Ejemplo n.º 1
class Epidemic:
    """A class for modelling and simulating epidemics."""

    def __init__(self, epidemic_params):
        """The constructor of the class.
           Full params' list:
            - nr_individuals: number of individuals in the population
            - initial_infects: number of infects at the start of the simulation
            - initial_immunes: number of immunes at the start of the simulation
            - infect_prob: probability of getting infected after a contact with an infect
            - contact_rate: rate of the contact between individuals
            - recover_rate: rate of recover from infection
            - immune_after_recovery: if true, individuals becomes immunes after recovery
            - immunization_vanish_rate: if not zero, immunization is temporary with given rate
            - death_rate: rate of death caused by epidemic
            - newborn_can_be_infect: if true, newborn can be infect
            - newborn_can_be_immune: if true, newborn can be immune
            - newborn_prob: probability that a new individual born after a contact
            - natural_death_prob: probability of death not caused by epidemic
            - run_time: time duration of the simulation
            - debug: show more info about the running simulation
            - process_debug: show more info about SimPy processes during the simulation
            - progress: show a progress indicator during the simulation
            - stats: show some stats at the end of the simulation
            - plot: show a plot representing the evolution of the population at the end of the simulation
        # setting up the epidemic's parameters with metaprogramming
        for param in epidemic_params:
            self.__dict__[param] = epidemic_params.get(param)
        # setting the uninitialized parameters to their default values
        self.check_and_set_default_value(['initial_immunes', 'recover_rate', 'death_rate', 'immunization_vanish_rate', 'newborn_prob', 'natural_death_prob'], ['immune_after_recovery', 'newborn_can_be_immune', 'newborn_can_be_infect', 'debug', 'process_debug', 'progress', 'stats', 'plot'])
        # setting the random number generator using the python standard one
        self.rng = random.Random()
        # checking some features of the model from parameters passed to the constructor
        self.model_has_immunization = self.model_has_immunization()
        self.model_immunization_is_permanent = self.model_immunization_is_permanent()
        self.model_has_recovering = self.model_has_recovering()
        self.model_has_death = self.model_has_death()
        self.model_has_vital_dynamics = self.model_has_vital_dynamics()
        self.model_newborns_always_susceptibles = self.model_newborns_always_susceptibles()
        self.model_has_new_susceptibles = self.model_has_new_susceptibles()
        self.model_has_new_infects = self.model_has_new_infects()
        # initialize the population counters
        self.total_infects = self.initial_infects
        self.total_immunes = self.initial_immunes
        self.total_susceptibles = self.nr_individuals - self.initial_infects - self.initial_immunes
        self.total_newborns = 0
        self.total_natural_deaths = 0
        self.total_deaths = 0
        # setting up the monitors for watching interesting variables
        self.m_suscettibili = Monitor(name="Suscettibili", ylab="suscettibili")
        self.m_suscettibili.append([0, self.total_susceptibles])
        self.m_infetti = Monitor(name="Infetti", ylab='infetti')
        self.m_infetti.append([0, self.initial_infects])
        if self.model_has_immunization:
            self.m_immuni = Monitor(name="Immuni", ylab='immuni')
            self.m_immuni.append([0, self.initial_immunes])
        # setting up the array of all the individuals partecipating to the simulation
        self.all_individuals = []
        # initialize the simulation environment (time, events, ...)
        for i in range(self.nr_individuals):
            # add individuals to the simulation with the specified health_status
            if i >= (self.nr_individuals - self.initial_infects):
                ind = self.Individual(self, ind_id=i, health_status='infect')
            elif i >= (self.nr_individuals - self.initial_infects -
                ind = self.Individual(self, ind_id=i, health_status='immune')
                ind = self.Individual(self, ind_id=i)
            # activate it with function live()
            activate(ind, ind.live(), at=0.0)
        self.start_time = time.time()
        if self.process_debug:
        # start the simulation
        self.stop_time = time.time()
        if self.process_debug:
        # show final stats if required by params
        if self.stats:
        # show plot if required by params
        if self.plot:

    def model_has_recovering(self):
        """Checks from parameters if the epidemiological model has recovering."""
        if self.recover_rate:
            return True
            return False

    def model_has_immunization(self):
        """Checks from parameters if the epidemiological model has immunization."""
        if (self.model_has_recovering and self.immune_after_recovery) or (self.newborn_prob and self.newborn_can_be_immune):
            return True
            return False

    def model_immunization_is_permanent(self):
        """Checks from parameters if the epidemiological model has permanent immunization."""
        if self.model_has_immunization and self.immunization_vanish_rate == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def model_has_death(self):
        """Checks from parameters if the epidemiological model has death."""
        if self.death_rate:
            return True
            return False

    def model_has_vital_dynamics(self):
        """Checks from parameters if the epidemiological model has vital dynamics (births and natural deaths)."""
        if (self.newborn_prob or self.natural_death_prob):
            return True
            return False

