def build_dlg(self): top = label = Label(top, name = 'label', text = _("Please select the object categories whose " "default properties you want to change")) label.pack(side = TOP, anchor = W) frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = TOP) self.var_graphics = IntVar(top) if self.category != 'font': self.var_graphics.set(1) button = Checkbutton(frame, text = _("Graphics Objects"), state = (self.category == 'font' and DISABLED or NORMAL), variable = self.var_graphics) button.pack(side = TOP, anchor = W) self.var_text = IntVar(top) if self.category == 'font': self.var_text.set(1) button = Checkbutton(frame, text = _("Text Objects"), state = (self.category == 'line' and DISABLED or NORMAL), variable = self.var_text) button.pack(side = TOP, anchor = W) but_frame = Frame(top) but_frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = Button(but_frame, text = _("OK"), command = self.ok) button.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1) button = Button(but_frame, text = _("Cancel"), command = self.cancel) button.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = 1)
def build_dlg(self): self.var_corners = IntVar( self.var_corners.set(10) label = Label(, text=_("Corners")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_corners) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_outer_radius = StringVar( self.var_outer_radius.set("100pt") label = Label(, text=_("Outer Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_outer_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_inner_radius = StringVar( self.var_inner_radius.set("75pt") label = Label(, text=_("Inner Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_inner_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E)
def openfiletypes(): types = [(_("Skencil/Sketch Document"), '.sk')] for info in plugins.import_plugins: types.append(info.tk_file_type) types.append((_("All Files"), '*')) types = tuple(types) return types
def InfoText(self): # Return a string describing the selected object(s) result = _("No Selection") if self.objects: sel_info = self.objects document = sel_info[0][1].document if len(sel_info) == 1: path, obj = sel_info[0] dict = {'layer': document[path[0]].Name()} info = obj.Info() if type(info) == TupleType: dict.update(info[1]) # the %% is correct here. The result has to be a # %-template itself. text = _("%s on `%%(layer)s'") % info[0] else: dict['object'] = info text = _("%(object)s on `%(layer)s'") result = text, dict else: layer = sel_info[0][0][0] if layer == sel_info[-1][0][0]: # a single layer layer_name = document.layers[layer].Name() result = _("%(number)d objects on `%(layer)s'") \ % {'number':len(sel_info), 'layer':layer_name} else: result = _("%d objects on several layers") % len(sel_info) return result
def build_dlg(self): top = button_frame = self.create_std_buttons(top) button_frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) do_apply = self.do_apply frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 1, ipady = 2) label = Label(frame, text = _("Origin:"), anchor = E) label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'E') f = Frame(frame) self.var_xorig = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) f.grid(row = 0, column = 1) label = Label(frame, text = ',', width = 1) label.grid(row = 0, column = 2) f = Frame(frame) self.var_yorig = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) f.grid(row = 0, column = 3) label = Label(frame, text = _("Widths:"), anchor = E) label.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'E') f = Frame(frame) self.var_xwidth = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) f.grid(row = 1, column = 1) label = Label(frame, text = 'x', width = 1) label.grid(row = 1, column = 2) f = Frame(frame) self.var_ywidth = create_length_entry(top, f, do_apply) f.grid(row = 1, column = 3)
def build_dlg(self): self.var_ppi = IntVar( self.var_ppi.set(72) label = Label(, text=_("ppi")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_ppi) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_alpha = BooleanVar( self.var_alpha.set(1) label = Label(, text=_("w. Transparency")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_alpha) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_use_bbox = BooleanVar( self.var_use_bbox.set(0) label = Label(, text=_("use BB information")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_use_bbox) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E)
