Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, numcols, numrows):
     numcols is the number of columns
     in the grid.
     self.Text = 'DataGridView Cell Format Test'
     self.ClientSize = Size(800, 800)
     self.MinimumSize = Size(800, 800)
     self.dgv = DataGridView()
     self.numcols = numcols
     self.numrows = numrows
     # clears Windows default selection on load
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, posx, posy, height, width):
        numcols is the number of columns
        in the grid.
        self.Text = 'DataGridView Cell Format Test'
        # self.ClientSize = Size(400, 175)
        # self.MinimumSize = Size(height, width)
        # self.Height =height
        # self.Width =width
        self.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.Location = Point(posx, posy)

        self.dgv = DataGridView()
        self.numcols = 0
        self.numrows = 0
        self.dgv.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self.dgv.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.dgv.Parent = self
        self.ToParet = None
 def DataGridSetup(self):
     self.DataGrid = DataGridView()
     self.DataGrid.RowHeadersVisible = False
     self.DataGrid.MultiSelect = False
     self.DataGrid.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
     self.DataGrid.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 25, 25)
     self.DataGrid.RowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Silver
     self.DataGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro
     self.DataGrid.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 25, 25)
     self.DataGrid.Location = Point(20, 12)
     self.DataGrid.Size = Size(230, 306)
     self.DataGrid.DataSource = self.Data()
     self.DataGrid.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
     self.DataGrid.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically
     self.DataGrid.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.Text = "Example App"
        self.Name = "ExampleApp"
        self.ClientSize = Size(370, 400)
        self.MinimumSize = Size(370, 300)
        self._table = DataTable()
        self._columns = {
            d[0]: self._table.Columns.Add(d[0], d[1])
            for d in self._COLUMNS
        self._loadPanel = Panel()
        self._loadPanel.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self._loadPanel.Size = Size(215, 30)
        self._loadPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top

        self._fileTextBoxLabel = Label()
        self._fileTextBoxLabel.Text = "Load file"
        self._fileTextBoxLabel.Size = Size(100, 16)
        self._fileTextBoxLabel.Location = Point(5, 7)

        self._fileTextBox = TextBox()
        self._fileTextBox.Size = Size(200, 20)
        self._fileTextBox.Location = Point(110, 5)

        self._loadButton = Button()
        self._loadButton.Size = Size(50, 20)
        self._loadButton.Location = Point(315, 5)
        self._loadButton.Text = "Load"

        self._dataPanel = Panel()
        self._dataPanel.Location = Point(0, 35)
        self._dataPanel.Size = Size(370, 185)

        self._dataGrid = DataGridView()
        self._dataGrid.AllowUserToOrderColumns = True
        self._dataGrid.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize
        self._dataGrid.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self._dataGrid.Size = Size(360, 180)
        self._dataGrid.DataSource = self._table


        self._loadButton.Click += self.loadData
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_table(name, autosize=True):
    table = DataGridView()
    # allow user
    table.AllowUserToResizeColumns = False
    table.AllowUserToResizeRows = False
    table.AllowUserToAddRows = False
    table.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
    # auto size
    table.AutoSize = autosize
    table.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
    table.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells
    # back
    table.BackColor = Color.White
    table.BackgroundColor = Color.White
    # border
    table.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
    table.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Single
    # column header
    table.ColumnHeadersVisible = True
    table.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(
        238, 238, 238)
    table.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = Font(table.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
    table.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black
    table.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle.Single
    # default cell
    table.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White
    table.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Color.Black
    # dock
    if autosize:
        table.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
    # enable
    table.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = False
    # grid
    table.GridColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200)
    # select
    table.MultiSelect = False
    # name
    table.Name = name
    # row header
    table.RowHeadersBorderStyle = DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle.Single
    table.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)
    table.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Empty
    table.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.Empty
    table.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Color.Empty
    table.RowHeadersVisible = False
    # scrolling
    # table.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.None
    # select
    table.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
    # top left header
    table.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
    return table
Ejemplo n.º 6
class DataGridEntry(Panel):
    Container for the DataGridView control
    I'm trying to test.
    DataGridView is customized to have row
    and column of mouse-over'd cell highlighted.
    Also, there is a customized selection 
    color and selection limitations (one cell
    or one row at a time).
    def __init__(self, posx, posy, height, width):
        numcols is the number of columns
        in the grid.
        self.Text = 'DataGridView Cell Format Test'
        # self.ClientSize = Size(400, 175)
        # self.MinimumSize = Size(height, width)
        # self.Height =height
        # self.Width =width
        self.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.Location = Point(posx, posy)

