Ejemplo n.º 1
def setSearchTime():
    dt = DateTime()
    date = dt.currentDate()

    MpGlobal.RecentEpochTime = dt.getEpochTime(
        date + " 00:00")  # return seconds at start of this day
    MpGlobal.LaunchEpochTime = MpGlobal.RecentEpochTime - (
        14 * 24 * 60 * 60)  # date of two weeks ago
def musicBackup(path, songList, format=0, force=False):
        save a copy of the current library to ./backup/
        only save if one has not been made today,
        delete old backups
        adding new music, deleting music, are good reasons to force backup
    #path = os.path.join(MpGlobal.installPath,'backup')
    #songList = MpGlobal.Player.library

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print "backup directory created"

    dt = DateTime()
    # create a new date time object
    date = dt.currentDate()
    hourmin = dt.currentTime()
    date = date.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')

    name = 'music_backup-'
    fullname = name + date + '.libz'
    h, m = hourmin.split(':')

    #if (atoi(h) > 12) or force:  # save backups in the afternoon only

    R = []
    dir = os.listdir(path)
    for file in dir:
        if file.startswith(name) and fileGetExt(file) == "libz":

    newestbu = ""


    if len(R) > 0:

        #remove old backups
        # while there are more than 6,
        # and one has not been saved today
        while len(R) > 6 and R[0] != fullname:
            delfile = R.pop()
            print "Deleting %s" % delfile
            os.remove(os.path.join(path, delfile))

        # record name of most recent backup, one backup per day unless forced
        newestbu = R[0]

    # save a new backup
    if force or newestbu != fullname:
        print "Saving %s" % fullname
        newbu = os.path.join(path, fullname)
        musicSave_LIBZ(newbu, songList, format)
def musicBackup(path,songList,format=0,force = False):
        save a copy of the current library to ./backup/
        only save if one has not been made today,
        delete old backups
        adding new music, deleting music, are good reasons to force backup
    #path = os.path.join(MpGlobal.installPath,'backup')
    #songList = MpGlobal.Player.library
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print "backup directory created"
    dt = DateTime(); # create a new date time object
    date = dt.currentDate();
    hourmin = dt.currentTime();
    date = date.replace('/','-').replace('\\','-')
    name = 'music_backup-'
    fullname = name+date+'.libz'
    h,m = hourmin.split(':')
    #if (atoi(h) > 12) or force:  # save backups in the afternoon only
    R = []
    dir = os.listdir(path)
    for file in dir:
        if file.startswith(name) and fileGetExt(file) == "libz":
    newestbu = ""

    if len(R) > 0:

        #remove old backups
        # while there are more than 6, 
        # and one has not been saved today
        while len(R) > 6 and R[0] != fullname: 
            delfile = R.pop()
            print "Deleting %s"%delfile
        # record name of most recent backup, one backup per day unless forced    
        newestbu = R[0]
    # save a new backup 
    if force or newestbu != fullname:
        print "Saving %s"%fullname
        newbu = os.path.join(path,fullname)  
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setSearchTime(): 
    dt = DateTime()
    date = dt.currentDate();
    MpGlobal.RecentEpochTime = dt.getEpochTime(date+" 00:00") # return seconds at start of this day
    MpGlobal.LaunchEpochTime = MpGlobal.RecentEpochTime - (14*24*60*60) # date of two weeks ago