def build_dlg(self): top = button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Close"), name = 'close', command = self.close_dlg) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 0, fill = X) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Apply"), command = self.apply_style, sensitivecb = self.can_apply) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 0, fill = X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Delete"), command = self.remove_style, sensitivecb = self.can_remove) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, expand = 0, fill = X) list_frame = Frame(top) list_frame.pack(side = TOP, expand = 1, fill = BOTH) sb_vert = Scrollbar(list_frame, takefocus = 0) sb_vert.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) styles = UpdatedListbox(list_frame, name = 'list') styles.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) styles.Subscribe(COMMAND, self.apply_style) sb_vert['command'] = (styles, 'yview') styles['yscrollcommand'] = (sb_vert, 'set') self.styles = styles
def CurrentInfoText(self): if self.horizontal: text = _("Horizontal Guide Line at %(coord)[length]") dict = {'coord': self.drag_cur.y} else: text = _("Vertical Guide Line at %(coord)[length]") dict = {'coord': self.drag_cur.x} return text, dict
def RedoText(self): # Return a string to describe the operation that would be redone # next, in a format suitable for a menu entry. if self.redoinfo: redolabel = self.redoinfo[0][0] if type(redolabel) == StringType: return _("Redo %s") % redolabel return _("Redo")
def Info(self): width, height = x, y = self.trafo.offset() if self.IsEmbedded(): return _("Embedded Image %(width)d x %(height)d " "at (%(x)d, %(y)d)") % locals() else: filename = os.path.basename( return _("Linked Image `%(filename)s' %(width)d x %(height)d " "at (%(x)d, %(y)d)") % locals()
def CurrentInfoText(self): t = self.trafo data = {} if abs(round(t.m11, 2)) == abs(round(t.m22, 2)): text = _("Circle %(radius)[length], center %(center)[position]") data['radius'] = t.m11 else: text = _("Ellipse %(size)[size], center %(center)[position]") data['size'] = (abs(t.m11), abs(t.m22)) data['center'] = t.offset() return text, data
def Info(self): trafo = self.trafo w = hypot(trafo.m11, trafo.m21) h = hypot(trafo.m12, trafo.m22) dict = {'center': trafo.offset(), 'radius': w, 'axes': (w, h)} if w == h: text = _("Circle radius %(radius)[length], " "center %(center)[position]") else: text = _("Ellipse axes %(axes)[size], center %(center)[position]") return text, dict
def insert_file(self, event=None): name = askopenfilename(filetypes=[(_("styletext files"), "*.st"), (_("all files"), "*")]) if name: try: text, styling = load_text(name) except Exception, value: self.warn( title=_("Insert File"), message=_("Cannot insert %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") % {"filename": ` os.path.split(name)[1] `, "message": value}, )
def PopupContextMenu(self, event): self.context_idx = self.x_to_idx(event.x) self.context_pos = (event.x - self.orig_x) / float(self.ximage.width) if self.context_menu is None: items = [MenuCommand(_("Set Handle Color"), self.set_handle_color, sensitivecb = self.can_set_handle_color), MenuCommand(_("Delete Handle"), self.delete_handle, sensitivecb = self.can_delete_handle), MenuCommand(_("Insert Handle"), self.insert_handle, sensitivecb = self.can_insert_handle)] self.context_menu = UpdatedMenu(self, items) self.context_menu.Popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
def select_guide(self, *rest): sel = self.guides.curselection() if sel: self.selected = atoi(sel[0]) pos, horizontal = self.guide_lines[self.selected].Coordinates() self.var_pos.set(pos) if horizontal: self.var_label.set(_("Y:")) else: self.var_label.set(_("X:")) else: self.selected = None
def create_std_buttons(self, master): frame = Frame(master) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Apply"), command = self.do_apply, sensitivecb = self.can_apply) button.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Close"), command = self.close_dlg) button.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = 1, fill = X) return frame
def build_dlg(self): top = var_number = DoubleVar(top) var_unit = StringVar(top) self.var_pos = LengthVar(1.0, config.preferences.default_unit, var_number, var_unit, command = self.set_pos) pos_frame = Frame(top) pos_frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 0) self.var_label = StringVar(top) self.var_label.set('X:') label = Label(pos_frame, textvariable = self.var_label) label.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, anchor = E) entry = MyEntry(pos_frame, textvariable = var_number, justify = RIGHT, width = 4, command = self.var_pos.UpdateNumber) entry.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X, anchor = E) scroll = MiniScroller(pos_frame, variable = var_number, min = 0, max = None, step = 1) scroll.pack(side = LEFT, fill = Y) optmenu = create_unit_menu(pos_frame, self.set_unit, variable = var_unit, indicatoron = 0, width = 3) optmenu.