Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler            = TCCrawler()
        self.retrycrawler       = RetryCrawler()
        self.crawling_time      = Common.now() # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_time_s    = Common.time_s(self.crawling_time)
        self.crawling_begintime = '' # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = '' # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = '' # 本次爬取小时

        # 频道信息
        self.platform           = '同程-pc' # 品牌团所在平台
        self.channel_id         = '' # 频道id
        self.channel_url        = '' # 频道链接
        self.channel_name       = '' # 频道name
        self.channel_type       = '' # 频道类型

        # 原数据信息
        self.channel_page       = '' # 频道页面html内容
        self.channel_pages      = {} # 频道页面内请求数据列表

        # channel items
        self.channel_items      = []

        # channel list
        self.channel_list       = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler = TCCrawler()
        # dial client
        self.dial_client = DialClient()
        # local ip
        self._ip = Common.local_ip()
        # router tag
        self._tag = 'ikuai'

        # wait time
        self.w_time = 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        # 商品页面抓取设置
        self.crawler = TCCrawler()
        self.crawling_time = Common.now()  # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_begintime = ''  # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = ''  # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = ''  # 本次爬取小时

        # 单品类型商品所属频道
        self.channel_id = ''
        self.channel_name = ''
        self.channel_url = ''
        self.channel_type = ''
        self.item_position = 0

        # 商品信息
        self.item_id = ''  # 商品Id
        self.item_url = ''  # 商品链接
        self.item_pic_url = ''  # 商品展示图片链接
        self.item_name = ''  # 商品Name
        self.item_desc = ''  # 商品说明
        self.item_book_status = 1  # 商品是否售卖 0:不售,1:在售
        self.item_level = ''  # 级别
        self.item_area = ''  # 地址
        self.item_service = ''  # 服务
        self.item_comment = ''  # 评论数
        self.item_comment_rate = ''  # 好评率
        self.item_comment_good = ''  # 好评数

        # 商品交易
        self.item_oriprice = ''  # 商品原价
        self.item_disprice = ''  # 商品折扣价
        self.item_discount = ''  # 商品打折

        # 门票
        self.item_tickets = []

        # 原数据信息
        self.item_pageData = ''  # 商品所属数据项内容
        self.item_page = ''  # 商品页面html内容
        self.item_pages = {}  # 商品页面内请求数据列表
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler     = TCCrawler()
        # dial client
        self.dial_client = DialClient()
        # local ip
        self._ip         = Common.local_ip()
        # router tag
        self._tag        = 'ikuai'

        # wait time
        self.w_time      = 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        # tc spot type
        self.worker_type   = Config.TC_Spot
        # DB
        self.tc_type       = Config.TC_TYPE    # queue type
        self.mysqlAccess   = MysqlAccess()     # mysql access
        self.redisQueue    = RedisQueue()      # redis queue
        self.mongofsAccess = MongofsAccess()   # mongodb fs access

        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler       = TCCrawler()

        # message
        self.message       = Message()

        # 抓取时间设定
        self.crawling_time = Common.now() # 当前爬取时间
        self.begin_time    = Common.now()
        self.begin_date    = Common.today_s()
        self.begin_hour    = Common.nowhour_s()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        # 商品页面抓取设置
        self.crawler            = TCCrawler()
        self.crawling_time      = Common.now() # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_begintime = '' # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = '' # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = '' # 本次爬取小时

        # 单品类型商品所属频道
        self.channel_id         = ''
        self.channel_name       = ''
        self.channel_url        = ''
        self.channel_type       = ''
        self.item_position      = 0

        # 商品信息
        self.item_id            = '' # 商品Id
        self.item_url           = '' # 商品链接
        self.item_pic_url       = '' # 商品展示图片链接
        self.item_name          = '' # 商品Name
        self.item_desc          = '' # 商品说明
        self.item_book_status   = 1  # 商品是否售卖 0:不售,1:在售
        self.item_level         = '' # 级别
        self.item_area          = '' # 地址
        self.item_service       = '' # 服务
        self.item_comment       = '' # 评论数
        self.item_comment_rate  = '' # 好评率
        self.item_comment_good  = '' # 好评数

        # 商品交易
        self.item_oriprice      = '' # 商品原价
        self.item_disprice      = '' # 商品折扣价
        self.item_discount      = '' # 商品打折

