Ejemplo n.º 1
    def render( self, work, path ):

        # initiate output structure
        results = ResultBlocks( title = path )

        # iterate over all items at leaf
        for key in work:

            t = type(work[key])
                l = "%i" % len(work[key])
            except AttributeError:
                l = "na"
            except TypeError:
                l = "na"
            # add a result block.
            data = str(work[key])
            if len(data) > 30: data=data[:30] + "..."
            results.append( ResultBlock( "path= %s, type= %s, len= %s, data= %s" % \
                                             ( path2str(path + (key,)),
                                               t, l, data), 
                                         title = "") )

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, dataframe, path ):
        if len(dataframe.columns) < 2:
            raise ValueError( "requiring two coordinates, only got %s" % str(dataframe.columns))

        plts, legend = [], []
        blocks = ResultBlocks()

        for xcolumn, ycolumn in itertools.combinations( dataframe.columns, 2 ):

            # remove missing data points
            xvalues, yvalues = Stats.filterMissing( (dataframe[xcolumn], dataframe[ycolumn]) )

            # remove columns with all NaN
            if len(xvalues) == 0 or len(yvalues) == 0:

            # apply log transformation on data not on plot
            if self.logscale:
                if "x" in self.logscale:
                    xvalues = R.log10(xvalues)
                if "y" in self.logscale:
                    yvalues = R.log10(yvalues)

            # wrap, as pandas series can not
            # passed through rpy2.
            R.smoothScatter( numpy.array( xvalues, dtype=numpy.float), 
                             numpy.array( yvalues, dtype=numpy.float), 
                             nbin = self.nbins )
            blocks.extend( self.endPlot( dataframe, path ) )

        return blocks
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, data, path ):
        '''iterate over leaves/branches in data structure.

        This method will call the :meth:`render` method for 
        each leaf/branch at level :attr:`nlevels`.
        if self.nlevels == None: raise NotImplementedError("incomplete implementation of %s" % str(self))

        result = ResultBlocks( title = path2str(path) )

        labels = DataTree.getPaths( data )
        if len(labels) < self.nlevels:
            self.warn( "at %s: expected at least %i levels - got %i: %s" %\
                           (str(path), self.nlevels, len(labels), str(labels)) )
            result.append( EmptyResultBlock( title = path2str(path) ) )
            return result

        paths = list(itertools.product( *labels[:-self.nlevels] ))

        for p in paths:
            work = DataTree.getLeaf( data, p )
            if not work: continue
                result.extend( self.render( work, path + p ) )
                self.warn("exeception raised in rendering for path: %s" % str(path+p))
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, track, slice=None):

        # note there are spaces behind the %(image)s directive to accomodate
        # for path substitution
        block = '''
.. figure:: %(image)s                                     
   :height: 300 

        blocks = ResultBlocks()
        tracks = sorted([x.asFile() for x in TRACKS])

        for track in tracks:

            files = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(EXPORTDIR, "fastqc", "%s*_fastqc" % track))
            for x, fn in enumerate(sorted(files)):
                y = x + 1

                image = os.path.abspath(
                    os.path.join(fn, "Images", "%s.png" % slice))
                if not os.path.exists(image):

                blocks.append(ResultBlock(text=block % locals(),

        return odict((("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks(blocks, layout="columns-2"))),))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def render( self, work, path ):
        """render the data.

        results = ResultBlocks( title = path )

        matrix, rows, columns = self.buildMatrix( work )
        title = path2str(path)

        if len(rows) == 0:
            return ResultBlocks( ResultBlock( "", title = title) )

        # do not output large matrices as rst files
        if not self.force and (len(rows) > self.max_rows or len(columns) > self.max_cols):
            return self.asFile( [ [ self.toString(x) for x in r ] for r in matrix ], 
                                title )

        lines = []
        lines.append( ".. csv-table:: %s" % title )
        lines.append( '   :header: "track","%s" ' % '","'.join( columns ) )
        lines.append( '')
        for x in range(len(rows)):
            lines.append( '   "%s","%s"' % (rows[x], '","'.join( [ self.toString(x) for x in matrix[x,:] ] ) ) )
        lines.append( "") 
        if not path: subtitle = ""
        else: subtitle = path2str(path)

        results.append( ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = subtitle ) )

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, track, slice=None):

