Ejemplo n.º 1
r0 = 500  # radius of sphere
print(x0, y0, z0)
csph = (np.sqrt((mesh.gridCC[:, 0] - x0)**2. + (mesh.gridCC[:, 1] - y0)**2. +
                (mesh.gridCC[:, 2] - z0)**2.)) < r0  # indicies of sphere
# sphere done =================================================================

print("Starting forward modeling")
start = clock()
# Define model Background
ln_sigback = 0.023  # chargeability
rx = getRxData()  # rx locations
tx = getTxData()  # tx locations
survey = generateSurvey(rx, tx, 45, 65)  # create survey object
survey.getABMN_locations()  # get locations
uniq = Utils.uniqueRows(
    np.vstack((survey.a_locations, survey.b_locations, survey.m_locations,
               survey.n_locations)))  # row the locations
electrode_locations = uniq[0]  # assign
actinds = Utils.surface2ind_topo(mesh, electrode_locations,
                                 method='cubic')  # active indicies
survey.drapeTopo(mesh, actinds)  # drape topo
# ============================================================================
# Create model
mx = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.015  # chargeability
sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1. / 33000.

# create dipping structure parameters
theta = 45. * np.pi / 180.  # dipping angle
x0_d = 374700.
x1_d = 375000.
y0_d = 6275850.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def from_ambn_locations_to_survey(
        self, a_locations, b_locations, m_locations, n_locations,
        survey_type=None, data_dc=None, data_ip=None, data_sip=None,
        data_dc_type="volt", data_ip_type="volt", data_sip_type="volt",
        fname=None, dimension=2, line_inds=None,
        read A, B, M, N electrode location and data (V or apparent_resistivity)
        self.a_locations = a_locations.copy()
        self.b_locations = b_locations.copy()
        self.m_locations = m_locations.copy()
        self.n_locations = n_locations.copy()
        self.survey_type = survey_type
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.data_dc_type = data_dc_type
        self.data_ip_type = data_ip_type
        self.data_sip_type = data_sip_type
        if times_ip is not None:
            self.times_ip = times_ip

        uniqSrc = Utils.uniqueRows(np.c_[self.a_locations, self.b_locations])
        uniqElec = SimPEG.Utils.uniqueRows(
                    self.a_locations, self.b_locations,
                    self.m_locations, self.n_locations
        self.electrode_locations = uniqElec[0]
        nSrc = uniqSrc[0].shape[0]
        ndata = self.a_locations.shape[0]

        if self.survey_layout == "SURFACE":
            # 2D locations
            srcLists = []
            sort_inds = []
            for iSrc in range(nSrc):
                inds = uniqSrc[2] == iSrc

                locsM = self.m_locations[inds, :]
                locsN = self.n_locations[inds, :]
                if dimension == 2:
                    if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'pole-dipole']:
                        rx = Rx.Dipole_ky(locsM, locsN)
                    elif survey_type in ['dipole-pole', 'pole-pole']:
                        rx = Rx.Pole_ky(locsM)
                elif dimension == 3:
                    if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'pole-dipole']:
                        rx = Rx.Dipole(locsM, locsN)
                    elif survey_type in ['dipole-pole', 'pole-pole']:
                        rx = Rx.Pole(locsM)
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                if dimension == 2:
                    locA = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, :2]
                    locB = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, 2:]
                elif dimension == 3:
                    locA = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, :3]
                    locB = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, 3:]

                if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'dipole-pole']:
                    src = Src.Dipole([rx], locA, locB)
                elif survey_type in ['pole-dipole', 'pole-pole']:
                    src = Src.Pole([rx], locA)


            self.sort_inds = np.hstack(sort_inds)

            if dimension == 2:
                survey = Survey_ky(srcLists)
            elif dimension == 3:
                survey = Survey(srcLists)
                raise NotImplementedError()

            self.a_locations = self.a_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.b_locations = self.b_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.m_locations = self.m_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.n_locations = self.n_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.G = self.geometric_factor(survey)

            if data_dc is not None:
                self.data_dc = data_dc[self.sort_inds]
            if data_ip is not None:
                self.data_ip = data_ip[self.sort_inds]
            if data_sip is not None:
                self.data_sip = data_sip[self.sort_inds, :]
            if line_inds is not None:
                self.line_inds = line_inds[self.sort_inds]
            # Here we ignore ... z-locations
            self.n_data = survey.nD