    def model_has_new_susceptibles(self):
        """Checks if the number of the susceptibles can increase during the simulation."""
        if self.model_has_recovering or \
          (self.model_has_immunization and not self.model_immunization_is_permanent) or \
            return True
            return False

    def model_has_new_infects(self):
        """Checks if the number of the infects can increase during the simulation, but not for susceptibles getting infected."""
        if self.model_has_vital_dynamics and not self.model_newborns_always_susceptibles:
            return True
            return False

    def model_newborns_always_susceptibles(self):
        """Checks if newborns are always susceptibles in the epidemiological model."""
        if self.model_has_vital_dynamics and not (self.newborn_can_be_immune and self.newborn_can_be_infect):
            return True
            return False

    def check_and_set_default_value(self, num_params, bool_params):
        """Checks if some optional parameters are set and, if not, set them to their default values.
        The default values of the optional parameters are:
        - 0 for every numerical parameters;
        - True for parameters "progress", "plot", "stats"
        - False for every other boolean parameters

        Input: two dictionaries of optional parameters of the constructor of the class
        Output: none (but the optional parameters are setted with their default values)
        for param in num_params:
            if hasattr(self, param) == False:
                self.__dict__[param] = 0
        for param in bool_params:
            if hasattr(self, param) == False:
                if param in ['progress', 'plot', 'stats']:
                    self.__dict__[param] = True
                    self.__dict__[param] = False

    def show_processes_status(self):
        """Returns the current internal status of the simulation processes."""
        active_counter = 0
        passive_counter = 0
        terminated_counter = 0
        interrupted_counter = 0
        for ind in self.all_individuals:
            if ind.active():
                active_counter += 1
            if ind.passive():
                passive_counter += 1
            if ind.terminated():
                terminated_counter += 1
            if ind.interrupted():
                interrupted_counter += 1
        print "Processes' status: %3i active, %3i passive, %3i terminated, %3i interrupted" % (active_counter, passive_counter, terminated_counter, interrupted_counter)

    def wait(self, rate):
        '''Returns the time interval before the next event.'''
        return self.rng.expovariate(rate)

    def next_event(self, events_rates):
        """Returns the next event, choosen from the given ones, and the time interval before it.

        Input: a dictionary of possible events and their respective rates
        Output: one of the possible events passed as input, and the time interval before it.
        rnd = self.rng.random()
        total_rates = 0
        for event in events_rates:
            total_rates += events_rates.get(event)
        cumulated_rates = 0
        for event in events_rates:
            cumulated_rates += events_rates.get(event)
            if rnd <= cumulated_rates/total_rates:
                returned_event = event
        returned_event_interval = self.wait(total_rates)
        return returned_event, returned_event_interval

    def observe_vars(self):
        """Watches and records the values of the monitored variables."""
        if self.model_has_immunization:

    def check_termination_conds(self):
        """Checks particular situations in which the simulation can be stopped before the time runs out."""
        if self.total_infects == 0:
            if self.debug:
                print "[%f] STOP: infection ended, no more infects!"% (now())
            print "\nSimulation ended prematurely: infection ended, no more infects."
            return True
        if not self.model_has_new_susceptibles:
            if self.total_susceptibles == 0 and self.total_immunes == 0:
                if self.debug:
                    print "[%f] STOP: infection extended to the whole population!"% (now())
                print "\nSimulation ended prematurely: infection extended to the whole population."
                return True
        if self.model_immunization_is_permanent and not self.model_has_vital_dynamics:
            if self.total_susceptibles == 0 and self.total_immunes == 0:
                if self.debug:
                    print "[%f] STOP: infection ended, permanent immunizzation extended to the whole population!"% (now())
                print "\nSimulation ended prematurely: infection ended, permanent immunizzation extended to the whole population."
                return True
        return False

    def check_current_nr_individuals(self):
        """Checks the correct number of individuals during the simulation."""
        assert self.nr_individuals + self.total_newborns - self.total_natural_deaths - self.total_deaths == self.total_susceptibles + self.total_infects + self.total_immunes, "error: assert failed on the current number of individuals."

    def stop_simulation(self):
        """Stops the simulation."""

    def show_plot(self):
        """Plots the number of infected, susceptibles and, eventually, immunes against time using gnuplot-py."""
            import Gnuplot
        except ImportError:
            print "warning: the gnuplot-py module cannot be found. The simulation will run anyway, but you could not plot the graph."
        g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
        if os.getenv('DISPLAY') == None:
	    g('set term png')
            g('set output "test.png"')
        g.ylabel('number of individuals')
        x_infetti = self.m_infetti.tseries()
        y_infetti = self.m_infetti.yseries()
        x_suscettibili = self.m_suscettibili.tseries()
        y_suscettibili = self.m_suscettibili.yseries()
        g_infetti = Gnuplot.Data(x_infetti, y_infetti, inline=True, title='Infects', with='steps 1')