Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_h(self, keep1=True):
        c = h(p)
        hs = [poly.get_h(keep1=keep1) for poly in self]
        yids = butil.flatten([h_.yids for h_ in hs])
        coefstrs = butil.flatten([h_.frepr.tolist() for h_ in hs])
        senstrs = [[exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.diff_expr(coefstr, pid))
                    for pid in self.pids] for coefstr in coefstrs]
        hstr = str(coefstrs).replace("'", "")
        Dhstr = str(senstrs).replace("'", "") 
        subs0 = dict(butil.flatten([poly.convarvals.items() for poly in self], 
        def f(p):
            subs = subs0.copy()
            subs.update(dict(zip(self.pids, p)))
            return np.array(eval(hstr, subs))
        def Df(p):
            subs = subs0.copy()
            subs.update(dict(zip(self.pids, p)))
            return np.array(eval(Dhstr, subs))

        h = predict.Predict(f=f, Df=Df, pids=self.pids, p0=self.p0, 
                            yids=yids, frepr=butil.Series(coefstrs, yids),
                            Dfrepr=butil.DF(senstrs, yids, self.pids))
        return h
Ejemplo n.º 2
def solve_path2(s1, s2):
        s1 and s2: strs of ratelaws; variable is 'X'
        solve_for: 'X' or 'J'
        #idx_root: 0 or 1, since there can be two roots (if v1 - v2 == 0 
        #    is a quadratic equation)
        A tuple of  (X string, J string)
    if 'inf' in s1 and 'inf' in s2:
        raise ValueError
    elif 'inf' in s1:
        Xstr = str(sympy.solve(s1.replace('inf', '1'), 'X', simplify=True)[0])
        Jstr = exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.sub_for_var(s2, 'X', Xstr))
    elif 'inf' in s2:
        Xstr = str(sympy.solve(s2.replace('inf', '1'), 'X', simplify=True)[0])
        Jstr = exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.sub_for_var(s1, 'X', Xstr))
        eqn = '(%s) - (%s)' % (s1, s2)
        roots = sympy.solve(eqn, 'X', simplify=True)
        if len(roots) == 2:
            # choose the positive root (can be the 1st or the 2nd of the two)
            bools = ['+ sqrt' in str(sympy.expand(root)) for root in roots]
            idx = bools.index(True)
            Xstr = str(roots[idx])
            Xstr = str(roots[0])
        Jstr = exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.sub_for_var(s1, 'X', Xstr))
        xsol = str(roots[1])
        varids = list(exprmanip.extract_vars(xsol))
        tests = [] 
        for i in range(10):
            subs = dict(zip(varids, np.random.lognormal(size=len(varids))))
            subs['sqrt'] = np.sqrt
            tests.append(eval(xsol, subs) > 0)
        if not all(tests):
            raise ValueError
    except (IndexError, ValueError):
        xsol = str(roots[0])

    return Xstr, Jstr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def list2predict2(l, pids, uids=None, us=None, yids=None, c=None, p0=None):
    pred = list2predict(['exp(-p1*1)+exp(-p2*1)', 'exp(-p1*2)+exp(-p2*2)', 'exp(-p1*1)-exp(-p2*1)'],
                        pids=['p1','p2'], p0=None)
    pred = list2predict(['(k1f*C1-k1r*X1)-(k2f*X1-k2r*X2)', 
        c: a mapping
    if c is not None:
        l = [exprmanip.sub_for_vars(s, c) for s in l]
    ystr = str(l).replace("'", "")
    ycode = compile(ystr, '', 'eval')
    def f(p):
        return np.array(eval(ycode, dict(zip(pids, p)), mathsubs))
    jaclist = []
    for s in l:
        jacrow = [exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.diff_expr(s, pid))
                  for pid in pids]
    if us is not None:
        jaclist = [[[exprmanip.sub_for_vars(jacentry, dict(zip(uids, u))) 
                     for jacentry in jacrow] 
                    for jacrow in jaclist]
                   for u in us]
        jaclist = butil.flatten(jaclist, depth=1)       

    jacstr = str(jaclist).replace("'", "")
    jaccode = compile(jacstr, '', 'eval')