        self.dgv = DataGridView()
        self.numcols = 0
        self.numrows = 0
        self.dgv.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self.dgv.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.dgv.Parent = self
        self.ToParet = None

    def ClearData(self):
        for i in range(0, self.dgv.Rows.Count):
        for i in range(0, self.dgv.Columns.Count):

    def setupdatagridview(self):
        General construction of DataGridView control.
        Bind mouse events as appropriate.

        # have to have columns defined before inserting rows
        # self.dgv.ColumnCount = self.numcols
        # center all text in all data cells by default
        self.dgv.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
        # use Mouse events for contingency that actual
        #    position is required
        #    otherwise, can use events without "Mouse"
        #       in them
        # CellMouseEnter event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseEnter += self.onmouseovercell
        # CellMouseLeave event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseLeave += self.onmouseleavingcell
        # another try at MouseClick (avoiding default select color)
        self.dgv.CellMouseUp += self.onmouseclickcell
        self.dgv.CellDoubleClick += self.cellDoubleClick
        # add empty rows first
        # for num in xrange(self.numrows):
        #     self.dgv.Rows.Add()
        # format empty cells
        resetcellfmts(self.dgv, self.numrows)
        # lock control so user cannot do anything to it datawise
        self.dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = False
        self.dgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
        self.dgv.ReadOnly = True

    def formatheaders(self, headerNames=["column1", "column2", "column3"]):
        Get header row and left side column 
        populated and formatted.
        self.numcols = len(headerNames)
        self.dgv.ColumnCount = self.numcols
        for num in xrange(self.numcols):
            col = self.dgv.Columns[num]
            col.Name = headerNames[num]
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
            col.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue

        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = '序号'
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue
        self.dgv.RowHeadersWidth = ROWHDRWDTH

    def adddata(self):
        Put data into the grid, 
        row by row, column by column.
        # self.addRowdata( "1",["1","2","3"])
        # self.addRowdata( "2",["11","21","13"])

    def setRowTitle(self, rowobj, rowtitle):
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Value = rowtitle
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue

    def addRowdata(self, rowtitle="1", datas=["1", "2", "3"]):
        newidx = self.dgv.Rows.Add()
        row = self.dgv.Rows[newidx]
        self.setRowTitle(row, rowtitle)
        dat = (datax for datax in datas)
        for cell in row.Cells:
            cell.Value = dat.next()

    def getcell(self, event):
        Gets DataGridViewCell that is responding
        to an event.
        Attempt to minimize code duplication by 
        applying method to multiple events.
        colidx = event.ColumnIndex
        rowidx = event.RowIndex
        if rowidx > INDEXERROR and colidx > INDEXERROR:
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            cell = row.Cells[colidx]
            return cell
            return None

    def onmouseovercell(self, sender, event):
        Change format of data cells
        when mouse passes over them.
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        rowidx, colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if cell:
            col = self.dgv.Columns[colidx]
            col.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = COLUMNCOLOR
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            if row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = ROWCOLOR
            cell.Style.Font = BOLD
            if cell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                cell.Style.BackColor = MOUSEOVERCOLOR
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            for cellx in row.Cells:
                if cellx.ColumnIndex != colidx:
                    if cellx.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                        cellx.Style.BackColor = ROWCOLOR
                        cellx.Style.Font = BOLD
            for num in xrange(self.numrows):
                for num2 in xrange(self.numcols):
                    if num != rowidx:
                        if num2 == colidx:
                            row = self.dgv.Rows[num]
                            cell = row.Cells[num2]
                            # 6) color all other cells in column cyan
                            # skip selected cells
                            if cell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                                cell.Style.BackColor = COLUMNCOLOR