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X, anchor = W) list_frame = Frame(top) list_frame.pack(side = TOP, expand = 1, fill = BOTH) sb_vert = Scrollbar(list_frame, takefocus = 0) sb_vert.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) guides = UpdatedListbox(list_frame, name = 'list') guides.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) guides.Subscribe(SELECTION, self.select_guide) sb_vert['command'] = (guides, 'yview') guides['yscrollcommand'] = (sb_vert, 'set') self.guides = guides self.selected = None frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Add H"), command = self.add_guide, args = 1) button.pack(side = LEFT) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Add V"), command = self.add_guide, args = 0) button.pack(side = LEFT) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Delete"), command = self.del_guide) button.pack(side = LEFT) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Close"), command = self.close_dlg) button.pack(side = RIGHT)
def saveas(self, event=None): name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[(_("styletext files"), "*.st"), (_("all files"), "*")]) if name: text = self.get("1.0", "end") styling = self.styling_get("1.0", "end") try: save_text(name, text, styling) except IOError, value: self.warn( title=_("Save File"), message=_("Cannot Save %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") % {"filename": ` os.path.split(name)[1] `, "message": value}, )
def GetStandardPalette(): palette = read_standard_palette(config.preferences.palette) if not palette: warn(USER, _("Could not load palette %s; trying mini.spl..."), config.preferences.palette) palette = read_standard_palette('mini.spl') if not palette: warn(USER, _("Could not load palette mini.spl; reverting to black&white")) palette = RGBPalette() for r, g, b, name in _mini_pal: palette.AddEntry((r, g, b), name) return palette
def StandardDashes(): global std_dashes if std_dashes is None: filename = os.path.join(config.std_res_dir, config.preferences.dashes) try: std_dashes = [] read_resource_file(filename, '##Sketch Dashes 0', _("%s is not dashes file"), {'dashes': std_dashes.append}) except: warn_tb(USER, _("Error trying to read dashes from %s\n" "Using builtin defaults"), filename) std_dashes = [(), (5, 5)] return std_dashes
def insert_file(self, event=None): name = askopenfilename( \ filetypes=[(_("styletext files"), "*.st"), \ (_("all files"), "*")]) if name: try: text, styling = load_text(name) except Exception, value: self.warn( title = _("Insert File"), message = _("Cannot insert %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(name)[1]`, 'message':value})
def do_print(self): app = self.main_window.application bbox = self.document.BoundingRect(visible = 0, printable = 1) if bbox is None: app.MessageBox(title = _("Save As PostScript"), message = _("The document doesn't have " "any printable layers."), icon = "warning") return try: filename = '' file = None if self.print_dest.get() == 'file': # print to file filename = self.print_filename.get() # use filename as file just in case the user is trying # to save into an EPS that is referenced by the # document. The psdevice knows how to handle such cases. file = filename title = os.path.basename(filename) else: file = os.popen(self.print_command.get(), 'w') title = 'sketch' try: dev = Sketch.PostScriptDevice ps_dev = dev(file, as_eps = 1, bounding_box = tuple(bbox), rotate = self.var_rotate.get(), embed_fonts = self.var_embfnt.get(), For = util.get_real_username(), CreationDate = util.current_date(), Title = title, document = self.document) self.document.Draw(ps_dev) ps_dev.Close() if filename: self.document.meta.ps_filename = filename self.document.meta.ps_directory =os.path.split(filename)[0] finally: # close the file. Check for the close attribute first # because file can be either a string or a file object. if hasattr(file, "close"): file.close() except IOError, value: app.MessageBox(title = _("Save As PostScript"), message = _("Cannot save %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(filename)[1]`, 'message':value[1]}, icon = 'warning') return
def GetStandardPalette(): palette = read_standard_palette(config.preferences.palette) if not palette: warn(USER, _("Could not load palette %s; trying mini.spl..."), config.preferences.palette) palette = read_standard_palette('mini.spl') if not palette: warn( USER, _("Could not load palette mini.spl; reverting to black&white")) palette = RGBPalette() for r, g, b, name in _mini_pal: palette.AddEntry((r, g, b), name) return palette
def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1) self.label = Label(top, text=_("Name")) self.label.pack(side=LEFT) self.entry = MyEntry(top, command=self.ok) self.entry.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=X) self.entry.SetText(