            midABx = (self.a_locations[:, 0] + self.b_locations[:, 0])*0.5
            midMNx = (self.m_locations[:, 0] + self.n_locations[:, 0])*0.5

            if dimension == 2:
                z = abs(midABx-midMNx)*1./3.
                x = (midABx+midMNx)*0.5
                self.grids = np.c_[x, z]

            elif dimension == 3:
                midABy = (self.a_locations[:, 1] + self.b_locations[:, 1])*0.5
                midMNy = (self.m_locations[:, 1] + self.n_locations[:, 1])*0.5
                z = np.sqrt((midABx-midMNx)**2 + (midABy-midMNy)**2) * 1./3.
                x = (midABx+midMNx)*0.5
                y = (midABy+midMNy)*0.5
                self.grids = np.c_[x, y, z]
                raise Exception()
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return survey
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: fm3d.py Proyecto: JKutt/PyDev
def run(plotIt=True, survey_type="pole-dipole"):
    # Initiate I/O class for DC
    IO = DC.IO()
    # Obtain ABMN locations

    fileName1 = "C:/Users/johnk/Projects/Seabridge/fmdataDC.con"   # output mod
    fileName1_ = "C:/Users/johnk/Projects/Seabridge/fmdataIP.chg"  # output mod
    fileName2 = "C:/Users/johnk/Projects/Seabridge/forwardmodel.msh"  # in mesh
    mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh._readUBC_3DMesh(fileName2)     # Read in/create mesh

    print("Starting forward modeling")
    start = clock()
    # Define model Background
    rx = getRxData()                                     # rx locations
    tx = getTxData()                                     # tx locations
    survey_dc = generateSurvey(rx, tx, 45, 65)         # create survey object
    survey_dc.getABMN_locations()                           # get locations
    # survey_dc = IO.from_ambn_locations_to_survey(
    #     survey_dc.a_locations, survey_dc.b_locations,
    #     survey_dc.m_locations, survey_dc.n_locations,
    #     survey_type, data_dc_type='volt', data_ip_type='volt'
    # )
    uniq = Utils.uniqueRows(np.vstack((survey_dc.a_locations,
    electrode_locations = uniq[0]                            # assign
    actinds = Utils.surface2ind_topo(mesh,
                                     method='cubic')      # active indicies
    survey_dc.drapeTopo(mesh, actinds)                       # drape topo
# =============================================================================
    # create sphere for ice representation
    x0 = (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 0]) +
          np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 0])) / 2. + 50      # x0 center point of sphere
    y0 = (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 1]) +
          np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 1])) / 2. - 50      # y0 center point of sphere
    z0 = 2350                                       # x0 center point of sphere
    # (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 2]) + np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 2])) / 2.
    r0 = 500                                           # radius of sphere
    print(x0, y0, z0)
    csph = (np.sqrt((mesh.gridCC[:, 0] - x0)**2. +
                    (mesh.gridCC[:, 1] - y0)**2. +
                    (mesh.gridCC[:, 2] - z0)**2.)) < r0  # indicies of sphere
# sphere done =================================================================

# ============================================================================
# Create model
    mx = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.020                         # chargeability
    sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1. / 15000.

# create dipping structure parameters
    theta = 45. * np.pi / 180.                            # dipping angle
    x0_d = 374700.
    x1_d = 375000.
    y0_d = 6275850.
    y0_1d = 500. * np.sin(theta) + y0_d
    y1_d = 6275900.
    y1_1d = 500. * np.sin(theta) + y1_d
    z0_d = 1860.
    z1_d = z0_d - (500. * np.cos(theta))
    m_ = (z0_d - z1_d) / (y0_1d - y0_d)                   # slope of dip

    # loop through mesh and assign dipping structure conductivity
    for idx in range(mesh.nC):
        if z1_d <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] <= z0_d:
            if (x0_d <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 0] <= x1_d):
                yslope1 = y0_d + (1. / m_) * (mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] - z0_d)
                yslope2 = y1_d + (1. / m_) * (mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] - z0_d)
                if yslope1 <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 1] <= yslope2:
                    mx[idx] = 0.03
                    sigma[idx] = 1. / 300.

