def addNode(self, node):
        if type(node) == Paragraph:
            self.paraFormat = self.formatManager.getFormat(

            # NOTE: "The block char format is the format used when inserting 
            #        text at the beginning of an empty block."
            #       See also below.
            self.cursor.insertBlock(self.paraFormat.getBlockFormat(), self.paraFormat.getCharFormat())
            # self.cursor.insertFragment(QTextDocumentFragment.fromPlainText(''))

            if self.listLevel > 0:
                # TODO: use list style from list node - requires a stack, though ...
                listStyle = ('itemizedlist', 'level', str(self.listLevel))
                newList = self.cursor.createList(self.formatManager.getFormat(listStyle).getListFormat())
            for n in node.children:

        elif type(node) == List:
            self.listLevel += 1
            for n in node.children:
            self.listLevel -= 1

        elif type(node) is ImageFragment:
            imageObject = ImageObject()
            imagePath = os.path.join(self.contentPath, node.image)

            imageObjectFormat = QTextCharFormat()
            imageObjectFormat.setObjectType(QTextFormat.UserObject + 1)
            imageObjectFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat.UserProperty + 1, imageObject)
            self.cursor.insertText('\ufffc', imageObjectFormat);

        elif type(node) is MathFragment:
            mathFormula = MathFormulaObject()
            mathFormula.image = node.image #  renderFormula()

            mathObjectFormat = QTextCharFormat()
            mathObjectFormat.setObjectType(QTextFormat.UserObject + 1)
            mathObjectFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat.UserProperty + 1, mathFormula)
            self.cursor.insertText('\ufffc', mathObjectFormat);
        elif type(node) is TextFragment:
            text = node.text.replace('\n', '\u2028')
            if node.href is not None:
                fmt = self.formatManager.getFormat(('link', None, None))   # TODO!
                charFmt = fmt.getCharFormat()
                self.cursor.insertText(text, charFmt)
                # "The block char format is the format used when inserting text at the beginning of an empty block.
                # Hence, the block char format is only useful for the first fragment -
                # once a fragment is inserted with a different style, and afterwards
                # another fragment is inserted with no specific style, we need to reset
                # the char format to the block's char format explicitly!
                if is not None:
                    fmt = self.formatManager.getFormat(
                    fmt = self.paraFormat

                self.cursor.insertText(text, fmt.getCharFormat())