Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, sf, init_weight, sensorflyOwnMap, sf0):
     self.weight = init_weight
     self.landmarkDict = {}
     # Local coverage map for each particle
     self.localMap = GridMap(sensorflyOwnMap.length,
     if 1:
         self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(
             sf.x - sf0.x, sf.y - sf0.y)
         self.pos = [
             self.pos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength / 2),
             self.pos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth / 2)
         self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(
             sf.x - sf0.x, sf.y - sf0.y)
         self.lastpos = [
             self.lastpos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength / 2),
             self.lastpos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth / 2)
         self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
         self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
     # SensorFly constructor
     SensorFly.__init__(self, sf.name, sf.x, sf.y, sf.dir, sf.battery, sf.noiseVelocity, sf.noise_turn, \
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, _init_coverageProbMap, num_particles, sflist):
     # Initialize attributes
     self.c_map = _init_coverageProbMap
     self.num_particles = num_particles
     self.numRevisit = 0
     self.numlandmarks = 0
     self.control = SMController()
     self.localMaps = []
     self.landmarks = {}
     # Initialize particle dictionary
     self.particles = {}
     sf0 = sflist[0] # the location of the 1st sensorfly in the real world is used as a relative origin
     for sf in sflist:
         # Keep a local coverage map for each SensorFly
         sensorflyOwnMap = GridMap(self.c_map.length, self.c_map.breadth, 
                            self.c_map.celllength, self.c_map.cellbreadth)
         plist = []
         pwts = []
         for i in range(num_particles): #@UnusedVariable
             # A list of particles for each SensorFly
             p = Particle(sf, float(1)/float(num_particles), sensorflyOwnMap, sf0)
         self.particles[sf.name] = [plist, pwts]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, sf, init_weight, sensorflyOwnMap, sf0):
     self.weight = init_weight
     self.landmarkDict = {}
     # Local coverage map for each particle
     self.localMap = GridMap(sensorflyOwnMap.length, sensorflyOwnMap.breadth, 
                            sensorflyOwnMap.celllength, sensorflyOwnMap.cellbreadth)
     if 1:
         self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x-sf0.x, sf.y-sf0.y)
         self.pos = [self.pos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength/2), self.pos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth/2)]
         self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x-sf0.x, sf.y-sf0.y)
         self.lastpos = [self.lastpos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength/2), self.lastpos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth/2)]
         self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
         self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
     # SensorFly constructor
     SensorFly.__init__(self, sf.name, sf.x, sf.y, sf.dir, sf.battery, sf.noiseVelocity, sf.noise_turn, \
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Controller(object):
    Simulation Engine

    def __init__(self, arena):
        Params: arena - Arena object for the simulation
        self.arena = arena
        self.explorers = list()
        self.anchors = list()
        self.base = [1, 1]
        self.deltick = []
        #added by xinlei
        self.state = "Unregistered"
        self.round = 0

    def addExplorer(self, sf):
        Add a SensorFly to the simulation

    def addExplorers(self, explorers):
        Add list of SensorFly objects in the simulation
        for sf in explorers:

    def removeExplorer(self, name):
        Remove a SensorFly from the simulation
        self.explorers = filter(lambda sf: sf.name != name, self.explorers)

    def setExplorerStartLocation(self, base):
        # this function sets start locations of explorers around the given
        # "base" and "radius"
        self.base = base
        sfnum = len(self.explorers)
        radius = sfnum * 2

        # get x range
        if base[0] < radius / 2 + 2:
            x_range = range(1, radius)
        elif base[0] > self.arena.gridmap.gridlength - 2 - radius / 2:
            x_range = range(self.arena.gridmap.gridlength -
                            radius - 1, self.arena.gridmap.gridlength - 2)
            x_range = range(base[0] - radius / 2, base[0] + radius / 2 - 1)