        # 门票
        self.item_tickets       = []

        # 原数据信息
        self.item_pageData      = '' # 商品所属数据项内容
        self.item_page          = '' # 商品页面html内容
        self.item_pages         = {} # 商品页面内请求数据列表
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Item():
    '''A class of tc Item'''
    def __init__(self):
        # 商品页面抓取设置
        self.crawler = TCCrawler()
        self.crawling_time = Common.now()  # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_begintime = ''  # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = ''  # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = ''  # 本次爬取小时

        # 单品类型商品所属频道
        self.channel_id = ''
        self.channel_name = ''
        self.channel_url = ''
        self.channel_type = ''
        self.item_position = 0

        # 商品信息
        self.item_id = ''  # 商品Id
        self.item_url = ''  # 商品链接
        self.item_pic_url = ''  # 商品展示图片链接
        self.item_name = ''  # 商品Name
        self.item_desc = ''  # 商品说明
        self.item_book_status = 1  # 商品是否售卖 0:不售,1:在售
        self.item_level = ''  # 级别
        self.item_area = ''  # 地址
        self.item_service = ''  # 服务
        self.item_comment = ''  # 评论数
        self.item_comment_rate = ''  # 好评率
        self.item_comment_good = ''  # 好评数

        # 商品交易
        self.item_oriprice = ''  # 商品原价
        self.item_disprice = ''  # 商品折扣价
        self.item_discount = ''  # 商品打折

        # 门票
        self.item_tickets = []

        # 原数据信息
        self.item_pageData = ''  # 商品所属数据项内容
        self.item_page = ''  # 商品页面html内容
        self.item_pages = {}  # 商品页面内请求数据列表

    # 商品页信息
    def spotConfig(self, _val):
        self.item_book_status, self.item_id, self.item_url, self.item_pic_url, self.item_name, self.item_desc, self.item_level, self.item_area, self.item_position, self.crawling_begintime = _val
        # 本次抓取开始日期
        self.crawling_beginDate = time.strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))
        # 本次抓取开始小时
        self.crawling_beginHour = time.strftime(
            "%H", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))
        if self.item_book_status == 1:
            # 商品页信息
            page = self.item_page
            self.item_pages['item-home'] = (self.item_url, self.item_page)

            m = re.search(
                r'<div class="s-ppp">\s*<div class="s-tp">(.+?)</div>',
            if m:
                i_disprice = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', m.group(1))
                m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_disprice)
                if m:
                    self.item_disprice = m.group(1)
                    self.item_disprice = Common.htmlDecode(i_disprice)
            m = re.search(
                r'<div class="s-ppp">.+?<div class="s-mp"><s>(.+?)</s>\s+<span>(.+?)</span>',
            if m:
                i_oriprice, i_discount = m.group(1), m.group(2)
                m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_oriprice)
                if m:
                    self.item_oriprice = m.group(1)
                    self.item_oriprice = Common.htmlDecode(i_oriprice)
                m = re.search(r'(\d+\.\d+)', i_discount)
                if m:
                    self.item_discount = m.group(1)
                    m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_discount)
                    if m:
                        self.item_discount = m.group(1)
                        self.item_discount = i_discount

            m = re.search(r'<div class="s-sr">\s+<span.+?>(.+?)</div>',
            if m:
                self.item_service = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '',



    def itemComment(self):
        c_url = 'http://tctj.ly.com/jrec/wlfrec?_dAjax=callback&cid=105&userId=1001&rid=%d&projectId=3&type=1&flag=2&pageSize=10&page=1&callback=tc%s' % (
            int(self.item_id), Common.rand_n(11))
        #c_url = 'http://tctj.ly.com/jrec/wlfrec?cid=105&userId=1001&rid=%d&projectId=3&type=0&flag=1&pageSize=10&page=1&_dAjax=callback&callback=tc%s' % (int(self.item_id), Common.rand_n(11))
        c_page = self.crawler.getData(c_url, self.item_url)

        if c_page:
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"all":"(\d+)"', c_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_comment = m.group(1)
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"satisfaction":"(.+?)"',
            if m:
                self.item_comment_rate = m.group(1)
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"good":"(\d+)"', c_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_comment_good = m.group(1)