        # note there are spaces behind the %(image)s directive to accomodate
        # for path substitution
        block = '''
.. figure:: %(image)s                                     
   :height: 300 

        blocks = ResultBlocks()
        tracks = sorted([x.asFile() for x in TRACKS])

        for track in tracks:

            files = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(EXPORTDIR, "fastqc", "%s*_fastqc" % track))
            for x, fn in enumerate(sorted(files)):
                y = x + 1

                image = os.path.abspath(
                    os.path.join(fn, "Images", "%s.png" % slice))
                if not os.path.exists(image):

                    ResultBlock(text=block % locals(),

        return odict(
            (("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks(blocks,
                                                  layout="columns-2"))), ))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, track, slice = None ):
        edir = EXPORTDIR
        method = "utr_extension"

        blocks = ResultBlocks()

        filepath = "%(edir)s/%(method)s/%(track)s.readextension_%(region)s_%(direction)s.%(slice)s.png"

        block = \
.. figure:: %(filename)s
   :height: 300 
        # append spaces for file extension
        block = "\n".join( [ x + " " * 200 for x in block.split("\n") ] )

        for region, direction in itertools.product( ("downstream", "upstream"),
                                                    ("sense", "antisense", "anysense" )):
            filename = filepath % locals()

            if os.path.exists( filename ):
                blocks.append( ResultBlock( text = block % locals(),
                                            title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )
            # else:
            #     blocks.append( ResultBlock( "",
            #                                 title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )

        return odict( (("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks( blocks, layout="columns-3" ))),))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, track, slice = None ):
        edir = EXPORTDIR
        method = "utr_extension"

        blocks = ResultBlocks()

        filepath = "%(edir)s/%(method)s/%(track)s.readextension_%(region)s_%(direction)s.%(slice)s.png"

        block = \
.. figure:: %(filename)s
   :height: 300 
        # append spaces for file extension
        block = "\n".join( [ x + " " * 200 for x in block.split("\n") ] )

        for region, direction in itertools.product( ("downstream", "upstream"),
                                                    ("sense", "antisense", "anysense" )):
            filename = filepath % locals()

            if os.path.exists( filename ):
                blocks.append( ResultBlock( text = block % locals(),
                                            title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )
            # else:
            #     blocks.append( ResultBlock( "",
            #                                 title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )

        return odict( (("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks( blocks, layout="columns-3" ))),))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def render( self, data, path ):
        # initiate output structure
        results = ResultBlocks( title = path )

            results.append( ResultBlock(json.dumps(data, indent=4), title=''))
        except TypeError:
            results.append( ResultBlock(str(data), title=''))

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __call__(self, track, slice = None ):

        blocks = ResultBlocks()

        block = '''
.. figure:: %(image)s
   :height: 300 
        for image in glob.glob( os.path.join( IMAGEDIR, "*.png" )):
            blocks.append( ResultBlock( text = block % locals(),
                                        title = "image" ) )

        return odict( (("rst", "\n".join( Utils.layoutBlocks( blocks, layout = "columns-2"))),))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def render(self):
        """supply the :class:`Renderer.Renderer` with the data to render. 
        The data supplied will depend on the ``groupby`` option.

        return resultblocks
        self.debug("%s: rendering data started for %i items" % (self, len(self.data)))

        results = ResultBlocks(title="main")

        # get number of levels required by renderer
            renderer_nlevels = self.renderer.nlevels
        except AttributeError:
            renderer_nlevels = 0

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths(self.data)
        nlevels = len(data_paths)

        group_level = self.group_level

            "%s: rendering data started. levels=%i, required levels>=%i, group_level=%i, data_paths=%s"
            % (self, nlevels, renderer_nlevels, group_level, str(data_paths)[:100])

        if nlevels < renderer_nlevels:
            # add some dummy levels if levels is not enough
            d = self.data
            for x in range(renderer_nlevels - nlevels):
                d = odict((("all", d),))
            results.append(self.renderer(d, path=("all",)))

        elif group_level < 0 or renderer_nlevels < 0:
            # no grouping
            results.append(self.renderer(self.data, path=()))
            # group at level group_level
            paths = list(itertools.product(*data_paths[: group_level + 1]))
            for path in paths:
                work = DataTree.getLeaf(self.data, path)
                if not work:
                    results.append(self.renderer(work, path=path))

        if len(results) == 0:
            self.warn("tracker returned no data.")
            raise ValueError("tracker returned no data.")