class CurvePanel(CommandPanel): title = _("Curve") def __init__(self, master, main_window, doc): CommandPanel.__init__(self, master, main_window, doc, name='curvedlg') def build_dlg(self): names = (('ContAngle', 'CloseNodes', 'OpenNodes'), ('ContSmooth', 'InsertNodes', 'DeleteNodes'), ('ContSymmetrical', 'SegmentsToLines', 'SegmentsToCurve')) top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=TOP, expand=1, fill=BOTH) # XXX This dialog should have its own ObjectCommand objects cmds = self.main_window.canvas.commands.PolyBezierEditor for i in range(len(names)): for j in range(len(names[i])): button = CommandButton(frame, getattr(cmds, names[i][j]), highlightthickness=0) button.grid(column=j, row=i) frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=0, fill=X) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text=_("Close"), command=self.close_dlg) button.pack(anchor=CENTER)
def read_metric(ps_name): for afm in ps_to_filename[ps_name]: afm = afm + '.afm' filename = find_in_path(config.font_path, afm) if filename: if __debug__: import time start = time.clock() metric = read_afm_file(filename) if __debug__: pdebug('timing', 'time to read afm %s: %g', afm, time.clock() - start) return metric else: if not _warned_about_afm.get(afm): warn(USER, _("I cannot find the metrics for the font %(ps_name)s.\n" "The file %(afm)s is not in the font_path.\n" "I'll use the metrics for %(fallback)s instead."), ps_name = ps_name, afm = afm, fallback = config.preferences.fallback_font) _warned_about_afm[afm] = 1 if ps_name != config.preferences.fallback_font: return read_metric(config.preferences.fallback_font) else: raise SketchError("Can't load metrics for fallback font %s", config.preferences.fallback_font)
def __call__(self, document, filename, file=None, options=None): poptkey = 'Export.' + self.format_name if poptkey not in document.options: document.options[poptkey] = self.get_default_options() myoptions = document.options[poptkey] if options is None: if len(self.parameters): self.ask_options(myoptions) elif len(options): myoptions.update(options) try: module = self.load_module() except: warn_tb(INTERNAL, 'When importing plugin %s', self.module_name) raise SketchError( _("Cannot load filter %(name)s") % {'name': self.module_name}) if file is None and self.preopen_output: file = open(filename, 'w') close = 1 else: close = 0 if module is not None:, file, filename, myoptions) if close: file.close() if self.format_name == NativeFormat: document.ClearEdited() self.UnloadPlugin()
class GetNameDlg(SKModal): title = _("Name") def __init__(self, master, name, **kw): = name apply(SKModal.__init__, (self, master), kw) def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1) self.label = Label(top, text=_("Name")) self.label.pack(side=LEFT) self.entry = MyEntry(top, command=self.ok) self.entry.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=X) self.entry.SetText( def ok(self, *args): self.close_dlg(self.entry.get())
def saveas(self, event=None): name = asksaveasfilename( \ filetypes=[(_("styletext files"), "*.st"), \ (_("all files"), "*")]) if name: text = self.get('1.0', 'end') styling = self.styling_get('1.0', 'end') try: save_text(name, text, styling) except IOError, value: self.warn( title = _("Save File"), message = _("Cannot Save %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(name)[1]`, 'message':value})
def ButtonUp(self, p, button, state): if self.selection == self.selCenter: p = self.constrain_center(p, state) SelectAndDrag.DragStop(self, p) sel = self.selection if sel == self.selCenter: = self.drag_cur return '', None else: self.compute_trafo(state) trafo = self.trafo if self.selection in self.selShear: text = _("Shear Objects") else: text = _("Rotate Objects") return text, trafo
def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Reverse"), command=self.reverse) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1) view = GradientView(top, gradient_size[0], gradient_size[1], self.gradient) view.pack(side=LEFT) self.gradient_view = view
def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X) button = UpdatedButton(frame, bitmap = pixmaps.LayerNew, name = 'new', command = self.new_layer) button.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = UpdatedButton(frame, bitmap = pixmaps.LayerUp, name = 'up', command = self.layer_up) button.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = UpdatedButton(frame, bitmap = pixmaps.LayerDown, name = 'down', command = self.layer_down) button.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = UpdatedButton(frame, text = _("Close"), name = 'close', command = self.close_dlg) button.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) list_frame = Frame(top) list_frame.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = BOTH) sb_vert = Scrollbar(list_frame, takefocus = 0) sb_vert.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) self.canvas = canvas = Canvas(list_frame) canvas.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) self.frame = frame = Frame(canvas, name = 'list') canvas.create_window(0, 0, window = frame, anchor = NW) sb_vert['command'] = (canvas, 'yview') canvas['yscrollcommand'] = (sb_vert, 'set') self.active_var = IntVar(top)
