def postfix_eval(postfix_expr): operand_stack = Stack() tokenList = postfix_expr.split() for token in tokenList: if token in '0123456789': operand_stack.push(int(token)) else: operand2 = operand_stack.pop( ) # The last number popped is the second operand operand1 = operand_stack.pop() result = do_math(token, operand1, operand2) operand_stack.push(result) return operand_stack.pop()
def divide_by_two(number): remainder_stack = Stack() # Create an empty stack while number > 0: remainder = number % 2 remainder_stack.push(remainder) number = number // 2 # remainder_stack.display() Prints the stack in list form result = '' while not remainder_stack.is_empty(): result = result + str(remainder_stack.pop()) return result
def base_conversion(number, base): digits = '0123456789ABCDEF' remainder_stack = Stack() while number > 0: remainder = number % base remainder_stack.push(remainder) number = number // base result = '' while not remainder_stack.is_empty(): result = result + str(digits[remainder_stack.pop()]) return result
def par_checker(symbol_strng): s = Stack() # Empty stack to place parentheses balanced = True index = 0 while index < len(symbol_strng) and balanced: symbol = symbol_strng[index] # First parentheses is at index 0 if symbol in "([{": s.push(symbol) else: if s.is_empty(): balanced = False else: top_open = s.pop() if not matches(top_open, symbol): balanced = False index += 1 return balanced and s.is_empty()
def is_valid(expression): # Create an empty stack par_stack = Stack() for ch in expression: if ch in '({[': par_stack.push(ch) if ch in ')}]': if par_stack.is_empty(): print("Right parentheses are more then left parentheses.") return False else: popped_char = par_stack.pop() if not matched_parentheses(popped_char, ch): print("Mismatched parentheses are ", popped_char, " and ", ch) return False if par_stack.is_empty(): print("Balanced parentheses") return True else: print("Left parentheses are more than right parentheses") return False
def infix_to_postfix(infix_expr): # Prec holds the precedence prec = {} prec['**'] = 4 prec['*'] = 3 prec['/'] = 3 prec['+'] = 2 prec['-'] = 2 prec['('] = 1 operator_stack = Stack() # Empty stack for the operators postfixList = [] # Empty stack for the post fix list tokenList = infix_expr.split() # Lets split the expression # Lets read each token for token in tokenList: if token in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' or token in '0123456789': # Append token to the postfixList postfixList.append(token) elif token == '(': # Push the token to operator stack operator_stack.push(token) elif token == ')': # pop last item from operator stack topToken = operator_stack.pop() while topToken != '(': postfixList.append(topToken) topToken = operator_stack.pop() else: while (not operator_stack.is_empty()) and ( prec[operator_stack.peek()] >= prec[token]): postfixList.append(operator_stack.pop()) operator_stack.push(token) while not operator_stack.is_empty(): postfixList.append(operator_stack.pop()) return " ".join(postfixList)
from Stack1 import Stack s = Stack() print s.isEmpty() s.push("s") print s.size() s.push("apple") print s.isEmpty() s.push("big") print s.pop() print s.pop() print s.size() print s.pop() s.pop()
def postfix_evaluation(postfix_expr): # Create an empty stack st = Stack() # Traverse the expression for symbol in postfix_expr: if symbol.isdigit(): st.push(int(symbol)) else: x = st.pop() y = st.pop() if symbol == '+': st.push(y + x) elif symbol == '-': st.push(y - x) elif symbol == '*': st.push(y * x) elif symbol == '/': st.push(y / x) elif symbol == '%': st.push(y % x) elif symbol == '^': st.push(y**x) return st.pop()
from Stack1 import Stack num_string_stack = Stack() # Create an empty stack def to_string(n, base): num_to_String = '0123456789ABCDEF' while n > 0: if n < base: num_string_stack.push(num_to_String[n]) else: num_string_stack.push(num_to_String[n % base]) n = n // base result = '' while not num_string_stack.is_empty(): result = result + str(num_string_stack.pop()) return result if __name__ == '__main__': print(to_string(10, 2))
def infix_2_postfix(infix_expr): postfix = "" # empty string where operands operators and popped items from stack will go operator_stack = Stack() # Empty stack to push items for symbol in infix_expr: if symbol == " " or symbol == '\t': # Ignore white spaces continue if symbol == '(': operator_stack.push(symbol) elif symbol == ')': top_symbol_stack = operator_stack.pop() while top_symbol_stack != '(': postfix += top_symbol_stack top_symbol_stack = operator_stack.pop() elif symbol in '+-*/%^': while not operator_stack.is_empty() and precedence( operator_stack.peek()) >= precedence(symbol): # If the precedence in the stack is >= scanned symbol pop from stack and add to postfix list postfix += operator_stack.pop() operator_stack.push( symbol) # When finished push the scanned symbol else: # Its an operand add it to postfix string postfix += symbol while not operator_stack.is_empty(): postfix += operator_stack.pop() return postfix