        self.debug("%s: rendering data finished with %i blocks" % (self.tracker, len(results)))

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def render( self, work, path ):
        # initiate output structure
        results = ResultBlocks( title = path2str(path) )

        labels = DataTree.getPaths( work )
        # iterate over all items at leaf
        for path, branch in DataTree.getNodes( work, len(labels) - 2 ):
            for key in Utils.TrackerKeywords:
                if key in branch:
                    # add a result block
                    results.append( ResultBlock( branch[key],
                                                 title = path2str(path) ) )
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __call__(self, dataframe, path ):
        '''iterate over leaves/branches in data structure.

        This method will call the :meth:`render` method for 
        each leaf/branch at level :attr:`nlevels`.
        if self.nlevels == None: raise NotImplementedError("incomplete implementation of %s" % str(self))

            labels = dataframe.index.levels
            paths = dataframe.index.unique()
        except AttributeError:
            labels = ['dummy1'] 
            paths = ['dummy1']

        result = ResultBlocks()

        #print len(labels), self.nlevels
        #print 'dataframe=', dataframe

        if self.nlevels != -1 and len(labels) != self.nlevels:
            raise ValueError( "at path %s: expected %i levels - got %i: %s" %\
                                  (str(path), self.nlevels, 
                                   len(labels), str(labels)) )
            #result.append( EmptyResultBlock( title = path2str(path) ) )
            #return result

        if not self.split_at:
            # print without splitting
            result.extend( self.render( dataframe, path ) )
            # split dataframe at first index
            first_level_labels = dataframe.index.get_level_values(0).unique()
            if len(first_level_labels) < self.split_at:
                result.extend( self.render( dataframe, path ) )
                # select tracks to always add to split 
                # pick always tracks
                if self.split_always:
                    always = [ x for x, y in itertools.product( first_level_labels, self.split_always) \
                                   if re.search( y, x ) ]
                    always = []

                for z, x in enumerate(range( 0, len(first_level_labels), self.split_at)) :
                    select = list(DataTree.unique( always + list(first_level_labels[x:x+self.split_at]) ))

                    if len(dataframe.index.names) == 1:
                        # if only one level, use loc to obtain dataframe
                        # index is duplicated, so ignore second level
                        work = pandas.concat( [dataframe.loc[[s]] for s in select], keys = select )
                        work.reset_index( range( 1, len(work.index.names)), drop=True, inplace=True )
                        work = pandas.concat( [dataframe.xs(s, axis=0) for s in select], keys = select )
                    # reconcile index names
                    work.index.names = dataframe.index.names
                    result.extend( self.render( work, path + (z, ) ) )
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def render( self, work, path ):
        # initiate output structure
        results = ResultBlocks( title = path )

        # iterate over all items at leaf
        #for key in work:
        if "text" in work:
            # add a result block
            results.append( ResultBlock( work["text"],
                                             title = "" ) )
        elif "rst" in work:
            # add a result block
            results.append( ResultBlock( work["rst"],
                                         title = "" ) )

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __call__(self, dataframe, path):
        # modify table (adding/removing columns) according to user options
        # matrix, row_headers, col_headers = self.modifyTable( matrix, row_headers, col_headers )
        dataframe = self.modifyTable( dataframe )
        title = path2str(path)

        results = ResultBlocks()

        row_headers = dataframe.index
        col_headers = dataframe.columns

        # do not output large matrices as rst files
        if self.separate or (not self.force and 
                             (len(row_headers) > self.max_rows or 
                              len(col_headers) > self.max_cols)):
            if self.large == "xls":
                results.append( self.asSpreadSheet( dataframe, row_headers, col_headers, title ) )
                results.append( self.asFile( dataframe, row_headers, col_headers, title ) )

            if self.preview:
                row_headers = row_headers[:self.max_rows]
                col_headers = col_headers[:self.max_cols]
                matrix = [ x[:self.max_cols] for x in matrix[:self.max_rows] ]
                return results

