Ejemplo n.º 1
from StrippingSelections.StrippingPsiXForBandQ import PsiX_BQ_Conf as PsiX
from StrippingSelections.StrippingPsiX0 import PsiX0Conf as PsiX0

def _psi_(self):
    psi(') -> mu+ mu-
    return psis

PsiX0.psi = _psi_
PsiX.psi = _psi_

psix = PsiX('PsiX', {})
psix0 = PsiX0('PsiX0', {})
for s in (
Ejemplo n.º 2
def configure ( inputdata        ,    ## the list of input files  
                catalogs = []    ,    ## xml-catalogs (filled by GRID)
                castor   = False ,    ## use the direct access to castor/EOS ? 
                params   = {}    ) :

    from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import AutomaticData
    jpsi_name = 'FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine'
    psi2_name = 'FullDSTDiMuonPsi2MuMuDetachedLine'
    jpsi  = AutomaticData ( '/Event/AllStreams/Phys/%s/Particles' % jpsi_name ) 
    psi2s = AutomaticData ( '/Event/AllStreams/Phys/%s/Particles' % psi2_name )
    from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import MergedSelection
    psis = MergedSelection (
    		'SelDetachedPsisForBandQ' ,  
    		RequiredSelections = [ jpsi , psi2s ] 

    from StrippingSelections.StrippingPsiXForBandQ import PsiX_BQ_Conf    as PsiX
    from StrippingSelections.StrippingPsiX0        import PsiX0Conf       as PsiX0 

    def _psi_ ( self ) :
        psi(') -> mu+ mu- 
        return psis

    PsiX0 . psi = _psi_
    PsiX  . psi = _psi_

    logger.warning ( "Redefine PsiX .psi" )

    psix   = PsiX   ( 'PsiX'  , {} )
    psix0  = PsiX0  ( 'PsiX0' , {} )
    for s in ( psix.psi_pi       () ,
           psix.psi_K        () ,
           psix.psi_2pi      () ,
           psix.psi_2K       () ,
           psix.psi_2Kpi     () ,
           psix.psi_3pi      () ,
           psix.psi_3K       () ,
           psix.psi_3Kpi     () ,
           psix.psi_4pi      () ,
           psix.psi_4Kpi     () ,
           psix.psi_4K       () ,
           psix.psi_5pi      () ,
           psix.psi_5K       () ,
           psix.psi_5Kpi     () ,
           psix.psi_6pi      () ,
           psix.psi_6Kpi     () ,
           psix.psi_7pi      () ,
           psix.psi_7Kpi     () ,
           # Lb 
           psix.psi_pK       () ,
           psix.psi_ppi      () ,
           psix.psi_pKpipi   () ,
           # 2protons 
           psix.psi_pp       () ,
           psix.psi_pppi     () ,
           psix.psi_ppK      () ,
           psix.psi_pppipi   () ,
           psix.psi_ppKpipi  () ,
           psix.psi_pppipipi () ,
           ) :
      a = s.algorithm ()
      a.ParticleCombiners = { '' : 'LoKi::VertexFitter:PUBLIC' }
      a.MaxCandidates          = 2000
      a.StopAtMaxCandidates    = True 
      a.StopIncidentType       = 'ExceedsCombinatoricsLimit'
    from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import MultiSelectionSequence
    from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import      SelectionSequence    
    psi_x = MultiSelectionSequence (
        "PSIX"      ,
        Sequences = [
        ## channels with chic
        SelectionSequence ( 'B2CHICK'     , psix0 . b2chicK     () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'B2CHICKK'    , psix0 . b2chicKK    () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'B2CHICKPi'   , psix0 . b2chicKpi   () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'B2CHICKPiPi' , psix0 . b2chicKpipi () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'B2CHICPiPi'  , psix0 . b2chicpipi  () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'BC2CHICPi'   , psix0 . bc2chicpi    () ) ,
        SelectionSequence ( 'Lb2CHICPi'   , psix0 . lb2chicpK    () ) ,

    ## import DaVinci 
    from Configurables import DaVinci
    ## delegate the actual configuration to DaVinci
    dv = DaVinci ( DataType      = '2012'        ,
                   InputType     = 'DST'         ,
		   Simulation	 = True		 ,
		   Lumi		 = False	 ,
                   TupleFile     = 'Tuples.root'   ## IMPORTANT 
    ## add the name of Bender algorithm into User sequence sequence 
    alg_name = 'HistosAndTuples'
    dv.UserAlgorithms += [ psi_x.sequence(), 'TrackScaleState', alg_name ]

    ## define the input data
    setData  ( inputdata , catalogs , castor )
    ## get/create application manager
    gaudi = appMgr() 
    ## (1) create the algorithm with given name 
    alg = HistosAndTuples (
        alg_name ,
        Inputs    = [ 'Phys/SelB2ChicPiPiForPsiX0/Particles' ]
    return SUCCESS