    def onmouseleavingcell(self, sender, event):
        Change format of data cells
        back to "normal" when mouse passes 
        out of the cell.
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        rowidx, colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if cell:
            resetcellfmts(self.dgv, self.numrows)
            resetheaderfmts(self.dgv, rowidx, colidx)

    def onmouseclickcell(self, sender, event):
        Attempt to override selection.
        selected = []
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        self.rowidx, self.colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if cell:
            cell.Style.Font = BOLD
            cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        if self.colidx == INDEXERROR:
            if self.rowidx != INDEXERROR:
                row = self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]
                cells = row.Cells
                for cell in cells:
                    cell.Style.Font = BOLD
                    cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
                row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        self.onmouseovercell(sender, event)

    def cellDoubleClick(self, sender, event):  # CellDoubleClick
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        # print( cell )
        self.rowidx, self.colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if self.ToParet != None and (self.rowidx != -1):
            rowobj = self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]
            rowtitle = rowobj.HeaderCell.Value
            self.ToParet(self, rowtitle)

    def Clear(self):

    def getCurRowObj(self):
        return self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]
Ejemplo n.º 7
class DataGridForm(Form):
    Container for the DataGridView control
    I'm trying to test.
    DataGridView is customized to have row
    and column of mouse-over'd cell highlighted.
    Also, there is a customized selection 
    color and selection limitations (one cell
    or one row at a time).
    def __init__(self, numcols, numrows):
        numcols is the number of columns
        in the grid.
        self.Text = 'DataGridView Cell Format Test'
        self.ClientSize = Size(800, 800)
        self.MinimumSize = Size(800, 800)
        self.dgv = DataGridView()
        self.numcols = numcols
        self.numrows = numrows
        # clears Windows default selection on load

    def setupdatagridview(self):
        General construction of DataGridView control.
        Bind mouse events as appropriate.
        self.dgv.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self.dgv.Size = Size(375, 150)
        # have to have columns defined before inserting rows
        self.dgv.ColumnCount = self.numcols
        # center all text in all data cells by default
        self.dgv.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
        # use Mouse events for contingency that actual
        #    position is required
        #    otherwise, can use events without "Mouse"
        #       in them
        # CellMouseEnter event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseEnter += self.onmouseovercell
        # CellMouseLeave event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseLeave += self.onmouseleavingcell
        # another try at MouseClick (avoiding default select color)
        self.dgv.CellMouseUp += self.onmouseclickcell
        # add empty rows first
        for num in xrange(self.numrows):
        # format empty cells
        resetcellfmts(self.dgv, self.numrows)
        # lock control so user cannot do anything to it datawise
        self.dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = False
        self.dgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
        self.dgv.ReadOnly = True

    def formatheaders(self):
        Get header row and left side column 
        populated and formatted.
        # give names to columns
        # if the name is the same as the desired header caption,
        #     the Name attribute will take care of the caption
        for num in xrange(self.numcols):
            # need to center text in header row
            #    separate from data rows
            col = self.dgv.Columns[num]
            col.Name = HEADERS[num]
            # slightly left of center on headers
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
            # sets font and font style
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
            col.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue
        # put numbers on rows
        for num in xrange(self.numrows):
            row = self.dgv.Rows[num]
            # get sequential numeric label on side of row
            row.HeaderCell.Value = str(num + 1)
            # sets font and font style
            row.HeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
            row.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue
        # XXX - clear button is implicit, not explicit
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = 'CLEAR'
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.Font = BOLD
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue
        self.dgv.RowHeadersWidth = ROWHDRWDTH

    def adddata(self):
        Put data into the grid, 
        row by row, column by column.
        # go off indices of rows for placing data in cells
        for num in xrange(self.numrows):
            row = self.dgv.Rows[num]
            # iterator for data - places in correct column
            dat = (datax for datax in TESTDATA[num])
            for cell in row.Cells:
                cell.Value = dat.next()