        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        dataframe.to_csv( out )
        lines = []
        lines.append( ".. csv-table:: %s" % title )
        lines.append( "   :class: sortable" )
        if self.add_rowindex:
            lines.append( '   :header: "row", "", "%s" ' % '","'.join( map(str, col_headers) ) )
            lines.append( '' )

            x = 0
            for header, line in zip( row_headers, matrix ):
                x += 1
                lines.append( '   %i,"%s","%s"' % (x, str(header), '","'.join( map(str, line) ) ) )

            l = out.getvalue().split("\n")            
            lines.append( '   :header: %s' % l[0] )
            lines.append( '' )
            lines.extend( ['   %s' % x for x in l[1:] ] )

        lines.append( "") 
        results.append( ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = title) )

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def render( self, work, path ):
        """render the data.

        results = ResultBlocks( title = path )

        matrix, rows, columns = self.buildMatrix( work )
        title = path2str(path)

        if len(rows) == 0:
            return ResultBlocks( ResultBlock( "", title = title) )

        # do not output large matrices as rst files
        # separate and force need to be mixed in.
        if self.separate or (not self.force and (len(rows) > self.max_rows or len(columns) > self.max_cols)):
            return ResultBlocks( self.asFile( pandas.DataFrame( matrix, 
                                                                index = rows,
                                                                columns = columns),
                                              title ),
                                 title = path )

        lines = []
        lines.append( ".. csv-table:: %s" % title )
        lines.append( "   :class: sortable" )
        lines.append( '   :header: "track","%s" ' % '","'.join( columns ) )
        lines.append( '')
        for x in range(len(rows)):
            lines.append( '   "%s","%s"' % (rows[x], '","'.join( [ self.toString(x) for x in matrix[x,:] ] ) ) )
        lines.append( "") 

        if path is None: subtitle = ""
        else: subtitle = path2str(path)

        results.append( ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = subtitle ) )

        return results
        # create and call dispatcher
        logging.debug( "report_directive.run: creating dispatcher" )

        dispatcher = Dispatcher.Dispatcher( tracker, 
                                            transformers )     

        blocks = dispatcher( **dispatcher_options )


        logging.warn("report_directive.run: exception caught at %s:%i - see document" % (str(document), lineno) )

        blocks = ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "invocation" ) ))
        code = None
        tracker_id = None

    ## write code output
    linked_codename = re.sub( "\\\\", "/", os.path.join( rst2srcdir, codename ))
    if code and basedir != outdir:
        outfile = open( os.path.join(outdir, codename ), "w" )
        for line in code: outfile.write( line )

    # collect images
    map_figure2text = {}
Ejemplo n.º 18
def layoutBlocks( blocks, layout = "column"):
    """layout blocks of rst text.

    layout can be one of "column", "row", or "grid".

    The layout uses an rst table to arrange elements.

    lines = []
    if len(blocks) == 0: return lines

    # flatten blocks
    x = ResultBlocks()
    for b in blocks:
        if b.title: b.updateTitle( b.title, "prefix" )
            x.extend( b )
        except TypeError:
            x.append( b )

    blocks = x

    if layout == "column":
        for block in blocks: 
            if block.title:
                lines.extend( block.title.split("\n") )
                lines.append( "" )
                logging.warn( "report_directive.layoutBlocks: missing title" )

        lines.extend( [ "", ] )
        return lines

    elif layout in ("row", "grid"):
        if layout == "row": ncols = len(blocks)
        elif layout == "grid": ncols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt( len(blocks) )))

    elif layout.startswith("column"):
        ncols = min( len(blocks), int(layout.split("-")[1]))
        # TODO: think about appropriate fix for empty data
        if ncols == 0: 
            ncols = 1
            return lines

        raise ValueError( "unknown layout %s " % layout )

    # compute column widths
    widths = [ x.getWidth() for x in blocks ]
    text_heights = [ x.getTextHeight() for x in blocks ]
    title_heights = [ x.getTitleHeight() for x in blocks ]

    columnwidths = []
    for x in range(ncols):
        columnwidths.append( max( [widths[y] for y in range( x, len(blocks), ncols ) ] ) )

    separator = "+%s+" % "+".join( ["-" * x for x in columnwidths ] )

    ## add empty blocks
    if len(blocks) % ncols:
        blocks.extend( [ ResultBlock( "", "" )]  * (ncols - len(blocks) % ncols) )

    for nblock in range(0, len(blocks), ncols ):

        ## add text
        lines.append( separator )
        max_height = max( text_heights[nblock:nblock+ncols] )
        new_blocks = ResultBlocks()
        for xx in range(nblock, min(nblock+ncols,len(blocks))):
            txt, col = blocks[xx].text.split("\n"), xx % ncols

            max_width = columnwidths[col]

