Ejemplo n.º 1
def tensor_to_np(frame):
    turn float-point tensor to uint8 np.array
    frame = functions.denorm(frame).detach()
    frame = frame[0, :, :, :].cpu().numpy()
    frame = frame.transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255
    frame = frame.astype(np.uint8)
    return frame
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_gif(Gs,Zs,reals,NoiseAmp,opt,alpha=0.1,beta=0.9,start_scale=2,fps=10):

    in_s = torch.full(Zs[0].shape, 0, device=opt.device)
    images_cur = []
    count = 0

    for G,Z_opt,noise_amp,real in zip(Gs,Zs,NoiseAmp,reals):
        pad_image = int(((opt.ker_size - 1) * opt.num_layer) / 2)
        nzx = Z_opt.shape[2]
        nzy = Z_opt.shape[3]
        #pad_noise = 0
        #m_noise = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_noise))
        m_image = nn.ZeroPad2d(int(pad_image))
        images_prev = images_cur
        images_cur = []
        if count == 0:
            z_rand = functions.generate_noise([1,nzx,nzy], device=opt.device)
            z_rand = z_rand.expand(1,3,Z_opt.shape[2],Z_opt.shape[3])
            z_prev1 = 0.95*Z_opt +0.05*z_rand
            z_prev2 = Z_opt
            z_prev1 = 0.95*Z_opt +0.05*functions.generate_noise([opt.nc_z,nzx,nzy], device=opt.device)
            z_prev2 = Z_opt

        for i in range(0,100,1):
            if count == 0:
                z_rand = functions.generate_noise([1,nzx,nzy], device=opt.device)
                z_rand = z_rand.expand(1,3,Z_opt.shape[2],Z_opt.shape[3])
                diff_curr = beta*(z_prev1-z_prev2)+(1-beta)*z_rand
                diff_curr = beta*(z_prev1-z_prev2)+(1-beta)*(functions.generate_noise([opt.nc_z,nzx,nzy], device=opt.device))

            z_curr = alpha*Z_opt+(1-alpha)*(z_prev1+diff_curr)
            z_prev2 = z_prev1
            z_prev1 = z_curr

            if images_prev == []:
                I_prev = in_s
                I_prev = images_prev[i]
                I_prev = imresize(I_prev, 1 / opt.scale_factor, opt)
                I_prev = I_prev[:, :, 0:real.shape[2], 0:real.shape[3]]
                I_prev = m_image(I_prev)
            if count < start_scale:
                z_curr = Z_opt

            z_in = noise_amp*z_curr+I_prev
            I_curr = G(z_in.detach(),I_prev)

            if (count == len(Gs)-1):
                I_curr = functions.denorm(I_curr).detach()
                I_curr = I_curr[0,:,:,:].cpu().numpy()
                I_curr = I_curr.transpose(1, 2, 0)*255
                I_curr = I_curr.astype(np.uint8)

        count += 1
    dir2save = functions.generate_dir2save(opt)
        os.makedirs('%s/start_scale=%d' % (dir2save,start_scale) )
    except OSError:
    imageio.mimsave('%s/start_scale=%d/alpha=%f_beta=%f.gif' % (dir2save,start_scale,alpha,beta),images_cur,fps=fps)
    del images_cur
Ejemplo n.º 3
                functions.generate_noise([nc_z, nzx, nzy], device=device))

        z_curr = alpha * Z_opt + (1 - alpha) * (z_prev1 + diff_curr)
        z_prev2 = z_prev1
        z_prev1 = z_curr
        if count < start_scale:
            z_curr = Z_opt

        if images_prev == []:
            I_prev = in_s
            I_prev = images_prev[i]
            I_prev = imresize(I_prev, 1 / scale_factor, opt)  # edit
            I_prev = I_prev[:, :, 0:real.shape[2], 0:real.shape[3]]
            I_prev = m_image(I_prev)

        z_in = noise_amp * z_curr + I_prev
        I_curr = G(z_in.detach(), I_prev)

        # convert result from GPU to CPU at last iteration
        if (count == len(Gs) - 1):
            I_curr = functions.denorm(I_curr).detach()
            I_curr = I_curr[0, :, :, :].cpu().numpy()
            I_curr = I_curr.transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255
            I_curr = I_curr.astype(np.uint8)

    # count = 10 at the end
    count += 1
    # can be kick out