    def getcell(self, event):
        Gets DataGridViewCell that is responding
        to an event.
        Attempt to minimize code duplication by 
        applying method to multiple events.
        colidx = event.ColumnIndex
        rowidx = event.RowIndex
        if rowidx > INDEXERROR and colidx > INDEXERROR:
            # to get a specific cell, need to first
            #    get row the cell is in,
            #        then get cell indexed by column
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            cell = row.Cells[colidx]
            return cell
            return None

    def onmouseovercell(self, sender, event):
        Change format of data cells
        when mouse passes over them.
        # had to separate these into two functions
        #    problems with tuple unpacking
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        rowidx, colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if cell:
            # 1) take care of row and column header formatting
            col = self.dgv.Columns[colidx]
            col.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = COLUMNCOLOR
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            # only change if the row header is not selected
            if row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = ROWCOLOR
            # 2) bold individual cell
            cell.Style.Font = BOLD
            # 3) color individual cell green
            # but skip if it is a selected cell
            if cell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                cell.Style.BackColor = MOUSEOVERCOLOR
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            for cellx in row.Cells:
                # 4) color each cell in row except
                #    green cell yellow
                if cellx.ColumnIndex != colidx:
                    # skip selected cell
                    if cellx.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                        cellx.Style.BackColor = ROWCOLOR
                        # 5) add bold to row
                        cellx.Style.Font = BOLD
            # highlighting a column is harder
            #    have to cycle through all cells
            for num in xrange(self.numrows):
                for num2 in xrange(self.numcols):
                    # want to skip single highlighted cell
                    if num != rowidx:
                        if num2 == colidx:
                            row = self.dgv.Rows[num]
                            cell = row.Cells[num2]
                            # 6) color all other cells in column cyan
                            # skip selected cells
                            if cell.Style.BackColor != SELECTCOLOR:
                                cell.Style.BackColor = COLUMNCOLOR

    def onmouseleavingcell(self, sender, event):
        Change format of data cells
        back to "normal" when mouse passes 
        out of the cell.
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        rowidx, colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if cell:
            # need to cycle through all cells individually
            #    to reset them
            resetcellfmts(self.dgv, self.numrows)
            resetheaderfmts(self.dgv, rowidx, colidx)

    def onmouseclickcell(self, sender, event):
        Attempt to override selection.
        # get selected cells' data onto clipboard
        selected = []
        # had to separate these into two functions
        #    problems with tuple unpacking
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        rowidx, colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        # overrides Windows selection color
        #   sometimes flashes blue for a split second
        # if dealing with one valid data cell (not header)
        if cell:
            cell.Style.Font = BOLD
            cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        # if a row header is clicked, select row
        if colidx == INDEXERROR:
            # need to make sure that upper left header is not clicked
            if rowidx != INDEXERROR:
                row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
                cells = row.Cells
                # highlight all the cells in the row
                for cell in cells:
                    cell.Style.Font = BOLD
                    cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
                # highlight the row header
                row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        # get mouseover coloration reset
        self.onmouseovercell(sender, event)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class DataGridEntry(Panel):
    Container for the DataGridView control
    I'm trying to test.
    DataGridView is customized to have row
    and column of mouse-over'd cell highlighted.
    Also, there is a customized selection 
    color and selection limitations (one cell
    or one row at a time).
    def __init__(self, posx, posy, height, width):
        numcols is the number of columns
        in the grid.
        self.Text = 'DataGridView Cell Format Test'
        # self.ClientSize = Size(400, 175)
        # self.MinimumSize = Size(height, width)
        # self.Height =height
        # self.Width =width
        self.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.Location = Point(posx, posy)

        self.dgv = DataGridView()
        self.numcols = 0
        self.numrows = 0
        self.dgv.Location = Point(0, 0)
        self.dgv.ClientSize = Size(width, height)
        self.dgv.Parent = self
        # clearselection(self.dgv)
        self.ToParet = None
        self.dgv.Font = getFont()
        # print( self.dgv.Font )

    def ClearData(self):
        for i in range(0, self.dgv.Rows.Count):
        for i in range(0, self.dgv.Columns.Count):

    def setupdatagridview(self):
        General construction of DataGridView control.
        Bind mouse events as appropriate.

