Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_albums(self):
        # Get existing statuses

        html_output = ''
        # Iterate over rippers
        rippers = list(SiteBase.iter_rippers())
        for (index, ripper) in enumerate(rippers):
            host = ripper.get_host()
            url = ripper.get_sample_url()

                print 'testing %s ripper...' % host
                result = ripper.test()
				# For testing the UI
				if index % 3 == 0:
					result = None
				elif index % 3 == 1:
					result = 'this site does not work right'
					raise Exception('this ripper REALLY does not work right')
                # test():
                # 1. Throws exception if something really bad happens (can't access site)
                # 2. Returns error message (str) if album output isn't as expected
                # 3. Returns None if it works as expected
                available = int(result == None)
                message = result
            except Exception, e:
                available = -1
                message = str(e)
                print e
                print format_exc()
            print host, url, available, message
            html_output += self.host_html(host, url, available, message)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def update_albums(self):
		# Get existing statuses

		html_output = ''
		# Iterate over rippers
		rippers = list(SiteBase.iter_rippers())
		for (index, ripper) in enumerate(rippers):
			host = ripper.get_host()
			url = ripper.get_sample_url()

				print 'testing %s ripper...' % host
				result = ripper.test()
				# For testing the UI
				if index % 3 == 0:
					result = None
				elif index % 3 == 1:
					result = 'this site does not work right'
					raise Exception('this ripper REALLY does not work right')
				# test():
				# 1. Throws exception if something really bad happens (can't access site)
				# 2. Returns error message (str) if album output isn't as expected
				# 3. Returns None if it works as expected
				available = int(result == None)
				message = result
			except Exception, e:
				available = -1
				message = str(e)
				print e
				print format_exc()
			print host, url, available, message
			html_output += self.host_html(host, url, available, message)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def update_albums(self):
		# Get existing statuses
		now = timegm(gmtime())
		cursor = self.db.conn.cursor()
		curexec = cursor.execute('select host, checked, available, message from sites')
		stored = curexec.fetchall()

		html_output = ''
		# Iterate over rippers, store new values for DB in 'insertmany'
		insertmany = []
		rippers = list(SiteBase.iter_rippers())
		if len(rippers) % 3 != 0:
			rippers = rippers[0:-(len(rippers) % 3)]
		for (index, ripper) in enumerate(rippers):
			host = ripper.get_host()
			url = ripper.get_sample_url()

			need_to_test = True
			# Find previous status / info
			oldhost = oldchecked = oldavailable = oldmessage = None
			for (oldhost, oldchecked, oldavailable, oldmessage) in stored:
				if oldhost == host:
					if now - oldchecked > SECONDS_BETWEEN_CHECKS:
						need_to_test = False

			if need_to_test:
				checked = now
					print 'testing %s ripper...' % host
					result = ripper.test()
					# For testing the UI
					if index % 3 == 0:
						result = None
					elif index % 3 == 1:
						result = 'this site does not work right'
						raise Exception('this ripper REALLY does not work right')
					# test():
					# 1. Throws exception if something really bad happens (can't access site)
					# 2. Returns error message (str) if album output isn't as expected
					# 3. Returns None if it works as expected
					available = int(result == None)
					message = result
				except Exception, e:
					available = -1
					message = str(e)
				insertmany.append( (host, available, message, checked) )
				available = oldavailable
				message = oldmessage
				checked = oldchecked
			print host, url, available, message, checked
			html_output += self.host_html(host, url, available, message, checked)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def get_album_name(self):
		url = self.url
		url = url[url.find('reddit.com/')+len('reddit.com/'):]
		url = url.replace('.json', '')
		url = url.replace('/?', '?')
		restrict_sr = True
		extra = ''
		if '?t=' in url:
			# Get top sort
			extra = url[url.find('?t=')+3:]
		elif '?sort=' in url:
			# Get sort
			extra = url[url.find('?sort=')+6:]
		elif '?q=' in url:
			# Get query
			extra = url[url.find('?q=')+3:]
			restrict_sr = 'restrict_sr=on' in url
		if '&' in extra: extra = extra.split('&')[0]

		if '?' in url: url = url.split('?')[0]
		if '#' in url: url = url.split('#')[0]

		albumname = []
		after_reddit = False
		fields = url.split('/')
		if len(fields) > 4:
			fields = fields[0:4]
		for i in xrange(0, len(fields)):
			if i >= len(fields): break
			if fields[i] == 'user':
				fields[i] = 'u'
			if fields[i] == 'comments':
				fields[i] = 'c'
			if not restrict_sr and fields[i] == 'r':
		if extra != '':
		return '_'.join(albumname)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_album_name(self):
        url = self.url
        url = url[url.find('reddit.com/') + len('reddit.com/'):]
        url = url.replace('.json', '')
        url = url.replace('/?', '?')
        restrict_sr = True
        extra = ''
        if '?t=' in url:
            # Get top sort
            extra = url[url.find('?t=') + 3:]
        elif '?sort=' in url:
            # Get sort
            extra = url[url.find('?sort=') + 6:]
        elif '?q=' in url:
            # Get query
            extra = url[url.find('?q=') + 3:]
            restrict_sr = 'restrict_sr=on' in url
        if '&' in extra: extra = extra.split('&')[0]