def load_drawing_from_file(file, filename = '', doc_class = None): # Note: the doc_class argument is only here for plugin interface # compatibility with 0.7 (especiall e.g. gziploader) line = file.readline() # XXX ugly hack for riff-based files, e.g. Corel's CMX. The length # might contain newline characters. if line[:4] == 'RIFF' and len(line) < 12: line = line + - len(line)) #print line for info in plugins.import_plugins: match = info.rx_magic.match(line) if match: loader = info(file, filename, match) try: if do_profile: import profile warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling...') prof = profile.Profile() prof.runctx('loader.Load()', globals(), locals()) prof.dump_stats(os.path.join(info.dir, info.module_name + '.prof')) warn(INTERNAL, 'profiling... (done)') doc = loader.object else: #t = time.clock() doc = loader.Load() #print 'load in', time.clock() - t, 'sec.' messages = loader.Messages() if messages: doc.meta.load_messages = messages return doc finally: info.UnloadPlugin() else: raise SketchLoadError(_("unrecognised file type"))
def InfoText(self): # Return a string describing the selected object(s) # XXX we shouldn't access document.layers directly if self.editor is not None: return self.editor.Info() else: return _("No Selection")
class CreateStarDlg(SKModal): title = _("Create Spiral") def build_dlg(self): self.var_rotation = IntVar( self.var_rotation.set(4) label = Label(, text=_("Rotations")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_rotation) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_radius = StringVar( self.var_radius.set("100pt") label = Label(, text=_("Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=E) def ok(self): self.close_dlg((self.var_rotation.get(), self.var_radius.get()))
def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = Button(frame, text = _("OK"), command = self.ok) button.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1) button = Button(frame, text = _("Cancel"), command = self.cancel) button.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = 1) self.label = Label(top, text = _("Name")) self.label.pack(side = LEFT) self.entry = MyEntry(top, command = self.ok) self.entry.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = 1, fill = X) self.entry.SetText(
class EditGradientDlg(SKModal): title = _("Edit Gradient") def __init__(self, master, gradient, **kw): self.gradient = gradient apply(SKModal.__init__, (self, master), kw) def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Reverse"), command=self.reverse) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1) button = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1) view = GradientView(top, gradient_size[0], gradient_size[1], self.gradient) view.pack(side=LEFT) self.gradient_view = view def reverse(self, *args): self.gradient_view.reverse() def ok(self, *args): self.close_dlg(self.gradient_view.GetGradient())
class CreateStarDlg(SKModal): title = _("Create Star") def build_dlg(self): self.var_corners = IntVar( self.var_corners.set(10) label = Label(, text=_("Corners")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_corners) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_outer_radius = StringVar( self.var_outer_radius.set("100pt") label = Label(, text=_("Outer Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_outer_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_inner_radius = StringVar( self.var_inner_radius.set("75pt") label = Label(, text=_("Inner Radius")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_inner_radius) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E) def ok(self): self.close_dlg((self.var_corners.get(), self.var_outer_radius.get(), self.var_inner_radius.get()))
class CreateRasterParametersDlg(SKModal): "Create Tk Dialog to ask for raster parameters." title = _("Choose Raster Parameters") def build_dlg(self): self.var_ppi = IntVar( self.var_ppi.set(72) label = Label(, text=_("ppi")) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=E) entry = Entry(, width=15, textvariable=self.var_ppi) entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.var_alpha = BooleanVar( self.var_alpha.set(1) label = Label(, text=_("w. Transparency")) label.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_alpha) entry.grid(column=1, row=1) self.var_use_bbox = BooleanVar( self.var_use_bbox.set(0) label = Label(, text=_("use BB information")) label.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky=E) entry = Checkbutton(, variable=self.var_use_bbox) entry.grid(column=1, row=2) button = Button(, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) button.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky=W) button = Button(, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.cancel) button.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=E) def ok(self): self.close_dlg((self.var_ppi.get(), self.var_alpha.get(), self.var_use_bbox.get()))
