(str(hostname))) telegram = Telegram("712644612:AAHauTnCsKgno4fOh3z8p9B5fJuOnGC9-tk") idChat = "-343597492" flag = True while True: try: if os.system("ping -c 1 " + str(ip) + " >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &" ) == 0 and mainPojo.getStatus( str(ip)) == "up" and len( str(mainPojo.getStatus(str(ip)))) > 0: inoctets = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #OID para obtener el total de inoctets mainDBRRD.insert(inoctets) #######Notificacion de Fallas####### try: fallas = mainDBRRD.check_aberration() if int(fallas) == 1 and flag: flag = False graphHW(ip) mensaje = "Falla detectada en el Host :" + str( ip) + "(" + str(time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "HW.png", idChat) if int(fallas) == 2 and not flag: flag = True graphHW(ip) mensaje = "La falla en el Host :" + str( ip) + " ha sido mitigada (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "HW.png", idChat) except Exception as a: print(a) time.sleep(60) else: mainPojo.setStatus(str(hostname), "down") print("Server is down") break except Exception as e: pa = PojoAgent("localhost", "root", "", "snmp") result = pa.verifyHost(str(ip)) if len(result) == 0: break else: print(e)
def main(argv): host = argv[1] sd = SNMP.sessionData(host) if len(argv) > 2: sd.add_community(argv[2]) else: sd.add_community("public") sess = SNMP.new_session(sd) mgr = Manager.Manager(sess) mgr.add_mib(mibs.SNMPv2_MIB) ors = mgr.getall("sysOR") for ore in ors: print ore
def get_manager(sessiondata): sessiondata.version = 0 # APC still only SNMPv1 ! sess = SNMP.new_session(sessiondata) dev = APCManager(sess) dev.add_mibs([mibs.SNMPv2_MIB]) dev.add_mib(mibs.PowerNet_MIB, apc_mangler, subclassmodule=sys.modules[__name__]) return dev
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. import sys import SNMP.SNMP as SNMP import pdb #sd = SNMP.sessionData("") # regression #sd = SNMP.sessionData("") # dev14 #sd = SNMP.sessionData("") # sum4_1 sd = SNMP.sessionData("rosita") sd.add_community("public", SNMP.RO) sd.add_community("private", SNMP.RW) session = SNMP.new_session(sd) import mibs.SNMPv2_MIB #import mibs.UDP_MIB #import mibs.TCP_MIB #import mibs.BRIDGE_MIB #import mibs.RMON_MIB #import mibs.RMON2_MIB #import mibs.EtherLike_MIB #import mibs.EXTREME_BASE_MIB #import mibs.EXTREME_VLAN_MIB #import mibs.EXTREME_PORT_MIB #import mibs.EXTREME_SYSTEM_MIB
def get_session(sessiondata): sess = SNMP.new_session(sessiondata) dev = HPSwitchManager(sess) dev.add_mibs(MIBS) return dev
def monitoring(self, ip, mainPojo, mainDBRRD, index): snmp = SNMP() hostname = mainPojo.getHostname(str(ip)) community = mainPojo.getCommunity(str(hostname)) version_snmp = 0 if str(mainPojo.getVersionSNMP( str(hostname))) == "v1" else 1 port_snmp = int(mainPojo.getPortSNMP(str(hostname))) while True: if os.system("ping -c 1 " + str(ip) + " >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &" ) == 0 and mainPojo.getStatus( str(ip)) == "up" and len( str(mainPojo.getStatus(str(ip)))) > 0: in_network_interface = snmp.get( community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(index)) out_network_interface = snmp.get( community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(index)) in_icmp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") out_icmp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") in_tcp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") out_tcp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") in_udp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") out_udp = snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") in_ping = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received. in_ping += int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received. out_ping = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent. out_ping += int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent. mainDBRRD.insert(in_network_interface, out_network_interface, in_icmp, out_icmp, in_tcp, out_tcp, in_udp, out_udp, in_ping, out_ping) time.sleep(1) else: mainPojo.setStatus(str(hostname), "down") print("") break
