Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, from_bank=True):
     self.projected_balance_amt = {}
     lh = loghandler("BalanceProjection")
     self.logger = lh.getLogger()
     self.pc = PayCheck()
     self.cc, self.bank = self.get_cc_data(from_bank)
     self.projected_balance_amt["chase"] = self.estimate_bank_bal(bankName="chase")
     self.projected_balance_amt["bofa"] = self.estimate_bank_bal(bankName="bofa")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     py = pyramid.PyramidLanguage()
     pydata = py.getDataStr('yaho')
     self.uid = str(pydata[0])
     self.tic = str(pydata[1])
     self.to = str(py.getDataStr('att')[0])
     lh = loghandler('YmailSendText')
     self.logger = lh.getLogger()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        lh = loghandler('PortfolioTracker')
        self.logger = lh.getLogger()

        self.DB_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'tradedata.db')
        self.DB_STOCK_HEAD = ["Date", "Company", "Ex", "Sym", "DropPrice", "DropPct", "Quantity", "InvestAmt", "CurrentAmt"]
        self.DB_STOCK_TYPE = ["TEXT", "TEXT", "TEXT", "TEXT", "REAL", "REAL", "INT", "REAL", "REAL"]
        self.DB_GROWTH_H = ["Date", "SeedAmt", "Cash", "InvestAmt", "ActiveGain", "SoldGain", "SeedValue", "Growth"]
        self.DB_GROWTH_TYPE = ["TEXT", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL"]

        self.PER_STOCK_INV = 1000.0

        # initialize db and update tradelist
        self.sf = StockFinder()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, update_db=False):
        lh = loghandler('MintDB')
        self.logger = lh.getLogger()

        # DB operations
        self.DB_TABLENAME_TRANS = 'transactions'
        self.DB_TRANS_H = ["date", "category", "merchant", "omerchant", "amount", "fi", "days", "isTransfer"]
        self.DB_TRANS_T = ["TEXT", "TEXT", "TEXT", "TEXT", "REAL", "TEXT", "INT", "TEXT"]
        self.DB_TABLENAME_ACC = 'accounts'
        self.DB_ACC_H = ["lastUpdatedInDate", "accountType", "accountId", "accountName", "currentBalance", "dueAmt",
                         "dueDate", "fiName", "name", "isActive"]
        self.DB_ACC_T = ["TEXT", "TEXT", "INT", "TEXT", "REAL", "REAL", "TEXT", "TEXT", "TEXT", "INT"]
        self.DB_TABLENAME_STOCK = 'stocks'
        self.DB_STOCK_H = ["date", "sym", "price", "shares"]
        self.DB_STOCK_T = ["TEXT", "TEXT", "REAL", "INT"]

        if update_db:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        lh = loghandler('Financial Tracker')
        self.logger = lh.getLogger()

        self.figo = FiGrowth()

        # today
        self.date_now = dt.date.today()

        # mint pickle load
        self.logger.info('Pinging MintPickle to load.. ')
        self.mp = MintPickle(load_all=True)

        # get stock account
        self.acc = {}
        for self.acc in self.mp.accounts:
            if str(self.acc['fiName']) == 'Scottrade':

        # get stock dictionary
        self.active_stocks = self.getActiveStocks()
Ejemplo n.º 6
import datetime
import sys

from AmazonPrice import AmazonPrice
from YmailSendTxt import YmailSendText
from paycheck import PayCheck as pc
from SuperLogger import loghandler

# init functions
ap = AmazonPrice()
ym = YmailSendText()
lh = loghandler('AmazonTracker')
logger = lh.getLogger()
date_today = datetime.date.today()

def runTracker():
    # get data from amazontracker.csv
    data_csv = ap.getCsvData()
    for data_row in data_csv:
        url = data_row[0]
        price_orig = float(data_row[2])
        date_orig = pc.date_converter(data_row[1], 1)
        logger.info('runTracker() for %s', str(data_row[3]))
        if (date_today - date_orig).days <= 30:
            price_now = ap.getPrice(url)
            logger.info('%s -- $%s vs (now) $%s' % (str(data_row[3]), str(price_orig), str(price_now)))
            if price_now < price_orig:
                logger.info('Sending SMS for product %s', str(data_row[3]))
                subject = str('Amazon_' + str(data_row[3]))
                message = str('Price from $' + str(price_orig) + ' to $' + str(price_now))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     lh = loghandler('StockFinder')
     self.logger = lh.getLogger()