    def itemTicket(self):
        t_url = 'http://www.ly.com/scenery/AjaxHelper/SceneryPriceFrame.aspx?action=GETNEWPRICEFRAMEFORLAST&ids=%d&isSimple=1&isShowAppThree=0&widthtype=1&isGrap=1&nobookid=&isyry=1&YpState=1&lon=null&lat=null' % int(
        result = self.crawler.getData(t_url, self.item_url)
        if result:
                scenery = json.loads(result)
                if scenery.has_key('SceneryPrices'):
                    scenery_list = scenery['SceneryPrices']
                    for destination in scenery_list:
                        if destination.has_key('DestinationId') and int(
                                destination['DestinationId']) == int(
                            if destination.has_key(
                                for pricemodel in destination[
                                    if pricemodel.has_key(
                                    ) and pricemodel.has_key(
                                    ) and pricemodel.has_key(
                                        consumer_type = pricemodel[
                                        consumer_type_name = pricemodel[

                                        t_i = 1
                                        for t_data in pricemodel[
                                            val = (self.item_id,
                                                   consumer_type_name, t_i,
                                            t = Ticket()
                                            t_i += 1

            except Exception as e:
                Common.log('# itemTicket,exception err in load json: %s' % e)

    # 商品详情页html
    def itemPage(self):
        if self.item_url != '':
            refer_url = self.channel_url
            page = self.crawler.getData(self.item_url, refer_url)

            if type(self.crawler.history) is list and len(
                    self.crawler.history) != 0 and re.search(
                        r'302', str(self.crawler.history[0])):
                if not self.itempage_judge(page):
                    Common.log('#crawler history:')
                    raise Common.NoPageException(
                        "# itemPage: not find item page, redirecting to other page,id:%s,item_url:%s"
                        % (str(self.item_id), self.item_url))

            if not page or page == '':
                Common.log('#crawler history:')
                raise Common.InvalidPageException(
                    "# itemPage: find item page empty,id:%s,item_url:%s" %
                    (str(self.item_id), self.item_url))
            self.item_page = page
            raise Common.NoPageException(
                "# itemPage: not find item page, url is null,id:%s,item_url:%s"
                % (str(self.item_id), self.item_url))

    # 执行
    def antPage(self, val):
        self.channel_id, self.channel_name, self.channel_url, self.channel_type, i_val = val
        if self.channel_type == 1:

    def outTuple(self):
        return (self.channel_id, self.channel_name, self.channel_url,
                self.channel_type, self.item_position, self.item_book_status,
                self.item_id, self.item_url, self.item_pic_url, self.item_name,
                self.item_desc, self.item_level, self.item_area,
                self.item_service, self.item_comment, self.item_comment_good,
                self.item_comment_rate, self.item_oriprice, self.item_disprice,
                self.item_discount, self.crawling_beginDate,

    def outSql(self):
        return (Common.time_s(float(self.crawling_time)), str(self.item_id),
                self.item_name, self.item_desc, self.item_url,
                self.item_pic_url, str(self.item_book_status), self.item_level,
                self.item_area, self.item_service, str(self.item_comment),
                str(self.item_comment_good), self.item_comment_rate,
                str(self.item_oriprice), str(self.item_disprice),
                str(self.item_discount), str(self.channel_id),
                str(self.item_position), self.crawling_beginDate,
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Item():
    '''A class of tc Item'''
    def __init__(self):
        # 商品页面抓取设置
        self.crawler            = TCCrawler()
        self.crawling_time      = Common.now() # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_begintime = '' # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = '' # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = '' # 本次爬取小时

        # 单品类型商品所属频道
        self.channel_id         = ''
        self.channel_name       = ''
        self.channel_url        = ''
        self.channel_type       = ''
        self.item_position      = 0

        # 商品信息
        self.item_id            = '' # 商品Id
        self.item_url           = '' # 商品链接
        self.item_pic_url       = '' # 商品展示图片链接
        self.item_name          = '' # 商品Name
        self.item_desc          = '' # 商品说明
        self.item_book_status   = 1  # 商品是否售卖 0:不售,1:在售
        self.item_level         = '' # 级别
        self.item_area          = '' # 地址
        self.item_service       = '' # 服务
        self.item_comment       = '' # 评论数
        self.item_comment_rate  = '' # 好评率
        self.item_comment_good  = '' # 好评数

        # 商品交易
        self.item_oriprice      = '' # 商品原价
        self.item_disprice      = '' # 商品折扣价
        self.item_discount      = '' # 商品打折