            # add missig lines 
            txt.extend( [""] * (max_height - len(txt)) )
            # extend lines
            txt = [ x + " " * (max_width - len(x)) for x in txt ]

            new_blocks.append( txt )

        for l in zip( *new_blocks ):
            lines.append( "|%s|" % "|".join( l ) )

        ## add subtitles
        max_height = max( title_heights[nblock:nblock+ncols] )

        if max_height > 0:

            new_blocks = ResultBlocks()
            lines.append( separator )

            for xx in range(nblock, min(nblock+ncols,len(blocks))):
                txt, col = blocks[xx].title.split("\n"), xx % ncols

                max_width = columnwidths[col]
                # add missig lines 
                txt.extend( [""] * (max_height - len(txt) ) )
                # extend lines
                txt = [ x + " " * (max_width - len(x)) for x in txt ]

                new_blocks.append( txt )

            for l in zip( *new_blocks ):
                lines.append( "|%s|" % "|".join( l ) )

    lines.append( separator )
    lines.append( "" )

    return lines
Ejemplo n.º 19
def run(arguments, options, lineno, content, state_machine=None, document=None, srcdir=None, builddir=None):
    """process :report: directive.

    *srdir* - top level directory of rst documents
    *builddir* - build directory

    tag = "%s:%i" % (str(document), lineno)

    logging.debug("report_directive.run: profile: started: rst: %s" % tag)

    # sort out the paths
    # reference is used for time-stamping
    tracker_name = directives.uri(arguments[0])

    basedir, fname, basename, ext, outdir, codename, notebookname = Utils.buildPaths(tracker_name)

    # get the directory of the rst file
    rstdir, rstfile = os.path.split(document)  # state_machine.document.attributes['source'])
    # root of document tree
    if srcdir is None:
        srcdir = setup.srcdir

    # build directory
    if builddir is None:
        builddir = setup.confdir

    # remove symbolic links
    srcdir, builddir, rstdir = [os.path.realpath(x) for x in (srcdir, builddir, rstdir)]

    # there are three directories:
    # builddir = directory where document is built in (usually _build/html or similar)
    # rstdir   = directory where rst sources are located
    # srcdir   = directory from which the build process is started

    # path to root relative to rst
    rst2srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(srcdir, start=rstdir), outdir)

    # path to root relative to rst
    rst2builddir = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(builddir, start=rstdir), outdir)

    # path relative to source (for images)
    root2builddir = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(builddir, start=srcdir), outdir)

        "report_directive.run: arguments=%s, options=%s, lineno=%s, content=%s, document=%s"
        % (str(arguments), str(options), str(lineno), str(content), str(document))

        "report_directive.run: plotdir=%s, basename=%s, ext=%s, fname=%s, rstdir=%s, srcdir=%s, builddir=%s"
        % (tracker_name, basename, ext, fname, rstdir, srcdir, builddir)
        "report_directive.run: tracker_name=%s, basedir=%s, rst2src=%s, root2build=%s, outdir=%s, codename=%s"
        % (tracker_name, basedir, rst2srcdir, rst2builddir, outdir, codename)

    # try to create. If several processes try to create it,
    # testing with `if` will not work.
    except OSError as msg:

    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
        raise OSError("could not create directory %s: %s" % (outdir, msg))

    # collect options
    # replace placedholders
        options = Utils.updateOptions(options)
    except ValueError as msg:
        logging.warn("failure while updating options: %s" % msg)

    logging.debug("report_directive.run: options=%s" % (str(options),))

    transformer_names = []
    renderer_name = None

    # get layout option
    layout = options.get("layout", "column")

    option_map = getOptionMap()
    renderer_options = Utils.selectAndDeleteOptions(options, option_map["render"])
    transformer_options = Utils.selectAndDeleteOptions(options, option_map["transform"])
    dispatcher_options = Utils.selectAndDeleteOptions(options, option_map["dispatch"])
    tracker_options = Utils.selectAndDeleteOptions(options, option_map["tracker"])
    display_options = Utils.selectAndDeleteOptions(options, option_map["display"])

    logging.debug("report_directive.run: renderer options: %s" % str(renderer_options))
    logging.debug("report_directive.run: transformer options: %s" % str(transformer_options))
    logging.debug("report_directive.run: dispatcher options: %s" % str(dispatcher_options))
    logging.debug("report_directive.run: tracker options: %s" % str(tracker_options))
    logging.debug("report_directive.run: display options: %s" % str(display_options))

    if "transform" in display_options:
        transformer_names = display_options["transform"].split(",")
        del display_options["transform"]

    if "render" in display_options:
        renderer_name = display_options["render"]
        del display_options["render"]