    def Df(p):
        return np.array(eval(jaccode, dict(zip(pids, p)), mathsubs))
    if p0 is None:
        p0 = [1] * len(pids)
    if yids is None:
        yids = ['y%d'%i for i in range(1, len(l)+1)]
        if us is not None:
            uids = ['u%d'%i for i in range(1, len(us)+1)]
            yids = butil.get_product(yids, uids)
    return Predict(f=f, Df=Df, p0=p0, pids=pids, yids=yids)    
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_Ep_str(net):
    Ep = []
    for rxnid in net.rxnids:
        ratelaw = exprmanip.sub_for_vars(net.rxns[rxnid].kineticLaw, 
        Ep_rxn = []
        for pid in net.pids:
            Ep_rxn.append(exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.diff_expr(ratelaw, pid)))
    Ep_str = str(Ep).replace("'", "")   
    Ep_code = compile(Ep_str, '', 'eval')  # compile to code object
    net.Ep_str, net.Ep_code = Ep_str, Ep_code
    return Ep_str, Ep_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_concentration_elasticity_string(net):
    Ex = []
    for rxnid in net.rxnids:
        ratelaw = exprmanip.sub_for_vars(net.rxns[rxnid].kineticLaw,
        Ex_rxn = []
        for xid in net.xids:
                exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.diff_expr(ratelaw, xid)))
    Ex_str = str(Ex).replace("'", "")
    Ex_code = compile(Ex_str, '', 'eval')  # compile to code object
    net.Ex_str, net.Ex_code = Ex_str, Ex_code
    return Ex_str, Ex_code
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_simplify_expr(self):
     cases = [
         'x**(-y + z)',
         'x - (x+y)',
         '(x+y) - z',
         'g(x-0+2, y**2 - 0**0, z*y + x/1)',
         'x**2 - y/z',
         'x/y == x/y',
         'not True',
         'x/x + y/y == 2',
         '3 + 4 > 6',
         '3 + (4 > 6)',
     cases1 = ['x**(-y + z)']
     # cases = ['-y + z']
     for expr in cases:
         simplified = ExprManip.simplify_expr(expr)
         orig = eval(expr)
         simp = eval(simplified)
         if orig != 0:
             assert old_div(abs(orig - simp), (0.5 * (orig + simp))) < 1e-6
             assert simp == 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def str2predict(s, pids, uids, us, c=None, p0=None, yids=None):
        us: a list of u's where each u has the same length as uids and has the 
            same order
        c: if given, a mapping from convarid to convarval 
    if c is not None:
        s = exprmanip.sub_for_vars(s, c)
    ystr = str([exprmanip.sub_for_vars(s, dict(zip(uids, u))) for u in us]).\
        replace("'", "")
    ycode = compile(ystr, '', 'eval')
    def f(p):
        return np.array(eval(ycode, dict(zip(pids, p)), mathsubs))
    jaclist = []
    for u in us:
        s_u = exprmanip.sub_for_vars(s, dict(zip(uids, u)))
        jacrow = [exprmanip.simplify_expr(exprmanip.diff_expr(s_u, pid))
                  for pid in pids]
    jacstr = str(jaclist).replace("'", "")
    jaccode = compile(jacstr, '', 'eval')

    def Df(p):
        return np.array(eval(jaccode, dict(zip(pids, p)), mathsubs))
    if p0 is None:
        p0 = [1] * len(pids)
    if yids is None:
        yids = ['u=%s'%str(list(u)) for u in us]
    return Predict(f=f, Df=Df, p0=p0, pids=pids, yids=yids)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def fromSBMLString(sbmlStr, id=None, duplicate_rxn_params=False):
    r = libsbml.SBMLReader()
    d = r.readSBMLFromString(sbmlStr)
    if d.getNumErrors():
        message = 'libSBML reported errors in SBML file. Try running file '\
                'through the online validator: '\
                'http://www.sbml.org/Facilities/Validator . Specific errors '\
                'noted are: '
        errors = []
        for ii in range(d.getNumErrors()):
            pm = d.getError(ii)
        print(message + '; '.join(errors))

    m = d.getModel()

    modelId = m.getId()
    if (id is None) and (modelId == ''):
        raise ValueError('Network id not specified in SBML or passed in.')
    elif id is not None:
        modelId = id

    rn = Network_mod.Network(id=modelId, name=m.getName())