        # 门票
        self.item_tickets       = []

        # 原数据信息
        self.item_pageData      = '' # 商品所属数据项内容
        self.item_page          = '' # 商品页面html内容
        self.item_pages         = {} # 商品页面内请求数据列表

    # 商品页信息
    def spotConfig(self, _val):
        self.item_book_status, self.item_id, self.item_url, self.item_pic_url, self.item_name, self.item_desc, self.item_level, self.item_area, self.item_position, self.crawling_begintime = _val
        # 本次抓取开始日期
        self.crawling_beginDate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))
        # 本次抓取开始小时
        self.crawling_beginHour = time.strftime("%H", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))
        if self.item_book_status == 1:
            # 商品页信息
            page = self.item_page
            self.item_pages['item-home'] = (self.item_url, self.item_page)

            m = re.search(r'<div class="s-ppp">\s*<div class="s-tp">(.+?)</div>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                i_disprice = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', m.group(1))
                m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_disprice)
                if m:
                    self.item_disprice = m.group(1)
                    self.item_disprice = Common.htmlDecode(i_disprice)
            m = re.search(r'<div class="s-ppp">.+?<div class="s-mp"><s>(.+?)</s>\s+<span>(.+?)</span>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                i_oriprice, i_discount = m.group(1), m.group(2)
                m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_oriprice)
                if m:
                    self.item_oriprice = m.group(1)
                    self.item_oriprice = Common.htmlDecode(i_oriprice)
                m = re.search(r'(\d+\.\d+)', i_discount)
                if m:
                    self.item_discount = m.group(1)
                    m = re.search(r'(\d+)', i_discount)
                    if m:
                        self.item_discount = m.group(1)
                        self.item_discount = i_discount

            m = re.search(r'<div class="s-sr">\s+<span.+?>(.+?)</div>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_service = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', ';'.join(m.group(1).split()))


    def itemComment(self):
        c_url = 'http://tctj.ly.com/jrec/wlfrec?_dAjax=callback&cid=105&userId=1001&rid=%d&projectId=3&type=1&flag=2&pageSize=10&page=1&callback=tc%s' % (int(self.item_id), Common.rand_n(11))
        #c_url = 'http://tctj.ly.com/jrec/wlfrec?cid=105&userId=1001&rid=%d&projectId=3&type=0&flag=1&pageSize=10&page=1&_dAjax=callback&callback=tc%s' % (int(self.item_id), Common.rand_n(11))
        c_page = self.crawler.getData(c_url, self.item_url)
        if c_page:
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"all":"(\d+)"', c_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_comment = m.group(1)
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"satisfaction":"(.+?)"', c_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_comment_rate = m.group(1)
            m = re.search(r'"count":.+?"good":"(\d+)"', c_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.item_comment_good = m.group(1)

    def itemTicket(self):
        t_url = 'http://www.ly.com/scenery/AjaxHelper/SceneryPriceFrame.aspx?action=GETNEWPRICEFRAMEFORLAST&ids=%d&isSimple=1&isShowAppThree=0&widthtype=1&isGrap=1&nobookid=&isyry=1&YpState=1&lon=null&lat=null' % int(self.item_id)
        result = self.crawler.getData(t_url, self.item_url)
        if result:
                scenery = json.loads(result)
                if scenery.has_key('SceneryPrices'):
                    scenery_list = scenery['SceneryPrices']
                    for destination in scenery_list:
                        if destination.has_key('DestinationId') and int(destination['DestinationId']) == int(self.item_id):
                            if destination.has_key('ChannelPriceModelEntityList'):
                                for pricemodel in destination['ChannelPriceModelEntityList']:
                                    if pricemodel.has_key('ConsumersTypeId') and pricemodel.has_key('ConsumersTypeName') and pricemodel.has_key('ChannelPriceEntityList'):
                                        consumer_type = pricemodel['ConsumersTypeId']
                                        consumer_type_name = pricemodel['ConsumersTypeName']
                                        t_i = 1
                                        for t_data in pricemodel['ChannelPriceEntityList']:
                                            val = (self.item_id, self.item_name, self.channel_type, consumer_type, consumer_type_name, t_i, t_data, self.crawling_begintime)
                                            t = Ticket()
                                            t_i += 1
            except Exception as e:
                Common.log('# itemTicket,exception err in load json: %s' % e)