    # check for missing files
    if renderer_name != None:

        options_key = (
            + str(transformer_options)
            + str(dispatcher_options)
            + str(tracker_options)
            + str(transformer_names)

        options_hash = hashlib.md5(options_key.encode()).hexdigest()

        template_name = Utils.quote_filename(Config.SEPARATOR.join((tracker_name, renderer_name, options_hash)))
        filename_text = os.path.join(outdir, "%s.txt" % (template_name))

        logging.debug("report_directive.run: options_hash=%s" % options_hash)

        # check for existing files
        # update strategy does not use file stamps, but checks
        # for presence/absence of text element and if all figures
        # mentioned in the text element are present
        queries = [re.compile("%s(%s\S+.%s)" % (root2builddir, outdir, suffix)) for suffix in ("png", "pdf")]

        logging.debug("report_directive.run: checking for changed files.")

        # check if text element exists
        if os.path.exists(filename_text):

            lines = [x[:-1] for x in open(filename_text, "r").readlines()]
            filenames = []

            # check if all figures are present
            for line in lines:
                for query in queries:
                    x = query.search(line)
                    if x:

            logging.debug("report_directive.run: %s: checking for %s" % (tag, str(filenames)))
            for filename in filenames:
                if not os.path.exists(filename):
                    logging.info("report_directive.run: %s: redo: %s missing" % (tag, filename))
                logging.info("report_directive.run: %s: noredo: all files are present" % tag)
                ## all is present - save text and return
                if lines and state_machine:
                    state_machine.insert_input(lines, state_machine.input_lines.source(0))
                return []
            logging.debug("report_directive.run: %s: no check performed: %s missing" % (tag, str(filename_text)))
        template_name = ""
        filename_text = None

    # Initialize collectors
    collectors = []
    for collector in list(getPlugins("collect").values()):

    ## instantiate tracker, dispatcher, renderer and transformers
    ## and collect output
        # find the tracker
        logging.debug("report_directive.run: collecting tracker %s with options %s " % (tracker_name, tracker_options))
        code, tracker = Utils.makeTracker(tracker_name, (), tracker_options)
        if not tracker:
            logging.error("report_directive.run: no tracker - no output from %s " % str(document))
            raise ValueError("tracker `%s` not found" % tracker_name)

        logging.debug("report_directive.run: collected tracker %s" % tracker_name)

        tracker_id = Cache.tracker2key(tracker)

        # determine the transformer
        logging.debug("report_directive.run: creating transformers")

        transformers = Utils.getTransformers(transformer_names, transformer_options)

        # determine the renderer
        logging.debug("report_directive.run: creating renderer.")

        if renderer_name == None:
            logging.error("report_directive.run: no renderer - no output from %s" % str(document))
            raise ValueError("the report directive requires a renderer")

        renderer = Utils.getRenderer(renderer_name, renderer_options)

        # create and call dispatcher
        logging.debug("report_directive.run: creating dispatcher")

        dispatcher = Dispatcher.Dispatcher(tracker, renderer, transformers)

        # add the tracker options
        blocks = dispatcher(**dispatcher_options)

        if blocks == None:
            blocks = ResultBlocks(
                ResultBlocks(Utils.buildWarning("NoData", "tracker %s returned no Data" % str(tracker)))
            code = None
            tracker_id = None


        logging.warn("report_directive.run: exception caught at %s:%i - see document" % (str(document), lineno))

        blocks = ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks(Utils.buildException("invocation")))
        code = None
        tracker_id = None

    logging.debug("report_directive.run: profile: started: collecting: %s" % tag)

    ## write code output
    linked_codename = re.sub("\\\\", "/", os.path.join(rst2srcdir, codename))
    if code and basedir != outdir:
        with open(os.path.join(outdir, codename), "w") as outfile:
            for line in code:

    ## write notebook snippet
    linked_notebookname = re.sub("\\\\", "/", os.path.join(rst2srcdir, notebookname))
    if basedir != outdir:
        with open(os.path.join(outdir, notebookname), "w") as outfile:
                options=renderer_options.items() + tracker_options.items() + transformer_options.items(),

    # collect images
    map_figure2text = {}
        for collector in collectors:
                    links={"code_url": linked_codename, "notebook_url": linked_notebookname},

            "report_directive.run: exception caught while collecting with %s at %s:%i - see document"
            % (collector, str(document), lineno)
        blocks = ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks(Utils.buildException("collection")))
        code = None
        tracker_id = None

    # replace place holders or add text
    ## add default for text-only output
    map_figure2text["default-prefix"] = TEMPLATE_TEXT % locals()
    map_figure2text["default-suffix"] = ""

    ## render the output taking into account the layout
    lines = Utils.layoutBlocks(blocks, layout)

    # add caption
    lines.extend(["::", ""])
    if content:
        lines.extend(["    %s" % row.strip() for row in content])


    # output rst text for this renderer
    if filename_text:
        outfile = open(filename_text, "w")

        for x, l in enumerate(lines):
            print("%5i %s" % (x, l))

    if len(lines) and state_machine:
        state_machine.insert_input(lines, state_machine.input_lines.source(0))

    logging.debug("report_directive.run: profile: finished: collecting: %s" % tag)
    logging.debug("report_directive.run: profile: finished: rst: %s:%i" % (str(document), lineno))

    return []
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs ):

        #self.debug( "%s: heap at start\n%s" % (self, str(HP.heap()) ))
        try: self.parseArguments( *args, **kwargs )
            self.error( "%s: exception in parsing" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "parsing" ) ))

        # collect no data if tracker is the empty tracker
        # and go straight to rendering
            if self.tracker.getTracks() == ["empty"]:
                # is instance does not work because of module mapping
                # type(Tracker.Empty) == SphinxReport.Tracker.Empty
                # type(self.tracker) == Tracker.Empty 
                # if isinstance( self.tracker, Tracker.Empty):
                result =self.renderer() 
                return ResultBlocks( result )
        except AttributeError:
            # for function trackers

        self.debug( "profile: started: tracker: %s" % (self.tracker))
        # collecting data 
        try: self.collect()
            self.error( "%s: exception in collection" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "collection" ) ))
            self.debug( "profile: finished: tracker: %s" % (self.tracker))

        if len(self.data) == 0: 
            self.info( "%s: no data - processing complete" % self.tracker )
            return None

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after collection: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        # self.debug( "%s: heap after collection\n%s" % (self, str(HP.heap()) ))        

        # transform data
        try: self.transform()
            self.error( "%s: exception in transformation" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "transformation" ) ))

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after transformation: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        # special Renderers - do not proceed
        # Special renderers
        if isinstance( self.renderer, Renderer.User):
            results = ResultBlocks( title="main" )
            results.append( self.renderer( self.data, ('') ) )
            return results
        elif isinstance( self.renderer, Renderer.Debug):
            results = ResultBlocks( title="main" )
            results.append( self.renderer( self.data, ('') ) )
            return results

        # self.debug( "%s: heap after transformation\n%s" % (self, str(HP.heap()) ))        
        # restrict
        try: self.restrict()
            self.error( "%s: exception in restrict" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "restrict" ) ))

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after restrict: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        # exclude
        try: self.exclude()
            self.error( "%s: exception in exclude" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "exclude" ) ))

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after exclude: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        # remove superfluous levels
        try: self.prune()
           self.error( "%s: exception in pruning" % self )
           return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "pruning" ) ))

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after pruning: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        # remove group plots
        try: self.group()
            self.error( "%s: exception in grouping" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "grouping" ) ))

        data_paths = DataTree.getPaths( self.data )
        self.debug( "%s: after grouping: %i data_paths: %s" % (self,len(data_paths), str(data_paths)))

        self.debug( "profile: started: renderer: %s" % (self.renderer))
        try: result = self.render()
            self.error( "%s: exception in rendering" % self )
            return ResultBlocks(ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "rendering" ) ))
            self.debug( "profile: finished: renderer: %s" % (self.renderer))

        #self.debug( "%s: heap at end\n%s" % (self, str(HP.heap()) ))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def render( self ):
        '''supply the :class:`Renderer.Renderer` with the data to render. 
        The data supplied will depend on the ``groupby`` option.