        # have to have columns defined before inserting rows
        # self.dgv.ColumnCount = self.numcols
        # center all text in all data cells by default
        self.dgv.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
        # use Mouse events for contingency that actual
        #    position is required
        #    otherwise, can use events without "Mouse"
        #       in them
        # CellMouseEnter event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseEnter += self.onmouseovercell
        # CellMouseLeave event for formatting
        self.dgv.CellMouseLeave += self.onmouseleavingcell
        # another try at MouseClick (avoiding default select color)
        self.dgv.CellMouseUp += self.onmouseclickcell
        self.dgv.CellDoubleClick += self.cellDoubleClick
        # add empty rows first
        # for num in xrange(self.numrows):
        #     self.dgv.Rows.Add()
        # format empty cells
        resetcellfmts(self.dgv, self.numrows)
        # lock control so user cannot do anything to it datawise
        self.dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = False
        self.dgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
        self.dgv.ReadOnly = True
        # self.dgv.VirtualMode  =True
        # self.dgv.CellContextMenuStripNeeded += self.contextMenuShow
    def formatheaders(self, headerNames=["column1", "column2", "column3"]):
        Get header row and left side column 
        populated and formatted.
        self.numcols = len(headerNames)
        self.dgv.ColumnCount = self.numcols
        for num in xrange(self.numcols):
            col = self.dgv.Columns[num]
            col.Name = headerNames[num]
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
            col.HeaderCell.Style.Font = getFont()
            col.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue

        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = '序号'
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.Font = getFont()

        self.dgv.TopLeftHeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red
        self.dgv.RowHeadersWidth = ROWHDRWDTH

    def adddata(self):
        Put data into the grid, 
        row by row, column by column.
        # self.addRowdata( "1",["1","2","3"])
        # self.addRowdata( "2",["11","21","13"])

    def setRowTitle(self, rowobj, rowtitle):
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = MDDLCNTR
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.Font = getFont()
        rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red

        rowobj.HeaderCell.Value = rowtitle
        # print(rowobj.HeaderCell.Value ,rowobj.HeaderCell.Style.Font, MDDLCNTR )
    def addRowdata(self, rowtitle="1", datas=["1", "2", "3"]):
        # print("addRowdata" )
        newidx = self.dgv.Rows.Add()
        row = self.dgv.Rows[newidx]
        self.setRowTitle(row, rowtitle)
        dat = (datax for datax in datas)
        for cell in row.Cells:
            cell.Value = dat.next()
        setcellfmts(self.dgv, row)

    def getcell(self, event):
        Gets DataGridViewCell that is responding
        to an event.
        Attempt to minimize code duplication by 
        applying method to multiple events.
        colidx = event.ColumnIndex
        rowidx = event.RowIndex
        if rowidx > INDEXERROR and colidx > INDEXERROR:
            row = self.dgv.Rows[rowidx]
            cell = row.Cells[colidx]
            return cell
            return None

    def onmouseovercell(self, sender, event):

    def onmouseleavingcell(self, sender, event):
        Change format of data cells
        back to "normal" when mouse passes 
        out of the cell.

    def onmouseclickcell(self, sender, event):
        Attempt to override selection.
        # selected = []
        # mockclearselection(self.dgv)
        # cell = self.getcell(event)
        # self.rowidx, self.colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        # clearselection(self.dgv)
        # if cell:
        #     cell.Style.Font = BOLD
        #     cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        #     selected.append(cell.Value)
        # if self.colidx == INDEXERROR:
        #     if self.rowidx != INDEXERROR:
        #         row = self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]
        #         cells = row.Cells
        #         for cell in cells:
        #             cell.Style.Font = BOLD
        #             cell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        #             selected.append(cell.Value)
        #         row.HeaderCell.Style.BackColor = SELECTCOLOR
        # self.onmouseovercell(sender, event)
        # copytoclipboard(selected)

