Ejemplo n.º 1
 def derivative(self, variable = 0):
     @param variable: the index of the variable of the function
         with respect to which the X{derivative} is taken
     @type variable: C{int}
     @returns: a new InterpolatingFunction containing the numerical
     @rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction}
     diffaxis = self.axes[variable]
     ai = index_expression[::] + \
          (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * index_expression[N.NewAxis]
     period = self.period[variable]
     if period is None:
         ui = variable*index_expression[::] + \
              index_expression[1::] + index_expression[...]
         li = variable*index_expression[::] + \
              index_expression[:-1:] + index_expression[...]
         d_values = (self.values[ui]-self.values[li]) / \
         diffaxis = 0.5*(diffaxis[1:]+diffaxis[:-1])
         u = N.take(self.values, range(1, len(diffaxis))+[0], axis=variable)
         l = self.values
         ua = N.concatenate((diffaxis[1:], period+diffaxis[0:1]))
         la = diffaxis
         d_values = (u-l)/(ua-la)[ai]
         diffaxis = 0.5*(ua+la)
     d_axes = self.axes[:variable]+[diffaxis]+self.axes[variable+1:]
     d_default = None
     if self.default is not None:
         d_default = 0.
     return self._constructor(d_axes, d_values, d_default, self.period)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def draw(self, event=None):
     xnum = self.xnum.get()
     ynum = self.ynum.get()
     znum = self.znum.get()
     self.mode_projector.calculateProjections([xnum, ynum, znum])
     x = self.mode_projector[xnum]
     data = Numeric.zeros((len(x), 3), Numeric.Float)
     data[:, 0] = x[:, 1]
     data[:, 1] = self.mode_projector[ynum][:, 1]
     data[:, 2] = self.mode_projector[znum][:, 1]
     minv = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
     maxv = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
     scale = maxv-minv
     reference = minv-0.05*scale
     xaxis = PolyLine3D([reference,
                         reference+scale*Numeric.array([0.2, 0., 0.])],
     yaxis = PolyLine3D([reference,
                         reference+scale*Numeric.array([0., 0.2, 0.])],
     zaxis = PolyLine3D([reference,
                         reference+scale*Numeric.array([0., 0., 0.2])],
     graphics = [PolyLine3D(data, color = 'blue'), xaxis, yaxis, zaxis]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __getitem__(self, item):
         series = self.cache[item]
     except KeyError:
         series = self.cache[item]
     return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([self.time, series]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _mouseRelease(self, event):
     if self.mouse_state == 1:
         self.rubberband = None
         p1 = Numeric.array([self.startx, self.starty])
         p2 = Numeric.array([self.canvas.canvasx(event.x),
         if Numeric.minimum.reduce(Numeric.fabs(p1-p2)) > 5:
             scale, shift = self.transformation
             p1 = (p1-shift)/scale
             p2 = (p2-shift)/scale
             graphics, xaxis, yaxis = self.last_draw
             if xaxis is not None:
                 xaxis = (p1[0], p2[0])
             if yaxis is not None:
                 yaxis = (p2[1], p1[1])
             self.draw(graphics, xaxis, yaxis)
     elif self.mouse_state == 2:
         scale, shift = self.transformation
         x1 = (self.startx-shift[0])/scale[0]
         x2 = (self.canvas.canvasx(event.x)-shift[0])/scale[0]
         if x1 < x2:
             self.selected_range = (x1, x2)
             self.selected_range = (x2, x1)
         if self.selectfn is not None:
         self.rectangle = None
         self.selected_range = None
         if self.selectfn is not None:
     self.mouse_state = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def plotBox(self, name, data, data_range=None):
     box = Frame(self, border=2, relief=SUNKEN)
     box.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
     frame = Frame(box, background='grey')
     frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=NO)
     Label(frame, text=string.capitalize(string.join(
                       string.split(name , '_'), ' ')),
     if data_range is None:
         min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data[:,1])
         max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data[:,1])
         min, max = plotRange(min, max)
         min, max = data_range
     plot_objects = []
     plot_data = data
     time = plot_data[:,0]
     jumps = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(time)-1),
                            Numeric.less(time[1:], time[:-1]))+1
     for i in self.master.restarts:
         plot_objects.append(PolyLine([(self.time[i], min),
                                       (self.time[i], max)],
     plot_objects.insert(0, PolyLine(plot_data, color = 'red'))
     plot = PlotCanvas(box, 400, 100, zoom=1,
     plot.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
               'automatic', (min, max))
     plot.bind('<Double-Button-1>', lambda event, d=plot_data:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def EISF(self, q_range = (0., 15.), subset=None, weights = None,
             random_vectors = 15, first_mode = 6):
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
            weights = weights*weights
        weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
        total = weights.sumOverParticles()
        weights = weights/total

        first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        f = ParticleProperties.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
        for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
            mode = self.rawMode(i)
            f = f + (1./mode.inv_relaxation_time)*mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
        f = Units.k_B*self.temperature*f/self.friction

        eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            for a in subset.atomList():
                exp = N.exp(-v*(f[a]*v))
                N.add(eisf, weights[a]*exp**(q*q), eisf)
        return InterpolatingFunction((q,), eisf/len(random_vectors))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _setsize(self):
     self.width = string.atoi(self.canvas.cget('width'))
     self.height = string.atoi(self.canvas.cget('height'))
     self.plotbox_size = 0.97*Numeric.array([self.width, -self.height])
     xo = 0.5*(self.width-self.plotbox_size[0])
     yo = self.height-0.5*(self.height+self.plotbox_size[1])
     self.plotbox_origin = Numeric.array([xo, yo])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def EISF(self, q_range = (0., 15.), subset=None, weights = None,
          random_vectors = 15, first_mode = 6):
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
         weights = weights*weights
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/50.
     q = N.arange(first, last, step)
     f = MMTK.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         f = f + mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
     eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(random_vectors):
         v = MMTK.Random.randomDirection()
         for a in subset.atomList():
             exp = N.exp(-v*(f[a]*v))
             N.add(eisf, weights[a]*exp**(q*q), eisf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((q,), eisf/random_vectors)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def reduceToRange(self, first, last):
        Discards all modes outside a given range of mode numbers.
        This is done to reduce memory requirements, especially before
        saving the modesto a file.

        :param first: the number of the first mode to be kept
        :param last: the number of the last mode to be kept - 1
        junk1 = list(self.sort_index[:first])
        junk2 = list(self.sort_index[last:])
        if junk1 == range(0, first) and \
           junk2 == range(last, len(self.sort_index)):
            # This is the most frequent case. It can be handled
            # without copying the mode array.
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, getattr(self, array)[first:last])
            self.sort_index = self.sort_index[first:last]-first
            keep = self.sort_index[first:last]
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, N.take(getattr(self, array), keep))
            self.sort_index = N.arange(0, last-first)
        self.nmodes = last-first
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def norm(self):
     :returns: the norm of the ParticleVector seen as a 3N-dimensional
     :rtype: float
     return N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(N.ravel(self.array**2)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def integral(self, variable = 0):
     @param variable: the index of the variable of the function
         with respect to which the X{integration} is performed
     @type variable: C{int}
     @returns: a new InterpolatingFunction containing the numerical
         X{integral}. The integration constant is defined such that
         the integral at the first grid point is zero.
     @rtype: L{InterpolatingFunction}
     if self.period[variable] is not None:
         raise ValueError('Integration over periodic variables not defined')
     intaxis = self.axes[variable]
     ui = variable*index_expression[::] + \
          index_expression[1::] + index_expression[...]
     li = variable*index_expression[::] + \
          index_expression[:-1:] + index_expression[...]
     uai = index_expression[1::] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
     lai = index_expression[:-1:] + (len(self.values.shape)-variable-1) * \
     i_values = 0.5*N.add.accumulate((self.values[ui]
                                            +self.values[li])* \
     s = list(self.values.shape)
     s[variable] = 1
     z = N.zeros(tuple(s))
     return self._constructor(self.axes,
                              N.concatenate((z, i_values), variable),
 def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
     button = event.button()
     if button == Qt.LeftButton:
             dx = event.x() - self.click1x
             dy = event.y() - self.click1y
         except AttributeError:
         if dx != 0 or dy != 0:
             normal = Vector(self.axis)
             move = Vector(-dx*self.plane[:,0]+dy*self.plane[:,1])
             axis = normal.cross(move) / \
             rot = Rotation(axis.normal(), axis.length())
             self.axis = rot(normal).array
             self.plane[:,0] = rot(Vector(self.plane[:,0])).array
             self.plane[:,1] = rot(Vector(self.plane[:,1])).array
     elif button == Qt.MidButton:
             dx = event.x() - self.click2x
             dy = event.y() - self.click2y
         except AttributeError:
         if dx != 0 or dy != 0:
             self.translate = self.translate + N.array([dx, dy])
             dy = event.y() - self.click3y
         except AttributeError:
         if dy != 0:
             ratio = -dy/self.plotbox_size[1]
             self.scale = self.scale * (1.+ratio)
    def draw(self, graphics):
        Draw something on the canvas

