import numpy as np

path = "lena.bmp"

#Read and process image
IP = ImageProcessor()
img = IP.getImg(path)/256.
imgSize = IP.getSize(path)
imgSpace = IP.process(path)

#Segment image
S = Segmenter()
K = 300 #number of clusters
errorThreshold = 0.01
clusters = S.segment(K, imgSpace, imgSize, errorThreshold)

#Get back clusters into image shape
width, height = imgSize[0],imgSize[1]
clusters = np.flipud(clusters.reshape((width,height)))

#Plot image
# Reduce the data by a factor of 4 (so that we can see the points)
im = img
# generate coordinates for the image. Note that the image is "top down", so the y coordinate goes from high to low.
ys, xs = np.mgrid[im.shape[0]:0:-1, 0:im.shape[1]]
# Scatter plots take 1d arrays of xs and ys, and the colour takes a 2d array,
# with the second dimension being RGB
plt.scatter(xs.flatten(), ys.flatten(), s=4, c=im.flatten().reshape(-1, 3), edgecolor='face')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

path = "lena.bmp"

#Read and process image
IP = ImageProcessor()
img = IP.getImg(path) / 256.
imgSize = IP.getSize(path)
imgSpace = IP.process(path)

#Segment image
S = Segmenter()
K = 300  #number of clusters
errorThreshold = 0.01
clusters = S.segment(K, imgSpace, imgSize, errorThreshold)

#Get back clusters into image shape
width, height = imgSize[0], imgSize[1]
clusters = np.flipud(clusters.reshape((width, height)))

#Plot image
# Reduce the data by a factor of 4 (so that we can see the points)
im = img
# generate coordinates for the image. Note that the image is "top down", so the y coordinate goes from high to low.
ys, xs = np.mgrid[im.shape[0]:0:-1, 0:im.shape[1]]
# Scatter plots take 1d arrays of xs and ys, and the colour takes a 2d array,
# with the second dimension being RGB