    def cellDoubleClick(self, sender, event):  # CellDoubleClick
        cell = self.getcell(event)
        # print( cell )
        self.rowidx, self.colidx = getcellidxs(event)
        if self.ToParet != None and (self.rowidx != -1):
            rowobj = self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]
            rowtitle = rowobj.HeaderCell.Value
            self.ToParet(self, rowtitle)
            # print("To Parent Proc")

    def Clear(self):

    def getCurRowObj(self):
        return self.dgv.Rows[self.rowidx]


    def ctxMenuStripInit(self):
        self.ctxMenuStrip = ContextMenuStrip()
        # ### Attach an event handler for the
        # ### ContextMenuStrip control's Opening event.
        self.ctxMenuStrip.Opening += System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(
        self.dgv.ContextMenuStrip = self.ctxMenuStrip

    def cms_Opening(self, sender, eventArg):
        ### Acquire references to the owning control and item.
        self.srcControl = self.ctxMenuStrip.SourceControl  #as Control;
        tsi = self.ctxMenuStrip.OwnerItem  #as ToolStripDropDownItem;

        ### Clear the ContextMenuStrip control's Items collection.

        ### Check the source control first.
        if (self.srcControl != None):
            ### Add custom item (Form)
                "Source Control: " +
                str(type(self.srcControl)))  #srcControl.GetType().ToString());
        elif (tsi != None):
            ### Add custom item (ToolStripDropDownButton or ToolStripMenuItem)
            self.ctxMenuStrip.Items.Add("Owner : " + str(type(tsi)))

        ### Populate the ContextMenuStrip control with its default items.

        ts1 = fontToolStripMenuItem("Copy Selected to Clipboard", None,

        ts1 = fontToolStripMenuItem("Copy All seleted Rows to Clipboard", None,

        ts1 = fontToolStripMenuItem("Copy All seleted Columns to Clipboard",
                                    None, self.selectionColToClip)

        ts1 = fontToolStripMenuItem("Copy All Table to Clipboard", None,

        title = "所选行的金额之和到剪贴板"
        v = self.sumRowsValue("金额")
        vstr = "{: ,.6f}".format(v)
        ts1 = fontToolStripMenuItem(title + ": " + vstr, None, self.sumToClip)

        eventArg.Cancel = False

    def sumRowsValue(self, sumField):
        sum = 0.0
        rowsRec = []
        for cell in self.dgv.SelectedCells:
            rowobj = cell.OwningRow.Cells
            if rowobj in rowsRec:
                rowsRec += [rowobj]
            for col in rowobj:
                name = col.OwningColumn.HeaderText  #  HeaderCell.Value
                # print( name )
                if sumField in name:
                    value = col.Value.strip().replace(",", "")
                        sum += float(value)
        return sum

    def sumToClip(self, sender, event):
        print(self.srcControl, sender, event)
        v = self.sumRowsValue("金额")
        vstr = '"{: ,.6f}"'.format(v)

    def selectionToClip(self, sender, event):
        selects = dict()
        for cell in self.dgv.SelectedCells:
            oRow = cell.OwningRow.Index
            oCol = cell.OwningColumn.Index
            value = cell.Value.replace('"', "'")
            vstr = '"{}"'.format(value)
            selects[(oRow, oCol)] = vstr
        ks = sorted(selects.keys())

        r0 = -1
        vstr = ""
        for r, c in ks:
            r0 = r
        for r, c in ks:
            if r == r0:
                title = self.dgv.Columns[c].HeaderText
                vstr += title.replace(",", ";") + ","

        # vstr +="\n"
        r0 = -1
        for r, c in ks:
            if r != r0:
                vstr += "\n"
                r0 = r
            vstr += selects[(r, c)] + ","


    def selectionRowToClip(self, sender, event):
        rows = []
        for cell in self.dgv.SelectedCells:
            if cell.OwningRow in rows:
                rows += [