        @param graphics: the graphics object (L{PolyLine3D},
                         or L{VisualizationGraphics}) to be drawn
        self.last_draw = (graphics, )
        graphics.project(self.axis, self.plane)
        p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBoxPlane()
        center = 0.5*(p1+p2)
        scale = self.plotbox_size / (p2-p1)
        sign = scale/Numeric.fabs(scale)
        if self.scale is None:
            minscale = Numeric.minimum.reduce(Numeric.fabs(scale))
            self.scale = 0.9*minscale
        scale = sign*self.scale
        box_center = self.plotbox_origin + 0.5*self.plotbox_size
        shift = -center*scale + box_center + self.translate
        graphics.scaleAndShift(scale, shift)
        items, depths = graphics.lines()
        sort = Numeric.argsort(depths)
        for index in sort:
            x1, y1, x2, y2, color, width = items[index]
            Line(self.canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=color, width=width)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     if subset1 is not None:
         for s1, s2 in [(subset1, subset2), (subset2, subset1)]:
             set = {}
             for a in s1.atomList():
                 set[a.index] = None
             for a in s2.atomList():
                     del set[a.index]
                 except KeyError: pass
         set = {}
         for a in subset1.atomList():
             set[a.index] = None
         for a in subset2.atomList():
             set[a.index] = None
         atom_subset = set.keys()
         atom_subset = Numeric.array(atom_subset)
         atom_subset = Numeric.array([], Numeric.Int)
     nothing = Numeric.zeros((0,2), Numeric.Int)
     nbl = NonbondedList(nothing, nothing, atom_subset, universe._spec,
     update = NonbondedListTerm(nbl)
     cutoff = self.cutoff
     if cutoff is None:
         cutoff = 0.
     ev = CalphaTerm(universe._spec, nbl, cutoff,
                     self.scale_factor, self.version)
     return [update, ev]
 def _setsize(self):
     width = self.width()
     height = self.height()
     self.plotbox_size = 0.97*N.array([width, -height])
     xo = 0.5*(width-self.plotbox_size[0])
     yo = height-0.5*(height+self.plotbox_size[1])
     self.plotbox_origin = N.array([xo, yo])
 def boundingBoxPlane(self):
     p1, p2 = self.objects[0].boundingBoxPlane()
     for o in self.objects[1:]:
         p1o, p2o = o.boundingBoxPlane()
         p1 = N.minimum(p1, p1o)
         p2 = N.maximum(p2, p2o)
     return p1, p2
 def nonbondedList(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
         from MMTK_forcefield import NonbondedList, NonbondedListTerm
     except ImportError:
         return None, None
     nbl = None
     update = None
     if 'nonbondedlist' in global_data.get('initialized'):
         nbl, update, cutoff = global_data.get('nonbondedlist')
     if nbl is None:
         excluded_pairs, one_four_pairs, atom_subset = \
                         self.excludedPairs(subset1, subset2, global_data)
         excluded_pairs = N.array(excluded_pairs)
         one_four_pairs = N.array(one_four_pairs)
         if atom_subset is not None:
             atom_subset = N.array(atom_subset)
             atom_subset = N.array([], N.Int)
         nbl = NonbondedList(excluded_pairs, one_four_pairs, atom_subset,
                             universe._spec, self.cutoff)
         update = NonbondedListTerm(nbl)
         update.info = 0
         global_data.set('nonbondedlist', (nbl, update, self.cutoff))
         global_data.add('initialized', 'nonbondedlist')
         if cutoff is not None and \
                    (self.cutoff is None or self.cutoff > cutoff):
     return nbl, update
Ejemplo n.º 18
def forceConstantTest(universe, atoms = None, delta = 0.0001):
    Test force constants by comparing to the numerical derivatives
    of the gradients.

    :param universe: the universe on which the test is performed
    :type universe: :class:`~MMTK.Universe.Universe`
    :param atoms: the atoms of the universe for which the gradient
                  is tested (default: all atoms)
    :type atoms: list
    :param delta: the step size used in calculating the numerical derivatives
    :type delta: float
    e0, grad0, fc = universe.energyGradientsAndForceConstants()
    if atoms is None:
        atoms = universe.atomList()
    for a1, a2 in itertools.chain(itertools.izip(atoms, atoms),
        print a1, a2
        print fc[a1, a2]
        num_fc = []
        for v in [ex, ey, ez]:
            x = a1.position()
            e_plus, grad_plus = universe.energyAndGradients()
            e_minus, grad_minus = universe.energyAndGradients()
        print N.array(map(lambda a: a.array, num_fc))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     x = event.x()
     y = event.y()
     if self.mouse_state == 0:
         scale, shift = self.transformation
         p = (N.array([self.startx, self.starty])-shift)/scale
         bb1, bb2 = self.bbox
         if self.selectfn is not None and p[1] < bb1[1]:
             self.painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.blue, Qt.Dense5Pattern))
             self.rectangle = (self.startx, 0, x-self.startx, self.height())
             self.mouse_state = 2
         elif self.zoom:
             self.painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.white, 1, Qt.DotLine))
             self.rectangle = (self.startx, self.starty,
                               x-self.startx, y-self.starty)
             self.mouse_state = 1
     elif self.mouse_state == 1 or self.mouse_state == 2:
         if self.mouse_state == 1:
             self.rectangle = (self.startx, self.starty,
                               x-self.startx, y-self.starty)
         elif self.mouse_state == 2:
             self.rectangle = (self.startx, 0, x-self.startx, self.height())
     elif self.mouse_state == 3:
         scale, shift = self.transformation
         point = N.array([x, y])
         point = (point-shift)/scale
         self.value_label.setText(" x = %f\n y = %f" % tuple(point))
 def evaluatorParameters(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     n = universe.numberOfPoints()
     charge = N.zeros((n,), N.Float)
     atom_types = {}
     for o in universe:
         for a in o.atomList():
             charge[a.index] = self._charge(o, a, global_data)
     charge = N.zeros((n,), N.Float)
     params = {}
     if n < 10000:
         params['spatial_decomposition_levels'] = 4
     elif n < 100000:
         params['spatial_decomposition_levels'] = 5
         params['spatial_decomposition_levels'] = 6
     params['multipole_expansion_terms'] = 8
     params['use_fft'] = 0
     params['fft_blocking_factor'] = 4
     params['macroscopic_expansion_terms'] = 6
     params['multipole_acceptance'] = 0.5
     for key, value in self.options.items():
         params[key] = value
     params['algorithm'] = 'dpmta'
     params['charge'] = charge
     params['one_four_factor'] = self.es_14_factor
     excluded_pairs, one_four_pairs, atom_subset = \
                          self.excludedPairs(subset1, subset2, global_data)
     return {'electrostatic': params,
             'nonbonded': {'excluded_pairs': excluded_pairs,
                           'one_four_pairs': one_four_pairs,
                           'atom_subset': atom_subset}
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _axisInterval(self, spec, lower, upper):
     if spec is None:
         return None
     if spec == 'minimal':
         if lower == upper:
             return lower-0.5, upper+0.5
             return lower, upper
     if spec == 'automatic':
         range = upper-lower
         if range == 0.:
             return lower-0.5, upper+0.5
         log = N.log10(range)
         power = N.floor(log)
         fraction = log-power
         if fraction <= 0.05:
             power = power-1
         grid = 10.**power
         lower = lower - lower % grid
         mod = upper % grid
         if mod != 0:
             upper = upper - mod + grid
         return lower, upper
     if type(spec) == type(()):
         lower, upper = spec
         if lower <= upper:
             return lower, upper
             return upper, lower
     raise ValueError(str(spec) + ': illegal axis specification')
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _ticks(self, lower, upper):
     ideal = (upper-lower)/7.
     if ideal == 0.:
         ideal = 1./7.
     log = N.log10(ideal)
     power = N.floor(log)
     fraction = log-power
     factor = 1.
     error = fraction
     for f, lf in self._multiples:
         e = N.fabs(fraction-lf)
         if e < error:
             error = e
             factor = f
     grid = factor * 10.**power
     if power > 3 or power < -3:
         format = '%+7.0e'
     elif power >= 0:
         digits = max(1, int(power))
         format = '%' + `digits`+'.0f'
         digits = -int(power)
         format = '%'+`digits+2`+'.'+`digits`+'f'
     ticks = []
     t = -grid*N.floor(-lower/grid)
     while t <= upper and len(ticks) < 200:
         ticks.append((t, format % (t,)))
         t = t + grid
     return ticks
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _dihedralTerm(self, n, phase, V):