        # get y range
        if base[1] < radius / 2 + 2:
            yrange = range(1, radius)
        elif base[1] > self.arena.gridmap.gridbreadth - 2 - radius / 2:
            yrange = range(self.arena.gridmap.gridbreadth -
                           radius - 1, self.arena.gridmap.gridbreadth - 2)
            yrange = range(base[1] - radius / 2, base[1] + radius / 2 - 1)

        for sf in self.explorers:
            i = 0
            while i < 100:
                x = random.sample(set(x_range), 1)[0]
                y = random.sample(set(yrange), 1)[0]
                if self.arena.gridmap.map[x][y] != self.arena.gridmap.v_obstacle:
                    sf.x = x
                    sf.y = y
                i += 1
            if i >= 100:
                return False
        return True

    def addAnchor(self, sf):
        Add a SensorFly to the simulation

    def addAnchors(self, anchors):
        Add list of SensorFly objects in the simulation
        for sf in anchors:

    def removeAnchor(self, name):
        Remove a SensorFly from the simulation
        self.anchors = filter(lambda sf: sf.name != name, self.anchors)
    def getExplorers(self):
        return self.explorers
    def getAnchors(self):
        return self.anchors
    # added by xinlei
    def _state_cnt(self,algo,record,ser):
        for sf in self.explorers:
            #print sf.state,"explorer no.", sf.id
            #print clients[sf.id]
            #print data[sf.id]
            if sf.is_goal_reached:
                sf.state = "Moved"
            if sf.state == "Unregistered":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_1:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_1 = False
                    sf.p_flag_2 = True
            elif sf.state == "Registered":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_2:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_2 = False
                    sf.p_flag_1 = True
                sf.rssi_rcving_flag = True
                sf.gnd_trth_rcd_flag = False
                sf.real_updated = False
                sf.pf_updated_flag = False
                sf.cmd_set_flag = False
            elif sf.state == "GroundTruth":
                if ser.isOpen()==False:
                xbee = XBee(ser)
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_1:
                    self.round += 1 
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_1 = False
                    sf.p_flag_2 = True
                #receive sf.xy
                #print self.state
                #sf.is_moving = False
                if sf.rssi_rcving_flag:
                #print "getting rssi for explorer no.", sf.id
                #if sf.rssi_rcv_all and sf.cmd_set_flag == False:
                algo.update(clients,sf)   #needed to be changed
                sf.file_rcd_flag = False
                #print "explorer no.", sf.id,"[",   sf.command.velocity,sf.command.turn, "}"
            elif sf.state == "Directions":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_2:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_2 = False
                    sf.p_flag_1 = True
                if not sf.file_rcd_flag:
                    record_str =str(self.round)+ ',' + sf.name+','+str(sf.xy[0])+','+ str(sf.xy[1])+','+ \
                               str(sf.pf_estimated_xy[0])+','+str(sf.pf_estimated_xy[1])+','+ \
                               str(sf.rssi[2])+','+str(sf.rssi[3])+','+str(sf.rssi[4])+','+str(sf.rssi[5])+ ','+\
                               str(sf.mag_dir)+','+str(sf.opt)+','+str(int(sf.is_goal_reached))+ ','+\
                               str(sf.command.turn)+ ','+ str(sf.command.velocity*sf.command.time)+','+\
                    print record_str
                    #filestr1 = './'+filestr
                    with open(filestr,'a') as myfile:
                    print "Recording"
                    sf.file_rcd_flag = True
                sf.mag_rcving_flag = True
                sf.mag_rcd_flag = True
            elif sf.state == "Rotating":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_1:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_1 = False
                    sf.p_flag_2 = True
                #start Rotating
               # print self.state
                #sf.is_moving = True
                sf.get_opt_mag(xbee, data)
                sf.mag_rcving_flag = True
                sf.mag_rcd_flag = True
                print data[sf.id]
            elif sf.state == "Rotated":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_2:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_2 = False
                    sf.p_flag_1 = True
                #stop rotating
                #print self.state
                #sf.is_moving = False
                if sf.mag_rcd_flag:
                    print sf.mag_dir
                sf.mag_rcving_flag = False
                sf.mag_rcd_flag = False
                sf.rst_opt_flag = True
                #print sf.mag_dir
                #get sf.mag_dir and update
            elif sf.state == "Moving":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_1:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_1 = False
                    sf.p_flag_2 = True
                #start moving
                #print self.state