    # 商品详情页html
    def itemPage(self):
        if self.item_url != '':
            refer_url = self.channel_url
            page = self.crawler.getData(self.item_url, refer_url)

            if type(self.crawler.history) is list and len(self.crawler.history) != 0 and re.search(r'302',str(self.crawler.history[0])):
                if not self.itempage_judge(page):
                    Common.log('#crawler history:')
                    raise Common.NoPageException("# itemPage: not find item page, redirecting to other page,id:%s,item_url:%s"%(str(self.item_id), self.item_url))

            if not page or page == '':
                Common.log('#crawler history:')
                raise Common.InvalidPageException("# itemPage: find item page empty,id:%s,item_url:%s"%(str(self.item_id), self.item_url))
            self.item_page = page
            raise Common.NoPageException("# itemPage: not find item page, url is null,id:%s,item_url:%s"%(str(self.item_id), self.item_url))

    # 执行
    def antPage(self, val):
        self.channel_id, self.channel_name, self.channel_url, self.channel_type, i_val = val
        if self.channel_type == 1:

    def outTuple(self):
        return (self.channel_id, self.channel_name, self.channel_url, self.channel_type, self.item_position, self.item_book_status, self.item_id, self.item_url, self.item_pic_url, self.item_name, self.item_desc, self.item_level, self.item_area, self.item_service, self.item_comment, self.item_comment_good, self.item_comment_rate, self.item_oriprice, self.item_disprice, self.item_discount, self.crawling_beginDate, self.crawling_beginHour)

    def outSql(self):
        return (Common.time_s(float(self.crawling_time)), str(self.item_id), self.item_name, self.item_desc, self.item_url, self.item_pic_url, str(self.item_book_status), self.item_level, self.item_area, self.item_service, str(self.item_comment), str(self.item_comment_good), self.item_comment_rate, str(self.item_oriprice), str(self.item_disprice), str(self.item_discount), str(self.channel_id), str(self.item_position), self.crawling_beginDate, self.crawling_beginHour)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class RetryCrawler():
    '''A class of retry crawl data'''
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler = TCCrawler()
        # dial client
        self.dial_client = DialClient()
        # local ip
        self._ip = Common.local_ip()
        # router tag
        self._tag = 'ikuai'

        # wait time
        self.w_time = 1

    # To dial router
    def dialRouter(self, _type, _obj):
            _module = '%s_%s' % (_type, _obj)
            self.dial_client.send((_module, self._ip, self._tag))
        except Exception as e:
            Common.log('# To dial router exception: %s' % e)

    def getData(self, url, refers='', max_retry=20):
        page = ''
        retry = 1
        while True:
                page = self.crawler.getData(url, refers)
            except Common.InvalidPageException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# Invalid page exception: %s' % e)
                time.sleep(self.w_time * retry)
            except Common.DenypageException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# Deny page exception: %s' % e)
                # 重新拨号
                    self.dialRouter(4, 'chn')
                except Exception as e:
                    Common.log('# DailClient Exception err: %s' % e)
                time.sleep(random.uniform(10, 30))

            except Common.SystemBusyException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# System busy exception: %s' % e)
                time.sleep(self.w_time * retry)
            except Exception as e:
                Common.log('# exception err in retry crawler: %s' % e)
                if str(e).find('Read timed out') != -1:
                    if retry >= max_retry:
                    retry += 1
                    time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 3))
                elif str(e).find('Name or service not known') != -1 or str(
                        e).find('Temporary failure in name resolution'):
                    if retry >= max_retry:
                    retry += 1

                    # 重新拨号
                        self.dialRouter(4, 'chn')
                    except Exception as e:
                        Common.log('# DailClient Exception err: %s' % e)
                    time.sleep(random.uniform(10, 30))

        return page
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Channel():
    '''A class of TC channel'''
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler            = TCCrawler()
        self.retrycrawler       = RetryCrawler()
        self.crawling_time      = Common.now() # 当前爬取时间
        self.crawling_time_s    = Common.time_s(self.crawling_time)
        self.crawling_begintime = '' # 本次抓取开始时间
        self.crawling_beginDate = '' # 本次爬取日期
        self.crawling_beginHour = '' # 本次爬取小时

        # 频道信息
        self.platform           = '同程-pc' # 品牌团所在平台
        self.channel_id         = '' # 频道id
        self.channel_url        = '' # 频道链接
        self.channel_name       = '' # 频道name
        self.channel_type       = '' # 频道类型

