Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Tx.py Proyecto: aroff/bitchain
class TxIn:
    def __init__(self,
        self.prev_tx = prev_tx
        self.prev_index = prev_index
        if script_sig is None:
            self.script_sig = Script()
            self.script_sig = script_sig
        self.sequence = sequence

    def fetch_tx(self, testnet=False):
        return TxFetcher.fetch(self.prev_tx.hex(), testnet=testnet)

    def serialize(self):
        # Returns the byte serialization of the transaction input
        # serialize prev_tx, little endian
        result = self.prev_tx[::-1]
        # serialize prev_index, 4 bytes, little endian
        result += int_to_little_endian(self.prev_index, 4)
        # serialize the script_sig
        result += self.script_sig.serialize()
        # serialize sequence, 4 bytes, little endian
        result += int_to_little_endian(self.sequence, 4)
        return result

    def script_pubkey(self, testnet=False):
        # Get the ScriptPubKey by looking up the tx hash Returns a Script object

        # use self.fetch_tx to get the transaction
        tx = self.fetch_tx(testnet=testnet)
        # get the output at self.prev_index
        # return the script_pubkey property
        return tx.tx_outs[self.prev_index].script_pubkey

    def parse(cls, s):
        # Takes a byte stream and parses the tx_input at the start. return a TxIn object

        # prev_tx is 32 bytes, little endian
        prev_tx = s.read(32)[::-1]
        # prev_index is an integer in 4 bytes, little endian
        prev_index = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
        # use Script.parse to get the ScriptSig
        script_sig = Script.parse(s)
        # sequence is an integer in 4 bytes, little-endian
        sequence = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
        # return an instance of the class (see __init__ for args)
        return cls(prev_tx, prev_index, script_sig, sequence)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TxIn:
    def __init__(self, prev_tx, prev_index, script_sig=None, sequence=0xffffffff):
        self.prev_tx = prev_tx
        self.prev_index = prev_index
        if script_sig is None:  # <1>
            self.script_sig = Script()
            self.script_sig = script_sig
        self.sequence = sequence

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}:{}'.format(
    # end::source2[]

    def parse(cls, s):
        '''Takes a byte stream and parses the tx_input at the start
        return a TxIn object
        # prev_tx is 32 bytes, little endian
        # prev_index is an integer in 4 bytes, little endian
        # use Script.parse to get the ScriptSig
        # sequence is an integer in 4 bytes, little-endian
        # return an instance of the class (see __init__ for args)
        # raise NotImplementedError
        prev_tx = s.read(32)[::-1]
        prev_index = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
        script_sig = Script.parse(s)
        sequence = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
        return cls(prev_tx, prev_index, script_sig, sequence)

    # tag::source5[]
    def serialize(self):
        '''Returns the byte serialization of the transaction input'''
        result = self.prev_tx[::-1]
        result += int_to_little_endian(self.prev_index, 4)
        result += self.script_sig.serialize()
        result += int_to_little_endian(self.sequence, 4)
        return result
    # end::source5[]

    # tag::source8[]
    def fetch_tx(self, testnet=False):
        return TxFetcher.fetch(self.prev_tx.hex(), testnet=testnet)

    def value(self, testnet=False):
        '''Get the output value by looking up the tx hash.
        Returns the amount in satoshi.
        tx = self.fetch_tx(testnet=testnet)
        return tx.tx_outs[self.prev_index].amount

    def script_pubkey(self, testnet=False):
        '''Get the ScriptPubKey by looking up the tx hash.
        Returns a Script object.
        tx = self.fetch_tx(testnet=testnet)
        return tx.tx_outs[self.prev_index].script_pubkey