                #sf.is_moving = True
                sf.send_rst_opt(xbee)   #reset px4flow distance calculation
                sf.get_opt_mag(xbee, data)
                sf.opt_rcving_flag = True
                sf.opt_rcd_flag = True
                print data[sf.id]
            elif sf.state == "Moved":
                #for print
                if sf.p_flag_2:
                    print "explorer",sf.id,',',sf.state
                    sf.p_flag_2 = False
                    sf.p_flag_1 = True
                sf.gnd_trth_rcd_flag = False
                sf.rssi_rcving_flag = True
                sf.real_updated = False
                sf.cmd_set_flag = False
                sf.pf_updated_flag = False
                #sf.is_moving = False
                #sf.has_turned = False
                if sf.opt_rcd_flag:
                    print sf.opt
                sf.opt_rcving_flag =False
                sf.opt_rcd_flag = False
                if ser.isopen():
                #print sf.opt
                #get sf.mag_dir and update
    def run(self, num_ticks, case, pbar, it,inputClients, inputData,systemRunning,inputfile_str):
        Run the simulation
        Params: runtime - time to run in seconds
                deltick - one tick in seconds
        global clients
        global data
        global filestr
        clients = inputClients
        data = inputData
        filestr = inputfile_str
        #added by xinlei for human experiment    
        ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A5025X6Z',38400)
        #infostr = case.name +','+ str(case.num_explorers) +','+ str(case.num_anchors), case.num_particles, case.max_iterations, \
        #                 case.noise_radio, case.noise_velocity, case.noise_turn, case.noise_mag]
        self.c_map = GridMap(np.zeros(self.arena.gridmap.map.shape))
        self.deltick = case.deltick

        # Change the algorithm here
        algo = dw.DrunkWalk(self.explorers, self.c_map, case)
        # Display
        if case.is_display_on_real:
        record = []
        # Main loop
        state_counter =3
        #for tick in range(0, num_ticks):
        while systemRunning[0]:
         #   self.state = clients[0]["state"]
            #pbar.update((num_ticks * it) + tick)
            #algo.command()  #get command and set command for each explorer
            #self.updateReal()   #execute command and update SensorFly location in real arena
            #algo.update()   #Update the estimates as per command 
            if (tick%100==0):
                if (state_counter<7):
                    state_counter +=1  
                    state_counter = 4
            self.state = States[state_counter]
            self.state = States[4]
            #update state
            for sf in self.explorers:
                sf.state = clients[sf.id]["state"]
                #sf.state = self.state
            global pct_covered
            global is_all_covered
            # Record data
            if case.goal_graph:
                [pct_covered, is_all_covered] = case.goal_graph.getCoverage()
                pct_covered = 0
#             goal_reached = [sf.is_goal_reached for sf in self.explorers]
            global sig_match_cnt
            sig_match_cnt = sum([sf.sig_match_cnt for sf in self.explorers])
            for sf in self.explorers:
                record.append([1, int(sf.name), sf.xy[0], sf.xy[1], \
                               sf.pf_estimated_xy[0], sf.pf_estimated_xy[1], \
                               #sf.dr_estimated_xy[0], sf.dr_estimated_xy[1], pct_covered, sig_match_cnt])
                               sf.dr_estimated_xy[0], sf.dr_estimated_xy[1], pct_covered, sig_match_cnt,sf.certainty,sf.rssi])  #modified by xinlei
            # Visualize
            if case.is_display_on_real:
            if case.stop_on_all_covered and case.goal_graph and is_all_covered:
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Particle(SensorFly):
    Particle for sensorfly
    def __init__(self, sf, init_weight, sensorflyOwnMap, sf0):
        self.weight = init_weight
        self.landmarkDict = {}
        # Local coverage map for each particle
        self.localMap = GridMap(sensorflyOwnMap.length,
        if 1:
            self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(
                sf.x - sf0.x, sf.y - sf0.y)
            self.pos = [
                self.pos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength / 2),
                self.pos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth / 2)
            self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(
                sf.x - sf0.x, sf.y - sf0.y)
            self.lastpos = [
                self.lastpos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength / 2),
                self.lastpos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth / 2)
            self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
            self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
        # SensorFly constructor
        SensorFly.__init__(self, sf.name, sf.x, sf.y, sf.dir, sf.battery, sf.noiseVelocity, sf.noise_turn, \