    for f in m.getListOfFunctionDefinitions():
        id, name = f.getId(), f.getName()
        math = f.getMath()
        variables = []
        for ii in range(math.getNumChildren() - 1):

        math = formula_to_py(math.getRightChild())

        rn.addFunctionDefinition(id, variables, math)

    for c in m.getListOfCompartments():
        id, name = c.getId(), c.getName()
        size = c.getSize()
        isConstant = c.getConstant()

        rn.addCompartment(id=id, size=size, isConstant=isConstant, name=name)

    for s in m.getListOfSpecies():
        id, name = s.getId(), s.getName()
        compartment = s.getCompartment()
        if s.isSetInitialConcentration():
            iC = s.getInitialConcentration()
        elif s.isSetInitialAmount():
            iC = s.getInitialAmount()
            iC = 1
        isBC, isConstant = s.getBoundaryCondition(), s.getConstant()

        xml_text = s.toSBML()
        uniprot_ids = set([
            entry[1:].split('"')[0] for entry in xml_text.split('uniprot')[1:]


    for p in m.getListOfParameters():
        parameter = createNetworkParameter(p)

    for rxn in m.getListOfReactions():
        id, name = rxn.getId(), rxn.getName()
        kL = rxn.getKineticLaw()
        kLFormula = kL.getFormula()

        substitution_dict = {}
        # Deal with parameters defined within reactions
        for p in kL.getListOfParameters():
            parameter = createNetworkParameter(p)
            # If a parameter with this name already exists, **and it has a
            # different value than this parameter** we rename this parameter
            # instance by prefixing it with the rxn name so there isn't a
            # clash.
            if parameter.id in list(rn.variables.keys()):
                logger.warn('Parameter %s appears in two different reactions '
                            'in SBML file.' % parameter.id)
                if parameter.value != rn.variables.get(parameter.id).value or\
                    oldId = parameter.id
                    parameter.id = id + '_' + parameter.id
                    substitution_dict[oldId] = parameter.id
                    logger.warn('It has different values in the two positions '
                                'so we are creating a new parameter %s.' %
                    logger.warn('It has the same value in the two positions '
                                'so we are only defining one parameter %s. '
                                'This behavior can be changed with the option '
                                'duplicate_rxn_params = True' % (parameter.id))

            if parameter.id not in list(rn.variables.keys()):
        kLFormula = ExprManip.sub_for_vars(kLFormula, substitution_dict)

        # Assemble the stoichiometry. SBML has the annoying trait that
        #  species can appear as both products and reactants and 'cancel out'
        # For each species appearing in the reaction, we build up a string
        # representing the stoichiometry. Then we'll simplify that string and
        # see whether we ended up with a float value in the end.
        stoichiometry = {}
        reactant_stoichiometry = {}
        product_stoichiometry = {}
        for reactant in rxn.getListOfReactants():
            species = reactant.getSpecies()
            stoichiometry.setdefault(species, '0')
            stoich = reactant.getStoichiometryMath()
            stoich = stoichToString(reactant, stoich)
            stoichiometry[species] += '-(%s)' % stoich
            if species in reactant_stoichiometry:
                reactant_stoichiometry[species] = [stoich]

        for product in rxn.getListOfProducts():
            species = product.getSpecies()
            stoichiometry.setdefault(species, '0')
            stoich = product.getStoichiometryMath()
            stoich = stoichToString(product, stoich)
            stoichiometry[species] += '+(%s)' % stoich
            if species in product_stoichiometry:
                product_stoichiometry[species] = [stoich]

        for species, stoich in list(stoichiometry.items()):
            stoich = ExprManip.simplify_expr(stoich)
                # Try converting the string to a float.
                stoich = float(stoich)
            except ValueError:
            stoichiometry[species] = stoich

        for modifier in rxn.getListOfModifiers():
            stoichiometry.setdefault(modifier.getSpecies(), 0)


    for ii, r in enumerate(m.getListOfRules()):
        if r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ALGEBRAIC_RULE:
            math = formula_to_py(r.getMath())
            variable = r.getVariable()
            math = formula_to_py(r.getMath())
            if r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE:
                rn.addAssignmentRule(variable, math)
            elif r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE:
                rn.addRateRule(variable, math)

    for ii, e in enumerate(m.getListOfEvents()):
        id, name = e.getId(), e.getName()