    # mx[csph] = ((0.025) *
    #             np.ones_like(mx[csph]))             # set sphere values
    mx[~actinds] = 1. / 1e8                             # flag air values
    # sigma[csph] = ((5000.) *
    #                np.ones_like(sigma[csph]))             # set sphere values
    sigma[~actinds] = 1. / 1e8                              # flag air values
    rho = 1. / sigma
    stop = clock()
    # plot results
    # Show the true conductivity model
    if plotIt:
        ncy = mesh.nCy
        ncz = mesh.nCz
        ncx = mesh.nCx
        mtrue = mx
        print(mtrue.min(), mtrue.max())
        clim = [0, 0.04]
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
        ax = Utils.mkvc(ax)
        dat = mesh.plotSlice(((mx)), ax=ax[0], normal='Z', clim=clim,
                             ind=int(ncz / 2), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        ax[0].plot(rx[:, 0], rx[:, 1], 'or')
        ax[0].plot(tx[:, 0], tx[:, 1], 'dk')
        mesh.plotSlice(((mx)), ax=ax[1], normal='Y', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncy / 2 + 2), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        mesh.plotSlice(((mx)), ax=ax[2], normal='X', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 4), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        mesh.plotSlice(((mx)), ax=ax[3], normal='X', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 8), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
        cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=cbar_ax)

        mtrue = 1. / sigma
        print(mtrue.min(), mtrue.max())
        clim = [0, 20000]
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
        ax = Utils.mkvc(ax)
        dat = mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[0], normal='Z', clim=clim,
                             ind=int(ncz / 2 - 4), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        ax[0].plot(rx[:, 0], rx[:, 1], 'or')
        ax[0].plot(tx[:, 0], tx[:, 1], 'dk')
        mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[1], normal='Y', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncy / 2), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[2], normal='X', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 4), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[3], normal='X', clim=clim,
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 8), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
        cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=cbar_ax)

    # Use Exponential Map: m = log(rho)
    actmap = Maps.InjectActiveCells(
        mesh, indActive=actinds, valInactive=np.log(1e8)
    mapping = Maps.ExpMap(mesh) * actmap

    # Generate mtrue_dc for resistivity
    mtrue_dc = np.log(rho[actinds])

    # Generate 3D DC problem
    # "CC" means potential is defined at center
    prb = DC.Problem3D_CC(
        mesh, rhoMap=mapping, storeJ=False,
    # Pair problem with survey

    # Make synthetic DC data with 5% Gaussian noise
    dtrue_dc = survey_dc.makeSyntheticData(mtrue_dc, std=0.05, force=True)
    IO.data_dc = dtrue_dc
    # Generate mtrue_ip for chargability
    mtrue_ip = mx[actinds]
    # Generate 3D DC problem
    # "CC" means potential is defined at center
    prb_ip = IP.Problem3D_CC(
        mesh, etaMap=actmap, storeJ=False, rho=rho,
    survey_ip = IP.from_dc_to_ip_survey(survey_dc, dim="3D")
    dtrue_ip = survey_ip.makeSyntheticData(mtrue_ip, std=0.05)
    IO.data_ip = dtrue_ip

    # Show apparent resisitivty histogram
    # if plotIt:
    #     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
    #     ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
    #     out = hist(np.log10(abs(IO.voltages)), bins=20)
    #     ax1.set_xlabel("log10 DC voltage (V)")
    #     ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
    #     out = hist(IO.apparent_resistivity, bins=20)
    #     ax2.set_xlabel("Apparent Resistivity ($\Omega$m)")
    #     plt.tight_layout()
    #     plt.show()

    # Set initial model based upon histogram
    m0_dc = np.ones(actmap.nP) * np.log(10000.)
    # Set uncertainty
    # floor
    eps_dc = 10**(-3.2)
    # percentage
    std_dc = 0.05

    mopt_dc, pred_dc = DC.run_inversion(
        m0_dc, survey_dc, actinds, mesh, std_dc, eps_dc,

    # Convert obtained inversion model to resistivity
    # rho = M(m), where M(.) is a mapping
    rho_est = mapping * mopt_dc
    # rho_est[~actinds] = np.nan
    rho_true = rho.copy()
    rho_true[~actinds] = np.nan

    # write data to file
    out_file = open(fileName1, "w")
    for i in range(rho_est.size):
        out_file.write("%0.5e\n" % rho_est[i])

    # Set initial model based upon histogram
    m0_ip = np.ones(actmap.nP) * 1e-10
    # Set uncertainty
    # floor
    eps_ip = 10**(-4)
    # percentage
    std_ip = 0.05
    # Clean sensitivity function formed with true resistivity
    prb_ip._Jmatrix = None
    # Input obtained resistivity to form sensitivity
    prb_ip.rho = mapping * mopt_dc
    mopt_ip, _ = IP.run_inversion(
        m0_ip, survey_ip, actinds, mesh, std_ip, eps_ip,
        upper=np.Inf, lower=0.,