        mod_file = self.mod_template % \
                   (V/(Units.kcal/Units.mol), phase/Units.deg, n)
        ff = Amber99ForceField(mod_files=[StringIO(mod_file)])

        param = self.universe.energyEvaluatorParameters()
        i1, i2, i3, i4, n_test, phase_test, V_test = \
        self.assertEqual(n_test, n)
        # The accuracy is no better than five digits because the
        # parameters pass through a text representation.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(phase_test, phase, 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(V_test, V, 5)

        two_pi = 2.*N.pi
        m = self.universe[0]
        for angle in N.arange(0., two_pi, 0.1):
            m.C4.setPosition(Vector(N.cos(angle), N.sin(angle), 1.))
            e = self.universe.energyTerms()['cosine dihedral angle']
            da = self.universe.dihedral(m.C1, m.C2, m.C3, m.C4)
            e_ref = V*(1.+N.cos(n*angle-phase))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(angle % two_pi, da % two_pi, 14)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e_ref, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_nonbondedList(self):

        atoms = self.universe.atomList()
        atom_indices = N.array([a.index for a in self.universe.atomList()])
        empty = N.zeros((0, 2), N.Int)

        for cutoff in [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.]:

            nblist = NonbondedList(empty, empty, atom_indices,
                                   self.universe._spec, cutoff)
            distances = nblist.pairDistances()
            pairs1 = nblist.pairIndices()
            pairs1 = [sorted_tuple(pairs1[i]) for i in range(len(pairs1))
                      if distances[i] < cutoff]
            pairs1.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]) or cmp(a[1], b[1]))

            pairs2 = []
            for i in range(len(atoms)):
                for j in range(i+1, len(atoms)):
                    d = self.universe.distance(atoms[i], atoms[j])
                    if d < cutoff:
            pairs2.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]) or cmp(a[1], b[1]))

            self.assertEqual(pairs1, pairs2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def memoryFunctionZ(self):
     @returns: the M{z}-transform of the process' memory function
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Function.Rational.RationalFunction}
     poles = self.poles()
     cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
     coeff0 = N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
     beta = N.zeros((self.order,), N.Complex)
     for i in range(self.order):
         pole = poles[i]
         beta[i] = -(self.sigsq*pole**(self.order-1)/coeff0) / \
                   (N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) *
                    N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) *
                    N.multiply.reduce(pole-1./cpoles) *
     beta = beta/N.sum(beta)
     sum = 0.
     for i in range(self.order):
         sum = sum + RationalFunction([beta[i]], [-poles[i], 1.])
     mz = (1./sum+Polynomial([1., -1.]))/self.delta_t**2
     if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
         mz.numerator.coeff = _realPart(mz.numerator.coeff)
         mz.denominator.coeff = _realPart(mz.denominator.coeff)
     return mz
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def memoryFunctionZapprox(self, den_order):
     @param den_order: 
     @type den_order: C{int}
     @returns: an approximation to the M{z}-transform of the process'
     memory function that correponds to an expansion of the
     denominator up to order den_order
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Function.Rational.RationalFunction}
     poles = self.poles()
     cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
     coeff0 = N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
     beta = N.zeros((self.order,), N.Complex)
     for i in range(self.order):
         pole = poles[i]
         beta[i] = -(self.sigsq*pole**(self.order-1)/coeff0) / \
                   (N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) *
                    N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) *
                    N.multiply.reduce(pole-1./cpoles) *
     beta = beta/N.sum(beta)
     den_coeff = []
     for i in range(den_order):
         sum = 0.
         for j in range(self.order):
             sum += beta[j]*poles[j]**i
     mz = (RationalFunction(den_order*[0.] + [1.], den_coeff)
           + Polynomial([1., -1.]))/self.delta_t**2
     if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
         mz.numerator.coeff = _realPart(mz.numerator.coeff)
         mz.denominator.coeff = _realPart(mz.denominator.coeff)
     return mz
 def massWeightedNorm(self):
     """Returns the mass-weighted norm of the ParticleVector seen as a
     3N-dimensional vector."""
     m = self.universe.masses().array
     return N.sqrt(N.sum(N.ravel(m[:, N.NewAxis] *
                         / N.sum(m))
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def correlation(self, nsteps):
     @param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the autocorrelation
     function is to be evaluated
     @type nsteps: C{int}
     @returns: the autocorrelation function of the process as estimated
     from the AR model
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
     poles = self.poles()
     cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
     x = 0.
     exponents = N.arange(self.order-1, nsteps+self.order-1)
     for i in range(len(poles)):
         pole = poles[i]
         factor = N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) * \
                  N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) * \
             x = x + pole**exponents / factor
         except OverflowError:
             # happens with some Python versions on some systems
             power = N.zeros(exponents.shape, N.Complex)
             for i in range(len(exponents)):
                     power[i] = pole**exponents[i]
                 except ValueError:
             x = x + power/factor
     cf = -self.sigsq*x/N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
     if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
         cf = _realPart(cf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((self.delta_t*N.arange(nsteps),), cf)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, universe, objects):
     if not Utility.isSequenceObject(objects):
         objects = [objects]
     vectors = []
     for o in objects:
         atoms = o.atomList()
         for d in [Vector(1.,0.,0.), Vector(0.,1.,0.), Vector(0.,0.,1.)]:
             v = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(universe)
             for a in atoms:
                 v[a] = d
         if len(atoms) > 1:
             center = o.centerOfMass()
             iv = len(vectors)-3
             for d in [Vector(1.,0.,0.),Vector(0.,1.,0.),Vector(0.,0.,1.)]:
                 v = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(universe)
                 for a in atoms:
                     v[a] = d.cross(a.position()-center)
                 for vt in vectors[iv:]:
                     v = v - v.dotProduct(vt)*vt
     Subspace.__init__(self, universe, vectors)
     # The vector set is already orthonormal by construction
     # (assuming that the rigid bodies have no atoms in common),
     # so we can eliminate the lengthy SVD procedure
     count = ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar(universe)
     for o in objects:
         count = count + o.booleanMask()
     if N.maximum.reduce(count.array) == 1:
         self._basis = ParticleVectorSet(universe, len(vectors))
         for i in range(len(vectors)):
             self._basis.array[i] = vectors[i].array
 def paintEvent(self, event):
     graphics = self.last_draw[0]
     if graphics is None:
     graphics.project(self.axis, self.plane)
     p1, p2 = graphics.boundingBoxPlane()
     center = 0.5*(p1+p2)
     scale = self.plotbox_size / (p2-p1)
     sign = scale/N.fabs(scale)
     if self.scale is None:
         minscale = N.minimum.reduce(N.fabs(scale))
         self.scale = 0.9*minscale
     scale = sign*self.scale
     box_center = self.plotbox_origin + 0.5*self.plotbox_size
     shift = -center*scale + box_center + self.translate
     graphics.scaleAndShift(scale, shift)
     items, depths = graphics.lines()
     sort = N.argsort(depths)
     painter = QPainter()
     painter.fillRect(self.rect(), QBrush(self.background_color))
     if colors_by_name:
         for index in sort:
             x1, y1, x2, y2, color, width = items[index]
             painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(color), width, Qt.SolidLine))
             painter.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
         for index in sort:
             x1, y1, x2, y2, color, width = items[index]
             painter.setPen(QPen(getattr(Qt, color), width, Qt.SolidLine))
             painter.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def setUp(self):
     self.constant = N.zeros((5,), N.Float) + 1.
Ejemplo n.º 32
class Molecule(CompositeChemicalObject, ChemicalObject):