        if id == '':
            id = 'event%i' % ii

            # For libSBML 3.0
            trigger_math = e.getTrigger().getMath()
        except AttributeError:
            # For older versions
            trigger_math = e.getTrigger()
        trigger = formula_to_py(trigger_math)

        if e.getDelay() is not None:
                # For libSBML 3.0
                delay_math = e.getDelay().getMath()
            except AttributeError:
                # For older versions
                delay_math = e.getDelay()
            delay = formula_to_py(delay_math)
            delay = 0

        timeUnits = e.getTimeUnits()
        eaDict = KeyedList()
        for ea in e.getListOfEventAssignments():
            ea_formula = formula_to_py(ea.getMath())
            ea_formula = ea_formula.replace('or(', 'or_func(')
            ea_formula = ea_formula.replace('and(', 'and_func(')
            eaDict.set(ea.getVariable(), ea_formula)


    for ii, con in enumerate(m.getListOfConstraints()):
        id, name = con.getId(), con.getName()
        if id == '':
            id = 'constraint%i' % ii

        trigger_math = con.getMath()

        trigger = formula_to_py(trigger_math)

        if con.isSetMessage():
            message = con.getMessage()
            message = None

        rn.addConstraint(id=id, trigger=trigger, message=message, name=name)

    return rn
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fromSBMLString(sbmlStr, id = None, duplicate_rxn_params=False):
    r = libsbml.SBMLReader()
    d = r.readSBMLFromString(sbmlStr)
    if d.getNumErrors():
        message = 'libSBML reported errors in SBML file. Try running file '\
                'through the online validator: '\
                'http://www.sbml.org/Facilities/Validator . Specific errors '\
                'noted are: '
        errors = []
        for ii in range(d.getNumErrors()):
            pm = d.getError(ii)
        raise ValueError(message + '; '.join(errors))

    m = d.getModel()

    modelId = m.getId()
    if (id == None) and (modelId == ''):
        raise ValueError('Network id not specified in SBML or passed in.')
    elif id is not None:
        modelId = id
    rn = Network_mod.Network(id = modelId, name = m.getName())

    for f in m.getListOfFunctionDefinitions():
        id, name = f.getId(), f.getName()
        math = f.getMath()
        variables = []
        for ii in range(math.getNumChildren() - 1):

        math = libsbml.formulaToString(math.getRightChild())

        rn.addFunctionDefinition(id, variables, math)

    for c in m.getListOfCompartments():
        id, name = c.getId(), c.getName()
        size = c.getSize()
        isConstant = c.getConstant()

        rn.addCompartment(id = id, size = size, 
                          isConstant = isConstant, 
                          name = name)

    for s in m.getListOfSpecies():
        id, name = s.getId(), s.getName()
        compartment = s.getCompartment()
        if s.isSetInitialConcentration():
            iC = s.getInitialConcentration()
        elif s.isSetInitialAmount():
            iC = s.getInitialAmount()
            iC = 1
        isBC, isConstant = s.getBoundaryCondition(), s.getConstant()

        xml_text = s.toSBML()
        uniprot_ids = set([entry[1:].split('"')[0] 
                           for entry in xml_text.split('uniprot')[1:]])
	rn.addSpecies(id = id, compartment = compartment,
                      initialConcentration = iC,
                      isConstant = isConstant,
                      is_boundary_condition = isBC,
                      name = name, uniprot_ids = uniprot_ids)

    for p in m.getListOfParameters():
        parameter = createNetworkParameter(p)

    for rxn in m.getListOfReactions():
        id, name = rxn.getId(), rxn.getName()
        kL = rxn.getKineticLaw()
        kLFormula = kL.getFormula()

        substitution_dict = {}
        # Deal with parameters defined within reactions
        for p in kL.getListOfParameters():
            parameter = createNetworkParameter(p)
            # If a parameter with this name already exists, **and it has a
            # different value than this parameter** we rename this parameter
            # instance by prefixing it with the rxn name so there isn't a
            # clash.
            if parameter.id in rn.variables.keys():
                logger.warn('Parameter %s appears in two different reactions '
                            'in SBML file.' % parameter.id)
                if parameter.value != rn.variables.get(parameter.id).value or\
                    oldId = parameter.id
                    parameter.id = id + '_' + parameter.id
                    substitution_dict[oldId] = parameter.id
                    logger.warn('It has different values in the two positions '
                                'so we are creating a new parameter %s.'
                                % (parameter.id))
                    logger.warn('It has the same value in the two positions '
                                'so we are only defining one parameter %s. '
                                'This behavior can be changed with the option '
                                'duplicate_rxn_params = True' % (parameter.id))