def build_dlg(self): top = frame = Frame(top) frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) button = Button(frame, text = _("Reverse"), command = self.reverse) button.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1) button = Button(frame, text = _("OK"), command = self.ok) button.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1) button = Button(frame, text = _("Cancel"), command = self.cancel) button.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = 1) view = GradientView(top, gradient_size[0], gradient_size[1], self.gradient) view.pack(side = LEFT) self.gradient_view = view
def _search_dir(dir, recurse, package = 'Sketch.Plugins'): try: files = os.listdir(dir) except os.error, value: warn(USER, _("Cannot list directory %(filename)s\n%(message)s"), filename = dir, message = value[1]) return
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw): apply(PatternFrame.__init__, (self, master), kw) gradient = CreateSimpleGradient(StandardColors.white, frame = Frame(self) frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) self.var_gradient_type = IntVar(self) for value, bitmap in [(0, 'linear'), (1, 'conical'), (2, 'radial')]: bitmap = getattr(pixmaps, 'gradient_' + bitmap) button = make_button(frame, bitmap = bitmap, value = value, variable = self.var_gradient_type, command = self.choose_type) button.pack(side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 1) frame = Frame(self) frame.pack(side = TOP, expand = 1, fill = X) self.colors = [None, None] self.colors[0] = ColorButton(frame, height = 1, color = gradient.StartColor(), command = self.set_color, args = 0) self.colors[0].pack(side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 1) self.colors[1] = ColorButton(frame, height = 1, color = gradient.EndColor(), command = self.set_color, args = 1) self.colors[1].pack(side = LEFT, fill = X, expand = 1) self.var_border = DoubleVar(self) self.var_border.set(0.0) frame = Frame(self) frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 1) label = Label(frame, text = _("Border")) label.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, anchor = E) entry = MyEntry(frame, textvariable = self.var_border, width = 4, justify = RIGHT, command = self.set_border) entry.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) scroll = MiniScroller(frame, variable = self.var_border, min = 0.0, max = 100.0, step = 1.0, command = self.set_border) scroll.pack(side = LEFT, fill = Y) button = UpdatedButton(self, text = _("Edit Gradient"), command = self.edit_gradient) button.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) pattern = LinearGradient(gradient) self.SetPattern(pattern)
def do_apply(self): kw = {} if self.active_frame: kw['fill_pattern'] = self.active_frame.Pattern().Duplicate() kw['fill_transform'] = self.var_transform.get() else: kw['fill_pattern'] = EmptyFillStyle self.set_properties(_("Set Fill"), 'fill', kw)
def load_drawing(filename): if type(filename) == StringType: try: file = open(filename, 'r') except IOError, value: message = value.strerror raise SketchLoadError(_("Cannot open %(filename)s:\n%(message)s") % locals())
def PopupContextMenu(self, event): self.context_idx = self.x_to_idx(event.x) self.context_pos = (event.x - self.orig_x) / float(self.ximage.width) if self.context_menu is None: items = [ MenuCommand(_("Set Handle Color"), self.set_handle_color, sensitivecb=self.can_set_handle_color), MenuCommand(_("Delete Handle"), self.delete_handle, sensitivecb=self.can_delete_handle), MenuCommand(_("Insert Handle"), self.insert_handle, sensitivecb=self.can_insert_handle) ] self.context_menu = UpdatedMenu(self, items) self.context_menu.Popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
def Load(self): self.document() self.layer(name=_("WMF objects")) self.read_headers() self.interpret() self.end_all() self.object.load_Completed() return self.object
def update_list(self): strings = [] factor = self.var_pos.Factor() unit = self.var_pos.UnitName() if unit in ('in', 'cm'): prec = 2 else: prec = 1 for line in self.guide_lines: pos, horizontal = line.Coordinates() if horizontal: format = _("% 6.*f %s horizontal") else: format = _("% 6.*f %s vertical") strings.append(format % (prec, pos / factor, unit)) self.guides.SetList(strings) self.select_index(self.selected)