        returns a ResultBlocks data structure.
        self.debug( "%s: rendering data started for %i items" % (self,

        # get number of levels required by renderer
            renderer_nlevels = self.renderer.nlevels
        except AttributeError:
            # set to -1 to avoid any grouping
            # important for user renderers that are functions
            # and have no level attribute.
            renderer_nlevels = -1

        # initiate output structure
        results = ResultBlocks( title = "")

        # convert to data series
        # The data is melted, i.e,
        # BMW    price    10000
        # BMW    speed    100
        # Golf   price    5000
        # Golf   speed    50  
        dataframe = DataTree.asDataFrame( self.data )
        # dataframe.write_csv( "test.csv" )
        if dataframe is None:
            self.warn( "%s: no data after conversion" % self )
            raise ValueError( "no data for renderer" )            

        # special patch: set column names to pruned levels
        # if there are no column names
        if len(dataframe.columns) == len(self.pruned):
            if list(dataframe.columns) == list(range( len(dataframe.columns))):
                dataframe.columns = [x[1] for x in self.pruned]
        index = dataframe.index

        def getIndexLevels( index ):
                # hierarchical index
                nlevels = len(index.levels)
            except AttributeError:
                nlevels = 1
                index = [ (x,) for x in index]
            #raise ValueError('data frame without MultiIndex' )
            return nlevels

        nlevels = getIndexLevels( index )

        self.debug( "%s: rendering data started. levels=%i, required levels>=%i, group_level=%s" %\
                        (self, nlevels, 
                         str(self.group_level) ) )

        if renderer_nlevels < 0 and self.group_level <= 0:
            # no grouping for renderers that will accept
            # a dataframe with any level of indices and no explicit
            # grouping has been asked for.
            results.append( self.renderer( dataframe, path = () ) )
            # user specified group level by default
            group_level = self.group_level

            # set group level to maximum allowed by renderer
            if renderer_nlevels >= 0:
                group_level = max(nlevels - renderer_nlevels, group_level)
            # add additional level if necessary
            if nlevels < group_level:
                prefix = tuple(["level%i" % x for x in range( group_level - nlevels)])
                dataframe.index = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ prefix + x for x in dataframe.index ] )

            # used to be: group_level + 1
            # hierarchical index
            # numpy.unique converts everything to a string
            # which is not consistent with selecting later
            paths = map( tuple, DataTree.unique( [ x[:group_level] for x in dataframe.index.unique() ] ))

            pathlength = len(paths[0]) - 1

            is_hierarchical = isinstance( dataframe.index, pandas.core.index.MultiIndex )

            if is_hierarchical:
                # Note: can only sort hierarchical indices
                dataframe = dataframe.sortlevel()

                if dataframe.index.lexsort_depth < pathlength:
                    raise ValueError('could not sort data frame: sort depth=%i < pathlength=%i, dataframe=%s' \
                                         % (dataframe.index.lexsort_depth, 
            for path in paths:

                if path:
                    if len(path) == nlevels:
                        # extract with loc in order to obtain dataframe
                        work = dataframe.loc[[path]]
                        # select data frame as cross-section
                        work = dataframe.xs(path, axis=0 )
                    # empty tuple - use full data set
                    work = dataframe
                # remove columns and rows in work that are all Na
                work = work.dropna( axis=1, how='all').dropna( axis=0, how='all')
                if is_hierarchical and renderer_nlevels >= 0:
                    work_levels = getIndexLevels( work.index )
                    # reduce levels of indices required to that required
                    # for Renderer. This occurs if groupby=none.
                    if work_levels > renderer_nlevels:
                        sep = work_levels - (renderer_nlevels - 1)
                        tuples = [ ( DataTree.path2str( x[:sep] ), ) + x[sep:] \
                                       for x in work.index ]
                        work.index = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples( tuples )

                    results.append( self.renderer( work,
                                                   path = path ))
                    self.error( "%s: exception in rendering" % self )
                    results.append( ResultBlocks( Utils.buildException( "rendering" ) ) )

        if len(results) == 0:
            self.warn("renderer returned no data.")
            raise ValueError( "renderer returned no data." )

        self.debug( "%s: rendering data finished with %i blocks" % (self.tracker, len(results)))

        return results