            if parameter.id not in rn.variables.keys():
        kLFormula = ExprManip.sub_for_vars(kLFormula, substitution_dict) 
        # Assemble the stoichiometry. SBML has the annoying trait that 
        #  species can appear as both products and reactants and 'cancel out'
        # For each species appearing in the reaction, we build up a string
        # representing the stoichiometry. Then we'll simplify that string and
        # see whether we ended up with a float value in the end.
        stoichiometry = {}
        reactant_stoichiometry = {}
        product_stoichiometry = {}
        for reactant in rxn.getListOfReactants():
            species = reactant.getSpecies()
            stoichiometry.setdefault(species, '0')
            stoich = reactant.getStoichiometryMath()
            stoich = stoichToString(reactant, stoich)
            stoichiometry[species] += '-(%s)' % stoich
            if species in reactant_stoichiometry:
                reactant_stoichiometry[species] = [stoich]
        for product in rxn.getListOfProducts():
            species = product.getSpecies()
            stoichiometry.setdefault(species, '0')
            stoich = product.getStoichiometryMath()
            stoich = stoichToString(product, stoich)
            stoichiometry[species] += '+(%s)' % stoich
            if species in product_stoichiometry:
                product_stoichiometry[species] = [stoich]

        for species, stoich in stoichiometry.items():
            stoich = ExprManip.simplify_expr(stoich)
                # Try converting the string to a float.
                stoich = float(stoich)
            except ValueError:
            stoichiometry[species] = stoich

        for modifier in rxn.getListOfModifiers():
            stoichiometry.setdefault(modifier.getSpecies(), 0)

        rn.addReaction(id = id, stoichiometry = stoichiometry,
                       kineticLaw = kLFormula,
                       reactant_stoichiometry = reactant_stoichiometry,
                       product_stoichiometry = product_stoichiometry)

    for ii, r in enumerate(m.getListOfRules()):
        if r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ALGEBRAIC_RULE:
            math = libsbml.formulaToString(r.getMath())
            variable = r.getVariable()
            math = libsbml.formulaToString(r.getMath())
            if r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE:
                rn.addAssignmentRule(variable, math)
            elif r.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE:
                rn.addRateRule(variable, math)

    for ii, e in enumerate(m.getListOfEvents()):
        id, name = e.getId(), e.getName()

        if id == '':
            id = 'event%i' % ii

            # For libSBML 3.0
            trigger_math = e.getTrigger().getMath()
        except AttributeError:
            # For older versions
            trigger_math = e.getTrigger()
        trigger = libsbml.formulaToString(trigger_math)
        trigger = trigger.replace('or(','or_func(')
        trigger = trigger.replace('and(','and_func(')
        if e.getDelay() is not None:
                # For libSBML 3.0
                delay_math = e.getDelay().getMath()
            except AttributeError:
                # For older versions
                delay_math = e.getDelay()
            delay = libsbml.formulaToString(delay_math)
            delay = 0

        timeUnits = e.getTimeUnits()
        eaDict = KeyedList()
        for ea in e.getListOfEventAssignments():
            ea_formula = libsbml.formulaToString(ea.getMath())
            ea_formula = ea_formula.replace('or(','or_func(')
            ea_formula = ea_formula.replace('and(','and_func(')
            eaDict.set(ea.getVariable(), ea_formula)

        rn.addEvent(id = id, trigger = trigger, eventAssignments = eaDict, 
                    delay = delay, name = name)

    for ii, con in enumerate(m.getListOfConstraints()):
        id, name = con.getId(), con.getName()
        if id == '':
            id = 'constraint%i' % ii

        trigger_math = con.getMath()

        trigger = libsbml.formulaToString(trigger_math)

        if con.isSetMessage():
            message = con.getMessage()
            message = None

        rn.addConstraint(id = id, trigger = trigger, message = message, 
                    name = name)

    return rn