    Molecules consist of atoms and groups linked by bonds.
    def __init__(self, molecule_spec, _memo=None, **properties):
        :param molecule_spec: a string (not case sensitive) that specifies
                              the molecule name in the chemical database
        :type molecule_spec: str
        :keyword position: the position of the center of mass of the molecule
        :type position: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
        :keyword name: a name given to the molecule
        :type name: str
        :keyword configuration: the name of a configuration listed in the
                                database definition of the molecule, which
                                is used to initialize the atom positions.
                                If no configuration is specified, the
                                configuration named "default" will be used,
                                if it exists. Otherwise the atom positions
                                are undefined.
        :type configuration: str
        if molecule_spec is not None:
            # molecule_spec is None when called from MoleculeFactory
            ChemicalObject.__init__(self, molecule_spec, _memo)
            properties = copy.copy(properties)
            CompositeChemicalObject.__init__(self, properties)
            self.bonds = Bonds.BondList(self.bonds)

    blueprintclass = Database.BlueprintMolecule

    def bondedTo(self, atom):
        return self.bonds.bondedTo(atom)

    def setBondAttributes(self):

    def clearBondAttributes(self):
        for a in self.atoms:

    def _subunits(self):
        return self.groups

    def _descriptionSpec(self):
        return "M", None

    def addGroup(self, group, bond_atom_pairs):
        for a1, a2 in bond_atom_pairs:
            o1 = a1.topLevelChemicalObject()
            o2 = a2.topLevelChemicalObject()
            if set([o1, o2]) != set([self, group]):
                raise ValueError("bond %s-%s outside object" %
                                 (str(a1), str(a2)))
        self.atoms = self.atoms + group.atoms
        group.parent = self
        for a1, a2 in bond_atom_pairs:
            self.bonds.append(Bonds.Bond((a1, a2)))
        for b in group.bonds:

    # construct positions of missing hydrogens
    def findHydrogenPositions(self):
        Find reasonable positions for hydrogen atoms that have no
        position assigned.

        This method uses a heuristic approach based on standard geometry
        data. It was developed for proteins and DNA and may not give
        good results for other molecules. It raises an exception
        if presented with a topology it cannot handle.
            unknown = {}
            for a in self.atoms:
                if a.position() is None:
                    if a.symbol != 'H':
                        raise ValueError('position of ' + a.fullName() + \
                                          ' is undefined')
                    bonded = a.bondedTo()[0]
                    unknown.setdefault(bonded, []).append(a)
            for a, list in unknown.items():
                bonded = a.bondedTo()
                n = len(bonded)
                known = [b for b in bonded if b.position() is not None]
                nb = len(list)
                    method = self._h_methods[a.symbol][n][nb]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError("Can't handle this yet: " + a.symbol +
                                     ' with ' + n + ' bonds (' + a.fullName() +
                method(self, a, known, list)

    # default C-H bond length and X-C-H angle
    _ch_bond = 1.09 * Units.Ang
    _hch_angle = N.arccos(-1. / 3.) * Units.rad
    _nh_bond = 1.03 * Units.Ang
    _hnh_angle = 120. * Units.deg
    _oh_bond = 0.95 * Units.Ang
    _coh_angle = 114.9 * Units.deg
    _sh_bond = 1.007 * Units.Ang
    _csh_angle = 96.5 * Units.deg

    def _C4oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        n0 = (known[0].position() - r).normal()
        n1 = (known[1].position() - r).normal()
        n2 = (known[2].position() - r).normal()
        n3 = (n0 + n1 + n2).normal()
        unknown[0].setPosition(r - self._ch_bond * n3)

    def _C4twoH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        r2 = known[1].position()
        plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2)
        axis = -((r1 - r) + (r2 - r)).normal()
        plane = plane.rotate(Objects3D.Line(r, axis), 90. * Units.deg)
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, axis, 0.5 * self._hch_angle)
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, self._ch_bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        points = circle.intersectWith(plane)

    def _C4threeH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        self._tetrahedralH(atom, known, unknown, self._ch_bond)

    def _C3oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        n1 = (known[0].position() - r).normal()
        n2 = (known[1].position() - r).normal()
        n3 = -(n1 + n2).normal()
        unknown[0].setPosition(r + self._ch_bond * n3)

    def _C3twoH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        others = filter(lambda a: a.symbol != 'H', known[0].bondedTo())
        r2 = others[0].position()
            plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            # We get here if all three points are colinear.
            # Add a small random displacement as a fix.
            from MMTK.Random import randomPointInSphere
            plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2 + randomPointInSphere(0.001))
        axis = (r - r1).normal()
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, axis, 0.5 * self._hch_angle)
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, self._ch_bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        points = circle.intersectWith(plane)

    def _C2oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        x = r + self._ch_bond * (r - r1).normal()

    def _N2oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        others = filter(lambda a: a.symbol != 'H', known[0].bondedTo())
        r2 = others[0].position()
            plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            # We get here when all three points are colinear.
            # Add a small random displacement as a fix.
            from MMTK.Random import randomPointInSphere
            plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2 + randomPointInSphere(0.001))
        axis = (r - r1).normal()
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, axis, 0.5 * self._hch_angle)
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, self._nh_bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        points = circle.intersectWith(plane)

    def _N3oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        n1 = (known[0].position() - r).normal()
        n2 = (known[1].position() - r).normal()
        n3 = -(n1 + n2).normal()
        unknown[0].setPosition(r + self._nh_bond * n3)

    def _N3twoH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        others = filter(lambda a: a.symbol != 'H', known[0].bondedTo())
        r2 = others[0].position()
        plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2)
        axis = (r - r1).normal()
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, axis, 0.5 * self._hnh_angle)
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, self._nh_bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        points = circle.intersectWith(plane)

    def _N4threeH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        self._tetrahedralH(atom, known, unknown, self._nh_bond)

    def _N4twoH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        r1 = known[0].position()
        r2 = known[1].position()
        plane = Objects3D.Plane(r, r1, r2)
        axis = -((r1 - r) + (r2 - r)).normal()
        plane = plane.rotate(Objects3D.Line(r, axis), 90. * Units.deg)
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, axis, 0.5 * self._hnh_angle)
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, self._nh_bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        points = circle.intersectWith(plane)

    def _N4oneH(self, atom, known, unknown):
        r = atom.position()
        n0 = (known[0].position() - r).normal()
        n1 = (known[1].position() - r).normal()
        n2 = (known[2].position() - r).normal()
        n3 = (n0 + n1 + n2).normal()
        unknown[0].setPosition(r - self._nh_bond * n3)

    def _O2(self, atom, known, unknown):
        others = known[0].bondedTo()
        for a in others:
            r = a.position()
            if a != atom and r is not None: break
        dihedral = 180. * Units.deg
        self._findPosition(unknown[0], atom.position(), known[0].position(), r,
                           self._oh_bond, self._coh_angle, dihedral)

    def _S2(self, atom, known, unknown):
        c2 = filter(lambda a: a.symbol == 'C', known[0].bondedTo())[0]
        self._findPosition(unknown[0], atom.position(), known[0].position(),
                           c2.position(), self._sh_bond, self._csh_angle,
                           180. * Units.deg)

    def _tetrahedralH(self, atom, known, unknown, bond):
        r = atom.position()
        n = (known[0].position() - r).normal()
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(r, n, N.arccos(-1. / 3.))
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(r, bond)
        circle = sphere.intersectWith(cone)
        others = filter(lambda a: a.symbol != 'H', known[0].bondedTo())
        other = others[0]
        ref = (Objects3D.Plane(circle.center, circle.normal) \
        p0 = circle.center + ref * circle.radius
        p0 = Objects3D.rotatePoint(
            p0, Objects3D.Line(circle.center, circle.normal), 60. * Units.deg)
        p1 = Objects3D.rotatePoint(
            p0, Objects3D.Line(circle.center, circle.normal), 120. * Units.deg)
        p2 = Objects3D.rotatePoint(
            p1, Objects3D.Line(circle.center, circle.normal), 120. * Units.deg)

    def _findPosition(self, unknown, a1, a2, a3, bond, angle, dihedral):
        sphere = Objects3D.Sphere(a1, bond)
        cone = Objects3D.Cone(a1, a2 - a1, angle)
        plane = Objects3D.Plane(a3, a2, a1)
        plane = plane.rotate(Objects3D.Line(a1, a2 - a1), dihedral)
        points = sphere.intersectWith(cone).intersectWith(plane)
        for p in points:
            if (a1 - a2).cross(p - a1) * (plane.normal) > 0:

    _h_methods = {
        'C': {
            4: {
                3: _C4threeH,
                2: _C4twoH,
                1: _C4oneH
            3: {
                2: _C3twoH,
                1: _C3oneH
            2: {
                1: _C2oneH
        'N': {
            4: {
                3: _N4threeH,
                2: _N4twoH,
                1: _N4oneH
            3: {
                2: _N3twoH,
                1: _N3oneH
            2: {
                1: _N2oneH
        'O': {
            2: {
                1: _O2
        'S': {
            2: {
                1: _S2
Ejemplo n.º 33
# This gives the correspondance between the old 'percentage of trajectory length' parameter
# and the new 'energy fwhm' parameter.

from Scientific import N

dt = N.array([
    0.005, 0.005, 0.01, 0.005, 0.015, 0.01, 0.005, 0.02, 0.005, 0.015, 0.01,

n_frames = N.array([49, 19, 10, 9, 8, 10, 19, 9, 19, 9, 7, 19])

per_traj_length = N.array(
    [80.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 10.0, 40.0, 80.0, 10.0, 20.0, 25.0, 10.0, 8.0])

fwhm_e = 2.0 * N.sqrt(
    2.0 * N.log(2.0)) * 100.0 / (1.5192669 * dt * per_traj_length *
                                 (n_frames - 1.0))

print fwhm_e
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def hasValidPositions(self):
     return N.logical_and.reduce(
         N.ravel(N.less(self.array, Utility.undefined_limit)))
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def __rdiv__(self, other):
     return self._arithmetic(other, lambda a, b: N.divide(b, a), True)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def hasPoint(self, point):
     center_line = LineSegment(self.center1, self.center2)
     pt = center_line.projectionOf(point)
     if pt is None:
         return 0
     return N.fabs((point - pt).length() - self.radius) < eps
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self,
                 temperature=300. * Units.K,
        :param universe: the system for which the normal modes are calculated;
                         it must have a force field which provides the second
                         derivatives of the potential energy
        :type universe: :class:~MMTK.Universe.Universe
        :param friction: the friction coefficient for each particle.
                         Note: The friction coefficients are not mass-weighted,
                         i.e. they have the dimension of an inverse time.
        :type friction: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
        :param temperature: the temperature for which the amplitudes of the
                            atomic displacement vectors are calculated. A
                            value of None can be specified to have no scaling
                            at all. In that case the mass-weighted norm
                            of each normal mode is one.
        :type temperature: float
        :param subspace: the basis for the subspace in which the normal modes
                         are calculated (or, more precisely, a set of vectors
                         spanning the subspace; it does not have to be
                         orthogonal). This can either be a sequence of
                         :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleVector objects
                         or a tuple of two such sequences. In the second case,
                         the subspace is defined by the space spanned by the
                         second set of vectors projected on the complement of
                         the space spanned by the first set of vectors.
                         The first set thus defines directions that are
                         excluded from the subspace.
                         The default value of None indicates a standard
                         normal mode calculation in the 3N-dimensional
                         configuration space.
        :param delta: the rms step length for numerical differentiation.
                      The default value of None indicates analytical
                      Numerical differentiation is available only when a
                      subspace basis is used as well. Instead of calculating
                      the full force constant matrix and then multiplying
                      with the subspace basis, the subspace force constant
                      matrix is obtained by numerical differentiation of the
                      energy gradients along the basis vectors of the subspace.
                      If the basis is much smaller than the full configuration
                      space, this approach needs much less memory.
        :type delta: float
        :param sparse: a flag that indicates if a sparse representation of
                       the force constant matrix is to be used. This is of
                       interest when there are no long-range interactions and
                       a subspace of smaller size then 3N is specified. In that
                       case, the calculation will use much less memory with a
                       sparse representation.
        :type sparse: bool

        if universe == None:
        Features.checkFeatures(self, universe)
        Core.NormalModes.__init__(self, universe, subspace, delta, sparse,
                                  ['array', 'inv_relaxation_times'])
        self.friction = friction
        self.temperature = temperature

        self.weights = N.sqrt(friction.array)
        self.weights = self.weights[:, N.NewAxis]

        ev = self._diagonalize()

        self.inv_relaxation_times = ev
        self.sort_index = N.argsort(self.inv_relaxation_times)
        self.array.shape = (self.nmodes, self.natoms, 3)

Ejemplo n.º 38
    def finalize(self):
        """Finalizes the calculations (e.g. averaging the total term, output files creations ...).

        if self.architecture == 'monoprocessor':
            t = self.trajectory
            # Load the whole trajectory set.
            t = Trajectory(None, self.trajectoryFilename, 'r')

        orderedAtoms = sorted(t.universe.atomList(),
        groups = [
            Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in g]) for g in self.group

        # 'freqencies' = 1D Numeric array. Frequencies at which the DOS was computed
        frequencies = N.arange(self.nFrames) / (2.0 * self.nFrames * self.dt)

        # The NetCDF output file is opened for writing.
        outputFile = NetCDFFile(self.output, 'w')
        outputFile.title = self.__class__.__name__
        outputFile.jobinfo = self.information + '\nOutput file written on: %s\n\n' % asctime(

        # Dictionnary whose keys are of the form Gi where i is the group number
        # and the entries are the list of the index of the atoms building the group.
        comp = 1
        for g in self.group:
            outputFile.jobinfo += 'Group %d: %s\n' % (comp,
                                                      [index for index in g])
            comp += 1

        # Some dimensions are created.
        outputFile.createDimension('NFRAMES', self.nFrames)

        # Creation of the NetCDF output variables.
        # The time.
        TIMES = outputFile.createVariable('time', N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        TIMES[:] = self.times[:]
        TIMES.units = 'ps'

        # The resolution function.
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION = outputFile.createVariable('resolution_function',
                                                       N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION[:] = self.resolutionFunction[:]
        RESOLUTIONFUNCTION.units = 'unitless'

        # Creation of the NetCDF output variables.
        # The frequencies.
        FREQUENCIES = outputFile.createVariable('frequency', N.Float,
                                                ('NFRAMES', ))
        FREQUENCIES[:] = frequencies[:]
        FREQUENCIES.units = 'THz'

        OMEGAS = outputFile.createVariable('angular_frequency', N.Float,
                                           ('NFRAMES', ))
        OMEGAS[:] = 2.0 * N.pi * frequencies[:]
        OMEGAS.units = 'rad ps-1'

        avacfTotal = N.zeros((self.nFrames), typecode=N.Float)
        adosTotal = N.zeros((self.nFrames), typecode=N.Float)

        comp = 1
        totalMass = 0.0
        for g in groups:

            AVACF = outputFile.createVariable('avacf-group%s' % comp, N.Float,
                                              ('NFRAMES', ))
            AVACF[:] = self.AVACF[comp][:]
            AVACF.units = 'rad^2*ps^-2'

            N.add(avacfTotal, self.AVACF[comp], avacfTotal)

            ADOS = outputFile.createVariable('ados-group%s' % comp, N.Float,
                                             ('NFRAMES', ))
            ADOS[:] = self.ADOS[comp][:]
            ADOS.units = 'rad^2*ps^-1'

            N.add(adosTotal, g.mass() * self.ADOS[comp], adosTotal)

            comp += 1
            totalMass += g.mass()

        adosTotal *= 0.5 * self.dt / (self.nGroups * totalMass)

        AVACF = outputFile.createVariable('avacf-total', N.Float,
                                          ('NFRAMES', ))
        AVACF[:] = avacfTotal
        AVACF.units = 'rad^2*ps^-2'

        ADOS = outputFile.createVariable('ados-total', N.Float, ('NFRAMES', ))
        ADOS[:] = adosTotal
        ADOS.units = 'rad^2*ps^-1'

        asciiVar = sorted(outputFile.variables.keys())


        self.toPlot = {
            'netcdf': self.output,
            'xVar': 'angular_frequency',
            'yVar': 'ados-total'