            # print(cell.Value,cell.ColumnIndex ,cell.RowIndex,cell.OwningRow)
        if len(rows) == 0:

        vstr = ""
        for cell in rows[0].Cells:
            title = cell.OwningColumn.HeaderText
            vstr += title.replace(",", ";") + ","
        for i in range(0, len(rows)):
            vstr += "\n"
            for cell in rows[i].Cells:
                value = cell.Value.replace('"', "'")
                vstr += '"{}",'.format(value)


    def selectionColToClip(self, sender, event):
        self.selectionRowToClip(sender, event)

    def tblToClip(self, sender, event):
        vstr = ""
        for col in self.dgv.Columns:
            title = col.HeaderText
            vstr += title.replace(",", ";") + ","

        for rowobj in self.dgv.Rows:
            vstr += "\n"
            for cell in rowobj.Cells:
                value = cell.Value.replace('"', "'")
                vstr += '"{}",'.format(value)

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, ref_obj):
        super(RevitPythonHelper, self).__init__()

        self.ref_obj = ref_obj
        self.filter_sys_memb = True

        self.Size = Size(650, 800)
        self.Text = 'Explorer'
        self.tooltips = ToolTip()
        self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
        # self.Location = Point(600,0) # to display in your favorite corner

        self.panright = SplitContainer()
        self.panright.Parent = self
        self.panright.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.panright.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
        self.panright.SplitterDistance = 100

        self.top_info = RichTextBox()
        self.top_info.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.top_info.DetectUrls = True

        self.table = DataGridView()
        self.table.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.table.RowHeadersVisible = False
        self.table.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCellsExceptHeaders
        self.table.RowTemplate.Height = 30
        self.table.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.RowHeaderSelect
        self.table.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState. True
        self.table.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
        self.table.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

        col1 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col1.HeaderText = 'Name'
        col1.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col1.FillWeight = 20
        col1.DefaultCellStyle.Font = Font(self.table.DefaultCellStyle.Font,

        col2 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col2.HeaderText = 'Type'
        col2.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col2.FillWeight = 5
        col2.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

        col3 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col3.HeaderText = 'Value'
        col3.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col3.FillWeight = 15

        col4 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col4.HeaderText = 'Infos'
        col4.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col4.FillWeight = 60

        self.table.Columns.AddRange((col1, col2, col3, col4))
        self.table.AutoGenerateColumns = False

        self.panright.FixedPanel = FixedPanel.Panel1

        self.toolpan = FlowLayoutPanel()
        self.toolpan.Parent = self
        self.toolpan.Dock = DockStyle.Top
        self.toolpan.Height = 25

        self.check = CheckBox()
        self.check.Parent = self.toolpan
        self.check.Text = "Hide Sys"
        self.check.Checked = True

        self.close = Button()
        self.close.Parent = self
        self.close.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
        self.close.Text = 'Close'
        self.close.Height = 30

        # LOAD DATAS

        self.update_table(extract_members(self.ref_obj, self.filter_sys_memb))

        # EVENTS

        self.top_info.LinkClicked += self.on_link_clicked
        self.check.CheckedChanged += self.on_hide_member_clicked
        self.close.Click += self.on_close
        self.table.MouseEnter += self.get_focus
        self.table.CellContentDoubleClick += self.on_val_double_click
Ejemplo n.º 10
class RevitPythonHelper(Form):
    def __init__(self, ref_obj):
        super(RevitPythonHelper, self).__init__()

        self.ref_obj = ref_obj
        self.filter_sys_memb = True

        self.Size = Size(650, 800)
        self.Text = 'Explorer'
        self.tooltips = ToolTip()
        self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
        # self.Location = Point(600,0) # to display in your favorite corner

        self.panright = SplitContainer()
        self.panright.Parent = self
        self.panright.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.panright.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
        self.panright.SplitterDistance = 100

        self.top_info = RichTextBox()
        self.top_info.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.top_info.DetectUrls = True