    # Convert obtained inversion model to chargeability
    # charg = M(m), where M(.) is a mapping for cells below topography
    charg_est = actmap * mopt_ip
    # charg_est[~actinds] = np.nan
    charg_true = charg.copy()
    charg_true[~actinds] = np.nan

    # write IP data to file
    out_file = open(fileName1_, "w")
    for i in range(charg_est.size):
        out_file.write("%0.5e\n" % charg_est[i])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def from_ambn_locations_to_survey(
        self, a_locations, b_locations, m_locations, n_locations,
        survey_type=None, data_dc=None, data_ip=None, data_sip=None,
        data_dc_type="volt", data_ip_type="volt", data_sip_type="volt",
        fname=None, dimension=2, line_inds=None,
        read A, B, M, N electrode location and data (V or apparent_resistivity)
        self.a_locations = a_locations.copy()
        self.b_locations = b_locations.copy()
        self.m_locations = m_locations.copy()
        self.n_locations = n_locations.copy()
        self.survey_type = survey_type
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.data_dc_type = data_dc_type
        self.data_ip_type = data_ip_type
        self.data_sip_type = data_sip_type
        if times_ip is not None:
            self.times_ip = times_ip

        uniqSrc = Utils.uniqueRows(np.c_[self.a_locations, self.b_locations])
        uniqElec = SimPEG.Utils.uniqueRows(
                    self.a_locations, self.b_locations,
                    self.m_locations, self.n_locations
        self.electrode_locations = uniqElec[0]
        nSrc = uniqSrc[0].shape[0]
        ndata = self.a_locations.shape[0]

        if self.survey_layout == "SURFACE":
            # 2D locations
            srcLists = []
            sort_inds = []
            for iSrc in range(nSrc):
                inds = uniqSrc[2] == iSrc

                locsM = self.m_locations[inds, :]
                locsN = self.n_locations[inds, :]
                if dimension == 2:
                    if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'pole-dipole']:
                        rx = Rx.Dipole_ky(locsM, locsN)
                    elif survey_type in ['dipole-pole', 'pole-pole']:
                        rx = Rx.Pole_ky(locsM)
                elif dimension == 3:
                    if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'pole-dipole']:
                        rx = Rx.Dipole(locsM, locsN)
                    elif survey_type in ['dipole-pole', 'pole-pole']:
                        rx = Rx.Pole(locsM)
                    raise NotImplementedError()

                if dimension == 2:
                    locA = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, :2]
                    locB = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, 2:]
                elif dimension == 3:
                    locA = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, :3]
                    locB = uniqSrc[0][iSrc, 3:]

                if survey_type in ['dipole-dipole', 'dipole-pole']:
                    src = Src.Dipole([rx], locA, locB)
                elif survey_type in ['pole-dipole', 'pole-pole']:
                    src = Src.Pole([rx], locA)


            self.sort_inds = np.hstack(sort_inds)

            if dimension == 2:
                survey = Survey_ky(srcLists)
            elif dimension == 3:
                survey = Survey(srcLists)
                raise NotImplementedError()

            self.a_locations = self.a_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.b_locations = self.b_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.m_locations = self.m_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.n_locations = self.n_locations[self.sort_inds, :]
            self.G = self.geometric_factor(survey)

            if data_dc is not None:
                self.data_dc = data_dc[self.sort_inds]
            if data_ip is not None:
                self.data_ip = data_ip[self.sort_inds]
            if data_sip is not None:
                self.data_sip = data_sip[self.sort_inds, :]
            if line_inds is not None:
                self.line_inds = line_inds[self.sort_inds]
            # Here we ignore ... z-locations
            self.n_data = survey.nD

            midABx = (self.a_locations[:, 0] + self.b_locations[:, 0])*0.5
            midMNx = (self.m_locations[:, 0] + self.n_locations[:, 0])*0.5

            if dimension == 2:
                z = abs(midABx-midMNx)*1./3.
                x = (midABx+midMNx)*0.5
                self.grids = np.c_[x, z]