def read_font_dirs(): #print 'read_font_dirs' if __debug__: import time start = time.clock() rx_sfd = re.compile(r'^.*\.sfd$') for directory in config.font_path: #print directory try: filenames = os.listdir(directory) except os.error, exc: warn(USER, _("Cannot list directory %s:%s\n" "ignoring it in font_path"), directory, str(exc)) continue dirfiles = filter(rx_sfd.match, filenames) for filename in dirfiles: filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) #print filename try: file = open(filename, 'r') line_nr = 0 for line in file.readlines(): line_nr = line_nr + 1 line = strip(line) if not line or line[0] == '#': continue info = map(intern, split(line, ',')) if len(info) == 6: psname = info[0] fontlist.append(tuple(info[:-1])) _add_ps_filename(psname, info[-1]) fontmap[psname] = tuple(info[1:-1]) elif len(info) == 2: psname, basename = info _add_ps_filename(psname, basename) else: warn(INTERNAL,'%s:%d: line must have exactly 6 fields', filename, line_nr) file.close() except IOError, value: warn(USER, _("Cannot load sfd file %(filename)s:%(message)s;" "ignoring it"), filename = filename, message = value.strerror)
def CurrentInfoText(self): t = self.trafo data = {} if type(t) == TrafoType: x = t.m11 y = t.m22 #if round(x, 3) == round(y, 3): # text = _("Uniform Scale %(factor)[factor]") # data['factor'] = x #else: text = _("Scale %(factorx)[factor], %(factory)[factor]") data['factorx'] = x data['factory'] = y else: text = _("Move %(x)[length], %(y)[length]") data['x'] = t.x data['y'] = t.y return text, data
def load_image(self): dir = config.preferences.pattern_dir filename = self.main_window.GetOpenImageFilename(no_eps = 1, initialdir = dir) if not filename: return try: tile = load_image(filename) except IOError, value: if type(value) == type(()): value = value[1] basename = os.path.split(filename)[1] self.main_window.application.MessageBox(title = _("Load Image"), message=_("Cannot load %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`basename`, 'message':value}, icon = 'warning')
def __init__(self, master, main_window, **kw): apply(PatternFrame.__init__, (self, master), kw) self.main_window = main_window button = UpdatedButton(self, text = _("Load Image..."), command = self.load_image) button.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) button = UpdatedButton(self, text = _("Pick Image..."), command = self.pick_image) button.pack(side = TOP, fill = X) file = os.path.join(config.std_res_dir, config.preferences.pattern) try: file = open(file) tile = load_image(file) except: warn_tb(INTERNAL, "Cannot load %s", file) return self.SetPattern(ImageTilePattern(tile))
def _search_dir(dir, recurse, package='Sketch.Plugins'): try: files = os.listdir(dir) except os.error, value: warn(USER, _("Cannot list directory %(filename)s\n%(message)s"), filename=dir, message=value[1]) return
def build_dlg(self): top = button_frame = Frame(top) button_frame.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = BOTH, expand = 1) self.update_buttons = [] button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Apply"), command = self.apply_blend, sensitivecb = self.doc_can_blend) button.pack(in_ = button_frame, side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Close"), command = self.close_dlg) button.pack(in_ = button_frame, side = RIGHT, expand = 1, fill = X) steps_frame = Frame(top, relief = GROOVE, bd = 2) steps_frame.pack(side = TOP, fill = X, expand = 1) label = Label(steps_frame, text = _("Steps")) label.pack(side = LEFT, anchor = E) self.var_steps = IntVar(top) self.var_steps.set(config.preferences.blend_panel_default_steps) self.entry = MyEntry(steps_frame, name = 'steps', textvariable = self.var_steps, command = self.apply_blend) self.entry.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X, anchor = E) scroll = MiniScroller(steps_frame, variable = self.var_steps, min = 2, max = None, step = 1) scroll.pack(side = LEFT, fill = Y) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Select Start"), sensitivecb = self.can_select, command = self.select_control, args = SelectStart) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X, expand = 1) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update) button = UpdatedButton(top, text = _("Select End"), sensitivecb = self.can_select, command = self.select_control, args = SelectEnd) button.pack(side = BOTTOM, fill = X, expand = 1) self.Subscribe(SELECTION, button.Update)
def __init__(self, name=_("Guides"), visible=1, printable=0, locked=0, outlined=1, outline_color=None): if outline_color is None: outline_color = config.preferences.guide_color SpecialLayer.__init__(self, name, visible, 0, locked, 1, outline_color)