        self.table = DataGridView()
        self.table.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        self.table.RowHeadersVisible = False
        self.table.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCellsExceptHeaders
        self.table.RowTemplate.Height = 30
        self.table.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.RowHeaderSelect
        self.table.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState. True
        self.table.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.GhostWhite
        self.table.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

        col1 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col1.HeaderText = 'Name'
        col1.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col1.FillWeight = 20
        col1.DefaultCellStyle.Font = Font(self.table.DefaultCellStyle.Font,

        col2 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col2.HeaderText = 'Type'
        col2.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col2.FillWeight = 5
        col2.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

        col3 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col3.HeaderText = 'Value'
        col3.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col3.FillWeight = 15

        col4 = DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        col4.HeaderText = 'Infos'
        col4.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
        col4.FillWeight = 60

        self.table.Columns.AddRange((col1, col2, col3, col4))
        self.table.AutoGenerateColumns = False

        self.panright.FixedPanel = FixedPanel.Panel1

        self.toolpan = FlowLayoutPanel()
        self.toolpan.Parent = self
        self.toolpan.Dock = DockStyle.Top
        self.toolpan.Height = 25

        self.check = CheckBox()
        self.check.Parent = self.toolpan
        self.check.Text = "Hide Sys"
        self.check.Checked = True

        self.close = Button()
        self.close.Parent = self
        self.close.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
        self.close.Text = 'Close'
        self.close.Height = 30

        # LOAD DATAS

        self.update_table(extract_members(self.ref_obj, self.filter_sys_memb))

        # EVENTS

        self.top_info.LinkClicked += self.on_link_clicked
        self.check.CheckedChanged += self.on_hide_member_clicked
        self.close.Click += self.on_close
        self.table.MouseEnter += self.get_focus
        self.table.CellContentDoubleClick += self.on_val_double_click
        #self.table.SortCompare += self.sort_by_name  # TODO double sort

    def update_info(self, text):
        '''Display main info in the richtextbox
            arg : text as string
        self.top_info.Text = text
        self.top_info.SelectionStart = 0
        self.top_info.SelectionLength = len(self.top_info.Text.split('\n')[0])
        self.top_info.SelectionFont = Font(self.top_info.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
        self.top_info.SelectionLength = 0

    def update_table(self, sourcelist):
        '''Populate listview with selected  member or group
            arg: a list of tuples (member, type, val, docstring)
        for member, mtype, val, doc in sourcelist:
            self.table.Rows.Add(member, mtype, val, doc)

    def on_close(self, sender, event):
        '''Get out! 

    def on_link_clicked(self, sender, event):
        ''' Open tab in default browser

    def on_hide_member_clicked(self, sender, event):
        ''' Update views to hide/show object base members
        self.filter_sys_memb = sender.Checked
        self.update_table(extract_members(self.ref_obj, self.filter_sys_memb))

    def on_val_double_click(self, sender, event):
        ''' Open a new form to display clicked member
            if event.ColumnIndex == 0:
                member = sender.Rows[event.RowIndex].Cells[
                new_ref = getattr(self.ref_obj, member)
            print("Can't reach this reference")

    def get_focus(self, sender, event):
        '''Add convenient focus for scroll in datagrid
        if not sender.Focused:

    def sort_by_name(self, sender, event):
        ''' Overide the automatic grid sort
        event.SortResult = System.String.Compare(event.CellValue1.ToString(),

        if not (event.SortResult and event.Column.Index == 0):
            event.SortResult = System.String.Compare(
        event.Handled = True
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def setupDataGridView(self):            
            self._dataGridView1 = DataGridView()
            self._dataGridView1.AllowUserToOrderColumns = True
            self._dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize
            self._dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
            self._dataGridView1.Location = Point(0, 111)
            self._dataGridView1.Size = Size(506, 273)
            self._dataGridView1.TabIndex = 3
            self._dataGridView1.ColumnCount = len(headers)
            self._dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersVisible = True
            for i in range(len(headers)):
                self._dataGridView1.Columns[i].Name = headers[i]

            for j in range(len(signals)):

				for k in range(len(headers)):
					array_str[k] = signals[j][k]