            elif dimension == 3:
                midABy = (self.a_locations[:, 1] + self.b_locations[:, 1])*0.5
                midMNy = (self.m_locations[:, 1] + self.n_locations[:, 1])*0.5
                z = np.sqrt((midABx-midMNx)**2 + (midABy-midMNy)**2) * 1./3.
                x = (midABx+midMNx)*0.5
                y = (midABy+midMNy)*0.5
                self.grids = np.c_[x, y, z]
                raise Exception()
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return survey
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: fm3d.py Proyecto: JKutt/PyDev
def run(plotIt=True, survey_type="pole-dipole"):
    # Initiate I/O class for DC
    IO = DC.IO()
    # Obtain ABMN locations

    fileName1 = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/fmdata-daf.con"  # output mod
    fileName2 = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/forwardmodel.msh"  # input mesh
    mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh._readUBC_3DMesh(fileName2)  # Read in/create mesh

    print("Starting forward modeling")
    start = clock()
    # Define model Background
    rx = getRxData()  # rx locations
    tx = getTxData()  # tx locations
    survey_dc = generateSurvey(rx, tx, 45, 55)  # create survey object
    survey_dc.survey_type = "pole-dipole"
    survey_dc.getABMN_locations()  # get locations
    # survey_dc = IO.from_ambn_locations_to_survey(
    #     survey_dc.a_locations, survey_dc.b_locations,
    #     survey_dc.m_locations, survey_dc.n_locations,
    #     survey_type, data_dc_type='volt', data_ip_type='volt'
    # )
    uniq = Utils.uniqueRows(
        np.vstack((survey_dc.a_locations, survey_dc.b_locations,
                   survey_dc.m_locations, survey_dc.n_locations)))
    electrode_locations = uniq[0]  # assign
    actinds = Utils.surface2ind_topo(mesh, electrode_locations,
                                     method='cubic')  # active indicies
    # survey_dc.drapeTopo(mesh, actinds)
    IO.a_locations = survey_dc.a_locations.copy()
    IO.b_locations = survey_dc.b_locations.copy()
    IO.m_locations = survey_dc.m_locations.copy()
    IO.n_locations = survey_dc.n_locations.copy()  # drape topo
    IO.data_dc_type = 'volt'
    IO.G = IO.geometric_factor(survey_dc)
    # =============================================================================
    # create sphere for ice representation
    x0 = (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 0]) +
          np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 0])) / 2. + 50  # x0 center point of sphere
    y0 = (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 1]) +
          np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 1])) / 2. - 50  # y0 center point of sphere
    z0 = 2350  # x0 center point of sphere
    # (np.max(mesh.gridCC[:, 2]) + np.min(mesh.gridCC[:, 2])) / 2.
    r0 = 500  # radius of sphere
    print(x0, y0, z0)
    csph = (np.sqrt((mesh.gridCC[:, 0] - x0)**2. +
                    (mesh.gridCC[:, 1] - y0)**2. +
                    (mesh.gridCC[:, 2] - z0)**2.)) < r0  # indicies of sphere
    # sphere done =================================================================
    # ============================================================================
    # Create model
    mx = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 0.018  # chargeability
    sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC) * 1. / 15000.

    # create dipping structure parameters
    theta = 45. * np.pi / 180.  # dipping angle
    x0_d = 374700.
    x1_d = 375000.
    y0_d = 6275850.
    y0_1d = 900. * np.sin(theta) + y0_d
    y1_d = 6275900.
    y1_1d = 900. * np.sin(theta) + y1_d
    z0_d = 1900.
    z1_d = z0_d - (900. * np.cos(theta))
    m_ = (z0_d - z1_d) / (y0_1d - y0_d)  # slope of dip

    # loop through mesh and assign dipping structure conductivity
    for idx in range(mesh.nC):
        if z1_d <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] <= z0_d:
            if (x0_d <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 0] <= x1_d):
                yslope1 = y0_d + (1. / m_) * (mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] - z0_d)
                yslope2 = y1_d + (1. / m_) * (mesh.gridCC[idx, 2] - z0_d)
                if yslope1 <= mesh.gridCC[idx, 1] <= yslope2:
                    mx[idx] = 0.035
                    sigma[idx] = 1. / 300.