def get_manager(sessiondata): sess = SNMP.new_session(sessiondata) dev = LinuxManager(sess) dev.add_mibs([mibs.SNMPv2_MIB, mibs.HOST_RESOURCES_MIB]) dev.add_mib(mibs.UCD_SNMP_MIB, subclassmodule=sys.modules[__name__]) return dev
def agregarAgente(): os.system('clear') hostname = "" status = "" version_snmp = "" port_snmp = "" community = "" index = "" pa = PojoAgent("localhost","root","","snmp")#Conexion con la base de datos paux = PojoAgent("localhost","root","","snmp")#Conexion con la base de datos snmp = SNMP() agent = "y" while agent == "y" or agent == "Y": hostname = raw_input("Introduce el hostname del agente: ") if str(hostname) == "q" or str(hostname) == "Q": break else: result = pa.verifyHost(str(hostname)) if len(result) > 0: print("El hostname ya se encuentra registrado.") hostname = raw_input("Introduce el hostname del agente: ") else: status = "up" if os.system("ping -c 1 " + str(hostname) +" >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &") == 0 else "down" version_snmp = raw_input("Introduce la version de snmp ('v1' o 'v2c'): ") if str(version_snmp) == "q" or str(version_snmp) == "Q": break else: port_snmp = raw_input("Introduce el puerto snmp: ") if str(port_snmp) == "q" or str(port_snmp) == "Q": break else: community = raw_input("Introduce la comunidad: ") if str(community) == "q" or str(community) == "Q": break else: index = raw_input("Introduce el index de la interfaz de red del agente: ") if str(index) == "q" or str(index) == "Q": break else: indexCPU = raw_input("Index del procesador del agente: ") if str(indexCPU) == "q" or str(indexCPU) == "Q": break version_snmp = "0" if str(version_snmp) == "v1" else "1" ip = str(subprocess.check_output("cat /etc/hosts | grep \""+ str(hostname) +"\" | awk '{print $1}'",shell=True)).split("\n")[0] if len(str(ip)) == 0: ip = str(subprocess.check_output("dig '"+ str(hostname) +"' +short",shell=True)).split("\n")[0] ip = str(hostname) oid = "" #Oid para obtener la version de SO version_so = snmp.get(str(community),int(version_snmp),str(hostname),str(port_snmp),str(oid)) oid = "" #Oid para obtener el numero de interfaces interfaces = snmp.get(str(community),int(version_snmp),str(hostname),str(port_snmp),str(oid)) oid = "" #Oid para obtener el ultimo reinicio # last_reboot = snmp.get("variation/virtualtable",1,"","1024","") last_reboot = snmp.get(str(community),int(version_snmp),str(hostname),str(port_snmp),str(oid)) oid = "" #Oid para obtener la direccion fisica mac = snmp.get(str(community),int(version_snmp),str(hostname),str(port_snmp),str(oid)) oid = "" #Oid para obtener informacion del administrador info_admin = snmp.get(str(community),int(version_snmp),str(hostname),str(port_snmp),str(oid)) pa.insertAgent(str(hostname),str(version_snmp),port_snmp,str(community),str(status),str(ip),str(version_so),str(interfaces),str(last_reboot),str(mac),str(info_admin),str(index),str(indexCPU)) if pa.ifWindows(str(hostname)): print("Dispositivo Windows.") indexRAM = raw_input("Introduce el Index de la RAM: ") indexHDD = raw_input("Introduce el Index del HDD: ") pa.updateIndex(str(hostname),str(indexRAM),str(indexHDD)) thread = ThreadSNMP() thread.startMonitoring(str(hostname),paux,str(index),str(indexCPU)) pa.closeConnection() raw_input("El agente "+ str(hostname) +" ha sido agregado...Presiona una tecla para regresar al menu") break
def monitoring(self, ip, mainPojo, mainDBRRD, indexInterface, indexCPU): snmp = SNMP() hostname = mainPojo.getHostname(str(ip)) community = mainPojo.getCommunity(str(hostname)) version_snmp = 0 if str(mainPojo.getVersionSNMP( str(hostname))) == "v1" else 1 port_snmp = int(mainPojo.getPortSNMP(str(hostname))) telegram = Telegram("712644612:AAHauTnCsKgno4fOh3z8p9B5fJuOnGC9-tk") #telegram.sendMessage(mensaje,"-343597492") idChat = "-343597492" umbralRAM = 80 umbralHDD = 90 umbralCPU = 6 while True: try: if mainPojo.ifWindows(ip): if os.system("ping -c 1 " + str(ip) + " >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &" ) == 0 and mainPojo.getStatus( str(ip)) == "up" and len( str(mainPojo.getStatus(str(ip)))) > 0: indexRAM = mainPojo.getIndexRAM(str(ip)) indexHDD = mainPojo.getIndexHDD(str(ip)) cpuload = snmp.get( community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexCPU) ) #OID para calcular promedio del ultimo minuto del porcentaje que el procesador no estuvo inactivo freeram = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexRAM)) ) #OID para obtener la memoria RAM disponible en kB usehdd = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexHDD)) ) #OID para obtener la cantidad de Disco Duro usado. totalram = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexRAM)) ) #OID para obtener el total de la RAM totalhdd = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexHDD)) ) #OID para obtener el total del HDD hddload = ( usehdd * 100 ) / totalhdd #Cantidad de Disco Duro en Porcentaje ramload = ( (totalram - freeram) * 100) / totalram #Cantidad de RAM en porcentaje mainDBRRD.insert(cpuload, ramload, hddload) #######Establecer umbrales####### if int(ramload) > umbralRAM: graphRAM(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de RAM utilizada por el Host " + str( ip) + ": " + str(ramload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "RAM.png", idChat) if int(hddload) > umbralHDD: graphHDD(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de HDD utilizado por el Host " + str( ip) + ": " + str(hddload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "HDD.png", idChat) if int(cpuload) > umbralCPU: graphCPU(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de CPU utilizado por el Hots " + str( ip) + ": " + str(cpuload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "CPU.png", idChat) time.sleep(5) else: mainPojo.setStatus(str(hostname), "down") print("Server is down") break else: if os.system("ping -c 1 " + str(ip) + " >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &" ) == 0 and mainPojo.getStatus( str(ip)) == "up" and len( str(mainPojo.getStatus(str(ip)))) > 0: cpuload = snmp.get( community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "" + str(indexCPU) ) #OID para calcular promedio del ultimo minuto del porcentaje que el procesador no estuvo inactivo freeram = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #OID para obtener la memoria RAM disponible en kB usehdd = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #OID para obtener la cantidad de Disco Duro usado. En linux agregar disk / 1 en snmpd.conf totalram = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #OID para obtener el total de la RAM totalhdd = int( snmp.get(community, version_snmp, ip, port_snmp, "") ) #OID para obtener el total del HDD hddload = ( usehdd * 100 ) / totalhdd #Cantidad de Disco Duro en Porcentaje ramload = ( (totalram - freeram) * 100) / totalram #Cantidad de RAM en porcentaje mainDBRRD.insert(cpuload, ramload, hddload) #######Establecer umbrales####### if int(ramload) > umbralRAM: graphRAM(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de RAM utilizada por el Host " + str( ip) + ": " + str(ramload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "RAM.png", idChat) if int(hddload) > umbralHDD: graphHDD(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de HDD utilizado por el Host " + str( ip) + ": " + str(hddload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "HDD.png", idChat) if int(cpuload) > umbralCPU: graphCPU(ip) mensaje = "Porcentaje de CPU utilizado por el Hots " + str( ip) + ": " + str(cpuload) + " % (" + str( time.strftime("%c")) + ")" telegram.sendMessage(mensaje, idChat) telegram.sendImage(str(ip) + "CPU.png", idChat) time.sleep(5) else: mainPojo.setStatus(str(hostname), "down") print("Server is down") break except Exception as e: pa = PojoAgent("localhost", "root", "", "snmp") result = pa.verifyHost(str(ip)) if len(result) == 0: break else: print(e) print("Ocurrio un error")
def get_manager(host, community): box = SNMP.get_session(host, community) device = DiscoverManager(box) device.add_mibs([SNMPv2_MIB, IF_MIB, IP_MIB, RFC1213_MIB]) device.add_mibs([CDP_MIB, LLDP_MIB]) return device
def get_manager(sessiondata): sess = SNMP.new_session(sessiondata) dev = NeopathFDManager(sess) dev.add_mibs([mibs.SNMPv2_MIB, mibs.RFC1213_MIB]) dev.add_mib(mibs.NeopathFD_MIB, neopath_mangler, sys.modules[__name__]) return dev