        # 原数据信息
        self.channel_page       = '' # 频道页面html内容
        self.channel_pages      = {} # 频道页面内请求数据列表

        # channel items
        self.channel_items      = []

        # channel list
        self.channel_list       = []

    # 频道页初始化
    def init(self, channel_id, channel_url, channel_type, begin_time):
        self.channel_id = channel_id
        self.channel_url = channel_url
        self.channel_type = channel_type
        self.crawling_begintime = begin_time
        self.crawling_beginDate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))
        self.crawling_beginHour = time.strftime("%H", time.localtime(self.crawling_begintime))

    def config(self):
        if self.channel_type == 1:
        #elif self.channel_type == 2:
            Common.log('# not find this channel type...')

    def spot(self):
        if self.channel_page:
            m = re.search(r'<title>(.+?)</title>', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                self.channel_name = m.group(1)

            keyword, pid, cid, cyid = '', 0, 0, 0
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdKeyWord">(.*?)</span>', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                keyword = m.group(1)
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdPid">(.*?)</span>', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                pid = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdCid">(.*?)</span>', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                cid = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdCyid">(.*?)</span>', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                cyid = int(m.group(1))
            i_p = 1
            i_page = 1
            m_page = 1
            page_main = ''
            m = re.search(r'<div class="scenery_main" id="sceneryListInfo">(.+?)<div id="pageNum_box" class="s_pager none">', self.channel_page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                page_main = m.group(1)
                page_main = self.channel_page
            i_p = self.get_items(page_main, i_p)

            m = re.search(r'<input type="hidden" id="txt_AllpageNumber" value="(.+?)">', page_main, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                m_page = int(m.group(1))

            page_url = 'http://www.ly.com/scenery/SearchList.aspx?&action=getlist&page=%d&kw=&pid=%d&cid=%d&cyid=%d&theme=0&grade=0&money=0&sort=0&paytype=0&ismem=0&istuan=0&isnow=0&spType=&isyiyuan=0&lbtypes=&IsNJL=0&classify=0'
            while i_page < m_page:
                i_page += 1
                p_url = page_url % (i_page, pid, cid, cyid)
                page = self.retrycrawler.getData(p_url, self.channel_url)
                i_p = self.get_items(page, i_p)

    def get_items(self, page_main, i_p):
        if page_main:
            p = re.compile(r'<div class="scenery_list(.+?)">\s*<div class="s_info"><div class="img_con"><a class="a_img".+?href="(.+?)"><img.+?src="(.+?)".*?></a></div><div class="info_con"><dl class="info_top"><dt><a class="fir_name".+?>(.+?)</a>.+?<span class="s_level">(.*?)</span>.+?<dd class="scenery_area"><span>(.+?)</span>.+?</dl></div></div>', flags=re.S)
            for info in p.finditer(page_main):
                all_info, i_info, i_url, i_img, i_name, i_level, i_area = info.group(), info.group(1), (Config.tc_home + info.group(2)), info.group(3), info.group(4), re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', info.group(5)), ' '.join(info.group(6).split())
                i_book = 1
                i_desc = ''
                m = re.search(r'<dd class="scenery_desc"><p>(.+?)</p>', all_info, flags=re.S)
                if m:
                    i_desc = m.group(1)
                if i_info.find('nobook') != -1:
                    i_book = 0
                    if i_desc == '':
                        m = re.search(r'<dd class="scenery_state">(.+?)<a', all_info, flags=re.S)
                        if m:
                            i_desc = m.group(1)
                i_id = 0
                if i_url != '':
                    m = re.search(r'BookSceneryTicket_(\d+).html', i_url)
                    if m:
                        i_id = m.group(1)
                    val = (self.channel_id, self.channel_name, self.channel_url, self.channel_type, (i_book, i_id, i_url, i_img, i_name, i_desc, i_level, i_area, i_p, self.crawling_begintime))
                #if i_p == 1: Common.log(val)
                i_p += 1
        return i_p