    # mx[csph] = ((0.025) *
    #             np.ones_like(mx[csph]))             # set sphere values
    mx[~actinds] = 1. / 1e8  # flag air values
    # sigma[csph] = ((5000.) *
    #                np.ones_like(sigma[csph]))             # set sphere values
    sigma[~actinds] = 1. / 1e8  # flag air values
    rho = 1. / sigma
    stop = clock()
    # plot results
    # Show the true conductivity model
    if plotIt:
        ncy = mesh.nCy
        ncz = mesh.nCz
        ncx = mesh.nCx
        clim = [0, 0.04]
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
        ax = Utils.mkvc(ax)
        dat = mesh.plotSlice(((mx)),
                             ind=int(ncz / 2 - 14),
                             pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        ax[0].plot(rx[:, 0], rx[:, 1], 'or')
        ax[0].plot(tx[:, 0], tx[:, 1], 'dk')
                       ind=int(ncy / 2 + 2),
                       pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 4),
                       pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
                       ind=int(ncx / 2 + 8),
                       pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
        cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=cbar_ax)
        # print(mtrue.min(), mtrue.max())
        # clim = [0, 20000]
        # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
        # ax = Utils.mkvc(ax)
        # dat = mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[0], normal='Z', clim=clim,
        #                      ind=int(ncz / 2 - 4), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        # ax[0].plot(rx[:, 0], rx[:, 1], 'or')
        # mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[1], normal='Y', clim=clim,
        #                ind=int(ncy / 2), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        # mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[2], normal='X', clim=clim,
        #                ind=int(ncx / 2 + 4), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        # mesh.plotSlice(((mtrue)), ax=ax[3], normal='X', clim=clim,
        #                ind=int(ncx / 2 + 8), pcolorOpts={"cmap": "jet"})
        # cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
        # cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=cbar_ax)
        # fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85)
        # cb.set_label('rho')
        # cbar_ax.axis('off')
        # plt.show()

    # print(error.size, survey_ip.obs.size)
    # error = np.asarray(survey_ip.dobs) * (np.random.randint(-1, 2, survey_ip.dobs) / 20.)
    # survey_ip.dobs = survey_ip.dobs + error
    # Use Exponential Map: m = log(rho)
    actmap = Maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh,
    mapping = Maps.ExpMap(mesh) * actmap

    # Generate mtrue_dc for resistivity
    mtrue_dc = np.log(rho[actinds])

    # Generate 3D DC problem
    # "CC" means potential is defined at center
    prb = DC.Problem3D_CC(mesh, rhoMap=mapping, storeJ=False, Solver=Solver)
    # Pair problem with survey
    # try:
    # except:
    #     survey_dc.unpair()
    #     prb.pair(survey_dc)

    # Make synthetic DC data with 5% Gaussian noise
    dtrue_dc = survey_dc.makeSyntheticData(mtrue_dc, std=0.05, force=True)
    IO.data_dc = dtrue_dc
    # Generate mtrue_ip for chargability
    mtrue_ip = mx[actinds]
    # Generate 3D DC problem
    # "CC" means potential is defined at center
    prb_ip = IP.Problem3D_CC(mesh,
    survey_ip = IP.from_dc_to_ip_survey(survey_dc, dim="3D")
    survey_ip.survey_type = "pole-dipole"
    dtrue_ip = survey_ip.makeSyntheticData(mtrue_ip, std=0.05)
    survey_ip.std = np.ones_like(dtrue_ip) * 0.05
    survey_ip.eps = np.ones_like(dtrue_ip) * 10**(-4)
    IO.data_ip = dtrue_ip
    DC.Utils.writeUBC_DCobs("fmip.obs", survey_ip, 3, 'GENERAL', 'pole-dipole')
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: JKutt/PyDev
    from SimPEG import SolverLU as Solver

# filename = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/KSA/3D_QC_Preliminary.DAT"
filename1 = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/KSA/ksa3D-DC.con"
filenameObs = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/KSA/ksa3D-IP.obs"
fileName2 = "/Users/juan/Documents/testData/Mesh.msh"
mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh._readUBC_3DMesh(fileName2)
rho_est = mesh._readModelUBC_3D(mesh, filename1)
# patch = tools.loadDias(filename)
survey_ip = DC.Utils.readUBC_DC3Dobs(filenameObs)
survey_ip.survey_type = "dipole-dipole"
# survey_ip.data_dc_type = 'volt'

uniq = Utils.uniqueRows(
    np.vstack((survey_ip.a_locations, survey_ip.b_locations,
               survey_ip.m_locations, survey_ip.n_locations)))
electrode_locations = uniq[0]  # assign
actinds = Utils.surface2ind_topo(mesh, electrode_locations,
                                 method='cubic')  # active indicies
survey_ip.drapeTopo(mesh, actinds)

# Use Exponential Map: m = log(rho)
actmap = Maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh,
mapping = Maps.ExpMap(mesh) * actmap

# ip inversion =======================================
prb_ip = IP.Problem3D_CC(mesh,