        # Create an ASCII version of the NetCDF output file.
        convertNetCDFToASCII(inputFile = self.output,\
                             outputFile = os.path.splitext(self.output)[0] + '.cdl',\
                             variables = asciiVar)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def calc(self, atomIndexes, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param atomIndexes: the index of the atoms of the group.
        @type atomIndexes: list of integers.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(),
        group = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in atomIndexes])

        j, m, n = self.wignerIndexes

        # Those matrix will store the quaternions and the CMS coming from the RBT trajectory.
        quaternions = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 4), typecode=N.Float)

        # Case of a moving reference.
        if self.stepwiseRBT:

            # The reference configuration is always the one of the previous frame excepted for the first frame
            # where it is set by definition to the first frame (could we think about a cyclic alternative way ?).
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]

                if comp == 0:
                    previousFrame = self.firstFrame

                    previousFrame = self.frameIndexes[comp - 1]

                refConfig = trajectory.configuration[previousFrame]

                # The RBT is created just for the current step.
                rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                         first = frameIndex,\
                                                         last = frameIndex + 1,\
                                                         skip = 1,\
                                                         reference = refConfig)

                # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
                quaternions[comp, :] = copy.copy(rbt.quaternions)

        # The simplest case, the reference frame is fixed.
        # A unique RBT is performed from first to last skipping skip steps and using refConfig as the reference.
            # If a fixed reference has been set. We can already set the reference configuration here.
            refConfig = trajectory.configuration[self.referenceFrame]

            # The RBT is created.
            rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                     first = self.first,\
                                                     last = self.last,\
                                                     skip = self.skip,\
                                                     reference = refConfig)

            quaternions = rbt.quaternions

        # c1 is the scaling factor converting Wigner function into spherical harmonics. It depends only on j.
        c1 = N.sqrt(((2.0 * j + 1) / (4.0 * N.pi)))

        quat2 = N.zeros(quaternions.shape, typecode=N.Complex)
        # quat2[:,0] refers to the (q0+iq3) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 0] = quaternions[:, 0] + 1j * quaternions[:, 3]
        # quat2[:,2] refers to the (q2+iq1) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 2] = quaternions[:, 2] + 1j * quaternions[:, 1]
        # quat2[:,1] refers to the (q0-iq3) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 1] = N.conjugate(quat2[:, 0])
        # quat2[:,3] refers to the (q2-iq1) of equation 3.55
        quat2[:, 3] = N.conjugate(quat2[:, 2])

        pp = self.preparePP(j, m, n)
        Djmn = N.add.reduce(
            N.multiply.reduce(quat2[:, N.NewAxis, :]**pp[0][N.NewAxis, :, :],
                              -1) * pp[1], 1)

        if m == n:
            Djnm = Djmn
            pp = self.preparePP(j, n, m)
            Djnm = N.add.reduce(
                    quat2[:, N.NewAxis, :]**pp[0][N.NewAxis, :, :], -1) *
                pp[1], 1)

        Djmn = Djmn * c1
        Djnm = Djnm * c1

        return atomIndexes, (Djmn, Djnm)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def calc(self, atomIndexes, trajectory):
        """Calculates the contribution for one group.
        @param atomIndexes: the index of the atoms of the group.
        @type atomIndexes: list of integers.
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object

        orderedAtoms = sorted(trajectory.universe.atomList(),
        group = Collection([orderedAtoms[ind] for ind in atomIndexes])

        rbtPerGroup = {}
        # Those matrix will store the quaternions and the CMS coming from the RBT trajectory.
        rbtPerGroup['quaternions'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 4),
        rbtPerGroup['com'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 3), typecode=N.Float)
        rbtPerGroup['fit'] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, ), typecode=N.Float)
        rbtPerGroup['trajectory'] = {}

        # Case of a moving reference.
        if self.stepwiseRBT:

            # The reference configuration is always the one of the previous frame excepted for the first frame
            # where it is set by definition to the first frame (could we think about a cyclic alternative way ?).
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                frameIndex = self.frameIndexes[comp]

                if comp == 0:
                    previousFrame = self.firstFrame

                    previousFrame = self.frameIndexes[comp - 1]

                refConfig = trajectory.configuration[previousFrame]

                # The RBT is created just for the current step.
                rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                         first = frameIndex,\
                                                         last = frameIndex + 1,\
                                                         skip = 1,\
                                                         reference = refConfig)

                # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
                rbtPerGroup['quaternions'][comp, :] = copy.copy(
                rbtPerGroup['com'][comp, :] = copy.copy(rbt.cms)
                rbtPerGroup['fit'][comp] = copy.copy(rbt.fit)

        # The simplest case, the reference frame is fixed.
        # A unique RBT is performed from first to last skipping skip steps and using refConfig as the reference.

            # If a fixed reference has been set. We can already set the reference configuration here.
            refConfig = trajectory.configuration[self.referenceFrame]

            # The RBT is created.
            rbt = trajectory.readRigidBodyTrajectory(group,\
                                                     first = self.first,\
                                                     last = self.last,\
                                                     skip = self.skip,\
                                                     reference = refConfig)

            # The corresponding quaternions and cms are stored in their corresponding matrix.
            rbtPerGroup['quaternions'] = copy.copy(rbt.quaternions)
            rbtPerGroup['com'] = copy.copy(rbt.cms)
            rbtPerGroup['fit'] = copy.copy(rbt.fit)

        # I can not use the centers of mass defined by rbt.cms because the reference frame
        # selected can be out of the selected frames for the Rigid Body Trajectory.
        centerOfMass = group.centerOfMass(refConfig)

        # Loop over the atoms of the group to set the RBT trajectory.
        for atom in group:

            rbtPerGroup['trajectory'][atom.index] = N.zeros((self.nFrames, 3),

            # The coordinates of the atoms are centered around the center of mass of the group.
            xyz = refConfig[atom] - centerOfMass

            # Loop over the selected frames.
            for comp in range(self.nFrames):

                # The rotation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                transfo = Quaternion(
                    rbtPerGroup['quaternions'][comp, :]).asRotation()

                if self.removeTranslation:
                    # The transformation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                    transfo = Translation(centerOfMass) * transfo

                # Compose with the CMS translation if the removeTranslation flag is set off.
                    # The transformation matrix corresponding to the selected frame in the RBT.
                    transfo = Translation(Vector(
                        rbtPerGroup['com'][comp, :])) * transfo

                # The RBT is performed on the CMS centered coordinates of atom at.
                rbtPerGroup['trajectory'][atom.index][comp, :] = transfo(

        return atomIndexes, rbtPerGroup
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def _dihedral_parameters(p):
     return [p[4], Numeric.cos(p[5]), Numeric.sin(p[5]), p[6]]
    def threeAngles(self, e1, e2, e3, tolerance=1e-7):
        Find three angles a1, a2, a3 such that
        is equal to the rotation object. e1, e2, and
        e3 are non-zero vectors. There are two solutions, both of which
        are computed.

        @param e1: a rotation axis
        @type e1: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
        @param e2: a rotation axis
        @type e2: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
        @param e3: a rotation axis
        @type e3: L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
        @returns: a list containing two arrays of shape (3,),
                  each containing the three angles of one solution
        @rtype: C{list} of C{N.array}
        @raise ValueError: if two consecutive axes are parallel

        # Written by Pierre Legrand ([email protected])
        # Basically this is a reimplementation of the David
        # Thomas's algorithm [1] described by Gerard Bricogne in [2]:
        # [1] "Modern Equations of Diffractometry. Goniometry." D.J. Thomas
        # Acta Cryst. (1990) A46 Page 321-343.
        # [2] "The ECC Cooperative Programming Workshop on Position-Sensitive
        # Detector Software." G. Bricogne,
        # Computational aspect of Protein Crystal Data Analysis,
        # Proceedings of the Daresbury Study Weekend (23-24/01/1987)
        # Page 122-126

        e1 = e1.normal()
        e2 = e2.normal()
        e3 = e3.normal()

        # We are searching for the three angles a1, a2, a3
        # If 2 consecutive axes are parallel: decomposition is not meaningful
        if (e1.cross(e2)).length() < tolerance or \
           (e2.cross(e3)).length() < tolerance :
            raise ValueError('Consecutive parallel axes. Too many solutions')
        w = self(e3)

        # Solve the equation : _a.cosx + _b.sinx = _c
        _a = e1 * e3 - (e1 * e2) * (e2 * e3)
        _b = e1 * (e2.cross(e3))
        _c = e1 * w - (e1 * e2) * (e2 * e3)
        _norm = (_a**2 + _b**2)**0.5