    def channelList(self):
        if self.channel_page:
            city_list = self.moreCity(self.channel_page, 'city')
            for city in city_list:
                city_url, city_name, province_id, city_id, dcity_id = city 
                if city_url:
                    province_name, city_name = '', ''
                    city_page = self.crawler.getData(city_url, self.channel_url)
                    if city_page:
                        m = re.search(r'<div class="search_screen_dl"><dl action="province">.+?<div class="right"><a href=".+?" class="current" tvalue="(\d+)" title="(.+?)">', city_page, flags=re.S)
                        if m:
                            province_id, province_name = m.group(1), m.group(2)
                        m = re.search(r'<div class="search_screen_dl">.+?<dl action="city">.+?<div class="right"><a href=".+?" class="current" tvalue="(\d+)" title="(.+?)">', city_page, flags=re.S)
                        if m:
                            city_id, city_name = m.group(1), m.group(2)
                    channel_list = self.moreCity(city_page, 'district')
                    if channel_list and len(channel_list) > 0:
                        for channel in channel_list:
                            channel_url, channel_name, p_id, c_id, cy_id = channel
                            self.channel_list.append((str(cy_id), channel_name, channel_url, str(self.channel_type), city_id, city_name, province_id, province_name))

    def moreCity(self, page, action_key):
        city_list = []
        if page:
            p_id, c_id, cy_id = 0, 0, 0
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdPid">(.*?)</span>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                p_id = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdCid">(.*?)</span>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                c_id = int(m.group(1))
            m = re.search(r'<span id="hdCyid">(.*?)</span>', page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                cy_id = int(m.group(1))
            p_url = 'http://www.ly.com/scenery/scenerysearchlist_%d_%d__0_0_0_%d_0_0_0.html'
            m = re.search(r'<div class="search_screen_box" id="searchScreenBox">.+?<dl action="%s".+?>.+?<dd>.+?<div class="right">(.+?)</div></dd>' % action_key, page, flags=re.S)
            if m:
                city_infos = m.group(1)
                p = re.compile(r'<a.+?tvalue="(\d+)" title="(.+?)">', flags=re.S)
                for city in p.finditer(city_infos):
                    city_id, city_name = int(city.group(1)), city.group(2)
                    if action_key == 'city':
                        c_id = city_id
                    elif action_key == 'district':
                        cy_id = city_id
                    city_url, city_name = p_url % (p_id, c_id, cy_id), city.group(2)
                    city_list.append((city_url, city_name, p_id, c_id, cy_id))
        return city_list

    def channelPage(self):
        if self.channel_url:
            data = self.crawler.getData(self.channel_url, Config.tc_home)
            if not data and data == '': raise Common.InvalidPageException("# channelPage:not find channel page,channel_id:%s,channel_url:%s"%(str(self.channel_id), self.channel_url))
            if data and data != '':
                self.channel_page = data
                self.channel_pages['channel-home'] = (self.channel_url, data)

    def antPage(self, val):
        channel_id, channel_url, channel_type, begin_time = val
        self.init(channel_id, channel_url, channel_type, begin_time)

    def antChannelList(self, val):
        self.channel_url, self.channel_type = val
Ejemplo n.º 11
class RetryCrawler():
    '''A class of retry crawl data'''
    def __init__(self):
        # 抓取设置
        self.crawler     = TCCrawler()
        # dial client
        self.dial_client = DialClient()
        # local ip
        self._ip         = Common.local_ip()
        # router tag
        self._tag        = 'ikuai'

        # wait time
        self.w_time      = 1

    # To dial router
    def dialRouter(self, _type, _obj):
            _module = '%s_%s' %(_type, _obj)
            self.dial_client.send((_module, self._ip, self._tag))
        except Exception as e:
            Common.log('# To dial router exception: %s' % e)

    def getData(self, url, refers='', max_retry=20):
        page = ''
        retry = 1
        while True:
                page = self.crawler.getData(url, refers)
            except Common.InvalidPageException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# Invalid page exception: %s' % e)
            except Common.DenypageException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# Deny page exception: %s' % e)
                # 重新拨号
                    self.dialRouter(4, 'chn')
                except Exception as e:
                    Common.log('# DailClient Exception err: %s' % e)

            except Common.SystemBusyException as e:
                if retry >= max_retry:
                retry += 1
                Common.log('# System busy exception: %s' % e)
            except Exception as e:
                Common.log('# exception err in retry crawler: %s' % e)
                if str(e).find('Read timed out') != -1:
                    if retry >= max_retry:
                    retry += 1
                elif str(e).find('Name or service not known') != -1 or str(e).find('Temporary failure in name resolution'):
                    if retry >= max_retry:
                    retry += 1
                    # 重新拨号
                        self.dialRouter(4, 'chn')
                    except Exception as e:
                        Common.log('# DailClient Exception err: %s' % e)

        return page