def run(self): from SimpleSeer.OLAPUtils import ScheduledOLAP from SimpleSeer.states import Core import Pyro4 core = Core(self.session) found_statemachine = False with open(self.options.program) as fp: exec fp in dict(core=core) found_statemachine = True if not found_statemachine: raise Exception("State machine " + self.options.program + " not found!") so = ScheduledOLAP() gevent.spawn_link_exception(so.runSked) core.start_socket_communication() if not self.options.disable_pyro: gevent.spawn_link_exception( Pyro4.Daemon.serveSimple( { core: "sightmachine.seer" }, ns=True) else:
def run(self): from SimpleSeer.states import Core core = Core(self.session) found_statemachine = False program = self.options.program or self.session.statemachine or '' with open(program) as fp: exec fp in dict(core=core) found_statemachine = True if not found_statemachine: raise Exception("State machine " + self.options.program + " not found!") try: except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print "Interupted by user"
class TestStateMachine(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): config = mock.Mock() config.cameras = [] # prevent configuration of cameras self.core = Core(config) self.core.capture = mock.Mock( return_value=[mock.Mock()]) def test_single_frame(self): self.core.cameras = [ mock.Mock() ] @self.core.state('start') def capture_frame(state): state.core.wait('capture-frame') state.core.capture() return state.core.state('start') self.core.trigger('capture-frame') self.assertEqual( self.core.state('start'), self.core.step()) self.core.capture.assert_called_with() def test_motion_threshold(self): slow_rate = 10.0 fast_rate = 50.0 threshold0 = 50 threshold1 = 5 motion = mock.Mock() result = mock.Mock() result.featuredata = dict(motion=10) motion.execute = mock.Mock(return_value=[result]) self.core.get_inspection = mock.Mock(return_value=motion) def capture(): print time.time(), 'Capture' capture.call_count += 1 return [ mock.Mock() ] capture.call_count = 0 self.core.capture = capture @self.core.state('start') def slow_state(state): core = state.core core.set_rate(slow_rate) motion = core.get_inspection('motion') while True: core.tick() frame = core.capture()[0] features = motion.execute(frame) if features[0].featuredata['motion'] > threshold0: return core.state('fast') @self.core.state('fast') def fast_state(state): core = state.core core.set_rate(fast_rate) motion = core.get_inspection('motion') while True: core.tick() frame = core.capture()[0] features = motion.execute(frame) if features[0].featuredata['motion'] < threshold1: return core.state('start') @self.core.on('start', 'terminate') @self.core.on('fast', 'terminate') def terminate(state, name, data): state.transition(None) gl = gevent.spawn_link_exception(, audit=True) gevent.sleep(0.2) print 'Set motion to 55' result.featuredata['motion'] = 55 gevent.sleep(0.2) print 'Set motion to 4' result.featuredata['motion'] = 4 gevent.sleep(0.2) print 'Call terminate' self.core.trigger('terminate') trail = gl.get() self.assertEqual(trail, ['start', 'fast', 'start', None]) num_frames = self.core.capture.call_count print num_frames self.assertGreater(num_frames, 12) self.assertLess(num_frames, 18) def test_conditional_inspections(self): threshold = 20 inspections = dict( motion = mock.Mock(), blob = mock.Mock()) featuredata = dict(motion=10) self.core.get_inspection = lambda name: inspections[name] self.core.cameras = [ mock.Mock() ] def capture(): print time.time(), 'Capture' capture.call_count += 1 capture.call_count = 0 def blob_ex(frame): print 'Blob' blob_ex.call_count += 1 blob_ex.call_count = 0 def motion_ex(frame): print 'Motion' motion_ex.call_count += 1 result = mock.Mock() result.featuredata = featuredata return [result] motion_ex.call_count = 0 inspections['motion'].execute = motion_ex inspections['blob'].execute = blob_ex self.core.cameras[0].capture = capture @self.core.state('start') def start_state(state): core = state.core core.set_rate(10.0) motion = core.get_inspection('motion') blob = core.get_inspection('blob') while True: core.tick() frame = core.capture()[0] features = motion.execute(frame) if features[0].featuredata['motion'] > threshold: blob.execute(frame) @self.core.on('start', 'terminate') @self.core.on('fast', 'terminate') def terminate(state, name, data): state.transition(None) gl = gevent.spawn_link_exception( gevent.sleep(0.2) print '===> Set motion to 55' featuredata['motion'] = 55 gevent.sleep(0.2) print '===> Set motion to 4' featuredata['motion'] = 4 gevent.sleep(0.2) print '===> Call terminate' self.core.trigger('terminate') gl.join() motion_calls = inspections['motion'].execute.call_count blob_calls = inspections['blob'].execute.call_count self.assertGreater(motion_calls, blob_calls) self.assertGreater(blob_calls, 0)
def setUp(self): config = mock.Mock() config.cameras = [] # prevent configuration of cameras self.core = Core(config) self.core.capture = mock.Mock( return_value=[mock.Mock()])