        if '?' in url: url = url.split('?')[0]
        if '#' in url: url = url.split('#')[0]

        albumname = []
        after_reddit = False
        fields = url.split('/')
        if len(fields) > 4:
            fields = fields[0:4]
        for i in xrange(0, len(fields)):
            if i >= len(fields): break
            if fields[i] == 'user':
                fields[i] = 'u'
            if fields[i] == 'comments':
                fields[i] = 'c'
            if not restrict_sr and fields[i] == 'r':
        if extra != '':
        return '_'.join(albumname)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def start(self):
			Overriding SiteBase's start() method for unique ripping logic
		# We need a lot of libraries
		from ImageUtils import ImageUtils
		from calendar import timegm
		from shutil import copy2, rmtree
		from time import gmtime
		from os import path, walk, environ, getcwd
		from json import loads

		savedir = path.join('rips', self.path)
		if getcwd().endswith('py'):
			savedir = path.join('..', savedir)

		if self.album_exists:
			# Don't re-rip an album. Return info about existing album.
			return {
				'warning'  : 'album already exists',
				'album_id' : self.album_id,
				'album'    : self.album_name,
				'url'      : self.url,
				'host'     : self.get_host(),
				'path'     : self.path,
				'count'    : self.db.count('medias', 'album_id = ?', [self.album_id]),
				'pending'  : self.db.count('urls', 'album_id = ?', [self.album_id])

		user = self.url.split(':')[-1]

		# Search for username (with proper case) on site
		gwapi = self.db.get_config('gw_api')
		if gwapi == None:
			raise Exception('unable to rip gonewild albums: gw_api is null')
		r = self.httpy.get('%s?method=search_user&user=%s' % (gwapi, user))
		json = loads(r)
		found = False
		for jsonuser in json['users']:
			if jsonuser.lower() == user.lower():
				found = True
				user = jsonuser

		gwroot = self.db.get_config('gw_root')
		if gwroot == None:
			raise Exception('unable to rip gonewild albums: gw_root is null')
		userroot = path.join(gwroot, user)
		# Check if we can actually rip this user
		if not found or not path.exists(userroot):
			return {
				'error' : 'unable to rip user (not archived)'

		# Create subdirs
		ImageUtils.create_subdirectories(path.join(savedir, 'thumbs'))

		# Copy images to /rips/, get values that need to be inserted into db (insertmany)
		insertmany = []
		already_got = []
		filesize = 0
		for root, subdirs, files in walk(userroot):
			if root.endswith('thumbs'): continue
			for filename in sorted(files):
				f = path.join(root, filename)
				n = filename
				if not root.endswith(userroot):
					# It's a subidr, save the file accordingly
					n = '%s_%s' % (root[root.rfind('/')+1:], filename)

				# Avoid duplicates
				no_post = n[n.rfind('_')+1:]
				if no_post in already_got: continue

				n = '%03d_%s' % (len(insertmany) + 1, n)
				saveas = path.join(savedir, n)

				# Copy & get size
					copy2(f, saveas)
					(width, height) = ImageUtils.get_dimensions(saveas)
				except Exception, e:
					# image can't be parsed, probably corrupt. move on.

				# Create thumbnail
				tsaveas = path.join(savedir, 'thumbs', n)
					(tsaveas, twidth, theight) = ImageUtils.create_thumbnail(saveas, tsaveas)
				except Exception, e:
					# Failed to create thumb
					tsaveas = '/'.join(['ui', 'images', 'nothumb.png'])
					twidth = theight = 160

				filesize += path.getsize(saveas)
				# Add to list of values to insert into DB
				insertmany.append( [
						self.album_id,        # album_id, currently None
						len(insertmany) + 1,  # i_index
						'',                   # url TODO
						1,                    # valid
						None,                 # error
						SiteBase.get_type(saveas), # type
						n,                    # image_name
						width,                # img width
						height,               # img height
						path.getsize(saveas), # filesize
						path.basename(tsaveas), # thumb_name
						twidth,               # thumb width
						theight,              # thumb height
						None                  # metadata
					] )
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def get_album_name(self):
		album = self.url.split('/')[-2]
		return SiteBase.fs_safe(album)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_album_name(self):
     url = self.url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '')
     album = '-'.join(url.split('/')[1:])
     return SiteBase.fs_safe(album)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def get_album_name(self):
		album = self.url.split('/')[-1]
		return SiteBase.fs_safe(album)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def get_album_name(self):
		if self.twitter_user != None:
			return self.twitter_user
		elif self.twitter_search != None:
			return 'search_%s' % SiteBase.fs_safe(self.twitter_search)
		raise Exception('url was neither a twitter user nor a twitter search')
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_album_name(self):
     if self.twitter_user != None:
         return self.twitter_user
     elif self.twitter_search != None:
         return 'search_%s' % SiteBase.fs_safe(self.twitter_search)
     raise Exception('url was neither a twitter user nor a twitter search')
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def get_album_name(self):
		url = self.url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '')
		album = '-'.join(url.split('/')[1:])
		return SiteBase.fs_safe(album)