    def setMoveCommand(self, turn, velocity):
        Params: turn - the angle to turn in degrees
                time - the time to setMoveCommand in seconds
        # Set the command to be executed now
        self.nowCommand.turn = self.odometer.turn(turn)
        self.nowCommand.velocity = self.odometer.velocity(velocity)
        self.dir = (self.dir + self.nowCommand.turn) % 360

    def update(self, sf, deltick):
        Params: deltick - the time tick in seconds
        # Move
        if sf.hasCollided == False:
            oldposxy = [self.pos[0], self.pos[1]]
            self.pos[0] = self.pos[0] + (self.nowCommand.velocity * deltick
                                         ) * math.cos(math.radians(self.dir))
            self.pos[1] = self.pos[1] + (self.nowCommand.velocity * deltick
                                         ) * math.sin(math.radians(self.dir))
            newposxy = self.pos
            self.updateLocalMap(oldposxy, newposxy)
        # Check if SensorFly has collided
        # TODO: Fix the collision coordinates
        self.hasCollided = sf.hasCollided

    def updateLocalMap(self, oldposxy, newposxy):
        Update covered local map
        # Mark new position as covered
        # TODO: Add coverage to all cells along path
        opos = self.localMap.xytocell(oldposxy[0], oldposxy[1])
        npos = self.localMap.xytocell(newposxy[0], newposxy[1])
        self.pos = npos
        self.lastpos = opos
        self.localMap.markMap(npos[0], npos[1], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Particle(SensorFly):
    Particle for sensorfly

    def __init__(self, sf, init_weight, sensorflyOwnMap, sf0):
        self.weight = init_weight
        self.landmarkDict = {}
        # Local coverage map for each particle
        self.localMap = GridMap(sensorflyOwnMap.length, sensorflyOwnMap.breadth, 
                               sensorflyOwnMap.celllength, sensorflyOwnMap.cellbreadth)
        if 1:
            self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x-sf0.x, sf.y-sf0.y)
            self.pos = [self.pos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength/2), self.pos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth/2)]
            self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x-sf0.x, sf.y-sf0.y)
            self.lastpos = [self.lastpos[0] + int(self.localMap.gridlength/2), self.lastpos[1] + int(self.localMap.gridbreadth/2)]
            self.pos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
            self.lastpos = self.localMap.xytocellNoBoundaryCheck(sf.x, sf.y)
        # SensorFly constructor
        SensorFly.__init__(self, sf.name, sf.x, sf.y, sf.dir, sf.battery, sf.noiseVelocity, sf.noise_turn, \
    def setMoveCommand(self, turn, velocity):
        Params: turn - the angle to turn in degrees
                time - the time to setMoveCommand in seconds
        # Set the command to be executed now
        self.nowCommand.turn = self.odometer.turn(turn)
        self.nowCommand.velocity = self.odometer.velocity(velocity)
        self.dir = (self.dir + self.nowCommand.turn) % 360
    def update(self, sf, deltick):
        Params: deltick - the time tick in seconds
        # Move
        if sf.hasCollided == False:
            oldposxy = [self.pos[0], self.pos[1]]
            self.pos[0] = self.pos[0] + (self.nowCommand.velocity * deltick) * math.cos(math.radians(self.dir))
            self.pos[1] = self.pos[1] + (self.nowCommand.velocity * deltick) * math.sin(math.radians(self.dir))
            newposxy = self.pos
            self.updateLocalMap(oldposxy, newposxy)
        # Check if SensorFly has collided
        # TODO: Fix the collision coordinates 
        self.hasCollided = sf.hasCollided
    def updateLocalMap(self, oldposxy, newposxy):
        Update covered local map
        # Mark new position as covered
        # TODO: Add coverage to all cells along path
        opos = self.localMap.xytocell(oldposxy[0],oldposxy[1])
        npos = self.localMap.xytocell(newposxy[0],newposxy[1])
        self.pos = npos
        self.lastpos = opos