        # Checking for possible errors in initial Rot matrix
        if _norm == 0:
            raise ValueError('FAILURE 1, norm = 0')
        if abs(_c / _norm) > 1 + tolerance:
            raise ValueError(
                'FAILURE 2' +
                'malformed rotation Tensor (non orthogonal?) %.8f' %
                (_c / _norm))
        #if _c/_norm > 1: raise ValueError('Step1: No solution')
        _th = angleFromSineAndCosine(_b / _norm, _a / _norm)
        _xmth = N.arccos(_c / _norm)

        # a2a and a2b are the two possible solutions to the equation.
        a2a = mod_angle((_th + _xmth), 2 * N.pi)
        a2b = mod_angle((_th - _xmth), 2 * N.pi)

        solutions = []
        # for each solution, find the two other angles (a1, a3).
        for a2 in (a2a, a2b):
            R2 = Rotation(e2, a2)
            v = R2(e3)
            v1 = v - (v * e1) * e1
            w1 = w - (w * e1) * e1
            norm = ((v1 * v1) * (w1 * w1))**0.5
            if norm == 0:
                # in that case rotation 1 and 3 are about the same axis
                # so any solution for rotation 1 is OK
                a1 = 0.
                cosa1 = (v1 * w1) / norm
                sina1 = v1 * (w1.cross(e1)) / norm
                a1 = mod_angle(angleFromSineAndCosine(sina1, cosa1), 2 * N.pi)

            R3 = Rotation(e2, -1 * a2) * Rotation(e1, -1 * a1) * self
            # u = normalized test vector perpendicular to e3
            # if e2 and e3 are // we have an exception before.
            # if we take u = e1^e3 then it will not work for
            # Euler and Kappa axes.
            u = (e2.cross(e3)).normal()
            cosa3 = u * R3(u)
            sina3 = u * (R3(u).cross(e3))
            a3 = mod_angle(angleFromSineAndCosine(sina3, cosa3), 2 * N.pi)

            solutions.append(N.array([a1, a2, a3]))

        # Gives the closest solution to 0,0,0 first
        if N.add.reduce(solutions[0]**2) > \
            solutions = [solutions[1], solutions[0]]
        return solutions
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def coherentScatteringFunction(self,
                                   time_range=(0., None, None),
        :param q: the angular wavenumber
        :type q: float
        :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                           displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                           range tuple (first, last, step).
                           The defaults are first=0, last=
                           20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                           and step defined such that 300 points are
                           used in total.
        :type time_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                        (default: coherent scattering lengths)
        :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Coherent Scattering Function as a function of time
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights / N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights * weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
        if last is None:
            last = 3. / self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 300.
        time = N.arange(first, last, step)

        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        kT = Units.k_B * self.temperature
        fcoh = N.zeros((len(time), ), N.Complex)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            phase = N.exp(-1.j * q * N.dot(r, v.array))
            for ai in range(natoms):
                fbt = N.zeros((natoms, len(time)), N.Float)
                for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                    irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                    d = q * N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                        / N.sqrt(friction)
                    ft = N.exp(-irt * time) / irt
                    N.add(fbt, d[ai] * d[:, N.NewAxis] * ft[N.NewAxis, :], fbt)
                    N.add(fbt, (-0.5 / irt) * (d[ai]**2 + d[:, N.NewAxis]**2),
                    fcoh, weights[ai] * phase[ai] *
                    N.dot(weights * N.conjugate(phase), N.exp(kT * fbt)), fcoh)
        return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), fcoh.real / len(random_vectors))
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def incoherentScatteringFunction(self,
                                     time_range=(0., None, None),
        :param q: the angular wavenumber
        :type q: float
        :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                           displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                           range tuple (first, last, step).
                           The defaults are first=0, last=
                           20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                           and step defined such that 300 points are
                           used in total.
        :type time_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Incoherent Scattering Function as a function of time
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights_inc = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
        weights_inc = N.repeat(weights_inc.array**2, mask.array)
        weights_inc = weights_inc / N.add.reduce(weights_inc)
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        mass = N.repeat(self.universe.masses().array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
        if last is None:
            last = 3. / self.weighedMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 300.
        time = N.arange(first, last, step)

        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        kT = Units.k_B * self.temperature
        finc = N.zeros((len(time), ), N.Float)
        eisf = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            phase = N.exp(-1.j * q * N.dot(r, v.array))
            faat = N.zeros((natoms, len(time)), N.Float)
            eisf_sum = N.zeros((natoms, ), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = q * N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                    / N.sqrt(friction)
                ft = (N.exp(-irt * time) - 1.) / irt
                N.add(faat, d[:, N.NewAxis]**2 * ft[N.NewAxis, :], faat)
                N.add(eisf_sum, -d**2 / irt, eisf_sum)
            N.add(finc, N.sum(weights_inc[:, N.NewAxis] * N.exp(kT * faat), 0),
            eisf = eisf + N.sum(weights_inc * N.exp(kT * eisf_sum))
        return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), finc / len(random_vectors))
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def partitionIndex(self, x):
     return (int(N.floor(x[0] / self.partition_size)),
             int(N.floor(x[1] / self.partition_size)),
             int(N.floor(x[2] / self.partition_size)))
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def staticStructureFactor(self,
                              q_range=(1., 15.),
        :param q_range: the range of angular wavenumber values
        :type q_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                        (default: coherent scattering lengths)
        :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Static Structure Factor as a
                  function of angular wavenumber
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights / N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights * weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (q_range + (None, ))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        kT = Units.k_B * self.temperature
        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        sq = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            sab = N.zeros((natoms, natoms), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                       / N.sqrt(friction)
                sab = sab + (d[N.NewAxis, :] - d[:, N.NewAxis])**2 / irt
            sab = sab[N.NewAxis, :, :] * q[:, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis]**2
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q[:, N.NewAxis]
                          * N.dot(r, v.array)[N.NewAxis, :]) \
                    * weights[N.NewAxis, :]
            temp = N.sum(phase[:, :, N.NewAxis] * N.exp(-0.5 * kT * sab), 1)
            temp = N.sum(N.conjugate(phase) * temp, 1)
            sq = sq + temp.real
        return InterpolatingFunction((q, ), sq / len(random_vectors))
    def findClusters(self,
        @param preferences: the preference values for the cluster
            identification. This can be either a single number,
            or a sequence with one value per item.
        @type preferences: C{float} or sequence of C{float}

        @param max_iterations: the number of iterations at which the
            algorithm is stopped even if there is no convergence.
        @type max_iterations: C{int}

        @param convergence: the number of iterations during which the
            cluster decomposition must remain stable before it is
            returned as converged.
        @type convergence: C{int}

        @param damping: a number between 0 and 1 that influences
            by fast affinity and responsibility values can change.
        @type damping: C{float}
        preferences = N.array(preferences)
        if len(preferences.shape) == 0:
            preferences = preferences + N.zeros((self.nitems, ), N.Float)
        if len(preferences) != self.nitems:
            raise ValueError("Number of preferences != number of items")

        noise_scale = 1.e-12 * (self.largest_similarity -
        s = N.concatenate([self.similarities, preferences])
        for i in range(len(s)):
            s[i] += noise_scale * random.random()
        a = N.zeros(s.shape, N.Float)
        r = N.zeros(s.shape, N.Float)
        iterations_left = max_iterations
        convergence_count = 0
        self.exemplar = N.zeros((self.nitems, ), N.Int)
        while True:
            a, r = _affinityPropagation(self, s, a, r, damping)
            e = a + r
            exemplar = N.zeros((self.nitems, ), N.Int)
            for i in range(self.nitems):
                ii, ik = self.e_indices[i]
                exemplar[i] = ik[N.argmax(N.take(e, ii))]
            if N.logical_and.reduce(exemplar == self.exemplar):
                convergence_count += 1
                if convergence_count == convergence:
                self.exemplar = exemplar
            iterations_left -= 1
            if iterations_left == 0:
                raise ValueError("no convergence in %d iterations" %
        clusters = []
        indices = N.arange(self.nitems)
        exemplar_indices = N.repeat(indices, self.exemplar == indices)
        for i in exemplar_indices:
            members = list(N.repeat(indices,
                                    self.exemplar == self.exemplar[i]))
            members.insert(0, i)
            clusters.append([self.items[m] for m in members])
        return clusters
 def simfunc(p1, p2):
     return -N.sum((p1 - p2)**2)
                N.take(rpos, dataset.a_update_indices_2[i]))
        a_new[:-dataset.nitems] = N.minimum(0., a_new[:-dataset.nitems])
        a = damping * a + (1 - damping) * a_new

