Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_specials_with_no_distinct_owners(self):
     ''' Some specials, like the 'Umbral' set, are not owned by any distinct unit.
     Instead, Umbral skills are given to the Rokkr versions of any unit '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('/Umbra_Calamity', '/Umbra_Calamity')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['List of Owners'] is None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_galeforce_class_restrictions(self):
     ''' Galeforce cannot be used by Dragon or Ranged units'''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Galeforce', '/Galeforce')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == ['Red bow', 'Red Dagger', 'Red Tome', 'Red Breath', 'Blue bow', 'Blue Dagger', 'Blue Tome', 'Blue Breath', 'Green bow', 'Green Dagger', 'Green Tome', 'Green Breath', 'Colorless bow', 'Colorless Dagger', 'Colorless Tome', 'Staff', 'Colorless Breath'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_ruptured_sky_class_restrictions(self):
     ''' Ruptured Sky cannot be used by Beasts or Dragons '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Ruptured_Sky', '/Ruptured_Sky')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == ['Red Breath', 'Red Beast', 'Blue Breath', 'Blue Beast', 'Green Breath', 'Green Beast', 'Staff', 'Colorless Breath', 'Colorless Beast'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_exclusive_specials(self):
     ''' Some specials cannot be inherited '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Radiant_Aether', '/Radiant_Aether')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     # assert (special_dict['Exclusive'] == 'Yes')
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == 'Exclusive')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_staff_only_specials(self):
     ''' Some specials can only be used by 'Staff' units '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Earthfire_Balm%2B', '/Earthfire_Balm%2B')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == 'Staff only')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_specials_with_multiple_usable_prerequisite_skills(self):
     ''' Specials with multiple possible prerequisite skills should be neatly
     separated by a comma, instead of being clumped together in a string '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Radiant_Aether', '/Radiant_Aether')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Required'] == 'Sol, Luna')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_special_cannot_be_used_by_staff(self):
     ''' Most specials cannot be used by 'Staff' units'''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Glacies', '/Glacies')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == ['Staff'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_melee_only_special(self):
     ''' Some skills cannot be used by any of the ranged classes '''
     skill_name_and_url = ('Aegis', '/Aegis')
     special_dict = special_scraper(skill_name_and_url)
     assert (special_dict['Restrictions'] == ['Red bow', 'Red Dagger', 'Red Tome', 'Blue bow', 'Blue Dagger', 'Blue Tome', 'Green bow', 'Green Dagger', 'Green Tome', 'Colorless bow', 'Colorless Dagger', 'Colorless Tome', 'Staff'])