        return a, r

if __name__ == "__main__":

    points = N.array([[-2.341500, 3.696800], [-1.109200, 3.111700],
                      [-1.566900, 1.835100], [-2.658500, 0.664900],
                      [-4.031700, 2.845700], [-3.081000, 2.101100],
                      [2.588000, 1.781900], [3.292300, 3.058500],
                      [4.031700, 1.622300], [3.081000, -0.611700],
                      [0.264100, 0.398900], [1.320400, 2.207400],
                      [0.193700, 3.643600], [1.954200, -0.505300],
                      [1.637300, 1.409600], [-0.123200, -1.516000],
                      [-1.355600, -3.058500], [0.017600, -4.016000],
                      [1.003500, -3.590400], [0.017600, -2.420200],
                      [-1.531700, -0.930900], [-1.144400, 0.505300],
                      [0.616200, -1.516000], [1.707700, -2.207400],
                      [2.095100, 3.430900]])

    def simfunc(p1, p2):
        return -N.sum((p1 - p2)**2)

    data = DataSet(points, simfunc, symmetric=True)
    clusters = [N.array(c) for c in data.findClusters(data.median_similarity)]
    for c in clusters:
        print c
    from Gnuplot import plot
 def _setupAIndices1(self):
     indices = N.zeros((self.nsimilarities, ), N.Int)
     for i in range(self.nitems):
         for k, index in self.index[i].items():
             indices[index] = self.index[k][k]
     self.a_update_indices_1 = indices
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def send(self, data, destination, tag):
     if destination != 0:
         raise MPIError("invalid MPI destination")
     self.messages.append((tag, Numeric.array(data,
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def _addData(self, data, weights):
     data = N.array(data, N.Float)
     weights = N.array(weights, N.Float)
     mask = N.logical_and(N.less_equal(data, self.max),
                          N.greater_equal(data, self.min))
     data = N.repeat(data, mask)
     weights = N.repeat(weights, mask)
     data = N.floor((data - self.min)/self.bin_width).astype(N.Int)
     nbins = self.array.shape[0]
     histo = N.add.reduce(weights*N.equal(N.arange(nbins)[:,N.NewAxis],
                                          data), -1)
     histo[-1] = histo[-1] + N.add.reduce(N.repeat(weights,
                                                   N.equal(nbins, data)))
     self.array[:, 1] =  self.array[:, 1] + histo
Ejemplo n.º 53
def _intersectSphereCone(sphere, cone):
    if sphere.center != cone.center:
        raise GeomError("Not yet implemented")
    from_center = sphere.radius * N.cos(cone.angle)
    radius = sphere.radius * N.sin(cone.angle)
    return Circle(cone.center + from_center * cone.axis, cone.axis, radius)
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def __call__(self, **options):
        # Process the keyword arguments
        # Check if the universe has features not supported by the integrator
        Features.checkFeatures(self, self.universe)

        RT = R * self.getOption('T')
        delta_t = self.getOption('delta_t')

        if 'steps_per_trial' in self.call_options.keys():
            steps_per_trial = self.getOption('steps_per_trial')
            ntrials = self.getOption('steps') / steps_per_trial
            steps_per_trial = self.getOption('steps')
            ntrials = 1

        if 'max_diff' in self.call_options.keys():
            max_diff = self.getOption('max_diff')
            max_diff = 1000.

        if 'normalize' in self.call_options.keys():
            normalize = self.getOption('normalize')
            normalize = False

        # Seed the random number generator
        if 'random_seed' in self.call_options.keys():

        # Get the universe variables needed by the integrator
        masses = self.universe.masses()
        fixed = self.universe.getAtomBooleanArray('fixed')
        nt = self.getOption('threads')
        comm = self.getOption('mpi_communicator')
        evaluator = self.universe.energyEvaluator(threads=nt,
        evaluator = evaluator.CEvaluator()

        late_args = (masses.array, fixed.array, evaluator,
                     N.zeros((0, 2), N.Int), N.zeros(
                         (0, ), N.Float), N.zeros((1, ), N.Int),
                     N.zeros((0, ), N.Float), N.zeros(
                         (2, ), N.Float), N.zeros(
                             (0, ), N.Float), N.zeros((1, ), N.Float), delta_t,
                     self.getOption('first_step'), steps_per_trial,
                     self.getActions(), 'Velocity Verlet step')

        xs = []
        energies = []

        # Store initial configuration and potential energy
        xo = np.copy(self.universe.configuration().array)
        pe_o = self.universe.energy()

        acc = 0
        for t in range(ntrials):
            # Initialize the velocity
            # Store total energy
            eo = pe_o + self.universe.kineticEnergy()

            # Run the velocity verlet integrator
                     (self.universe, self.universe.configuration().array,
                      self.universe.velocities().array) + late_args)

            # Decide whether to accept the move
            pe_n = self.universe.energy()
            en = pe_n + self.universe.kineticEnergy()

            diff = np.abs(en - eo)

            if (not np.isnan(en)) and (diff < max_diff):
                xo = np.copy(self.universe.configuration().array)
                pe_o = pe_n
                acc += 1
                if normalize:
                # print diff
                    self.universe, xo))


        return (xs, energies, acc, ntrials, delta_t)
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def project(self, axis, plane):
     self.depth = Numeric.dot(self.points, axis)
     self.projection = Numeric.dot(self.points, plane)
Ejemplo n.º 56
def _intersectBoxBox(box1, box2):
    c1 = N.maximum(box1.corners[0], box2.corners[0])
    c2 = N.minimum(box1.corners[1], box2.corners[1])
    if N.logical_or.reduce(N.greater_equal(c1, c2)):
        return None
    return Box(Vector(c1), Vector(c2))
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def check_var(self, varName, sValues, pValues):
     errorMax = max(abs(N.ravel(sValues - pValues)))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(errorMax, 0.0, 6)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def __rsub__(self, other):
     return self._arithmetic(other, lambda a, b: N.subtract(b, a))
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def __call__(self, **options):
        # Process the keyword arguments
        # Check if the universe has features not supported by the integrator
        Features.checkFeatures(self, self.universe)
        RT = R*self.getOption('T')
        delta_t = self.getOption('delta_t')
        if 'steps_per_trial' in self.call_options.keys():
          steps_per_trial = self.getOption('steps_per_trial')
          ntrials = self.getOption('steps')/steps_per_trial
          steps_per_trial = self.getOption('steps')
          ntrials = 1
        if 'normalize' in self.call_options.keys():
          normalize = self.getOption('normalize')
          normalize = False          
        # Get the universe variables needed by the integrator
        masses = self.universe.masses()
        fixed = self.universe.getAtomBooleanArray('fixed')
        nt = self.getOption('threads')
        comm = self.getOption('mpi_communicator')
        evaluator = self.universe.energyEvaluator(threads=nt,
        evaluator = evaluator.CEvaluator()

        late_args = (
                masses.array, fixed.array, evaluator,
                N.zeros((0, 2), N.Int), N.zeros((0, ), N.Float),
                N.zeros((1,), N.Int),
                N.zeros((0,), N.Float), N.zeros((2,), N.Float),
                N.zeros((0,), N.Float), N.zeros((1,), N.Float),
                delta_t, self.getOption('first_step'),
                steps_per_trial, self.getActions(),
                'Velocity Verlet step')
        xs = []
        energies = []
        acc = 0
        for t in range(ntrials):
          # Initialize the velocity

          # Store previous configuration and initial energy
          xo = self.universe.copyConfiguration()
          pe_o = self.universe.energy()
          eo = pe_o + self.universe.kineticEnergy()

          # Run the velocity verlet integrator
             self.universe.velocities().array) + late_args)

          # Decide whether to accept the move
          pe_n = self.universe.energy()
          en = pe_n + self.universe.kineticEnergy()
          if not math.isnan(en):
            acc += 1
            if normalize:
            pe_n = pe_o
        return (xs, energies, float(acc)/float(ntrials), delta_t)
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def hasPoint(self, point):
     return N.fabs((point - self.center).length() - self.radius) < eps